
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I WANNA live there # 31

 I live in a pretty incredible area - in Montreal, It's an historical neighbourhood loaded with tons and tons of charm - and 20th century architecture, just steps away from the city center, it's also a pretty expensive neighbourhood ( in which I live in servants quarters basically compared to what I'm surrounded by ) 
Because there are days I don't have furniture makeovers to show you - I've chosen Wednesdays to showcase and feature one or two homes that are for sale around here.................( or apartment - or duplex - or teepee )
Keep in mind this is in the heart of the city - so the prices reflect that  - think Manhattan - where these places would cost 3 or 4 times what they're listed for here!
On occasion I'll showcase beautiful homes in other areas - countries - continents - the one thing most of them will have have in common will be their age - because I love old homes with stories to tell, join me won't you

Good Morning everyone!

I just want to add a little comment of my own here before we start - for the most part I adore these houses for their architectural beauty - for their century old heritage - this was why I started the series in the first place, not for how the individual home owners decorate them - anything can be personalized the way anyone sees fit - my goal here really is to show how beautifully built these old houses were - sometimes they are decorated completely to my taste and that's a bonus - but even when they aren't - they are still uniquely special - and worthy of a look - see.  I would rather point out the beauty - then focus on some aspect I don't like.................I have very very seldom walked into a home - at any point in my life - and not been drawn to the potential - no home is perfect -
but in my mind these century old ones come pretty close!

Okay we walk by this gorgeous block a lot with Soda - I love every home on it - talk about architectural eye candy!!!

A striking example of Heritage Westmount Architecture and style circa 1921. Described as ' A Victorian Fantasy marked by Moorish themes in the book Montreal's Little Mountain, this home boasts exquisite woodwork, lofty ceilings and intricate plaster mouldings. The unique leaded windows allow for tremendous light.

4 bedrooms
3 baths
1/2 bath
Realtor - Liza Kaufman

 Ready to take a peak?  I just love the transom over the front door!

Perfection - those windows?  O.M.G.
I spy with my little eye a gorgeous mirror over that mantel



I just love how the deck is in a little " niche " like this - so private and beautiful

That one had me drooling from start to finish - I would most definitely WANNA live there!!!

This next one up is listed for 1,080.000 in a prime location - you need to put on your
" potential " glasses for this one - but's a great opportunity because it has an apartment in the basement to
offset the mortgage ( or use as guest quarters )
5 bedrooms
3 bathrooms
1 powder room
Realtor  Caroline Rouleau

Paint - paint - paint - gorgeous chandelier - that's all this room really needs

I love that the kitchen has a " nook "

Washer and dryer - you're outta there -  those kitchen cupboards on the left hand side must be originals -
I grew up with those types of cupboards - they almost look like furniture, don't they?  They HAVE to stay!

Bedroom with wood burning fireplace - yes please.................

Bedroom with seating area - that could easily be converted to an awesome walk in closet - complete with chandelier!


beautiful detail - paint it white!  ( sorry wood lovers )

basement apartment

Does anyone else see the potential in that one?
I'd just love to get my hands on it - really I would - would it help if I showed you what it's right beside?
Westmount Park
( where we stroll with Soda in the summer - it's especially gorgeous at twilight )







even the park's conservatory has architectural charm!!!


All that in the " heart " of the city - walking distance to downtown Montreal - theaters - shopping - incredible restaurants -
Now does that house have potential?
Mmmmm, me thinks so - me thinks I would defnintely WANNA live there!

The snow is melting rapidly here - I have hope that Spring is actually on it's way lol -
( although everytime I say it we seem to get another " dump " )

Have a happy hump day all :)
Much love,

one more for the road - here's a painting done by Ingrid Harrison of a winter stroll in Westmount Park

Sharing with!

No Minimalist Here                                     French Country Cottage
Common Ground                                        My Romantic HOme
I should be mopping the floor                      Under the table and dreaming
Coastal Charm                                            Not just a housewife


  1. Wow, I do see the potential in the second place. The first one has me wishing I won the lottery! Oh boy that is amazing architecture and beautifully decorated. The whole deal!!!

  2. Wow the first one so beautiful. Love that deck and that kitchen!!!!! Oh my!!
    What a pretty package.

  3. Gorgeous!! I could definitely be comfortable in those old homes. I swear I am looking at pictures of my yard with all that snow. Gotta love Canada!!

  4. I would die if I looked out my window and saw that much snow - y'all are made of better stock than I - who is freezing because it is 45F. I love the outside style of the first - is it attached to units on either side? I am a country girl, you know. The park would be a definite draw for the second one.

  5. Belíssimas casa. É um sonho ter uma casa assim.

  6. Love the second one, but the front of the first one makes me swoon.

    Here's to no more 'dumps'!!! (50F on Saturday here!)

  7. Yes it has potential, but for over $1 million I would want more than potential. LOVE the park!

  8. Both great houses. I can surely see the potential in #2-love the atrium on the back of the house and the way it abuts the park. I also love the windows and kitchen on #1. Great picks, Suzan- xo Diana

  9. That first one was so spacious and neat as a pin. I can dig it. ;) And that spacious kitchen? Yes, I could live there in that house w/that beauty of a kitchen. :)

    The second one has a beautiful location being so close to the park! We have a finished basement in our house that's like a whole 'nother house, there's even a full kitchen and bath down there. Crazy that I don't utilize that space unless we're entertaining(but hubby does and loves it).

  10. Love that kitchen in #1!
    No more dumps for Suze, please!
    Hope your Spring arrives yesterday. ;)
    xo, Tina

  11. I wanna live in the first one but if it's not available I'd take the second one, it has good bones. Yummy

  12. After seeing the first house, I wasn't even interested in looking at anything else. That place is gorgeous - love all the windows and woodwork. The bathroom leaves a bit to be desired, but I could suffer through. I'm going for that house. I wonder if I could borrow money from someone in Cyprus?

  13. Oh.....that first house! The transome over the double front doors - the 'window' to the bedroom from the hall - the door to the 2nd floor balcony - the tall ceilings, medallions with beautiful crown moldings - and that kitchen!
    You are so right about potential. I stopped watching those House Hunter shows. The buyers go thru house after house complaining about wall color, carpet, the appliances and 10 minutes further from work. They either want it all or they have no imagination.

  14. The windows in that first house are amazing! Love how they painted the trim black (sorry - decorating moment there).

    And the other house is almost like a blank canvas. Who can't see past paint?

    Westmount is gorgeous - but then again, most of Montreal is amazing. You live in a beautiful city.

    1. I know, I'm in awe over those windows!
      Do you watch House Hunters Heather?
      You'd be blown away by how many people cannot see past paint LOL

  15. OMG, this is beautiful, I love those windows too....I am a window person to begin with but these are unreal. I love the exposed brick and the railing on the staircase. Just gorgeous. I love these posts!!


  16. The first one, the first one! Putting my dibs on it now should I win the lottery..... I would certainly be singing and dancing in the kitchen, they can just hand me the keys. There, that was easy! : ) Patty/BC

    1. ok ok - you can have the first one Patty lol - I'll take the second one!

  17. I see the potential in that second house! The inside windows are amazing!

  18. Hi Suzan, I love looking at old homes, so I always enjoy home tours. These are beautiful.

  19. I love the first one! The! The second does have potential, lots of potential...especially with being beside that gorgeous park! That's one thing I love about Montreal...the history and architecture (ok, two things).
    Debbie :)

  20. I'll take the first one please!!! Among many other things I love the way they added colour with pops of amazing art and carpets. And that kitchen.... pure fabulousness!! The second one is not a bad Plan B, and if money were no object it would be sooo much fun to make a total redo out of it. Oh, if I were just a rich lady of leisure.

  21. OMG, that first one is amazing!! I stopped by to snag your photo for the hop, and got totally distracted looking at these awesome photos! LOL


  22. Lovely homes! So much character :) Easter greetings from Australia♥ ~Pernilla

  23. I have a thing for leaded glass windows so I'll have to buy the first one. Although, those teeny yards would make me want to be beside the park. Hmmm

  24. Hi Suzan!!!!!

    Westmount sure has a lot of beauty!!

    I love the first one with the huge master bedroom!! I love that it also has a beautiful sitting area attached to it. The second one is really nice as well. And being so close to the park is an added bonus!!

    Great picks!!


  25. After looking at these photos, I'm thinking I want to do something to my house!

    1. I live in this neighbourhood - I end up depressed after posting this because I live in a teeny tiny flat and walk by all this magnificence constantly LMHO
      thanks so much for coming by
      Big hugs!

  26. What a fabulous post here. Loved it very much.

    1. Thanks so much!!!
      Thanks for sharing the tour with me!

  27. Beautiful, beautiful houses. Makes me miss Montreal. Just found this blog. Happy Easter!!

    1. thanks SO much !!!
      where do you live now?
      You have a happy Easter too!

  28. I see the potential in the next house but it is a lot of work. The house is marvelous!!
    I would love if you link this to my party:

  29. Wow! The first house I could move right into. It's beautiful inside. The second house definitely has potential and the park would make it all worth the effort.

    I read your comments about decor in the dad lives in a house that is 102 years old. He and I go to historic home tours every chance we get. I'm always amazed at how eclectic the decor can be in some just never know what you'll find. The houses are so wonderful that I can look past some weird things. :)


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!