
Thursday, October 4, 2012

My Paris Apartment

I think I may have forgotten to mention that I own an apartment in Paris - nothing too fancy - but with the prices of hotels I figured I'd just as soon purchase one I could call home -

My Living Room - I tried to keep it classic and elegant - 

My office - I have to work to be able to afford this place - picked up that armoire at a flea market

my guest room - come visit me sometime!

Where I kick off my Louboutin's and relax

my kitchen - and btw I never never never paint furniture when I'm here -

I had that wrought iron imported from Italy - isn't it perfect?


my dining room - and yes that's the Notre Dame Cathedral -

 another shot of my living room

this is actually my game room,although I had company in today and so we had tea in here, excuse the mess

my little balcony area - I sit out here often 

my bedroom - which I just crawled out of to snap these photos for you - now I'm jumping back into it

And then just like that I wake up from the most lovely of dreams - put on my sweats - grab my paint and start on another dresser....................

It takes a lot of courage to show your dreams to someone else. 
Erma Bombeck  

Now on to a bit of reality!!!  I've been extremely lucky to have been to Paris many times ( for business ) and it really is as spectacular as you think - in fact it's far more so.
This is where we stayed for many years

Hotel Relais Bosquet
this is a simple 3 star hotel - ( but it felt every bit like a 5 star to me- isn't it lovely? )  I would highly recommend it if you're ever planning a trip to Paris!  It's 5 minutes away from the Eifel Tower. You can click on the source for details

and here are a few shots of the famous Rue Cler market - at the bottom of the street - where we'd get our Tartine in the mornings (crispy baguette with cold hard butter - too die )

many many fun nights at this little bistro - basically 10 feet from the hotel

Now we stay in Montparnasse ( adjacent to Ste Germaine de Pres )
and I say NOW loosely - I haven't been in 3 years - John's been going on his own due to this
crappy economy

Here's a few shots of Montparnasse

We haven't been loyal to any hotel in Montparnasse - stayed at a different one each time - all quite lovely - but honestly you could stick me in an alley with a sleeping bag to be in Paris....................not quite but the experience of being there is so beyond a hotel room ......................

My absolute favorite restaurant

Here's an amusing story about this restaurant ( L'entrecote ) for many years John and I ( and everyone else we knew that attend the fabric shows ) used to travel well over an hour to get to the restaurant because it was so worth it - had to take the subway ( people say it's an easy subway system - please don't believe it - not for 1 second ) and the RER ( train ) and then wait in the inevitable line up - sometimes for over 30 minutes just to get inside....................I did it for at least 5 years with John - but I know many people that made this trek for 20 years.
Anyway - the first hotel we used to stay at ( the Relais Bosquet ) was about a 15 minute walk to Champ E'lysee  and we would do this walk every couple of nights night as we were on our way I noticed a big crowd of people down one of the side streets - and Lo and Behold there was another L'entrecote 10 minutes from where we'd been staying all that time - Les Touriste Stupide LOL - there's 4 or 5 of them - and there's one on Blvd Montparnasse - where we stay now - literally a 3 minute walk.
1 item on the dinner menu only - roast beef and fries - with a special highly guarded secret sauce - and a dessert menu that's out of this world!  Crowded and noisy with laughter - it's really the perfect evening out!
But we also had many perfect evenings with baguette and cheese and wine bought locally and brought back to the room.
We've had years when I shopped till I dropped and years where we were literally counting our euros to stretch them out - ( and I mean literally Counting our Euros ) but I've learned how to travel on a dime let me tell you!  And I'd rather be broke in a cafe in Paris then just about anywhere else in the world....................................anyday.
One year I went with a girlfriend - PARIS IS NOT ONLY FOR LOVERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In fact it's the perfect city to be with a girlfriend in - we sat for hours at the world famous Cafe de Flore

where we cried and laughed and cried and fought a little bit - and cried and laughed and hugged - and where she made a life changing heart breaking decision ( sorry that's her story to tell, not mine )

A little bit of reality - a little bit of fantasy - and that's what makes my world go round :)

Paris dreams everyone

Partying with

Lines across
I should be mopping the floor
This Gal Cooks
Alderberry Hill
My 1929 Charmer
Homemaker on a dime
Keeping it Simple
Under the table and dreaming
Making the world Cuter
The Dedicated House
Coastal Charm
Debbie Doos
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
Kathy with an E
Kammy's Korner
Cedar Hill Ranch
A Diamond in the Stuff
Elizabeth & Co.
The DIY Dreamer
Uncommonly Yours
Clean & Scentsible
Savvy Southern Style
DIY by Design
No Minimalist Here
Have a daily cup with Mrs Olson
52 Mantels
Shabby Creek Cottage
Catherine's Corner
French Country Cottage
Shabby Art Boutique
My Romantic Home
The Rustic Pig


  1. Suzan, I love your all white bedroom with the French windows! I can see that you only had vintage armoires, nothing fancy :))))

  2. What awesome memories you have made! Your dreams aren't bad either! So interesting. I've always wondered why people are so facinated with Paris. I guess you have to experience it. Great post!

  3. Oh so lovely...tres chic. So lucky you are to experience this beautiful city. And love 'your' apartment!
    My niece has been many times, once stayed over a month taking a course, and it's her favourite city in the world. (she's been all over! And at only 26, most of it for her PHD)
    I keep my dreams.
    Debbie :)

  4. I really thought that this was your apartment and I was so jealous! So lovely. I love and miss Paris

  5. I have been in Paris once...for a day...lovely!

  6. My sister lives in France near the German border and the Black Forest. She just took a trip to Paris last week and sent some of the most lovely pics to us. She is in love with the art and architecture of the city. What wonderful memories you have and your dreams aren't too shabby eiher, lol....

  7. Oh Suzan, you're making me Paris sick! Your dream apartment is amazing, that's for sure. I envy you having been so many times. What fabulous memories. We've only been once, but we're planning another trip within the next year or so. Fingers crossed. We'll have to try L'entrecote next time.
    There's something so magical about Paris. It certainly cast its spell on us. Can't wait to go back!!! Hopefully, again and again. I'm saving my loonies and twonies.

  8. You apartment is so beautiful! Paris too. My mother in the 1960's lived there before she met my father in the U.S. Army and came to the United States. She lived in Orleans and so did my grandfather who I met only once in my life when I was 10 he came to Oklahoma. Originally both were born in Poland. take care, and thanks for following me. Darlene

    1. The apartment is a fantasy Darlene!!! Nothing but a beautiful dream lol - the rest of the post is reality!

  9. Jealous, jealous, jealous! When can I go with you and laugh, cry, fight in a cafe? ~ Maureen

  10. All I can say is... wow! Your apartment in Paris, stunning, just stunning. I adore the Italian wrought Ironrailing.

    My parents were big world travelers (my dad retired at 50, so they had lots of "young time" to travel) and Paris was a favorite for them.sigh..someday...

    Also thank you so much for coming by, joining...and commenting!

  11. Well, now aren't you the secret keeper? LOL Beautiful apt though ~ I'm wanting to go over there with you and we'll sit in that cafe and laugh, eat, drink but I don't wanna cry.


  12. Oh Suzan - I've always wondering what it would be like to go to Paris! It's on my bucket list, for sure!! My husband and I always say we'll make it over to France for the Tour de France but we never have. Thank you for sharing the beautiful places and also to let the rest of us realize that maybe we could go and not have to have a million dollars first!!!

    1. Hi Jaye!!!
      Baguette and cheese work for me!!! I could eat that every night if that's what it took ( and I'm not just saying that - I really could! )

    2. The apartment is...WOW! Janet @

  13. I love everything but that armoire is TO DIE FOR!

    Seems we have a great deal in common. I too have visited Paris quite a few times and I love it .. sounds silly, but whenever I'm there I have to go to the Eiffel and touch a touchstone of sorts!

    Thank you for visiting my blog!

    Regards, Dawne

    1. Makes perfect sense to me Dawne!!!
      What a city right?

  14. I feel the urge to type something in French.

    John's Paris GF

  15. Well now that does it and so now Im gonna have to swear a bit:)Damn Girl! Tre chic!!!!! Now I for surely have Paris apartment envy!!! lol My life long dream is to go to Paris and drink coffee in an outdoor cafe while wearing a cool chic barret!Im sooooooo coveting your "stuff" right now :^)Now you for sure have to come see me in New York and slum it with me sipping cocktails out on my commoner patio lol Im waiting.....

  16. That does it,I had to come back and tell you that now Ive packed a small suitcase so when are we leaving!!! lol

  17. wow... I want to go so very much!!!!!!!!

  18. This post absolutely delighted me :) I experience similar sentiments when I browse through my favorite magazine, "House Beautiful," trying to convince myself with enough elbow grease I could make MY house look like that. Ha! But we've learned, haven't we, that the fun is in the dreaming and the attempting? Thanks for a fun read.

  19. Amazing!! What a beautiful apt.!! I love the checks on the chairs too!! And the view!! I'm your newest follower!! =) Deanna

  20. Wonderful post, Suzan! Yes, that's the life!

    I'm fortunate enough to have lived some of that fantasy, the cafés, L'Entrecôte, the tartines, sigh!! I would go back tomorrow. No, today.

    Imagine having that apartment in Paris with a view of Notre-Dame? That to me would be having it all.

  21. Great pics! Haha, I know what you mean about waking up from that dream. I dream of having a beachy house that is right on the beach. Now that would be awesome.

    Thanks for sharing this on Marvelous Mondays! :)

  22. What a wonderful dreamy post this was, Suzan--I loved every bit of it! Your dream apartment in Paris was lovely, and your pictures of the reality of Paris were equally amazing. I'd love to go someday. I love cabaret, and Paris back in the 1920s and 30s was the hotspot of the world for cabaret.

  23. Hello Suzy! Found you at the Make the Scene Monday Blog Hop ^^
    I liked your blog a lot so I'm following you now.
    Hope you get a chance to visit mine too sometime.
    Have a great day : ) xx
    N O I R E D A M E

    1. I'm following you too now!!! Thanks so much for coming by

  24. That armoire is so beautiful. I love the whole apartment. I don't thinkg I will ever get to Paris but I try and introduce it into my home.


  25. Oh, Paris! I love her. Loved this post! I actually read the whole thing...gasp! Inspiration pics are perfect. Thank you for sharing this at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see your prettiness again next Monday. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  26. Never been to Paris, and don't think I will be going either. Love your Paris apartment imagination - we imagine a like. Love the memories you shared with us of you too. Must of been magical! Thanks for sharing your inspiration with Sunday’s Best – you helped make the party a success!

  27. Loved this post! Paris is my favorite destination. We like the 7th, but where one stays is not that critical. Just being in Paris is the point! ;-)

  28. You brought back memories of my one and only visit to Paris with my sister and our daughters. We plan to do a month in France when I retire and the dream is what keeps me going when I am exhausted.

  29. I love your Paris dreaming! I've been a few times and there is nothing like it...thanks for the reminders!

  30. In that appartment I could spend my days forever:)

    Hugs from Sweden...Helena

    1. Hi Elsa!!! - Me too - I could spend eternity in that place lol
      Thanks so much for coming by

  31. I'd love to join you in your beautiful apartment! That's for sharing us your dream and for giving us a short tour of Paris!

  32. Thanks for sharing your dreams! What beautiful photos! I would take Paris anyway I could get it!! lol! Thanks so much for coming out to the party at Clean and Scentsible. I really appreciate it!

  33. If I was from Paris If I was from Paris...I would say Oooh La La La La La La La!!

  34. So as I read, and kept reading, I got more and more jealous... mostly because that is my dream! Hee hee!! Love this post! Too cute!

  35. This makes me want to visit Paris today!!lovely post

    Kay Ellen

  36. Ha! You truly had me going! Loved it all!

    1. Thanks Lynn lol - all I have to do is dream, right?

  37. You had me going too, but what fun it was to follow along. Love every picture you shared.

    1. Thanks so much Judy for sharing my dream lol

  38. Your apartment is beautiful as it is. I want to live in a place like this. The place was so beautiful. What an inspiring home interior and exterior shots too. Wish I can make some interior shots like this on my condo philippines rent to own. :)

  39. Oh I have decided to not wake up and continue dreaming for you. What a fabulous post! I would love it if you would share this inspirational post at our WIW party. Hope you can make it.


  40. Whether it's the dream or the reality, you've got some great things going on!! I love Paris... I told my husband if we ever get oodles of money I want an apartment there...

    Love the Bombeck quote.

  41. I always stay near the Eiffel Tower too but about 10 years ago I kept a flat near St. Germaine de Pres. I actually love the Montparnasse area as well. Plenty of boutique hotels coming up and it has gotten much more chic than in years past. Lovely dream though. I was looking at the pictures the whole time thinking this would be my dream so I am sure it is HER

    1. Thanks so much Jacqueline - I absolutely love Montparnasse - and there's a L'Entrecote restaurant there so it seals the deal for me ( there's also a mini Galerie Lafayette there as well )

  42. The apartment is really stunning! I really enjoyed reading this post!

    1. Thanks so much for taking the time to read it - it's so appreciated! XOX

  43. Not too fancy?? Are you kidding...this is amazing! I love it! I just stopped by from the blog hop and it was worth the stop...thank you for sharing! Please stop by my blog sometime!

  44. Absolutely amazing! Thank you for sharing. I'm hopping over from Katharine's blog hop. Would love a visit from you. Donna

  45. Oh my, I have not been to Paris. But, I so want to! Just when I was about to e-mail you and ask if you would rent out your modest little apartment. I find that it's only a dream. Now i will be dreaming about it tonight. Especially the backs of those kitchen chairs, LOVE! Loved having you share this with SYC.

  46. I wish this was your apartment so I could visit. I would not mind sleeping on the couch!

  47. Besides home design and you have bed & breakfast?? Soo lovley apatment with av view:)) /Maria

    1. You know this is not my apartment right Maria? It's a DREAM lol
      But when I win the lottery - I'll buy an apartment in Paris but no B & B - I'll be too busy shopping for home furnishings lol

  48. There is no other cit like Paris! I can't wait to return.

  49. I have spent the last two spring breaks in Paris and love it...and the subway IS easy! We stayed at a VRBO near Tour Eiffel! It is the most incredible sister and I dream of owning a flat someday....we made several art purchases in the Artist Park. Love your blog!

  50. Hi Suzan!!!

    Would love to go to Paris!! My sister went 2 yrs ago and fell totally in love with it. These pics are beautiful!! I hope you can go with John again soon :)

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend!!


    1. Hi Pam - if you love Montreal so much - you will absolutely go crazy in Paris!!!

  51. Bahahahahaha! I'm laughing so hard right now! This is my first visit to your blog and YOU GOT ME! I will be back for sure... you naughty girl to fool me like that! :-) Now you've got ME dreaming Paris dreams! jules

  52. trea beau. thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop. Wishing you a beautiful day xo

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  57. Hi Suzan,
    Really beautiful Paris apartment pictures sharing in this blog. I have bookmark this blog in my browser. I really like it. Keep it up.

  58. Hi suzan, impressive apartment! next time you are in Paris perhaps you want to take a slightly different turn by trying the 14th arrondisement in Paris... perhaps one of our two apartments will take your fancy:

  59. My wife really wants to find a Paris luxury apartment that we can rent while I'm going to school. She just got a great job, and is making pretty decent money, and has always wanted to live in a Paris Luxury apartment. So I've been online all morning looking up insights on these apartments, and this gave us some great insight. So far this site and have been the most helpful. Thanks so much for sharing this!

  60. Great blog of apartment.What awesome memories you have made! Your dreams aren't bad either! So interesting. I've always wondered why people are so facinated with Paris. I guess you have to experience it. Great post!.Thanks for sharing.......

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