
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Faking it in bed....................

Suzan says - John - want to have some fun in the bedroom?
John magically appears pronto with a smile on his face
Suzan says - I want to do a post on the magic that happens in our bed
John says - I really think you're going too far - it's out of control what you write about
Suzan says - This could be a good post John
John says - Well  I don't want any part of that post - leave me out of it - seriously Suzan
John says - Are you thinking of starting a pornography blog?
Suzan says - Puleeze - that would be the most boring blog of all
Suzan says - can you grab an end of that sheet laying there
John says - Why?
Suzan says - I need to cut it in half
John says - Why?  It's a perfectly good sheet - PEOPLE DO NOT DO THIS SUZAN
Suzan says - Ah but this is where the magic starts sweetie

As in having the type of bed frame that prohibits me from buying those gorgeous bed skirts I so covet.

I don't have a box spring where the skirt would normally lay on - but need to have one ( because of lack of storage and the fact that half of my worldly belongings reside underneath it ( as in all my shoes ) 

Suzan says - Can you help me take the mattress off the bed?
John says -Come on Suzan,  I'm watching soccer - can it wait?
Suzan says - Well you certainly came running in the room quickly the first time I asked

I simple cut the sheet in half - doubled it for some fullness - and stapled it all along the inside of the frame

Want to see another way I fake it in bed?

I love duvet covers - love love love them 
I hate putting duvet covers on duvets - hate hate hate it
So this is how I fake that

I make up the bed with the duvet

then just " lay " the duvet cover on top of that

I fold the top sheet down over the duvet cover ( that's just resting on top of the duvet ) 

and no one would ever know that I didn't struggle for a half an hour trying to fit the duvet into the corners of the cover - ( does anyone else hate doing that as much as I do ? )  Honestly?  That particular job can make me crazy - a sweating, cursing, messy, crazy person.

are women disingenuous?
yeah - some of us are when we need to be( although some much more than others )

Not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does.
insincere - false - devious - hollow-hearted

click here to watch Meg Ryan again
Have a great first day of the year everyone!!!
Much love,

Sharing with
DIY by Design
Shabby Creek Cottage
The Vintage Farmhouse
My Romantic Home
One Artsy Mama
The Shabby Nest
Classy Clutter
Twig Studios
Life on Lakeshore Drive
3 Mango Seeds
I should be mopping the floor
My 1929 Charmer
Cedar Hill Ranch
A Little Knick Knack
Or so she says


  1. Men are so cute and all so predictable! Fun in the bedroom - to hell with soccer. Work in the bedroom - soccer is number one priority! Made me laugh out loud. My bed is ridiculously high which makes finding bedskirts difficult but sure is nice for shoving crap under the bed. I also hate wrestling with duvet covers but found a "trick" that makes it a little easier.
    It is a little easier with someone else helping to shake one side but it works!

  2. And that my dear is why you are a genius! I have a dust ruffle....but it's a pain to remove and clean and then put back on!

  3. Cute Post! And I love the idea to just lay the duvet on top of the linens! I detest trying to struggle with and keep them straight too, so ...I usually forgo them. I will definitely be trying it your way! :)

    Happy New Year!

  4. It looks awesome. I love duvet covers too but hate the struggle, and I love the pattern on yours!

    Happy New Year from me too!!

  5. Ah yes, Meg Ryan when her face didn't look like a pinched rabbit.

    I use a top sheet with a duvet and cover. That way I can just wash the sheet and not worry about removing the cover every week.

  6. Hmmm.. luv the dust ruffle idea. ( giggling at your John.. such a guy) I have a dust ruffle that slips all over the place... not pleased. Ypur idea sounds like a wonderful solution.
    Happy New Year!

    1. thanks Gee - lol
      Happy New Year to you too my friend

  7. Uh-oh, I really don't mind putting the cover back on the duvet.... hmmmm...what does that say about me?!

  8. Great idea for the bed "skirt". Looks wonderful. I hate putting those comforters in the duvet covers, too. You are not alone! I hope you have a wonderful New Year's Day! xo Diana

  9. Love your ideas for in the bedroom...enough said!

    hugs, Linda

  10. I love your blog! It cracks me up because John reminds me of my hubby!

  11. sound like a great trick lol hope your enjoying a very Happy New Year wish you many great things in this new yr

  12. Guys...such predictable, uncomplicated critters... They make it easy to be disingenuous, lol!!

    I like your idea of resting the duvet cover on top! It's such a struggle to put that darn thing back on, and then it never stays in properly, even with clips in every corner. Thank you for the tip, I'm going to go to bed less stupid tonight!

    Happy New Year, Suzan!

    Nicole xox

  13. :) Awesome! My girls have a bed made like that and I keep thinking I need to make them a bedskirt since all the ones you can buy won't work on that kind of bed. Your way looks way easier than trying to make one! And I LOVE the duvet 'fake'. I HATE getting those things like they belong and after one night of using it - it doesn't looke right anymore and needs to be refluffed. Thanks for the tip!

  14. Great post! Filling the duvet cover is my least favourite domestic chore,closely followed by vacuuming.


  15. Your conversations are hilarious. My husband just replies 'that can't be done' and doesn't budge off the couch. I love proving them wrong, don't you? :)

  16. LOL!!!! Happy New Year dear Suzan!!! You are the most adorable faker ever, hahahahahahaha!!!
    I miss you! Yes, I also hate putting the covers... but did one TODAY!!! I got a student in my house. Another beautiful baby, he is just 16. He doesn't like to use the top sheet!!! So I need to wash his duvet cover often. And guess what? I put the exact same cover in his bed! The toile, grey and off-white, from Ikea! I told him although he was a boy, I had to keep my style, LOL! SO I took off the pink roses one and put this one (same as yours, from what I could see). It looks beautiful. The sheets are light grey. Anyway, just dropped by to wish you much health, love and happiness to you and all your family in 2013! Hugs, Claudine

  17. Great idea for the duvet cover, Suzan. We all need to fake it sometimes and these two ideas will take you a long way in any bedroom!!

  18. Great ideas Suzan! Doing the cover is one job that is a pain in the derriere. I'm going to try it your way next time.
    Debbie :)

  19. once again you have made me chuckle :) I love the idea of "faking it" in bed haha. But seriously your tricks are awesome.

  20. Love your trick and you crack me up :) Happy new year.

  21. Suzan, this is way too much fun. I've read and the bedroom scene! LOL! And I'm a bench lover, too. And when we have snow, I prefer that no one step in it. We had snow Christmas Eve and the deck looked beautiful w/o footsteps. I get it!

    Happy New Year,

  22. Hey Suzan,
    This is a great post. I love it. I really like the dust ruffle and the duvet cover. What great ideas. Tell John, I'm sorry he didn't get his kind of magic. Too funny.

  23. Ah ha ha! You're so funny. I loved this. Your bedroom is gorgeous. I love the black and white. Happy faking!

  24. Hahahaha! You crack me up! Bedroom looks great!

    Jenna @

    1. lol - thanks so much Jenna!
      Happy New Year!

  25. This was one of the best posts I have ever read! Love your witty sense of humor. And helpful tips, too. Visiting from Kathy's blog Lakeshore Drive. xo

  26. Very fun! Sounds like my husband...they just don't get us do they ;) Really creative idea too.

  27. Just love it!!!! We sure have to 'box clever' to get our men involved and the thought of bed sports usually works....even if it ends up to be not what they expected....good on you keep faking it!! Joan

  28. Great Post! Love the duvet! you are so funny! Love reading your post!

  29. Another one of your amazing ideas, and the best stories to go along with it!! Oh, and the title is just too clever. LOL Thank you so much for sharing at A Bouquet of Talent. You rock, sweet thing!!!


  30. hehe! Love it! Thanks for linking this up to Classy Clutter! I'm featuring you tonight!

    Mallory @ Classy Clutter

  31. Oh us gals all fake it at times! Yes, I hate duvets also. I just plop mine on and I have a quilt on top. No duvet cover. Love how your mind works girl! Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup.


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Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!