
Thursday, June 6, 2013

How the brain of a furniture painter ticks............

It does NOT operate the way " normal " brains work as I'm about to illustrate.

shabby, chic, aqua, dresser, french provincial, distressed, before, after

Last week I did a post ( HERE ) on French Provincial furniture - and I showed this photo - sorry it's the seller's photo and if possible, even worse than mine..............

I resorted back to my Paris Grey and Old white staple and did this because I completely saw it as a changing table / dresser

Paris, grey, old, white, dresser, changing, table, painted, stripes, annie, sloan, chalk,

Ok I have to throw a John says - Suzan says in here - it's been awhile
John was painting the bathroom ( after 3 years of asking ) and he was behind the bathroom door with a ladder

Suzan says - Excuse me John but I need to get in there
John says - Sorry - no - I'm on the ladder behind the door
Suzan says - but I really need something from in there
John says - Sorry - you'll have to wait
Suzan says - But I CAN'T wait - really - I need to get in there
John mildly curses - gets down from the ladder - moves it out of the way - opens the bathroom door and lets me in - where I promptly remove the box of q-tips
Suzan  says - I have to stage the dresser now
John says - WITH #^$*@ Q-TIPS?????????
John says - I thought you actually had to USE the bathroom
Suzan says - Oh no, that could have waited.....................

and as baby grows it can used as a regular dresser

NOW - the beauty of this particular dresser is it came with a cut glass top - which turned the Paris Grey color into this as soon as it was placed

a beautiful watery shade of aqua

and although the grey and white were fine when it was on it's own

it looked sickly once the glass was on it -

So I grabbed my can of Duck Egg blue - and old white and started mixing until I came up with a color that was very very similar to that watery aqua color

John says - what are you doing now
Suzan says - I'm taking off the paris grey from the dresser
John says - I thought those were your favorite colors
Suzan says - shhhh I'm concentrating
John says - you're throwing two colors in a peanut butter jar - please
Suzan says - I'm a COLOROLOGIST..............and I have to get this just right
John says- why don't you use a q-tip to mix it up with?

not too bad a match right?  could have used a little more duck egg blue perhaps for depth - but close enough

Then I covered up all the Paris Grey with Old White

I dry brushed some of the aqua on to the handles
and didn't feel right
a quick coat of the custom aqua color was applied to all the drawers - some distressing just enough to show the white layer underneath - and she's ready to go.
Sometimes that's the way it goes - not often - but sometimes you have to keep going until it feels right.

without the glass

and again with the glass

and the evolution LOL
within 24 hours

The End.......................

too tired to drag the glass out for 1 photo - but it ties in with the color of the drawers now!

Have a great Thursday one and ALL
Much love,

I'll be partying with!!!
French Country Cottage                           Craftionary                           My Turn ( for us )
One Artsy Mama                                     My Romantic Home             Finding Fabulous
Miss Mustard Seed                                  The Shabby Nest                 Shabby Art Boutique
My Fashion Forward Blog                       One More Time                   Knick of Time
Not Just a Housewife                              The Winthrop Chronicles      Savvy Southern Style
DIY by Design                                        Adorned from Above           The Everyday Home
No Minimalist Here                                 Shabby Creek Cottage


  1. That's beautiful, too nice for my babies nappy change time :) poor John I would've been furious lol

  2. That's a lot of work for one dresser but it finished beautifully. Back in the ancient days when I had babies people just purchased changing tables. I love how people now use dressers with a changing pad on top. It makes so much more sense and so much more storage than a dinky changing table.

  3. I don't know what I enjoy more about your posts...your creativity, your sense of humour or the fun conversations between you and your hubby! Love the dresser, by the way!

  4. You'd better keep John...he puts up with an awful lot!

  5. Is it really so difficult to step down from a ladder?
    Yes, evidently so. It is at my house, anyway.
    Gorgeous job, SuzyQ!

  6. I love it! I also love the banter between you two!
    Now thats true love, lol!!!

  7. Very pretty transformation. I love French pieces, and I love them painted even more.

  8. You, my dear, are an artist, and the furniture is your canvas.

    What did you do with the peanut butter in order to use the jar?

  9. Love it! It came out just beautiful as all your pieces do!

  10. LOL - it looks great! (both ways!)
    I was painting my daughter's bath cabinets & she said I looked like a mad scientist with a paint brush so I can relate!!

    1. LMHO !!!!!!!!!!!
      A mad scientist - I can just picture it really !!!

  11. Suzan,
    You made my day and made me laugh with this post. You are better than Prozac any day!!!! Love the dresser in the final form. Turned out great.

  12. A great post and I had to laugh. The final dresser is just beautiful and you did such a great job in very short time.

    Have a great weekend


  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Wow, beautiful furniture transformations! Thanks for linking up to Frugalicious Friday!


  15. So glad you realized dresser needed the aqua, made it perfect. Love how dresser turned out after adding aqua to drawer fronts and top. I feel in good company knowing other people have to keep going until it's "right" in your mind, what you visualized. Sometimes it takes a little bit but when ya get ya get it. Hooray.
    Haven't seen a piece you've done yet that didn't inspire me down to my socks. Obviously I love your blog, your sense of humor, love it all. I look forward to seeing what will be in your posts. Also love to play with your cocktail glass to get little drops all over.

    1. Wow - what a beautiful comment - thanks SO much !!!

  16. I'm beginning to think that painting furniture is like's never "done".

    I really like the aqua colour you created. Looks awesome.

    1. LMHO - usually it's done an that's it - but sometimes nothing seems right - maybe it's my frame of mind when I'm working on them?
      But thanks so much!

  17. All I can say is that thing is too pretty to get messed up with baby poop! I never had a changing table! It was always the crib, the sofa, the floor, my bed, my lap, the front seat of the car.......never a changing table. Mom's are lucky these days to have such pretty things!

    1. I never did either Lorraine!
      But we could have - we just never thought of it LMHO.................
      I remember crouched over the bed too - or the floor!

  18. I was not having a great day until this popped onto my computer.....I read your story and was laughing imagining the big deal with getting down from the ladder. John and I have been down that road a few times.

    This piece is beautiful, I love the combination colors with the distressing. Such a beautiful job once again.


  19. Great transformation. And I totally understand. You just have to go with it and see what happens!

  20. ahhh, success at last! It's perfect - again. :) Have a wonderful weekend!

  21. I guess I would of said it's an ear emergency. And please, I like the dresser with the glass, I like the glossy look of it.


  22. Love the transformations. Love it!

    1. oh oh - I've repainted it out completely LOL
      but thanks so much - it WAS kind of nice, wasn't it?

  23. And didja hear her sigh with relief when you finally found the right look? My furniture talks to me and lets me know when they've had enough. My brain is broken methinks. I definitely think you found the perfect look for it...and that aqua? Perfection.

  24. You definitely got it right! Looks fabulous!

  25. I don't know which one I like the best they all are beautiful -love dee x

  26. I totally relate to your painting. I'm always changing things. Rooms have been painted over 3 times! Love your dresser all 3 ways! Call me your newest follower!
    Cindy @

  27. It looks so lovely Susan. Hope to see you at Shabbilicious Friday this week.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  28. Hi Suzan!!!!!!

    I love how the little dresser looks now. I know it's not going to last long, it's too gorgeous!!!!

    Have a great weekend!!!!


  29. I know exactly what you mean about having to get it right. I was afraid you were going to say you got rid of the glass. It's perfect now!

  30. I have to be a colorologist now? And you wonder why I'm afraid to paint furniture Suzan??? This is actually quite lovely and I guess I'm not giving up!

  31. I loved your first idea for the dresser. But the aqua will look so right with the glass top! Do you have your diploma as a colorologist?

  32. This dresser is gorgeous! An amazing makeover! You never cease to amaze me Suzan!

  33. I love the dresser it is too pretty to be a change table, but what do I know. My oldest baby is 37, so been a while since I decorated a babies room lol. hugs Tobey

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.


  35. Only the true professionals use peanut butter jars! ;) It's lovely Suzan. Duck Egg has become one of my fav's. Have a great week!

  36. Poor John. That conversation sounded like one between me and my husband. LOL I am just not strating to get into the act of painting furniture, and so far I love it. This is a very creative piece. Maybe too pretty for baby changing. :)

    I would love for you to post this at my Linky Party Home{work} Wednesday.Home{work}

    Barb (your newest follower)

  37. Love it! It turned out so wonderful. Hugs, Beverly

  38. Hi... First I would like to thank you for sharing at One More Time and Second I would like to let you know you have been featured Hope to see you again this week. Hugs Tammy

  39. These are lovely. I really like your choice. Thanks for sharing. Hotel Furniture


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Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!