
Friday, May 17, 2013

Garden magic - take me away

Good morning all!

At the risk of my blog becoming a " dark " place after yesterday's post - today's is going to be about Garden Love - and happy places..................

I close my eyes and soon I find
I'm in a playground in my mind................

And my playground is called  Pinterest

Have I redeemed myself yet?
How about if you come over and have a bite to eat with me ?

and if the wine and the good food and the sunshine make you just a little sleepy - you're more than welcome to take a nap

and I'll just be over here cutting some fresh lavender for you to bring home

Here you go - I packed a few extra

All of the above images can be found on my boards as follows

Garden Gates
Garden & Porch Swings
Al Fresco
Secret Gardens
Beautiful Gazebos

Have a wonderful day everyone!

Sharing with
Under the table & dreaming                My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia       Not Just a Housewife
Homework                                                Savvy Southern Style                         No Minimalist Here
My Romantic Home                                  The Shabby Nest                               Coastal Charm


  1. That last pic makes me want to dig up my entire backyard and plant nothing but lavendar! Beautiful photos - thanks for sharing. I feel more tranquil already...

  2. Well, that eye candy certainly did me some good. It's a gorgeous day and I plan to be playing in the garden. Have a great weekend!

  3. What a wonderful weekend treat for the eyes! I was going to pin only the stone steps flanked by the purple flowers with twinkle lights...until I saw...and then saw...and then saw...

    Have a wonderful weekend, Suzan!

  4. Suzan,
    How wonderful are all of these sanctuary's!!!!! So peaceful and beautiful all of them.

  5. 8 am tomorrow morning I shall be in my backyard for the first attempt of the year to make it look ANYTHING like these photos. You have put me on sensory overload a little though.

  6. this was amazing, all this beautiful in one space, love this!

  7. Those are all gorgeous, every single one of them. And yes, please on the Lavender.

  8. Tree swing, please!
    Beautiful images, Suze.

  9. Gorgeous....I would love to have any of those! I especially love the swing hanging from the tree though! So southern...:)

    Blessings, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  10. Ok....Rog is NOT going to be happy with you, girl. I just saw waaaaay too many ideas that I need to incorporate into my gardens now. hehehe! Thanks for the beautiful inspiration tonight! Love those plushy hammocks, tree lanterns, and awesome garden gates! ♥!!!

    xoxo laurie

  11. OMG such stunning gardens....I want to live in all of them!!!! LOL
    Thanks for sharing such beauty :o) Have a great weekend!

  12. Stunning photos.....I can get lost in Pinterest for hours. Enjoy your long weekend.

  13. Suzan, I think we have the same garden dreams.

  14. Suzan these are gorgeous garden images, I have some of the same pins that I am saving for a post. Love the lavender, girl.


  15. I LOVE that hot pink gate! I might have to do that. I was half expecting a photo of you with your head buried in sand dressed like a flamingo:) Awesome photos of your happy place, thanks for letting us join you!

  16. Dreaming of that first patio in my backyard!

    1. Oh me too!!!
      and the 2nd and the 3rd

  17. Beautiful, Suzan! On Pinterest the garden boards are my favorite.


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!