
Friday, January 4, 2013

Winter decor

I took down Christmas today - but a couple of items ( ok - quite a few items ) are staying up for just a little longer...............
All the garland is down - the tree is laying outside on its side like yesterday's garbage ( why does that bother me, it's a tree, but it does ) most of the glitter is packed away -
But here and there, I've left reminders of my favorite holiday - masked as winter decor but you and I know that it's only because I want to hang on a little longer.
I don't decorate for Valentine's day - at all - nada - zilch - a big fat zero - so I feel entitled - I don't even decorate for Easter - except maybe a tablescape - so this is my last big hurrah as far as celebrational ( is that a word ? ) decorating for a little while my mantel will look like this

because nothing - and I mean nothing - says winter like a pair of snowy penguins - and some blue and silver berries - I buy three of everything normally - because in my OCD brain they represent my 3 kids - one of
my girlfriends fell in love with the penguins last year so I gave her one to take home - and I NEED IT BACK
IT'S MAKING ME CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh wait - the penguins can be John and I - just thought of that as I was typing actually -

hmmmm, something doesn't look right - not a true representation -

there that's better - recognize us now?

and if  Danni ( who took down Christmas on the 26th I believe )
can have this gorgeous display in her house still

gorgeous or what?  John can you get another pallet from Home Depot please?

then I - I who would love to keep it up all year round - am certainly entitled to keep these on the mantel

and I suppose a glittery star can be used at any time of the year, right?

star light
star bright
first star I see tonight
I wish I may
I wish I might
have the wish I wish tonight

I'm wishing all of you the most relaxing weekend - now that all the hooplah seems to have died down

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Funky Junk Interiors
Keeping it Simple
Cedar Hill Ranch


  1. Love it. So glamourous! Love your shout out to Danni, isn't she great?

  2. Just spent the last 7 hours ( only paused for a brief lunch) deChristmassing the house. Now it is decorated for winter. Pine cones, candles, dried magnolia branches , red berries and cotton bolls. :-)
    I DO NOT decorate for Valentine's Day either. Like you, only a tablescape (maybe) for Easter .
    Luv your Winter decor . Posting mine in a day or so.
    Come on by and take a look.
    Cheers, Gee

  3. That's a beautifully restful group.
    A definite keeper,

  4. What a pretty vignette! LOVE that penguin bling!

  5. Love those penguins... and yes, why not, leave them up as long as it feels right! I grew up with this crazy superstition about getting it all down before the new year.... I rush around getting it all dealt with by the 31st! Nuts!

  6. It looks so cute, love the penguins!

    1. thanks so much Deanne- do they look like John and I?

  7. Love your winter decor here! Send some to this warm Floridian, OK?

  8. I never got around to putting up a Christmas tree this year... Of course, in its place I had a huge pile of presents.... hmmm maybe next year I'll shape those into a tree shape and call it a tree!

    You should get some eggs and make those your "children" and place them near the penguins :-)

  9. I still have the full Christmas display up...procrastinating...I was late putting it up, so I'll be late taking it down, that's the way it goes.

    I saw a cute set of silver penguins salt and pepper shakers and hinted at how cute they would be for the Christmas table...they didn't show up under the Christmas tree. I should know better than hint... I have to spell it out. I could have my own He says, She says dialogues, lol!


  10. Suze- It looks great- I really like leaving a bit of glitz up for winter. I spent all day packing away Christmas, too...and most of yesterday- I will do something for the kids for Valentine's Day and then I will do a bit for Easter, too. I am beat but wanted to pop in before I head off to bed. I baby sat my sweet little grandson this evening and he just went home...he is a chunky monkey and the happiest baby I have ever seen- xo Diana

  11. Just took the Christmas things down last night. I love that you keep up some winter displays! So cheerful when it's gloomy outside : o )

  12. Good morning Suzan!!! I woke up to this wonderful shout-out...thankyouverymuch! And keep those gorgeous snowflake votive cups out until you don't need a jacket anymore!! I love those and I want some!! Better make room on that mantel for some Valentines Day items girl!!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Hi Suzan,

    Of course you are entitled to hold on to the bright and beautiful bric-a-brac of the holiday season, especially if it's as pretty and glamorous as this! Get a tux on that bird (nobody's cheery when they’re freezing their butts off!) and you're good to go!

    Have a fun weekend,

  15. My house looks so bare now that I took ALL the Christmas decor down. Wish I'd kept some up so that I could enjoy a winter scape soon. One thing I did do is replace the mirror over the mantel with a painting of a winter scene. That works. I think.

  16. Oooh, THIS is how I would like to decorate for winter! I haven't started yet since there are still decorations up from Christmas. But soon!

  17. I took all of our stuff down just before our road trip (and didn't like my beauty tree going to the fire pit, by the way), but I still have a few things left to store away now that we're home again. I have to admit, I was happy to be greeted by my ornament tree that's still out. :)

  18. The penguins hooked me... lovely display, Suzan!

  19. I love the transition between Christmas and Spring ( maybe a peek of valentines) your mantel represents beauty.


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Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!