Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Hell's Kitchen ( transformed )

Good morning everyone !

black and white kitchen

I've had quite a few emails asking when I was going to show the kitchen finished and I realized last week that I've only shown bits and pieces of the kitchen so far - so thought I'd try to show it to you in it's entirety - which is a difficult thing to do because it's a small kitchen ! ( you don't want to know some of the positions I had to get in to get these photos )
Most of them you will have seen before because - well - they're better photos than I was able to take today lol

So here we go - I'm just about as ready as I'm every going to be !

We started off with this
A kitchen that we had to completely gut down to the studs 2 days after moving in ( I'll do you a favor and not repeat what was behind those walls )

Not only did the walls and ceilings have to come down - they also had to be thoroughly disinfected with tons of bleach.................that being done was the biggest relief of all.

The kitchen today looks like this

Frugal Kitchen Makeover

Because it's a small kitchen I decided to have a niche built for the fridge - every square inch counts as those of you that have small kitchens know :)  Having it flush against the kitchen wall is a huge space saver.
The back door leads out to what I'll very loosely call the " mudroom " so I was able to take the space from there - and while they were doing it I decided to build a little niche for the microwave as well - to save counter space.

Here's the view from that black door and my favorite part of the kitchen.- you can see that I used industrial type of shelving flanking either side of the stove - I picked these up at IKEA for 15.00 each - they're discontinued.

Black and White checkerboard kitchen floor

Ikea metal shelving in kitchen

Kitchen Makeover

And the stove backsplash is simply a mirror I had on hand

Using a mirror as a stove backsplash

In order to keep the sink centered to the window - I had wine cabinets ( or water ? ) installed on either side of it - this kept the configuration I needed

Wine cabinets in kitchen cupboards

same thing for the cooking section - except there I went for a place to store cookbooks ( which still aren't unpacked completely 6 months later ) excuse the mess of it - eventually it'll only house books - they're next to the stove for easy access :)

a place to store cookbooks

Although I really wanted a marble countertop - things happened and the budget had to be tweaked a little to allow for the wiring to be completely updated included a new panel box - oh and an implant for my tooth
So we went with marble tiles 12 X 12 for the time being - hopefully this will be changed out next summer for the " real " thing - but I'm pretty happy with is as a " make do " alternative for the time being
This came to 300.00 - the marble slab would have come to 3000.00 - it's light and clean looking - and I love
that it's reflective.
That back splash you see are marble " thresholds " that are placed at bathroom doors - and work perfectly.

Using marble tiles for kitchen countertop

I also created a kitchen window sill shelf using one of them

DIY Window sill marble shelf

Although this was a frugal makeover - I DID splurge on my French Country window - it opens inwards and I'm still in love with it

French country window - opens inside

I'm also still in love with the little window that I chose to keep - I painted it black - the glass is original with waves and dimples and a little latch -

marble tile countertops 12 xs 12

I chose open plate racks on either side of the window instead of cupboards

Kitchen plate racks instead of cupboards

and placed a hutch on the opposite wall for dishes and such - it's a small kitchen and I wanted it to look a little more " open " ( additional dishes are kept in the dining room hutch ) but this is perfect for the everyday ones we use.

Kitchen Hutch - painted and wallpapered

I wallpapered the back for a little more impact ( you thought I'd say " pop of color " didn't you? LOL )

I originally wanted a tin ceiling - alas - once again the budget was attacked by something else -
Because I wanted the very high ceilings ( which had previously been lowered by panels ) to have some interest  I opted for panels from Reno Depot ( which is just like Home Depot here in Canada - I go to both regularly )
These are not the ones I bought but just wanted you to see what they look like prior to installing - they're mdf - and cost roughly 150.00 to do in total - aproimately 25.00 a panel - again a nice alternative ( to something I really wanted )

There are 4 squares per panel

Pretty Kitchen Ceiling ( affordable )

and it was finished off with crown molding

glass pendants

The lights over the farmhouse table were purchase from Amazon - for 24.99 each - I have no idea why but they're now 65.00 each - I have filament lights in them and they look really pretty at night

ok - skip the above photo - that was a total fail LMHO - I can't get the filament !!!

As you can see in little snippets above I went with black or black and white artwork on the fridge wall
It's the only wall where I could place artwork - and I wanted it to have an impact.

Black and white artwork wall in kitchen

Which ties in with the original door that I painted black
You can also see that I have a " thing " for niches - I had one built for the microwave as well to clear
up counter space...............

Privacy treatment on Kitchen windows

Outside the kitchen is a room we'll be turning into a walk in pantry - this is also the outside access to the pool area.  I'll continue the black and white tile into there as well.

I painted a little frame that reads " MANGE "  with chalkboard paint I had on hand - so I could change out the message from time to time  UPDATE:  Mange means Eat in French - not mange as in what dogs get like some of you questioned - OMG - I'm laughing my head off here - I might change it up to Fleas or Heartworm ..................

and of course you've seen my vintage storage door ! ( which is tucked in a corner )

Ideas for Vintage doors

And I think that's about's.not my dream kitchen - but still - it's fresh enough to remember the way it looked when we first came to view it - and so I'm still a little thrilled when I come down the stairs each morning - and the light is just starting to creep in

Is it time for the before's yet?

before and after Kitchen

Black and White themed kitchen

Before and after Kitchen

Before and after - a Kitchen makeover

Much love, ( please forgive any mistakes - I'm falling asleep and way too tired to proof read lol )
Oh and the floor - I forgot to mention the floor - these are stick on tiles that we paid around 120.00 for.
You can read my thoughts on them HERE

I'll be partying here!
The Dedicated House                                The Charm of Home                       French Country Cottage
Shabby Art Boutique                                 My Turn ( for us )                           My Romantic Home
The Shabby Nest                                      Lil' Luna ( link party palooza)          One More Time Events
Life on Lakeshore Drive                           The Chicken Chick                          My 1929 Charmer
I Should be Mopping the Floor\                Uncommon Design                          Le Chateau des Fleurs          Under the table & dreaming              Between Naps on the Porch            The Dedicated House
Coastal Charm                                         Sand & S   isal                           A Stroll Thru Life
Homework                                              Not Just a Housewife                       The Winthrop Chronicles
The DIY Dreamer                                   Fluster Buster                                   DIY by Design
Savvy Southern Style                               Gingersnap Crafts                            Bloom Design
From My Front Porch to Yours               Glitter Glue & Paint                  Redoux Interior
Remodelaholic                                         It's Overflowing


  1. You made an amazing change. Amazing! I love everything about it. It is light, bright and gorgeous.

    1. Thanks so much Suzan - now on to a million other things LOL

  2. I have said it before, but I'll say it again! Your kitchen is simply stunning to me! I love all the finishes you chose, from the ceiling to the floor and everything in between. It is fabulous! Have a beautiful and blessed day....:)

    Hugs, Vicky

  3. Oh Suzan, your kitchen is beautiful. Wish I had your gift to "see" what a space could become. Hoping soon to start my cottage renos, but I will still check in to see your progress as you transform each room into something wonderful.

  4. it is beautiful, you have a great talent!

  5. Suzan, can I move in? I'm a pretty good cook. That is a gorgeous transformation! When I get to my computer i'm going to pin everything!!

  6. Amazing transformation, no one would ever know that was the same place. You should be thrilled (hope John is).

  7. Beautiful,, beautiful, beautiful!

  8. Wow, I can hardly believe the difference from "before" to "after"! This looks fabulous! I love the neutral color scheme with the accents of black, and that old window is a treasure :)

    1. Thanks so much Julie - that little window may just be my favorite thing of all!

  9. Simply Stunning Suzan!!! Nice work as always...
    Have a lovely weekend! V

  10. Simply Stunning Suzan!! Nice work as always...
    Have a lovely weekend! V

  11. Awe inspiring. The ceiling tiles are great!
    Had to google 'mange', I'm not worldly enough to know it to mean anything other than a condition you do not want your dog to be in.

  12. I love it! Bleaching the walls sounds horrible. So sorry. I think I found you around the time you bought the house.
    Your door to the mud room is so pretty. The countertops are fabulous and I wish I'd sprung for marble when I tiled ours. Oh well.

  13. You turned your kitchen into a wonderful haven. What a vision of style you have. Great job!

    1. Thanks so much for such a sweet comment !

  14. Just beautiful Suzan! I luv it all. Including your 'make do' counter tops and ceiling tiles. Genius using the thresholds as a back splash!
    Hugs, Gee

  15. Beautiful kitchen! I love the before and after photos, it is apparent you paid attention to the details and got exactly what you wanted. I don't know how you did it on a frugal budget??? Love your style and decor! Amazing transformation!

  16. Gorgeous doesn't cover it!!! Suzan you did a wonderful job. This kitchen is so beautiful. Love every inch of it.

  17. This is quite a transformation!! Fabulous is an understatement!!

  18. You guys should be very proud of yourselves ~ I would call that a 'Cinderella' kitchen!!

  19. What can one say other than it's "simply vintageous"!

  20. It is simply beautiful! I love it all.
    This would certainly keep me in the kitchen, I'd never want to leave it.

  21. Good Evening Suzan, You are a miracle worker. I can see you have worked so very hard and the results are fabulous. I love the little french window.... it is gorgeous.
    Best Wishes

    1. Thanks so much Daphne - it could have only gotten better - I think it was as bad as it was ever going to get LOL
      The little french window is my favorite thing - so happy we saved it :
      Big hugs,

  22. I showed DL this kitchen, and even HE is impressed! Love it!

  23. Amazingly beautiful, Suzan! The marble, the windows, the light fixtures, the ceiling and one of my favorite things you used- those industrial style shelves on either side of the stove! I'm in love with all of it. Sigh...

  24. oh WOW !! Well it's Heaven's Kitchen NOW!! :) Every little detail is just wonderful :)

  25. Beautiful! I love all your choices. Even if you had to make some changes. I do like the marble and the windows. And the black trim. Great choice. Please share the mudroom changes too.
    Barbara Ann barbaraannscreations

    1. Thanks so much BarbaraAnn for your kind words !

  26. It's so special, Suzan. All the extra attention to detail- I adore your window! Is it your happy place in the house? It should be!
    I'm just so sorry that Soda has mange- good idea to post a warning sign. ROTFL
    Sorry, I couldn't resist. ;)

  27. OMGoodness!!! Don't you just LOVE walking into your kitchen everyday? It has such a wonderful feeling....I think I would walk in and out, in and out, again and again, with the attitude that...YES! This is MY kitchen! Don't you wish you were here?! Seriously you turned your kitchen into something GORGEOUS Dah-ling :D

    1. WOW !!! You're SO sweet !
      The only problem with walking into the kitchen is I have to pass the rest of the hell hole to get to it LOL - we took on more than I will ever consider taking on again in my life with this house!
      Thanks though - you made my day

  28. Absolutely fabulous, Suzan!!! You haven't missed a detail!

  29. Suzan! This is just perfect. Love the ceiling and checkered floor and all the decor too!

  30. Your kitchen is just amazing! You guys did an excellent job and it went so quickly! I love your fridge placement and your ceiling is just stunning. Way to go guys!

  31. You have such vision ~ and talent and creativity and all that jazz! You've done such a beautiful job on this kitchen and I know it was a ton of hard work. Love all the black and white! The little window and the black door are perfection. Wish I was closer...I'd help you try some of that wine. :)


  32. Shut-The-Door!!! Are you freakin' kidding me!!! It's gorgeous, seriously, packing the wow factor. That door, mirror, and window. Swoon worthy, all of it. Trudging back into my hell hole now, yelling at Hubs - I want Susan's kitchen! xo Patty

  33. Suzan, it is unbelievably gorgeous. You must be thrilled. I adore the black and white. xo Laura

  34. Dream kitchen or not, it's beautiful. I love the transformation from yuck to wow! Makes me want a black and white space. ( I'm so glad you said impact instead of pop of color) Lol

  35. I love it Suzan!! Your kitchen is bigger and much more functional than mine...and I'm a food I am quite jealous. ;) You did an awesome job!

  36. I love what you have done with your kitchen! Amazing - now it needs to be featured in some magazines!

  37. Suzan, you've done an Ah-mazing transformation to your kitchen! I love it! The fridge and microwave niches are great, but I also love all those cute storage spaces you gave it! It feels open and welcoming, wow what a difference!

  38. what? not a dream kitchen? I think it is a dream kitchen alright!!! It is absolutely beautiful and full of character. Fantastic job!

  39. WOW I'm dreaming of a kitchen that looks that nice, I love it. It might not be your dream kitchen but wow it looks amazing!!

  40. I love your new's beautiful!!

  41. You have done a great job Suzan! I love the ceiling!

  42. Thanks for the full tour of your gorgeous kitchen! I think you and John did a fantastic job of renovating it and I love everything about it. You 'made do' with some great money savers (the counter tops). I hadn't seen the ceiling before and I love it. A great idea! The whole kitchen is magazine worthy.

  43. Just stunning!!!!! Beautiful job on a budget -- it looks like a million bucks!!!

    :) Linda

  44. Susan,

    What a wonderful transformation! I'm new to your blog, in fact new to blogging, so I haven't followed the history here, but had I just seen photos of the kitchen without the 'before' or the story, I still would have loved what you've done with the space. I really love your taste level and your photos, despite the small space, came out wonderful. Beautiful job!! Consider me a new fan. Going to wander around the rest of your blog now... :-)

    Lory at

  45. Well, this is fantastic!! I would love walking into that kitchen every morning. Bravo!

  46. Suzan, I have been following along each step that you have taken in here and this ta dah moment is beyond amazing. You have created one of the most gorgeous kitchens I have seen. I love it all - beautifully done.

  47. You get a standing ovation my friend! Bravo! Bravo! Gorgeous black and white kitchen....

  48. Unreal how different the before and after looks! It doesn't look like you decorated on a budget. So beautiful and you have a knack for details Suzan! I guess I'll be seeing your gorgeous rooms in a magazine spread before too long. Just wait and see!

  49. It is nice to have a new kitchen and what a difference from the old one.....hard work I am sure...but it is way too busy for me, too much happening in that little space. But nice job!

    1. Thanks ( I think )
      Busy kitchen.............busy lady LOL

    2. OK, just had to say when I was looking at your kitchen I thought how great that you went with putting stuff out there so it was a USEABLE kitchen and not just for show. Everyone has there preference, but I for one love to see a kitchen with things hanging so that cooking is easier. After all, it's the reason for a kitchen, or so I've heard. ;-)

  50. Too much happening, not at all!! Just love it. Now can you come help me with mine. Lol. Love that you did all this on a budget. That's what I need. You have a great imagination to use materials that one may not have thought of to create your vision. I must come by and see this in person. Keep it up. :)

  51. Suzan, if you had done everything you had wished for, my eyes would not be able to withstand the dazzle that it would put forth. Your 'make-do's' are just fantastic and look so beautiful and right for your space. I'm certainly glad that you cleared up the 'mange' sign. Except you really squished my come-back. I had a good one! Great job all around. I just love it. Hope you celebrated a great Canada Day...Happy Sunday..Judy

  52. Congratulations Suzan you did a fabulous job. Wow, you are such an inspiration. We're finally in escrow on a house that needs a huge kitchen make-over with a very weird floor plan. If it goes well we move in the end of this month. So I can relate to what you were dealing with. Gulp. Except I'm just beginning ....

  53. Wow! Love the transformation. You have a place for everything and I love it all down to the very last detail. I laughed when I saw "mange". I was like "she must have a real sense of humor!" Thanks for the clarification. So funny! Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful!

  54. What a charming kitchen! The ceiling is brilliant. It's those little architectural details that add so much. Thanks for sharing.

  55. Suzan, your kitchen is wonderful! So many little details make it your very own. I love the black and white art around the fridge. What a great idea! That ceiling is amazing!

  56. This is amazing, what a difference! We are getting ready to re-do our kitchen within the next week or two, it's so exciting! I love your black and white tile floor and stove top!

  57. This is one of the best makeovers I have ever seen! I am drooling all over my computer! AMazing my friend! LOVE every single detail!!!! Pinning and featuring your kitchen on facebook!

    1. Oh Yvonne you're too sweet lol - but thanks so much !!!

  58. Wow! that is the best word I could come up with...WOW! Amazing and wonderful makeover! You did a fantastic job! Visiting from Marty's "Inspire me Tuesday" party!

  59. Oh my. It's beautiful! The detail is just wonderful! Do you want to live there every moment of the day? Lovely.

    1. Thanks so much ! Yes - I'd rather be in there - or in the garden then anywhere else LOL xox

  60. Wow Suzan, such a transformation. I love your Can I say that every picture that showed the "mange" chalkboard, I thought of dog mange. LOL Yes, I am very classy. Enjoy your space and thanks for the tour.

  61. Suzan,
    What you did is simply amazing! I love how chic it now looks compared to the ugly before pictures! My favourite picture is the one where your kitchen is reflected in your mirror/backsplash!

  62. Awesome job Suzan - wow!! What great ideas and a fabulous look. You are amazing!


  63. Looks great!! We are right in the middle of a major kitchen redo...I think we picked the same cupboards :) Can't wait until mine is done too...jealous...

  64. Your kitchen is FREAKING AMAZING! I have no idea how you managed to do what you did, given what you had to start with. You have an incredible ability!!! And I have you say that your photography skillz are improving too. :P


  65. Shared on my Facebook page. WOW I can't believe what a good job you did!! What an inspiration. So much work! XOXO

    1. You're spoiling me today Isabelle - first twitter - now facebook? Thanks SO much

  66. My gosh you are talented! Your kitchen remodel is spectacular!

  67. I'm really impressed with your vision after seeing the before photos. Such an amazing makeover, I love all of it and the black and white colour scheme is wonderful, great job !

  68. Simply Suzannes at Home

    Wow, Suzan! You did it!! You're done . . . and it looks amazing!
    There are so many details that caught my eye . . . I LOVE the light fixtures over the island . . . the ceiling! . . . the window over your sink!! And most of all, I love that you made the space yours. I can see your happy and fun personality shine through in every detail.
    And now the fun part . . . you get to enjoy the fruits of your labor :0)
    Sending hugs your way!
    Have a wonderful week,

  69. I will feature this tomorrow at the Home Sweet Home party!

  70. Oh my goodness!! Gorgeous, Suzan! I cannot believe that is the same kitchen!! Thank you bunches for linking up and partying with us this week!

  71. COmpletely in love with your kitchen, so beautiful!!! thanks for linking up! XO

  72. Absolutely fabulous!!!!! I love every detail of your are you available to come help me with my hell's kitchen??? ;)

  73. Holy cannoli, this is one AMAZING transformation!!!!!!!!!!!! I love every detail and would be finding any excuse to go to the kitchen all day long! Just fabulous!!!

  74. How did I miss this? I've been waiting and waiting for the kitchen tour and I almost missed it! It is absolutely beautiful!!! I love that you kept the window, and I love the niches, and I love the black and white and I love the shelves......let's just say I love the whole thing!! Great job Suzan!!!!!

  75. Susan,
    Your kitchen makeover looks outstanding! Love those pretty light fixtures and your door is really awesome.


  76. was so worth the wait to see your amaaaaaazing transformation!! So many great details and the niches for your fridge and microwave were genius!
    Thanks for sharing your makeover with us at Project Inspire{d}!!

  77. Your kitchen is just wonderful, Suzan! Wanted to let you know that it will be featured at The Scoop this coming Monday night. Thank you for linking up!

    1. Thanks so much Suzy - how thrilling !

  78. Stopping by to let you know you are one of the Features at One More Time Events ...Thank you for sharing...Party is open hope to see you at this weeks party!!!

  79. I LOVE your new kitchen!! The checkered floor is just wonderful with your new colors.

  80. Wow, your kitchen makeover is so lovely! Truly beautiful! Blessings, Cecilia

  81. Beyond amazing makeover!! I am sure you never want to leave the kitchen now!;)

  82. Well suzan,
    I am visiting by way of Pamela's and you need not hear me tell you again how much I love your kitchen.... Do you want to trade??

    See you soon inspiring friend.


  83. Quite fabulous! You are one of the fan favorites at the Sunday Showcase from the Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Here is the link to the Showcase so you can check out your feature. Hope to see you again at the bash! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  84. Featuring you tomorrow. Happy Monday,

  85. Your kitchen is beautiful, warm and inviting! Congrats, it's so great to spend time everyday cooking and baking in a kitchen such as yours. I feel like this about mine too!
    Have a happy week.

  86. Coming by to rave about your kitchen once again!! Saw it at Stone Gable and had to come see all the details now that it's officially done. It just oozes really did a FABULOUS job on this space. I would love to see the reaction of the previous owners if they could see it now!! LOVE :)

    1. Oh thanks SO much Christy - that's such a compliment coming from you! ( and your gorgeous kitchen )

  87. Oh Suzan, you have got to be one of the most creative people I know! I am in love with everything about your kitchen. What a fantastic idea to cover the old acoustic ceiling with the wall panels. The marble tiles are beautiful and I think you can hold off on the solid surface for a long time while you continue on other parts of your home. I love your old door storage area. The flooring look beautiful!
    Okay, so we are leaving behind a home that we are in love with here in Washington State to move across the country to South Carolina. We're terribly discouraged looking online because we want to spend less money and put more toward retirement. Your post was such an encouragement to me. I may have to work hard again to make a home mine, and may not be what I have here, but it will be great nonetheless! Especially if you take a trip down my way and map out some plans!!! I'm looking forward to seeing more from you dear lady!

  88. Suzan you did a wonderful job! Your little kitchen is way bigger than my little kitchen. I would kill to have room for a little island like you have. I can't wait till you have the pantry done (I'm sure you can't either) it will be just as special as the kitchen. There are so many great features but the windows are probably the best.

  89. Absolutely beautiful makeover! Love the ceiling! Michelle

  90. Suzan this is one of my favorite kitchen makeovers! I can't believe all the work that went into this. Every detail is gorgeous and it all fits together perfectly. Thank you so much for sharing, featuring later today at Redouxinteriors!

  91. Well, Susan this is a wonderful kitchen, what a pleasure to come home to I am sure.
    BUT, my favourite thing on your site is the "martini glass" that spews bubbles cute.

    1. Thanks SO much Pamela - have a sip of your martini for me, will ya? ( I don't have time today LOL )

  92. I'm sure I saw this before, way back in July, but now that I'm trying to get my house ready to sell I appreciate your talents all the more. My kitchen is smaller than your "small" kitchen and I don't have a John (or Joe or Mike or any-guy) to do the work that it takes to make a kitchen this gorgeous come to reality. I so envy you having a husband. When mine was alive he wouldn't even think about doing a total re-do like this--so there never was a chance....sob-sob.

    Now, after seeing yours again, I hate what i have even more! But I'll go to sleep thinking about your lovely kitchen and hope I can sell this country house anyway........sigh........Thank for sharing.

    You have shared some ideas that the younger girlfriends might be able to carry out for me.......just to get a bit of renewal in here.... Thanks again for being in my internet life and sharing all your successes......

  93. you are just the cleverest girl with this change that you managed to do for your kitchen... I loved the mirror behind the stove and the colours are all stunning, and as for those lights.... well, even though your husband is British, he must understand how special this home you have made for him... but having a stiff upper lip, not sure he would say anything, but it is truly wonderful to look at.. thank you so much for sharing...

  94. I love you kitchen! I especially love what you did with the did that work? are they stickers or etched? (Also: I thought it said "manage" - LOL - but I guess that works, too.)

  95. I love the ceiling!! And the space but the ceiling has me wanting to purchase some for my own house!! Could you post a link, pretty please?

    1. Thanks SO much ! Those ceiling panels were from Home Depot - they're just MDF panels - you can buy sheets of them in quite a few different styles - mostly for walls !


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!