
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Smoke and Mirrors................

Good morning everyone!

I love molding - it reminds me of old Parisien apartments and I've installed it in the last 2 homes we live in - it's such an easy way to dress up a room - especially a 100 year old room where you may have expected to see original plaster moldings anyway...............

As most of you know our current home is a Victorian flat in the heart of the city - some of the architectural details are just gorgeous ( if you're into that type of thing - if you're not - this post is NOT for you lol )

I fell in love with the exposed brick wall in the living room the moment I walked into this place - but to be very very honest with you, it gets old fast.   Because it's a row house there isn't a lot of natural light in here and the brick tends to make it look even darker - I switched out 3 prints we had hanging on this wall - for 3 large mirrors - when the chandeliers are turned on it's magical - you can see them shimmering and sparkling in them all.

There's a little " window nook " in the dining room

The ceilings are high ( 11 feet ) and doorways are filled with detail like this

The ceiling moldings are pretty special too - all in plaster

as are the plaster medallions

in the entrance way you are greeted by Cherubs - in each of 4 corners on the ceiling

and the baseboards are almost 8 inches in height

BUT nary a wall molding in sight - so I decided to add some in the dining room -

Please don't look at the mess inside my cabinet - I'm trying to declutter because this is going to be listed for sell soon - so I'm cramming everything into as many places as I can lmho............but anyway you can see the molding - I had John size them to the exact width of the wallpaper so there was no cutting involved - made life a lot simpler let me tell you.

Although I put them on another wall ( also in the dining room and there was a lot of cutting on those )

The wallpaper ( a metalic paisley )  ties in with the hall ( did I ever show you my hall DOPPELGANGER in Brooklyn?  you
can see it HERE )

Ok - ok - enough already Suzan - get to the POINT of this post already!

We have a small wall that connects the living room to the dining room ( sort of ) and leads you to the office
And there were 2 small damaged sections on it - now I could plaster them up obviously - but that involves painting and I no longer have the recipe for the wall color ( that never happens to me - well obviously it does but normally I keep every recipe for every wall just in case )
And since all of the walls connect in some fashion or another it would have meant a lot of painting -
I decided a quick fix was in order.................

Suzan says - John can you make me a molding on that wall in the dining room
John says - Why?  We're selling the place
Suzan says - Well that's exactly why - we have to put a little work into staging you know
John says - I don't understand why  you would want to go to that kind of work
John says - It's too much - just leave it
John says - It's not necessary

BUT he did it
and after he did it - I looked and hemmed and hawed and

Suzan says - can you make another molding going all around the perimeter please?
John says - are you nuts?
Suzan says - I think a double molding would look good on that wall
John says - I AM NOT doing another molding - it's just over kill - why do you ALWAYS HAVE TO TAKE IT ONE STEP TOO FAR...............

BUT he did it

John says - and before you even think of asking - I will definitely not do a third one inside this

I was also out of the paisley wallpaper - so decided to paint the outer space with some dark grey I had on hand - tying it into the color at least

taped it all up and started on the white

Tip!  Always remove your tape when it's still tacky - not dry - especially if you've just painted a color ( in this case the grey )  or you risk removing paint.

All the moldings - ceilings / walls / baseboards will get a fresh coat of white paint this week - but I'm not painting walls - most of the house is different shades of grey so I think they're neutral enough..................

Suzan says - I just LOVE it John
John says - Good - I'm glad
Suzan says - It makes the rest of the moldings we made look boring - do you think
John cuts me off - NO - NO WAY - LEAVE ME ALONE - I'VE ALREADY MISSED ONE HOCKEY GAME...............
Suzan says - Well in the next house - there's going to be some double molding happening - I can tell you that

This project cost under 20.00 -
But the change is priceless ( in my most humblest of opinions )
Doesn't it look like it was always there? ( God it makes everything else look dingy lol )

Ok - off to start painting all the trim -
Have a great Tuesday all!
Big hugs,

Sharing with!
Not Just a Housewife                                     With a Blast                          Clean & Scenstible
Savvy Southern Style                                     No Minimalist Here               Beyond the Picket Fence
Shabby Creek Cottage                                  Common Ground                  French Country Cottage
Chase the Star                                               My Romantic Home              One Artsy Mama
The Shabby Nest                                          It it's not Baroque                  Homework
A Diamond in the Stuff                                  Stone and Gable                    I Gotta Create
Finding Fabulous                                           It's Overflowing                     Classy Clutter
Under the Table and dreaming                       Not Just a Housewife        
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia                  The Winthrop Chronicles


  1. Wow, gorgeous mouldings! Great ideas with the additions, I'll keep them in mind for the future.

  2. beautiful, such a romantic home you live in, you will hate to leave this,

  3. Oh it looks fantastic, today I installed my first piece if moulding and can I tell you it is going to be slapped on all over the place, I'm so in love with how it transforms a room!

  4. Your place is beautiful, I love the mouldings and detail and the brick wall.

  5. It looks fabulous Suzan! All the mouldings are gorgeous!! I love that kind of thing!!

  6. Yes, the moldings are a beautiful touch and add SO much! Your home is beautiful, Suzan. Makes me want to go clean my house and make moldings. :-)

  7. I soooo wish I could get excited about painting the way you do!!!

  8. Suzan Ohhhhhh love all the moldings such character. I love the exposed brick wall that is my fav in all the rooms. I know it does not let a lot of light but the mirrors are a great idea to reflect light. I love your chandelier too oh I just love every pictures on this post. Your place will sell so quickly it is beautiful.

  9. I've never thought much about moulding but now I say WOW-it
    makes such a statement!

  10. Amazing transformation! Something must be in the air, I was just thinking about molding this morning. The side of my oak pantry faces the dining room and its sooo brown and boring. I was thinking of putting something similar to what you did. I'm not sure what I'll put inside, maybe chalkboard for a menu? Anyway, your idea REALLY helps me figure out what I should do. There is a thrift store, Habitat, I think they're all over, anyway, they always have moldings for sale -cheap and for a good cause.

  11. What an awesome fix! It makes a such a difference. I love the molding on your ceiling!!!

  12. The moldings are such a beauty in your home. I love, love moldings the chunkier and bigger the better for me. Love what you decided to do as a fix. Great job!!


  13. You have a beautiful home, I love all the moldings new and old. They really add character to a space. Great solution for a dinged up wall. Tell John he did a great job. Patty/BC

    1. Why thank you Patty!
      I will relay the message to John ( he's watching Hockey right now LMHO )

  14. Pretty!

    I love the grays against the natural brick.

  15. It looks fabulous - totally dressed up!!

  16. You know.... when I see molding with two colors I see chalkboards in the center.


  17. Wow, this really is beautiful. My favorite is the window nook in your dining room, it's so beautiful and elegant. Are the cherubs original to the house? I know that there are ways to create those molds with plaster.

  18. Your John is a a know that, right? It looks fabulous Suzan!

  19. Hi Maude - the cherubs are original to the house! I'm not that talented lol - apparently cherubs were created on moldings to bring prosperity into the home owners lives ( didn't work for me so much LOL )

  20. Everything looks wonderful. I'm hosting a new linky party at

    I would love to have you!

  21. It looks awesome, and you're right it does look like it was always there! I hope looking for a place to move is fun. My husband LOVES that part of a house hunt, me...not so much. ;)

  22. Terrific answer to a damaged wall! It does look original to the house. I definitely side with you on this one Suzan. John did a great job!

  23. I am definitely going to have to hire you to come decorate my new home. Your home is stunning, you are so talented my friend. What a great idea to fix that wall. I think you should leave business cards behind for the new owners to hand out. Because anyone that comes to visit is going to love all of your decorating. such a pretty house. hugs Tobey

  24. That looks great, Suzan! What a difference! I love moldings, too.

  25. Love it! Your house is gorgeous, love all the victorian ceiling accents, they just don't make it like that anymore, do they.

    Can John come and do some moulding at my house? After the playoffs, of course!


  26. Ingenious solution, Suzan.....and the details in your house are gorgeous!! Love all the mouldings and plaster accents. We have a 1875 house (a rental property) and the details are the same quality - cherubs, dental moulding, crown moulding 1 foot wide - it's what makes a property unique. You shouldn't have any trouble selling your lovely home.

    1. Thanks Heather - fingers are crossed - but houses don't sell that quickly around these here parts - their expensive ( which doesn't work in my favor - unless it sells of course :)

  27. Gorgeous, Suzan...Will it be a bittersweet move after all the work you have done? Oy, my back aches just thinking about painting trim! I love your brick wall and the unique moulding. We have a lot of it, too. It adds so much.

  28. I love moulding, too! It does make such an amazing difference to a home! I love the brick wall too!

  29. Sounds like the conversations we have around here! LOL How gorgeous are those details! DROOL!! The molding you added looks GREAT!! Someone will walk in and say "thank goodness there is molding on the wall or I would NEVER buy this place"....SEE?

    1. Thanks Lorraine!!!
      Let's hope you're right - the houses take forever to sell around here :(

  30. I just don't get it. Why is everyone so excited about MOLD????? :)

  31. Ooooooo, I love every detail. Just gorgeous. I'm a sucker for exposed brick too.

  32. Wow, the moldings really make the rooms.

  33. Love love love your house. So beautiful. Great job. I am hosting a link party and would love it if you would link this up.

  34. Love your space and colors! You did a great job! We can't wait to see what you share at tomorrow's All My Bloggy Friends!

  35. This blog is excellent there is almost everything to read,This was a great article that really was really helpful to me and I really cant wait to learn more from your valuable experience.Thanks a lot.

  36. Your home is fabulous! Those moldings are incredible!

  37. I love it!! You've got great style :) Found you at Tuesday's Treasures!

  38. Gorgeous architectural details in your beautiful home. And your blog got a makeover too, didn't it? I just noticed my cursor was a champagne glass on your site. :)

  39. The moulding makes a huge difference. Such a beautiful home you created.


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!