
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sourcing a desk for a customer

I have a customer looking for a desk - and came across these 3 beauties - what do you think?

I absolutely love this one - the shape - the legs - I even love the color -
Oh the things I could do with this one - just not sure of the size - it's a pretty chunky one.

And I found this one - which is an antique and was actually used in the J Birks store in Montreal for years
( J.Birks was an upscale jewellers ) it comes with the chair and tons and tons of charm

Looks like solid Oak - can't you just see this one with a deep stain on the top - and the balance white?

And then I came across this one - the poster's add is too cute.

"It's a desk and it's made out of oak. You open the top and there is a type writer spot, cool!"

disclosure   *May not have been used by Clark Kent

I suppose it could also be a Lois Lane desk, right?

I love furniture that has a unique history to it - a story that can be retold.
And I love it even more when it goes to a home that can appreciate that fact!

I think any of these would be gorgeous with a little love - actually they're all pretty gorgeous just the way they are....................I think I'm leaning towards the middle one - but I'm curious on anyone else's thoughts.
Which one would you pick to makeover?



  1. The middle one for sure! Love Birks and I can just imagine all of the amazing jewelry that might have passed across this desk (a gal can dream!) Can't wait to see what you do with it!

  2. You had me at the last desk. I'd go for that one. I think the open top is cool! You could put a laptop there or a craft desk. But I like the Birk's desk too! Sorry, I can't decide too! Gah!


  3. Hey Suzyq, I love the first desk but it really depends on your client. It is too funny, but Sara, my partner in crime, aka paint partner, found a desk just like your typewriter desk. That was one heavy sucker. I think it's tacky to post a link in someone's comment box but I really wanted you to see the desk. It's in this post...

  4. I like the middle one but it depends on what your client is looking for, the last one looks like it is really heavy. The top one would be great cut in half and made into two night stands. If she is looking for girly, the first one is girly. I know which ever one you pick it will look amazing when its done. can't wait too see it. hugs Tobey

  5. love them all but can totally see the 3rd with my lamptop in it cant wait to see whichever you choose

  6. Redo the Lois Lane desk - it's very cute !!


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!