
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

ADVENTURES in decorating a Mantel

Good Morning everyone!

I'm getting desperate here for a piece of furniture to paint - I mean DESPERATE - as in I'm oh so close to painting the dining room table desperate  ( which John claims would be the last straw ) - or the bathroom tiles desperate.
We still haven't picked up the headboard because when we were finally able to go the lady was playing hockey!
So only getting it this weekend ( I certainly hope )

So I was rummaging around the bedroom tonight - trying to get a mirror out behind a layer of mirrors while John was watching t.v.

John says - what are you doing now
Suzan says - I need to get that mirror in the back out
John says - WHY
Suzan says - I need to change the mantel
John says - you NEED to - as in right now - as in right this second?
John says - you just changed it couple of weeks ago
Suzan says - Yes, in fact, I do - I have nothing to post about -
John says - and only THAT mirror will do, right?
John says - would it have anything to do with the fact that I'm laying here watching t.v.
Suzan says - no it wouldn't actually - nothing at all - but if it's bugging you, I can always paint
the dining room table instead
Suzan says - then I have to change the mantel
Suzan says - by happy I'm only shopping for it in the house!

John says - I told you we'd get the headboard this weekend
Suzan says - I need to do something in the meantime
John says - What are  you going to do - tell everyone you have more than 1 fireplace
Suzan says - hmmm - I never thought of that
Suzan says - Nah - I want to keep this blog real
Suzan says - Why can't I paint the dining room table?  It's outdated, it's

Suzan says - John - can you come here for a minute?
John comes into the living room and shakes his head
Suzan says - What?  You don't like it?
John says - yes - actually I do
Suzan says - Good - ok - I just need to take some photos now...................

John says - Did you paint the mirror frame? Wasn't it silver?
Suzan says - DON'T TOUCH IT - IT'S STILL WET!!!!!!
Suzan says - I had to paint it - it didn't go with the vignette
John says - the what?
Suzan says - the vignette
John says - What the hell is a vignette? Is that a fancy word for a wine glass or something? ( dead serious - keep in mind folks - he is always dead serious during these conversations )
John says - And artichokes belong in a Kitchen, Suzan - not a living room - they fall under the FOOD category
( John's a genius - by the way )

John bursts out laughing - That log looks absolutely ridiculous though
Well in this instance ( and only this instance ) I think he's right
Yes, indeed, he was - it looks better laying down.....................

later on - I pulled the mirror down to bring it back into the bedroom

John says - WHAT THE.........?
John says - You just pulled it out
Suzan says - well it was never going to stay like that -
Suzan says - I just needed something to post about
Suzan says - And I think I'll have to change it on a nightly basis until you get me something to paint
Suzan says - Unless I paint the dining room table
John says -
Well you know what John says
And I put the mirror back - it can stay like that for a day or two I suppose

But I may have to do another mantel soon!

Sharing with
Shabby Creek Cottage
Saving 4 Six
Embracing Change
Katherine's Corner
The 36th Avenue
Common Ground
Shabby Art Boutique
The Charm of Home
French Country Cottage
Redoux Interiors
My Romantic Home
A Little Knick Knack
My Turn ( for us )
The Shabby Nest
The Country Farm Home
Classy Clutter
Three Mango Seeds
I Should Be Mopping the Floor
Silver Pennies
The Dedicated House
Coastal charm
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
Creative Cain Cabin
Savvy Southern Style
Adorned from Above
52 Mantels

The CSI Project


  1. Oh my smh. You are too much...I know I say this all the time but its the truth.

  2. Suzan you are soooo funny! I love reading your convo with your hubby. The mantel looks fabulous. Have a wonderful week sweet friend


  3. You. Crack. Me. Up!!! Oh, John too!!! I so wish you were my neighbor. I have plenty for you to paint here!!! I have the cutest shaped chest of draws that I want to do a Union Jack on. But, it will sit for many more months!!!

  4. It was so worth the trouble for that mantel. Looks great!

  5. I swear I have GOT to make a mantel for my living room. Who needs a fireplace? I need something to decorate and I am jealous that everyone else seems to have one. Sadly, I don't have someone around like John that I could drive crazy! THAT'S what I need...a man and a mantel! :)

  6. Ever since I was a kid I have wanted a mantle, but only because i wanted to hang stocking on them like in the movies - Of course here at Christmas even looking at something resembling heat is enough to make you want to pass out, but it's all about how it looks :) I love your mantle and quite frankly I love yours and John conversations - I have been officially banned by mine from picking up road side offerings until I complete or get rid of the ones in the garage

  7. I like it! I like the log down too. We don't have a mantel here...but in the winter I sure wish we did because that would mean a fireplace, woot! The staging you did on the pics is great!

  8. Beautiful!!! I love these photos. And boy, with your attitude about painting, I sure wish you lived next door. Do I have the projects for you!♥

  9. Love the mantel, it looks great! Sadly our mantel has a huge tv over it and I can't really decorate. :( What color/s did you use on your mirror, I love the way it turned out!

  10. Wait! don't you have a storage unit jam packed with furniture? Have you gotten through it all?

    1. Hi Lil - yes I do lol - but all big stuff - and no room here to bring in another big piece to redo - ( have to sell first )
      A headboard and footboard are about all I can squeeze in for now
      Have a good one!

  11. Like Suzan says above, I guess that I, too, need a man and a mantel. I made up a fake one (mantel that is, not a fake man) but it's too narrow, so I can only put skinny stuff on it.

  12. it's lovely and the photos are terrific, love the effect. xo and thank you for sharing at the hop.

  13. LOL G I R R L L L you are a TRIP!!!! I had to stop bringing in pieces to paint because sadly I was starting to resemble a Hoarded, lol So now I too am painting everything I own watch out kids!!! Muhahahahahaha! :)

  14. HOARDER not HOARDED! LOL My fingers are not working today!

  15. You sound so much like me. Our poor husbands. We are ALWAYS up to something, and I'm ALWAYS changing my mantle. Loved this hilarious post. I smiled the whole way through it.


  16. I love it!! You crack me up! I too have made things that didn't stay up a day! Once in a while, I'm mad because of how long paint takes to dry on one of my crafts because I've already decided to repaint it and make something else out of it!! Nice job! Oh...and if you are running out of things to have a Valentines sign to make I believe!!!

  17. John better sleep with one eye open...on the dining room table! You are too funny!

  18. LOL! Loev your mantel. And WHAT is it with men and not letting us paint stuff???? I want to paint my china cupboard. Hubby says absolutely not. Not exactly sure what would happen if I did it anyway so I haven't started yet. But I know it is going to bug me till one day I grab a paintbrush and go at it.

  19. Love the mantle and as for projects -I have a ton you can play with - just take a vacation to the beach - it's been beautiful here this week .... John is the same about your table as my hubby is about a china cabinet I actually bought to paint. Now he's having a cow over me wanting to paint it. Go figure....

  20. Love it, hee hee too funny!! I say paint the table!

  21. For three weeks now my mantel is stark raving naked.


  22. Hi Suzan!!!

    I LOVE the mantel!! I can't stop laughing...You and John kill me!!! All you have to say is, "The dining room table...," and you have him in the palm of your hand.

    I love it!!!


  23. Hi Suzan,

    The mirror looks great! I love the "stacking" effect of both mirrors. The log does look good too!! "What the hell is a vignette?".....I've heard the same thing! Ha ha! Have a great night!!

    Michelle : )

    1. they're clueless, right? lol
      thanks so much Michelle!

  24. Your mantel is beautiful!!! So enjoyed my visit.

  25. Your mantel looks wonderful! You have a lovely blog...following now!

  26. This is hilarious! And your mantel is beautiful. :)

  27. Beautiful...I would keep it like that...for a few days at least.
    Debbie :)

  28. What a fun post!!!!!! I was laughing the whole time I was reading. I have a dinning room table that needs painting too but hubby won't hear of it. - crazy husbands!

    Your mantel look wonderful btw!

  29. Love your mantle! Those artichokes are fab!

    Have a great weekend!

    Linda at The French Hens Nest

  30. Hi Suzy!
    Love the mantel, and those artichokes! (Remember, I found one of the ones like your small one...) Very cool.

  31. You had me smiling the whole time I was reading this post.
    Love your is so pretty!!
    Visiting from the Country Whites Weekend.

  32. that is beautiful! love the shutter mirror!

  33. Love it!! Did you paint the log too? It looks white washed and what paint did you use? Lol

  34. love that neutrals, textured look of your mantel

  35. Beautiful white Suzan, just pop in from Cindy's party.
    You both are so funny ;), you guys make me laughing
    wishing you both beautiful weekend

  36. I totally think our husbands would get along :o)
    Thanks for linking up to the Creative Inspirations Party!
    Stacey at Embracing Change

  37. Sometimes I feel the same way. I need to do something creative. I love how the mantel came out. I'm a big fan of artichokes. Thanks for sharing at Silver Pennies Sundays!

  38. I am so cracking up, you are a stitch. I do love the mantel by the way so tell John, it was all worth it. Thanks for bringing it to the Party!

  39. I do wish I had your love for painting furniture, I now have six pieces of furniture I would love to have you paint! I have an outdated table too so what I did was just paint the legs with ASCP, really made a difference!

  40. The mantel looks great, and I do like the log laying down!

  41. Suzan you are funny,yall sound like me and the husband.
    This is gorgeous!!
    Saw ut at Creative Cain Cabin.
    ~Jo @ LOblollyLane

  42. Looks great! Thank you for joining Home Sweet Home!

  43. This is beautiful. Too funny. Sounds like my husband. "Do I have to do it right now?" YES! ha ha Take care, Linda

    1. LOL - thanks so much Linda - our conversations are universal - most definitely!


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!