
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Monica's Bookcase - before and after

Good Morning everyone :)

One down - one to go - but thought I'd show you the first one ( they're going to be identical anyway )

Annie Sloan, painted, bookcase,

And here's how it started out

paint, bookcase, knotty pine

Every single photo I took was blurry for some reason - so I had to re-stage it again tonight - this blogging stuff is hard work sometimes because even the second try came out terrible.............I really have to take a photography course.................and get a good camera ( that may help immensely )
Point being, you'll see photos where it's staged differently LOL

bookcase, staging, dishes, books

for those of you who missed the post on the " eyes " all over these pieces you can find it here,
called  Blue Eyes Crying in the Grain

I know they're bookcases but I'm showing you how I would decorate them if they were mine LOL
Wouldn't they be beautiful in a farmhouse kitchen - loaded with vintage dishes and cookbooks?

painted, decorated, before/after,bookcase

This next photo is the truest colors

before,after,painted,bookcase,ascp,old white,coco

painted,bookcase,annie sloan, old white,coco,before,after

These plates ( the complete set - creamer - sugar - dessert bowls - soup bowls - dinner plates - bread plates and 2 platters - setting of 8 - were a find many years ago at a flea market )

vintage dishes, johnstone

and I discovered a new little trick ( for me )

bookcase,before,after,annie sloan, old white,coco

once all the old white was painted on - I taped up all the shelves - top and  bottom of each one

bookcase, before, after, old white, coco, annie sloan, knotty pine

and then laid the whole thing on it's side - soooo much easier to paint the undersides of the shelves that way, let me tell you - those of you that have painted shelves will know what I mean - trying to get in there and painting upside down and paint dripping all over the place - this was much better!

vintage, soup tureen, pewter, candlesticks

The beadboard on the back of the unit is painted in old white - it looks darker because of the shadows......
But the Old White and Coco ( ASCP ) are such a beautiful combination

and the best part?
the eyes are gone !!!

Off to work on it's twin sister....................
Have a great day everyone

Shabby Art Boutique                                     My Romantic Home                        Happy Go Lucky!
Shabby Nest                                                 Finding Fabulous                             Life on Lakeshore Drive
Nifty Thrifty Things                                        I Heart Nap Time                           Homemaker on a dime
Keeping it Simple                                          Coastal Charm                               Clean & Scentsible
Savvy Southern Style                                    Adorned from Above                      No Minimalist Here
Shabby Creek Cottage                                  I Gotta Create!                              Beyond the Picket Fence
Common Ground                                          French Country Cottage                 Becoming Martha
Miss Mustard Seed                                       Funky Junk Interiors                       It's Overflowing
Uncommon Designs                                      Knick of Time                                Not just a housewife
Glitter Glue & Paint


  1. Good Morning Suzan, My word, what a difference, the book case looks so different and I love what you have done with it.
    I am wanting to give my bedroom a light bright Swedish look, I have the bed linen and light fittings and I was thinking about what colour to paint the furniture we have and these colours look perfect.
    You are amazing with that paint brush of yours, the transformation is fabulous.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Best Wishes to you,

  2. Much improved! The thing with fuzzy pics? If you are using a point and shoot camera in auto mode and you don't have enough light, the pics often get fuzzy. If your camera has "scenes" try one of those to see if it makes a difference though you will probably need to hold the camera very still or get a tripod. The best case would be to only photograph in daylight with as much external light as possible (but you already know that!)

  3. So pretty I wish you were here I need my kitchen area done!

  4. They are beautiful.....or should I say it is beautiful.You have done a wonderful job.-love dee x

  5. Beautiful as always! Glad the creepy eyes are a thing of the past! Oh, and your pictures always look great!
    Hugs, Cecilia

  6. Hi Suzan, The bookcase turned out wonderful and I love the pretty tureen.

  7. I love the combo of Coco and Old White. I just recently started using the Coco. Those eyes creep me out! Glad they are long gone.
    The camera issue is probably light- I've done that before and it's maddening.
    Beautiful job as always!

  8. Thou hath produced another work of art.

  9. That turned out really pretty!

  10. Best money I ever spent was on a new camera. Now you can actually see the thing I spent so much time and effort on! The bookshelf is so much nicer painted and I love the colour choice!

  11. Suzan these are great but I am not surprised!! Have you ever been to my blog? I never asked you that....I know your not supposed to ask but I was curious. If you want to visit just hit the lavender icon next to my comment.


  12. Great job on the bookshelves and on the staging! My camera is awful and takes dreadful pictures if the light is not perfect and it's very dificult to have good lighting in an old cottage in Brittany. If it's sunny I stop whatever I'm doing to snap a few pictures and when I'm at work and it's sunny I think "what a waste of sunshine, I should be hometaking pics!"

  13. Oh wow!!! It looks beautiful! It doesn't even look like the same piece. Great tip on painting underneath! That is a pain. Great job Suzan!

  14. Looking good Suzan! So much better now with all those eyes covered up!

  15. Very nice! I love those old solid wood pieces. Amazing what paint can do, and the two-tone look is perfect.

  16. Beautiful! I'd love something like that

    1. Me too Sandy LOL - it's hard sometimes to give them back to the customers lol

  17. Hello Suzan! You did a great job, the bookcase looks fantastic now.
    And those plates...! They are so femenine, I love them!
    Besos, Silvina

  18. wow! such a change. A really awesome makeover! :)
    So nice stopping by to visit with you!
    Kindly, Lorriaine

  19. An amazing transformation! What a great makeover!

  20. Showstopping before and after, girlfriend.


  21. Lots better! And no boobs, I mean eyes lol.

  22. Suzan that is a great combination of colors and I love that the creepy eyes are gone! Much better after you've worked your magic!

  23. Suzan, I love your shelves! Your color choice is just beautiful...and there's another one! I also love the way you have decorated it. I'm moving all the books out of mine this weekend and putting out mote "stuff" remembering to keep it fresh and uncluttered like yours.

    Have a beautiful Memorial Day weekend!
    Linda at The French Hens Nest

    (I just love those little pink stars)

  24. Great up-cycle and I love the way you have staged it. Oh, white soup tureens. Why oh why are they so gorgeous and addicting?

  25. The colours are pretty and great accessories too. They are going to look great.

  26. It looks wonderful! Especially now that those hideous 'eyes' are gone. lol
    Another great transformation, Suzan!
    Debbie :)

  27. Beautifully done Susan and I love the colour. As always, thanks for linking up at Shabbilicious Friday - I really appreciate it.

  28. It looks so much better painted, I love painted furniture

    your treasures will be so happy on their new shelves

  29. Lovely work! You are a STAR over at I Gotta Create! Featuring your fabulous bookcase. Thanks so much for linking up at the Wildly Original link party.

    <3 Christina @ I Gotta Create!

  30. Lovely work! a dear & share your script for your martini cursor :) Love it!

    1. LOL - I share everything Bobby - it's on the right hand side of my blog ( sharing is caring )
      but I'm going to go one step further and go to your blog now and tell you - you no reply blogger you LOL


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!