
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I WANNA live there # 15

I live in a pretty incredible area - It's an historical neighbourhood loaded with tons and tons and tons of charm - and 20th century architecture, just steps away from the city center, it's also a pretty expensive neighbourhood ( in which I live in servants quarters basically compared to what I'm surrounded by.)

Because there's days I don't have furniture makeovers to show you - I've chosen Wednesdays to showcase and feature one home that's for sale around here.................( or apartment - or duplex - or teepee )


5 bedrooms
4 bathrooms
Built in 1909

Again a semi-detached - very deceiving by the outside - here we go, come on in!

Living Room - just adore that window with the window seat incorporated into it
GORGEOUS!!!  love the back splash over the stove - the perfect amount of color in an all white kitchen for me

love the light pendants as well - this is a particularly bright house for Westmount!  Because there are so many
semi detached and row houses - the homes here  tend to be LONG rather than WIDE which restricts lighting.

Again loving the window seat - and is that a built in I spy in the back left hand corner ?
Great Moroccan themed table set

beautifully cozy den - I could just sink on to that couch - put my feet up and read a good book

floor to ceiling draperies in the bathroom - LOVE THIS!!! - and love that gorgeous tup too -
( and that garden stool isn't too shabby either )

master closet

and this bedroom is magazine worthy, isn't it?
That bed is out of this world - I WANT THAT WARDROBE and the round
ottoman is adorable - IKAT rug colors?  The lighting?
OK - I love every detail of this room - you all know my love of radiators already

I had black walls in my dining room in my last home - and every time I see a photo of black walls I pine for them - I will never tire of the contrast between black and white - and the dramatic elegance it adds to spaces.

Ok - I'm taking you into the basement now - which is so beautiful it's just ridiculous - truly!

It isn't often you can make me swoon over a basement - but this is no man cave here lol - don't you just
love the different " zones " they've allocated in this space?

even the bedroom in the basement is gorgeous!

and the next listing?
it's the unit above mine!
We call them Condo units ( apartments I suppose )
but it's a century old row house actually - made into 2 units -  I live downstairs - and Pat lives above me - She is currently considering moving back to London and so her place is on the market - here we go!

560,000 - 2 bedroom - 2 bath

Her place was extensively updated - ( ours has more of a feel of a century old home )  and done beautifully I think -

She has some gorgeous pieces that she had sent over from her parent's estate in England

Here apartment was reconfigured to put the kitchen in the middle of the house - which in this case makes more sense - mine is still at the back of the house and we're seriously considering doing this one day

(I know these prices must seem ridiculous but you have to remember that we are right in the heart of the city
These prices in no way reflect what you would pay in the suburbs or the country - where 560,000 could basically buy you a mansion and for those of you that follow this series you saw yourself that I could buy
a hobby farm just across the border in rural Ontario for 200,000.)
and my darling friends that's it for today!
have a wonderful hump day one and all

Sharing With

French Country Cottage


  1. That first one is stunning...absolutely stunning. I would not change a thing. I am really loving pine floors lately. The 2nd is a charming space, also very light.

    My daughter in law sells real estate on Westmount. When I am on town I like to go to her open houses to be nosy.

  2. I love seeing homes! The first one is absolutely gorgeous! Expensive, but absolutely gorgeous! I love how glamorous it looks! And, the second is great too without all of the glamour!

  3. AHHHHHH! Beautiful homes. The first home is so pretty and I love the inside decor.

  4. Three years ago I broke up with my biker boyfriend and went through a phase afterwards in which I painted everything black. Some time and many coats of primer later I got over it and all that remains are black walls in my bedroom. I LOVE them, they are so dramatic, contrasted by chunky white woodwork and white bedding.

    Am I the only one that wonders, how do you keep these ginormous houses clean?

  5. Beautiful homes - both of them. They must not do anything creative tho. They are so spotlessly clean. ha


    1. They must have their staff " create " for them - lol

  6. I love when you show these homes. That kitchen in the first house! And the coffered ceilings in the eating area! And the basement! And the bathroom in the condo! Wow!

    You're right about the prices - the U.S. people must die when they see them.

  7. I agree, who wouldn't want to live there:) Thanks for following over at the "Cabin" I am also your newest follower. Can't wait to see what else your blog has to offer and become friends:) Have a wonderful evening!

  8. Hi Suzan!!

    You did it again!!! These homes are beautiful. I love Pat's condo!! You're right about the price. Actually not bad for where you are and the beauty that it is.

    You know more than anybody how much I miss it!! One day I will go back!!


  9. You find some great houses to share here. I love the presentations but I, like you, would not want to live there. Blessings- xo Diana

  10. What a great idea for a weekly feature. Who doesn't like taking a look through homes on the market? I'm following you now, looking forward to seeing more.


  11. I love that humongous island -- I keep saving photos like that. I need another house so that I can have a big old island!

  12. Wow, I love that kitchen and I agree about the black walls. Good for them that they kept them even when the house when on the market. Usually realtors like walls to be a 'safe looking' neutral color.
    Leslie (aka Gwen Moss)


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Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!