
Saturday, June 22, 2013

A new Angel.............

On a very very sad note Pat from Gypsy Heart lost her precious, beautiful, soon to be 16 year old grandaughter last night in a terrible accident.  I've added this on because I've only just found out.
Please take a moment to pray for her and her family - and another moment to visit and let her know.
This is one of the sweetest kindest ladies in Bloglandia - and today her pain is mine................

Much love,


  1. have a huge heart also. Headed over.

  2. Oh Suzan, how dreadful. I visited and will be praying for them. Thank you for sharing. You are so sweet and caring.

  3. Oh Suzan such sad news...praying for her and her family.

  4. I will definitely keep this family in my prayers.

  5. Oh Suzan, I don't even know her and it makes me want to cry. :(

  6. Replies
    1. Absolutely none Bev, I agree
      I'm sick over this-

  7. Life is so strange in its direction. We just never know. I cannot imagine the sadness that she is feeling right now.

  8. I just love Pat and I know she must be devastated right now. Thanks for letting us know. I am going to go to her blog now.


  9. I can hardly type for crying for the loss of such a beautiful vibrant young life. It's so hard to understand why these things happen. I also left her some words, most likely totally inept, I'm sure for Pat. I'm not a subscriber to her blog but I can certainly pray for her and her family for their loss.
    We have a 16 yr. old g/d that I worry about driving. We have to let them be what they need to be at that age but oh boy the consequences of their actions or others can bring devastating results. Think I worry more about our grand kids driving than I did my own 4.
    Bless you for letting us know so we can send prayers and love to this lady when she's most likely torn to pieces.

    1. thanks so much for your kindness- I'm numb with grief for Pat - it is way beyond the imagination to even guess at her pain right now................
      Much love,

  10. Oh Suzan how heart breaking and so tragic. I went over to Pats blog and left my sincere sympathies
    Thanks for sharing this with all of us so we can pray for pat and her family. Just so sad.

  11. Thank you Suzan for letting us know. What a tragic loss. Pray, Patti

  12. You are such a blessing to us all, Suzan, for being such a caring and thoughtful friend. Thank you for posting this. I will certainly head over and leave a prayer and hug for Pat. ♥ Sending you a {{big hug}}, too, sweetie.

    xoxo laurie

  13. Thank you so much sweet Suzan for letting us know about this terrible SAD news! My heart goes out to the parents of the young lady and to her grandma, our blog friend.
    Big hugs to you too,

  14. Thanks for letting us know Suzan, she is such a sweet lady and I know she'll have so much support from the blogging community.

  15. Such awful news. She was a gorgeous girl. To have her life cut so short :(. I don't know pat but I will head on over to offer my sympathies to her and her family.

  16. Immediate prayers go out to your blog-friend, her family, and for you. What a sad, sad day. You are a true sister of this grieving woman.

    Peace in Christ,

    1. Thank you SO much Ceil - it's so terribly tragic this............and she's such an incredible lady

  17. How terrible and sad! I just can't imagine. I hope they somehow find the strength and the courage to get through this.


  18. I am so sorry, I have been busy with so much stuff I haven't read anything until today. I am speechless and so sad for her and the family.


  19. There are no words for the sorrow the family is suffering. I'm sorry for your friend, Suzan.

    1. Debbie thanks so much for taking the time to visit Pat - it means the world to me, really.
      I'm absolutely heartbroken for her.
      Much love,

  20. Hi Susan~
    I'm Kristi Pat's daughter. I want to say thank you for your prayers for our family & tell you my mom is beginning to feel peace in her heart as we try each day to pick ourselves up & keep putting one foot in front of the other. Abby was full of life, love & laughter & wise beyond her almost 16 years.
    We got mom moved into her new apt & it is fantastic. I think Abby had a little something to do with making it so stress free as this time last week we were praying for a miracle knowing we had no choice in delaying the packing & moving.
    I truly believe in the power of prayer so thank you again for praying over our family for peace & rest.
    Much Love,

    1. Oh Kristi - that you took the time to comment here is extraordinarily kind of you - please - no thanks required. Thank YOU though for keeping me updated on your Mom -
      I'm so happy she's moved into her new place - and can begin the healing process -
      With much love to you and everyone..............


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!