
Friday, March 23, 2012


Time to post some pic's of Nella's -

the fireplace was painted- I did not take a proper before photo but it was red brick
the hearth was painted black
the garden stool was painted silver
the t.v. stand was painted black
and the walls were painted a beachy blue/gray color
moldings were painted an ultra white
ceiling painted using ceiling paint
and the windows and radiators were painted white

we found this restoration hardware look alike shelving at Home Sense
the wood is beaten and bleached and the metal parts are a grayish color
it's really a beautiful piece in person
the mirror I " stole " from her changing room ( she actually has one of those!!! )
I love the height - 

the hallway - you can get peaks of the black doors - all 10 of them have
been painted
Walls are ultra white- as well as all the moldings and baseboards

This was a huge project - and I dragged it on for a lot longer than it should have been - but between
trying to run our business - painting furniture - and working on her place I am just about finished. ( for now, it doesn't take long for me to be itching to go again )
The doors each took 2 coats - and I painted both sides - so like painting 40 doors, lol - plus I scraped and cleaned each 80 year old handle and back plate and even painted the screws ( each screw was removed and
placed in a wood plank and spray painted ) to match the back plates.  The hall walls took 3 coats of paint because they are textured.  The fireplace took 4 coats of paint. This was labor intensive.
And I still have 1 french door left to scrape - and maybe some touch ups - but mission is almost accomplished!!!!  

Nella - I keep forgetting about the radiator in the hallway - REMIND ME!!!!! lol



  1. Uuugh, I HATE painting so I don't envy you, but it looks great!

  2. LOVE the doors. Will be tackling mine soon as well but a slate teal. What is the gray color on the walls?


  3. Slate steel sounds beautiful Rebecca - I did all of my Mom's in a slate gray - they were gorgeous -
    I don't have the gray color ( the paint chip is at her house but
    I will try to remember to get that.


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!