
Monday, January 21, 2013

Valentine's and Pic Monkey

Good morning everyone ( you'd better be reading Danni - this one's for you )
I stole copied - borrowed this idea from Connie at Family Home and Life
She and her children played on Pic Monkey - making really cute graphic pics,
Check out her link above!
But my kids are all grown so I had no choice but to sit by myself
and play alone :)

Ok that was fun - time to get a life now
Have a good one everyone!

And by the way - before I was a blogger - I was a reader - obsessively so - and for the first time in my life I haven't been buying books - between writing posts and reading other's posts I get more than my share of words!
Anyone else notice that?

I'm not sure if the fates have intervened but the headboard we were supposed to pick up keeps alluding me.
Last weekend there was a timing issue ( the woman plays hockey ) and was on the ice during the only time we could go -
And so we made arrangement to pick it up the next Sunday - yesterday -  I awoke at 5.30 in the morning to the weirdest thing here in Montreal - thunder and lightening - in January - it's so unheard of that it
was plastered all over facebook - then it started pouring rain....................
Then by 8 o'clock the sun was shining and it became a glorious winter day .................
Until noon - when a white out happened - and you couldn't see within 2 feet.  AND the media was advising not to go out - that the highways were dangerous..................
Am I not meant to have this headboard?
Is my blog evolving into something other than a furniture make over blog?
SOMEHOW I WILL....................

Sharing with
Kathe with an E          Clean and Scentsible         The Shabby Creek Cottage     Salt Tree     Debbie Doo's


  1. Love your Picmonkey Valentine post! Don't you just love how you can create there? I know what you mean about not having the time to read. That's what I did before I started blogging. A couple of years ago I left my sony ebook (had it for many years and was filled with hundreds of books)on an airplane. A couple of months after, was given a kindle and I'm ashamed to say that now that I'm blogging I only use it if I'm riding in a car or waiting somewhere. Too busy with crafting or reading other people's blogs like yours!

  2. Ha! ha! You know I'm reading!! You are so funny! Looks like you had a fun time with picmonkey for sure! Now I'm off to work with "Wild Thing" stuck in my head. Thanks for least it's a good one! Now...about that Valentine know..the kind you hang on the wall???

  3. Oh I am sure this will just make you more determined Suzan! I heard about your crazy weather! I have a bad feeling that it will not trigger people to think about global warming.

  4. Well, Suzan, perhaps you can print those wonderful creations and turn them into greeting cards and start a new business on your blog...something to do when furniture eludes you, just sayin'!!

  5. These are cute, and your weather sounds as crazy as ours!

  6. Picmonkey is fun to work with! Well I hope you get your headboard.I found some beautiful dressers last week at a thrift shop.And they were on sale.I was in a hurry so I did not have time.I left and came back the next morning at opening and they were gone.I guess it was not meant to be :-(

  7. love this post and all the pic monkey fun

  8. Well, now you went and did it. Roberta Flack's The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face is running through my head like a freight train. I think that headboard is elusive because it has a bad spirit attached to it...and that would be ALL you need- xo Diana

  9. Well my fav was wild thing till I got to the last one. Onlllyyyy youuuuu.....


  10. Hi Suzan!!!!

    Love the love posts!!! All things come to those who wait...wait...wait...

    Have a great week!!!!


  11. Maybe you should move on from the headboard and buy something else. It's getting too creepy for my taste.

  12. My daughter was in Montreal for a wedding on Saturday, stayed at her father's in the Eastern Twp. and said the drive home was awful on Sunday. We didn't get the thunderstorm OR the snow. But we're in the midst of a horrible freeze - woke up to -16C today. But the sun is shining.

    You'll get your headboard - you're not going to let a deal like that pass!!

  13. Hi, over from Kathe's, love PicMonkey too. Haven't tried the Valentines yet. You did a great job. Have heard all about the snow from my Northern neighbors too. It is cold as heck in mid Kentucky but snow, not yet. But we will get it.
    Love your header.

    1. LOL - well here in Montreal you get 3 seasons in one day - literally!!!
      Thanks so Peggy!

  14. lol - no time to read anymore!
    thanks so much for the visit!

  15. These valentines are so cute! I'm using one for my husband, one I'm sending to my girlfriend to make for her husband, and one to my daughter for her husband. Thanks!


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!