
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I Wanna live there Wednesday # 5

I live in a pretty incredible area - It's an historical neighbourhood loaded with tons and tons and tons of charm - just steps away from the city center, it's also a pretty expensive neighbourhood :( in which I live in basically servants quarters compared to what I'm surrounded by.)

Because there's days I don't have furniture makeovers to show you - I've chosen Wednesdays to showcase and feature one home that's for sale around here.................( or apartment - or duplex - or teepee )

Good morning everyone :)
I showed this months ago, before I had the idea to show real estate listings every Wednesday - it deserves to be in this this series so here it is again!

entry way

entry way with fireplace

living room

living room - is that a built in bar in the corner?

dining room - the moldings in this room are beyond spectacular!!!

butlers pantry

kitchen / family room

family room


master bedroom

master bedroom

master bath

secondary bedroom

upstairs landing

Exquisitely renovated residence offering the ultimate urban experience while located in Westmount. Boasting ultra premium finishes this unique home can be seen as a vertical condo but with much more living space and fully-equipped with an elevator. Three outdoor terraces and indoor parking for 3 cars complete this marvelous architectural gem.

I can see this house from my little teeny itsy bitsy kitchen - it's at the end of my street - but it may as well  be 1000 miles away lol - we all ( the poor relations down the lane ) clucked and shook our heads and said they would never get 4,500,000.00 for it - but the price has now been reduced.
Just so you can sort of grasp the real estate craziness of my area - I paid 350,000. for my " flat " - literally a 10th of what this is going for!  Up the street from me! Now granted, I only have one floor ( if you don't count the dirt cellar downstairs - and I don't think I want to count that lol ) And they have 4 floors - but still if you do the math - lets see - 4 floors X 350,000. would make it 1,400,000.00 correct?  Then with the added touches ( and there are a lot of them I must agree ) - we could add another million I suppose - so how do they get up to almost 4 million?  Guess that's why I'm not in real estate,
Their neighbours house went up for sale last summer for 600,000 - it needed to be renovated but still - talk about potential to make back your money.
I'm following this one closely!

And yeah if I could - I'd wanna live there, definintely.

Have a wonderful Wednesday -


Partying with

At the Picket Fence
Coastal Charm


  1. I think EVERY house should have a butler's pantry and cove ceilings!

  2. I do love this house! It's a tich out of my price range, but then, so is your flat. lol You don't even want to know how little I paid for this place! ~ Maureen

  3. WOW! just simply wow! I just want to be allowed to walk around inside.

    Jan @Door251

  4. We're in the same situation. We live in a tiny semi-detached in a mid-swanky neighbourhood north of Toronto. Even though we're part of Stonehaven we call our street "Stonehaven-adjacent". We're the common folk.

  5. The kitchen calls my name! The house is amazing, really. Do you enjoy making us drool and covet other's homes? LOL

    Seriously, though, you could get a ton of space & upgrades for that here in Texas so why don't you move close to me? It would be a rockin' good time!


  6. I lolve the kitchen and the deck areas of this home. Beautiful pictures.


  7. I want the Venetian Mirror and Chandelier in the diningroom and I want that bathroom too, I want it all damm it. why can't I be rich, going to buy lottery tickets right now. I want a house like that and I want to be your neighbour :)

  8. Holy cow! If I lived there, I'd be losing The Husband all the time!!! lol! That place IS spectacular, Suzan!

    xoxo laurie

  9. Wow! WHAT a place! It is amazing what the real estate market is like, isn't it? CRAZY!!! xo Diana

  10. Wow Suzy, divine but too big for me but I'll take the butler pantry please - puts my little food cupboard to shame!
    thanks for sharing.
    cheers Fiona (lilyfield life)

  11. Spectacular!

    I think I can fit two of my kitchen in the butler's pantry and my bedroom in the master ensuite, lol!

    One would have to paint and sell a lot of furniture to be able to afford just the down payment!

  12. That's one gorgeous home! I'm ready to move in now!! Too bad I don't have a few million lying around. :)

  13. Absolutely gorgeous! Thank you for sharing at Feathered Nest Friday!


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!