
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Tea for one & one for tea.....................

Hi Everyone!
Here in Montreal we have a provincial moving day - and although some people move at other times, for the most part everyone moves on July 1 ( Canada Day - ridiculous really ) leases are usually signed from July 1 - to June 30 - when I was younger it was May 1 but it was changed so that children weren't disrupted during the school year.
I think we're the only place in the world that does this - it's crazy - and very difficult to book movers as you can imagine -  most people here can tell you horror stories about moving day.
Anyway, having explained that to you, I always think wow if I had a truck can you imagine the curbside treasure I could pick up on that day alone. Dumpster diving heaven really.
I'm always amazed at what bloggers find........................I don't really see anything ever lying by the side of the road.  I grabbed a dresser a month ago - but that was like winning the lottery really - you just don't see it around here.  The community I live in has strict by-laws about throwing furniture out - can only be put out on a particular morning of the week - and you have to call them the day before to advise them it's there - and if it's put out earlier you can be fined..............
But coming home this week I spotted this -

Just a simple filthy burned T.V. tray - that I may have walked away in horror from in my pre-blogging days.
Now? No way, now I know that anything can be scrubbed - sanded - primed - painted - waxed - you get the picture - so I grabbed it on my way home. Looking over my shoulder to make sure no one could see me, mind you, lol -

John says " you've got to be kidding me "
Suzan says " nope "
John says " now you're going to start going through people's garbage, oh God "
Suzan says " I can do something with this "
John says " did anyone see you walking home with this? "
Suzan says " stop being so pretentious "
John says " I think you've taken leave of your senses"

Yes,  John really does talk like that, remember " dressing gown?"

I actually had to put rubber gloves on and scrape the dirt off - gagging while I was doing it - but it went from
that to this

I used ASCP Coco for the top - ( just craft paint for the stencils ) and old white for the base
Perfect little t.v. table for tea for one?  No, John - you can't use it - you can balance your plate on your knees while watching golf, soccer, hockey, football, hackey sack, whatever......................
and the best part?

it can be stored anywhere ( although I kind of like it like that and would probably leave it out )

Now to be honest with you I've always hated these tables - they usually come in a set of 2 - in blond wood - and I always associate them with old people, lol,  but now I'm thinking they'd be great in a family room ( or up at the cottage ) 4 of them - Paris, France - Rome - Italy
London, England - Madrid, Spain,
Just another idea to turn  "blah" to "charming" - don't you think?
And all of a sudden I'm seeing how practical these things are ( oh God - I'm getting old  )

John says " You know something? I really like it "
Suzan says " Put a sock in it John "..............................

And now if you'll all excuse me - I suddenly have a desire for a cup of tea and a biscuit or two!


Time to Party!!!

I heart nap time
Nifty Thrifty Things
Classy Clutter
It's So Very Cheri\
It's overflowing
I should be mopping the floor
Keeping it simple
Homemaker on a dine
Jam's Corner
Knick of Time
DIY Showoff
Between naps on the porch
Making the world cuter
Coastal Charm
DIY Home Sweet Home
Cedar Hill Ranch
Home stories A to Z
Today's Creative Blog
Primitive & Proper
Not just a Housewife
The D.I.Y Dreamer
Shades of Amber
D.I.Y by Design
Domestically Speaking
Nutmeg Place  ( blog hop )
Ivy & Elephants
Kammy's Korner
Family Home & life
The Style Sisters
Shabby Creek Cottage
No Minimalist Here
Thrifty Decorating
Katherine's Corner
At the picket fence
Chase the Star
2 8 0 5
French Country Cottage
Shabby Art Boutique
My Turn for Us
Bella Nest
The Grant life
My Romantic Home
The Shabby Nest
Days of Chalk and Chocolate
Miss Mustard Seed
Funky Junk Interiors
The Life of Jennifer Dawn
Homespun Happenings


  1. I love this little table! There are treasures everywhere, you just have to find them. I'm going treasure hunting today. And maybe tomorrow. :)

    Interesting read on moving day. I've never heard of that. We have some friends who are from Canada. I'm going to ask them about their moving day adventures next time we see them! :)

  2. That is so interesting about moving day! We have a town clean up only once a month, well not even that - it is only from April through October and not in June and we have to book in advance and pay if we want to put stuff out for pick up. My hubby is the one who brings home the "stuff we could use" - lol :) Your TV tray makeover is absolutely fabulous! I just love it :)

  3. I just had to cross the alley. The people moving out left tons of stuff including a dresser, a chocolate fondue set still sealed in its original packaging, some cool vintage cocktail glasses, a shaker, some really nice dishes... and the food from their fridge. Including a steak (yeah, i mean, really?) - didn't touch the food. ;-)

  4. PS: Love the table (which is the first thing I was going to say).

  5. I love those tables they are so cute. The mocing day is interesting I never hear of that before.


  6. You see the potential in the lonely and the sad...It's a great gift!

    I often go through the same conversation with my husband. "Don't be so snotty!" "You're nuts. You need to be on "Hoarders", etc. I like "You've taken leave of your senses." Everything sounds classier with a British accent, lol!

    Julie Ann, the July 1st moving day is only in Quebec. The rest of Canada is normal, lol! (I'm from Montreal, so I can say that.) This is such an antiquated practice, I'm surprised nobody has spoken out against this to rectify it. Such nonsense. Everybody moving on a national holiday, on a hot day, is ludicrous.

  7. Love the tray and the commentary! Suzan and John remind me of characters from a witty old classic commedy...maybe Cary Grant and Debra Kerr. You have really inspired me. I pass up these trays all the time and now, I think I'll be looking for a set to pick up! What a pretty and functional piece you've created!

  8. Great little post about the poor burned tray. You gave it new life and it turned out lovely. I am your newest follower. I hope you pop in to say hello and follow along.

  9. That's what I call putting a new lease on life to something most people would throw out! great job and thanks for visiting my blog!

  10. lol I'm also always looking for stuff that's being thrown away, and it's not my husband the one who gets annoyed at that! It's my kids!!

    What a transformation!! I love it!

  11. Wonderful transformation! I love taking something forgotten 7 giving it new life. Your projects are truly amazing & I enjoy stopping in to see what's new. I've nominated you for the Leibster Award. You can go to my blog to check out all the details. Congratulations!

  12. My husband used to say "what are you going to do with that!!". But not any more I've transformed lots of trash picks. Your came out wonderful! Thanks for stopping by and following, now following you, Laura PS The moving day thing is a little crazy.

  13. I am your newest follower and Thanks for following the Upholsters wife ( another Canadian Blogger ) . Great Job on the table - I just love it !! My Family gives me a hard time as well , They say "oh no more Junk to store ". My 3 teenage kids are the worst ! Have a great day, Kelley

  14. Hi Suzan! This post made me lol. :) So glad you visited, and I'm following you back now! Blessings,

  15. Hi Suzan! Thanks for visiting my blog....I love your TV table find and re-do!!! How super cute. I think that would be a great idea to find more of them and paint them with different city names. That is such a clever idea! Very interesting about the moving day; I had no idea!

  16. Suzan, what an amazing transformation, I would have never believed it to be the same table!

  17. You make the most amazing projects I have seen, I love them, this table is wonderful.

  18. Did you mean to put this under the Pinterest Party or the next one Its So Very Creative (Its So Very Cheri)?


  19. What a great job and a great save:) Lol, love the conversation with the hubby. I am hopping over from Its So Very Cheri and am now following via Linky followers. I would so love a visit and a follow back. I also love to invite you to share your favorite posts at Freedom Fridays. Have a marvelous week!

  20. Very funny story. My hubby is the same way. I am slowly converting him though. Love, love, love the table. I'm your newest follower. COme check out my blog at

  21. Love it and am glad you didn't listen to your husband!

    Thanks so much for sharing at the Knick of Time Tuesday Blog Hop!

    Come back later today for the 1st giveaway prize of the week!

    Angie @ Knick of Time

  22. Well you have changed this little tray table into something really charming! Love it!

  23. Again, I love this! Thanks so much for linking up to Marvelous Mondays.


  24. First off, you are hilarious! I laughed reading your commentary with your hubby~too funny. Secondly, I LOVE what you did with this TV tray! I have 4 of those blonde wood lovelies up in my bonus room that I think I will have to transform! I am happily following you now with both linky and gfc. Please pop over for a visit! By the way, you mentioned you like shoes, take a peek at my post from Saturday :) Nice to meet you! Angie

  25. Hello Suzan: What a charming table --I like it a lot! And I've never heard of a national moving day--can't hardly imagine what that is like.

  26. Very cute! My mother loves all things tea related. I need to think about this for her. :) I'm starting a new link party on my blog tomorrow. I would love it if you stopped by and linked this up.

  27. such a sweet little table! i will have a chai please. :)

  28. I love it. I have a table like that - it could use a makeover. Thanks for sharing at DIYbyDesign.

  29. Hi there! I'm visiting from All Star Block Party. This is lovely! It's amazing to me how you can give new life to things and yours turn out great! I am now a new follower and would be honored if you would visit and follow me back at Thanks!

  30. Suzy!!! I have that exact table.. I think I go it at Canadian Tire years ago! I have 2 of them. Mine look AWFUL too.. you have inspired me to paint them. What a GREAT idea!

    Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality! :)

  31. This is totally amazing!! I was cracking up reading what your hubby said. Classic! Come link up Centerpiece Wednesday and share your idea with us. It really looks fabulous!

  32. This is so fabulous! Did you link it up at Wow Us Wednesday yet? Hope so :)

  33. Hi Suzan: Love the table! I found you thru DIY home sweet home's More the Merrier Monday. I understand the need to rescue thrown away items completely. I'm always bringing home unloved items with potential. This table is fabulous and it's given me some great ideas. We visited Paris in the Spring of 2011 and we're still obsessing about it. We loved it so much! I'm a newbie Canadian blogger and your newest follower. I'd love it if you'd visit me and follow me back. Tuula

  34. So glad you gave her a new life. Magnifique.

  35. Love it! I have two of these that definitely need something done to them. Thanks for sharing at the All Star Block Party!


  36. It looks absolutely great! You now have "vision" -- see what blogging will do for you?! Love your idea about doing a set with different cities.

  37. Yea! You brought this awesome table to my party. I love the way you saved it. Great work! Thank you so much for sharing at Freedom Fridays. Have a marvelous weekend!

  38. Cute little table! Great that you gave it a second chance ;)
    Greetings from Australia♥

  39. I've been looking for a single one of these for a while now. Wish I could find one in someones trash! Nice job. Do not share with the mister.

  40. What a great change! Thanks for joining the Hot Fun In The Summertime Party!

  41. Great job and what a make over you did on this project. Thanks for linking up to the Hot Fun in the Summertime party.

  42. Love it! What a great makeover :)

  43. It looks so nice! You have made everyone look at TV trays differently, I'm sure! Thank you for linking this up to Rustic Restorations Weekend!

  44. This is so much fun, Suzan! You made a simple tray look fabulous! Thank you for linking up to my Summertime Blog Party! You rock!

  45. Great job with this makeover. I read some of your blog and you are good at this!

  46. Now I have to tell you this quip between you and John sounds EXACTLY like my husband and I word for word! Your are so awesome!

  47. Love this tray! I have one that I've been trying to figure out what to do with, you've inspired me! I'm a new follower!
    Barbara @ Chase the Star


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!