
Saturday, October 29, 2011

For sale

Newest piece for sale................this piece is solid and extremely heavy even with the drawers out,
I love the mirror - but even that is so heavy I could barely lift it on my own.  Not as old as the previous
pieces I have sold - but these pieces were in every house when I was younger ( which was a long time ago lol )

My mother rented a cottage one summer - and the whole extended family ( she had 7 brothers and sisters )
took turns staying up there - and us kids stayed while everyone came and went - my mother would work all
week and come up on the weekends by BUS.............what a different world we live in today.  Anyways for some reason this dresser takes me right back to that brings to mind a plain simple room, with a wrought iron bed - a very similar dresser and white net curtains billowing at the window.
I have always been acutely aware of my surroundings and beautiful things have always made an impression on me from the time I could speak, thus this mad insane passion of mine.
But I live in a cluttered world amongst my treasures, though they bring me comfort, and there are stories attached to a lot of them that make me feel even more connected to them - and ( I think ) my chaos is organized, sometimes I long for simplicity - right now I would like to clear out my bedroom and recreate that summer cottage bedroom.

I would start with this dresser....................


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