
Saturday, June 16, 2012

There's a little girl out there, somewhere

Who takes flowers from people gardens - she just can't help herself - she loves them so
Who longs to paint her room in pink and whites and lavenders.
And once that's done - she longs for pale blue
Who ferociously fights her mother on wearing anything but white socks
Who puts on plays and dance recitals to an audience of 2 or 3 and who always has
the leading role
Who frets about her hair though she is far too young to worry about such things
Who writes poetry - and reads ( and memorizes as much of the books as possible )
Whose doll houses are kept immaculate - and rearranged constantly
Who lines up her closet with maryjanes - and penny loafers - and buster browns all in a row
Who cries because she is too young for pierced ears
Who pretends she cannot see the chalkboard - so she can have glasses like her best friend
Who " accidently " breaks them when she no longer wants to wear them
Who creates tea parties set for a queen - and then pretends she is the queen
Who dances and hops and does somersaults for anyone who will watch
" look at me - look at me "
Who loves beautiful things - and beautiful surroundings -
Who believes she is a princess because that's what her father tells her she is
and he most definitely is her prince charming
Who makes him peanut butter sandwiches and lemonade
Who is far too young to deal with what life is about to throw in her path
Who's every step going forward will be based on what happens next

A crowded room
A lot of people
A party?
She twirls and twirls and giggles and laughs in her brand new dress
Why is everyone so sad, Mommy?
It's time to say goodbye to your father Suzy and Suzy says " goodbye Daddy"
not understanding why he won't wake up - wake up please  wake up please wake up please
Mommy, Daddy won't wake up!
Who does not understand her mothers tears

By the time you reach your 50's there are so many forgotten moments
but there are some things you simply never forget
I am now twice the age my father was when he passed away and still
remember moments when he filled my world.
Happy Fathers Day Dad - sometimes happy ever is only 5 short years

and yet your love has lasted a lifetime


Love can endure folks - forever  ( and a day..................)

Sharing with:
Fireflies and Jellybeans


  1. This is heartbreaking, Suzy...
    My dad also passed away.

  2. No child should lose their dad so young! So sorry for you!

    My own dad is battling cancer, starting treatments on Monday. We have to make every moment count.

  3. I'm so sorry you lost your father so young but it sounds like you have happy memories of him. What a tribute to your father! Thanks so much for sharing.


  4. What a touching post. So full of emotion. Sad to hear you grew up without your Dad.

  5. What a touching post. So full of emotion. Sad to hear you grew up without your Dad.

  6. I love this post it is so touching. It made me tear up.


  7. I am so sorry you lost your father at such a young age. My dad passed away when I was 30. We will always have the memories.


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!