
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Good Tears

My daughter called this morning to say:

-Hope you don't mind Mom - I posted your blog to my facebook -

-MIND??? I'm thrilled because learning all the ins and outs of blogging
was a little overwhelming - and have not had a chance yet to navigate
around FB - thanks Ashley

-Also Mom - I've sent an email to Steve and Chris ( interior decorators
who have their own show )
-Hmmm - I don't know about that Ashley
-But Mom - what if they call you - wouldn't that be fabulous?
-They are not going to call me Ashley
-You never know Mom
-OMG - what am I going to wear - I'd better start planning
-They're on hiatus Mom - you have awhile to figure that out


And I have to post her email - it made me a little weepy -
but it made me smile and feel all mushy inside.
Oh how I love my kids - 
I have friends that used to say that all the time - and I used
to think why do you always have to verbalize that - isn't that
a given? ( although we do say it to each other constantly, I
do not ever think to tell people that I love my kids!!! )
Today I need to verbalize it - shout it out to the world -
let it bounce around the blogmosphere - allow my fingers
to dance on the keyboard with these words.
I Love you Ashley
I Love you Lindsay
I Love you Gordie

> Date: Wed, 23 May 2012 18:43:52 -0400
> From: StevenandChris@CBC.CA
> To:
> Subject: Re: my mom <3 *chances*
> Thank you for writing to Steven and Chris!
> We have wrapped our current season as of April 2012. Our production
> office staff will be back for our next season starting in September
> 2012. We ask for your patience over the summer months; this email
> account is checked periodically but you may not receive a reply until
> our next season starts.
> In the interim, we hope you will check our website, Facebook and Twitter
> accounts to keep up to date with our show!
> email: | web: | twitter:
> @stevenandchris
> >>> ashley boyce
> dear steve & chris,
> OMG i cant believe steve and chris are reading my email!!! (positive
> thinking, i hear it works :D )
> let me start off by saying that i absolutely, positively ADORE your
> show! i think that you guys are fantastic! but, today i wanted to talk
> to you about my mom, Suzan, who is an incredibly strong,caring and
> generous person. she would not only give someone the shirt off her back
> if they needed it, but would also insist they take a scarf, or hat to
> accessorize it too! she single handily managed to raise 3 kids on her
> own,with no help, and sacrificed a lot of things along the way to ensure
> that we were all happy.we didnt want for anything growing up.
> but i know my mother wanted something. she wanted to be a decorator.
> really, really badly!
> my sister and i would go to sleep with my mother sitting on one of our
> beds, telling us stories until we fell asleep, and when we would awake,
> well, it would be like waking up in a strangers room, everything
> rearranged, different pictures hanging on the walls, even our beds would
> be moved to the other side of the room. at first it was a little
> unsettling, but after a dozen times you kind of get used to it. i used
> to fall asleep wondering what my room would look like in 8 hours. but
> you know what? i loved every single one she thought up!
> now that weve grown up and flown the coop so to speak, my mother started
> dabbling with decor again, only to find out that like a fine wine, she
> too got better with age! her work is amazing, i think she has found a
> job where she can truly express herself, which would explain why
> everything she touches turns to FABULOUS!
> if its not too much to ask, i would love for you to check out her blog,
> i have a feeling that you would love it! and i know she loves hearing
> feed back, so please, if you love her work, let her know!!! ill be sure
> to hear about it for, oh, lets say the rest of my life!
> what she can do!!!
> yours sincerely and ever loving,
> Ashley

And yes I used to change their rooms around while they slept - who the hell does that?

If John didn't weigh 190 lbs, trust me, I would be changing our room around while he
slept too




  1. Love this post! I can imagine it must be the best feeling in the world to know that your child is THAT proud of you! Relish it!

  2. Well, all I can say is that I am looking forward to watching you on S & C!!

    It sounds like you have fantastic kids, but I suspect it's because you were and still are a fantastic mom. Aren't the sacrifices all worth it?

  3. Susan, susan, susan. What a great post. I have 3 wonderful kids who are supporting me thru my new venture too. Its a great feeling. I would be so so excited for u. Sorry writing from an iphone. Si sweet. We really do need to sit and have a glass of vino together and ...... Well only u know whst else :)

  4. Susan, susan, susan. What a great post. I have 3 wonderful kids who are supporting me thru my new venture too. Its a great feeling. I would be so so excited for u. Sorry writing from an iphone. Si sweet. We really do need to sit and have a glass of vino together and ...... Well only u know whst else :)


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!