
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Creating vignettes........and too much wine

April says - would you like a glass of wine?
Suzan says - that would be nice - thanks

Vignette #1
Took the cabinet out of one of her son's rooms - added an antique shoe box - put a vase of dried baby's breath for height and one of her hearts resting on the floor.....................

and she refilled my glass..............

Vignette # 2
we worked on filling her china cabinet with a cottage / beach theme by " shopping " around her house

and she refilled my glass

Vignette # 3 and we pulled this out from another son's bedroom

Vignette # 4
I placed flowers ( miniature carnations I now know - and will now buy for myself ) in silver steins

and she refilled my glass
Vignette # 4

and we kept playing with the china cabinet
Vignette # 5

Vignette # 6

Vignette # 7

and............well she may or may not have refilled my glass

then we brought down a trunk from her bedroom to replace the first photo - because that's what you do when you've had too much wine
even with her bad back and my bad shoulder - the blue is the perfect touch for the " beachy " look she wanted

Vignette # 8

There was a lot of squealing and jumping up and down every time we got something just " right " - that I know.  We'd place something somewhere - run to the doorway to look at it - and scream and hit each other and laugh and laugh - and we had an audience for at least part of it


and I don't remember too much after that to tell you the truth - except it involves me acting over the top ridiculous in front of her neighbours who came in to have a look
and it involved pizza - I know that
and it probably involved me never getting a job again..................

I'm not sure because it's all a big blur from the trunk on

John says - as we left very late that night - Well that was just lovely Suzan
Suzan says - Well April had too much wine too
John says - but this is a JOB you're on - good God - it's not appropriate
Suzan says -  well BOSSES should never give EMPLOYEES wine
John says - why do you have flip flops on??????????????
Suzan says - OMG - I left my shoes at April's..........................

Red, red wine, go to my head

Sharing with!
Common Ground                                       The Charm of Home                     Craftionary
French Country Cottage                            Becoming Martha                         My Romantic Home
I heart nap time                                         I should be mopping the floor        Uncommon Designs
Homemaker on a Dime                             Under the Table & Dreaming
Coastal Charm                                         My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia   Clean & Scentsible
Savvy Southern Style                               Beyond the Picket Fence                Shabby Creek Cottage


  1. LOL, if you were hitting each other and squealing, I'm sure all is fine. :)

  2. Hi Suzan!!!

    Can I offer you another glass of wine? LOL!!!

    At least you weren't drinking alone, but, you had a fun time while working. You accomplished what you were doing and it looks amazing!!!

    By the way, do you need a Tylenol?


  3. Good Morning Suzan,

    This was hilarious, you had a glass of wine, you were creative. You had another glass of wine and you were on a roll. Then another glass of wine and you had the giggles.
    ....and I loved the faces on your men....priceless.
    Fabulous post, I loved it.
    Best Wishes

  4. I love this post Suzan! You can come over here and get drunk any old time!

  5. See that would make me hire you drink decorating, I love it. Nice job wino

  6. Great vignettes, Suzan. I love the beach theme.

  7. Beautiful vignettes! Sounds like you girls had a good time :) Looks like John would KNOW by now what he's dealing with -LOL!

  8. But did you get your shoes back???
    Sounds like you girls had fun to me...
    despite the two sourpusses!

  9. Ha!!! Sounds oh so familiar!!! A little wine goes along way in the decorating world!!

  10. Too funny-I want to be you when I grow up ;-)

  11. Red wine is a magic potion! I'm sure you were lovely, and even if you weren't, no one will tell you to your face! Life's too short to care!

    In my last life, I used to rollerblade like a mannequin...stiff, no joints, etc... Until I had wine then a prima ballerina! Magic!

  12. Occasionally one of my friends comes over in the evening and we try to get creative, which always involves some type of adult beverage, and each episode eventually ends up with us trying to restructure glass. Drilling holes in jars, cutting bottles in half, etc. The sea of glass shards have always been the indicator that it's time to hang it up for the night.

  13. Sounds like a fun job to me! She'll probably ask you back every week!!!

  14. LOL! Sounds like you had fun Suzan! What's wrong with a little decorating under the influence? Absolutely nothin'!!

  15. Love this post, Suzan! Creativity is usually best at work with a glass of wine in the hand ! I've had the shoes {and sometimes clothes!} question asked a couple of times in my life ;-)

    With A Blast

  16. Thank God you weren't drinking Tequila because it makes your clothes fall off, not just your shoes.

  17. Bliss said it for me ~ Tequila makes my clothes fall off! :)

    Sounds like LOTS of fun...with lots of wine. I'm glad you had fun on the job, so many employers don't allow "fun".

    P.S. Love that blue trunk!

  18. lol, the joys of working for yourself!! You get to enjoy what you do!

  19. I'm glad you had a driver. Now, I wonder what things really ended up looking like in the light of day?

  20. Oh, pretty Suzan, you cracked me up! I just did a tablescape for 5 de Mayo, so you can come over and have some Tequila with me, anytime!.. there's no problem, hon !!!!! Yeah, it's fun to work for yourself, heheheheheee... Big hugs,

  21. LOL - good - because I don't think anyone else will XOX

  22. Well I am OBVIOUSLY working for the wrong people!! I saw what Bliss said....take her advice...stick to wine.
    I was waiting for the last vignette....Suzan, on the a decorative heap of course....

    1. That photo will never be published LMHO...............

  23. I love to read your posts...they always make me smile:)

  24. Too funny!! You probably did some of your best work as well as having a ball!
    Mary Alice

  25. love it you so make me laugh.thanks-love dee x

  26. You are so cute my friend, I can see the two of you jumping up and down. sounds like a fun night. I promise to supply the wine and you can come help me do this in my new home in Ontario. loved this post, you are such a delight. hugs Tobey

  27. Good lawd- you are hilarious!

    Can you ever have too much wine? I know the answer is yes, but I've been packing for days and could use a glass- or carafe. When in Rome.. Or the burbs...

    How funny would it have been if after a few glasses- that your vignettes just became obnoxious or odd? " why is a man's shoe next to those shells? I don't get it. You: " it's ironic and sarcastic! Live with it for a week!"

    Thanks for making me giggle!!

  28. The vignettes turned out great, even if you did have to sacrifice a bit credibility for your art!

  29. Do you even remember that you actually published this post? It was so funny! I begin to feel dizzy after the first glass of wine, so I wouldn't have lasted as long as you did, taking pictures and creating pretty vignettes!

  30. I bet she had such a great time that she'll recommend you to all her friends!

  31. ooops. :)
    Too funny. Hey, if the customer is happy...all is good. I'm sure she loved it all.

  32. Suzan,

    You had me laughing pretty good! Sounds like you girls had a blast and you did a wonderful job. I love every vignette shown. You can come to NJ and help me with our house in about 6 months.....Thanks I will see you then.


  33. At least you were productive during your wining. I usually destroy things after a couple of glasses, not make them better looking.

    1. All painting had officially stopped by then - it was just playing around with where to put things at that point lol
      Drinking and paintbrushes do not work for me ( although I have a girlfriend that paints half in the bag LMHO )

  34. omg this is too fuuny. I feel like I may have done the same in your shoes...errr flipflops. :) i bet they will want you back considering your humor!!

    1. hmm don't know about that Jodi LOL but thanks!

  35. I love your decor and accent pieces. Newest follower :) You can find me painting, decorating and baking at HickoryTrail

    1. Thanks so much Angela!!!
      Will be by soon to visit back

  36. Lovely ideas and creativity as always! Stopping by from I should be mopping the floor hop! Would love a visit too! visit at

  37. I love the creative way you went with this! I am a new from southern charm! I would love for you to check out my blog and hopefully want to follow me back! Nicole

  38. Oh my! Sounds like a blast, and my friend! She always asks if I would like wine..... :) I may or may not have a glass, or three! But who's counting, right? Fun times!

    1. I don't want to see wine for awhile Kathy LOL
      Thanks for dropping by :)
      Big hugs,

  39. My husband just had 12 cases of wine delivered, flip flops are required wear on our beach - I think you need to come by and cerated vignettes all over my house.


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!