
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Dear Annie Sloan

You don't know me from a hole in the head - ( I'm a friend though of Caroline's here in Montreal though and if that connection helps me at all I'm milking it for all it's worth)
so I know I carry absolutely no " weight " on this matter - but I have a request.

I adore your products - I only use your paints - I scream it out to the world about my love for it -
But I have a dirty little secret...................
I hate waxing.

I look at video's of people waxing - yourself included and you all make it look so effortless - but I don't and never will find it effortless - it's a lot of work ( for me )

I know you're coming to Montreal in the Fall - but that will be long after the sweltering humid heat waves Montreal has in the month of July - and you live in England so you will never know how difficult it is to work with sweat pouring into your eyes - and burning your eyelids so that you can barely open them - and that's just from walking into the kitchen.
I just finished waxing a dresser and I swear to God I think I lost 15 pounds ( of which I will put back on immediately by stuffing my face uncontrollably from the sheer work out I've just endured )

With all the spectacular things you've invented - it's time Annie - it's time.
You need to come up with a wipe on or brush on top coat with a sheen - ( not the same thing you have for floors ) and give us lazy painter's a choice.
Come on - don your lab coat once again ( I can't because I'm simply melting to death as I type this and an extra layer of clothing would completely do me in )

Respectfully yours
( I can only type with one hand - because the other arm has been rendered useless today )
Simply Suzan
Oh - and I'd love a true black ( while you have your lab coat on - that would just be the icing on the cake )

Suzan says - I'm typing an open letter to Annie Sloan
John says - You're not
Suzan says - I most definitely am
Suzan says - I sent a letter to the Prime Minister of Canada last month too
John says - Good luck with replies - you're completely nuts
Suzan says - I DID get a reply from the Prime Minister's office
Suzan says - And if Stephen Harper replied to me, surely Annie can too?
Suzan says - You can't implement change unless you go out there on a limb and demand  politely  ask for it
Suzan says - And we Canadians are nothing if not polite
Suzan says - Let's hope the Brits are too...............
John says - Oh we are - we're most definitely polite
John says - But we tend to stay away from crackpots..............


  1. Lol can she make it available online in Australia too, there aren't enough stores. It's a very big island and driving 2000 miles to the nearest store isn't an option

  2. Try using wax in the South of the US where the wax turns to liquid form when exposed to outside temps. Thanks for the effort made, Suzan! Wax on, wax off.

  3. I love it but maybe you should really post it to her just think Suzan you will be a hero to millions of lazy painters (myself included)-love dee x

  4. Waxers everywhere unite!!! :)

    John gave you an offhanded comment there in the end, didn't he? Since he married you and all... :)

  5. Oh- I hear you- I thought I was the only one that hated waxing. I think that is the worst part of the whole shebang. A wipe/brush on poly would be fantastic. Of course, I should talk- I haven't painted a piece of furniture in weekes....and weeks.....and weeks. I even have some transfer gel I haven't tried yet. Helllllllooooo~

    I hope you get a response and pure black would be great, too. xo Diana

  6. Me thinks John's last comment was just a tad ironic...LOL...

    Well, you go, girl! And I hope Annie Sloan gives some serious consideration to your request. I bet there'll be a huge wave of sighs of relief from many other users of her paint!

  7. Hmmm, I get the stinging eyes, even here in DRY Colorado! Bought the wax to use and it looks like a lot of work to me and now you've confirmed it. Why do all the other bloggers want to make EVERYTHING look so E.A.S.Y.??!!♥♫

  8. Oh, you'd have all of the blogosphere indebted to you if she comes out with either of your suggestions! :)

  9. I'm with you! I hate to wax too. I prefer glaze so that's usually my "go to" finish. I use a clear glaze and add whatever color (usually an umber) to it. It's much easier to work with.

  10. Suzan, I'm sure all the ASCP enthusiasts would scoff, but waxing is not on my radar screen. I did my kitchen table last weekend and just used the Minwax Wipe On Poly, 3 coats. It doesn't make it baby butt smooth and soft, but I needed heavy duty protection, and fast. it works!

    1. Is it bubble free, Debra? That's always my dilema. :(

  11. Love this post!!! I found the waxing to be tiring. Your arm gets exhausted. I use a glaze sometimes too and either mix it with raw umber or burnt umber. I think it is easier to work with and sometimes gives me more playtime too! You go girl for ALL of us!!!


  12. Hi Suzan,
    I hate to wax too. Good for you to take it to the top!!!!!! If she does come up with something new maybe she could name it after you!!! Just sayin!!!!

  13. It'll be interesting to see if you get a reply :)

  14. Yes waxing is a challenge for me too.But I hear her lacquer is awesome to use.Better and easier than wax.Going to try it soon myself!

  15. Hi Suzan. You should send the letter directly to her. I did, because her paint is not to find here in Norway. I so wanted to try the paint, and I asked her where to find it. Only a couple of days, I got a mail from her. She is a fantastic lady and wanted to help me. She sent a mail to a shop in Sweden and they contacted me. I could have it sent from there, but it`s very expensive to ship, so I haven`t done it yet.

    Have a great day

    Hugs from here

  16. I second the motion! I don't like waxing either but I thought it was a personality flaw. As in, I love getting the ball rolling but if a project takes too long I get bored with it.

  17. I agree with you. And besides, nothing ventured, nothing gained, as they say. And, Suzan, after reading your post it makes me appreciate you work all the more. You deserve a response to your letter!

  18. P.S. Please don't sweat all over that nice furniture. lol

  19. Suzan, as long as you're requesting - make sure it doesn't get little bubbles in it, OK? lol hate those tiny bubbles in top coats.

    1. Camille you're stirring it too much if you get bubbles!!!
      And if you take your brush and just drag it along the surface they should disappear :)

  20. I couldn't agree with you more, Suzan....hate waxing. And don't get me started on dark wax. That's another letter to Annie for sure. Right now I have a beautiful dresser finished in Graphite with a red undercoat but I can't get the wax right - too dark, streaky, horrid. It's still sticky because I put so much on. And the thought of taking some mineral spirits to it and re-waxing almost makes me cry.

    Plus it's horrid for the carpal tunnel!!!

  21. Suzan, I have never used the Annie Sloan wax cuz it is too stinky for me. I have used CeCe Caldwell wax, and it is very soft and goes on very quickly. Can you get it in Canada? I used a product on my tabletops called AFM Safecoat Polyureseal. It brushed on (with no smell), and I use it on anything where it needs to be waterproof or hard-wearing. Comes in Satin Finish (and gloss too, I think). Hope this helps.

  22. Great idea! I too prefer CeCe Caldwell if I'm using wax, but I usually just cheat and use Polyacrylic anyways. I live in the middle of the freaking Mojave desert! (Phoenix = 3 months a year of 110 degrees+ temps) I don't like having to tell my clients not to put a piece of furniture directly in the sunlight or else it will get tacky.

  23. I was nodding my head and LOL as I read your post. I don't paint items to sell. I've only done done a few pieces for personal use and I found waxing extremely taxing (haha). I thought I must be the idiot because everybody else makes it look sooo easy. I hope Annie takes note.

    1. Waxing is Taxing lol - I love that - guess a lot of people find it as difficult as I do!!!!!

  24. Ahhhh yes in both counts but if u get the black first pls promise to share Lol
    And obviously John is wrong about Brits as he married u lol

  25. I'll have to agree with you! I would love to see something that just wipes on and you are done! I have found that if I buff soon after I wax it is MUCH easier! MUCH. I don't let it set more than 5 to 10 minutes. As soon as it is set at all I am buffing!
    And I do hope you shared this post on Annie's fb page!

  26. It's not my favorite thing to do, either. However, I consider it such a blessing that I don't have to strip and sand that I hug my wax pots.
    My lovely, lovely wax pots...I like the CCC wax, too- but I don't think it holds up as well as AS. The smell of AS wax bothers me so I have to use it outside, meaning I can't use it in the summer. I recently got MMS wax for indoor use- no smell and easy application. I can't say how it will hold up yet, but fingers crossed.
    Yes, tell Annie your troubles. I'm sure she'd love the input.
    Waxing is Taxing- LOL!

  27. Oh my goodness, pretty should send this message to Annie Sloan herself, I'm sure she will appreciate it coming from such a fabulous 'DIYer' as yourself and so talented! She should come up with something to help her wonderful customers! Thanks for your always generous visits, lovely friend. Big hugs,

  28. Too funny! I know the feeling of the sweat interrupting painting time too. I have yet to travel and buy AS but I have waxed quite a few pieces and agree it is a workout.

  29. Oh you poor one-armed girl!!! lol! Just think of the biceps you're going to have!! lol You DO know that they have waxing brushes that you attach to a power drill, don't you?? Makes life a wholllllle lot easier, and you won't be left with an arm made of Jello. :)

    xoxo laurie

  30. I'm with Laurie on this one. Use a power tool. I certainly do!

  31. Way to go straight to the source Suzan! Looks like a lot of people are right there with you! You know I found a true black when I was shopping with Deneen right?

  32. Dear Annie,
    I hope you read comments too. While you're in your lab, please make sure the topcoat you're working on doesn't make whites yellow. I hate when they do that!
    Magali, who uses your paint in France

  33. Lol.....I really should bite the bullet and buy a quart of this stuff. I do have the wax in a different brand though. It's okay but I usually just use carnauba wax which I love!


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!