
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Dressers are Red, my love ........................

Morning everyone!!!

I don't have a before for you this time - guess I deleted it before I should have :(
But I had decided this too needed to go red long before I dragged it home to do it!!!
But it looked very much like this one


red,emperor's silk,annie sloan, french provincial, dresser, makeover

This is the third one I've done - and the third one that's sold right away ..............this color is magic - it
may become my new signature color  !!!

As most of you know Quebec has a majority of French speakers................and Red is the color of passion
Maybe that's why?   And Oh how those romantic people love RED :)

Most of my Paris Grey and White's are bought by English speakers LOL

The depth

red, dresser, emeror's silk, annie sloan, chalk paint, original hardware

The richness

red, emperor's silk, dresser, makeover, chalk paint, brass handles, annie sloan

speaks to their hearts I believe

and doesn't it look like one big gigantic heart?

Annie Sloan Chalk Paint - Emperor's Silk

dresser, clear wax, dark wax, emperor's silk, annie sloan, makeover,

ASCP, red, emperor's silk, clear wax, dark wax, makeover, dresser

Have a great Tuesday everyone!!!

Partying with!!!
Shabby Creek Cottage                              I Gotta Create                            Rooted in Thyme
French Country Cottage                            Chase the Star                            My Turn ( for us )
One Artsy Mama                                      My Romantic Home                   The Shabby Nest
Miss Mustard Seed                                   Funky Junk Interiors                   It's Overflowing
Under the Table & Dreaming             Not Just a Housewife                  A Diamond in the Stuff
Confessions of a Plate Addict                    Homework                                 Adorned from Above
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia              Savvy Southern Style                  Common Ground
The Charm of Home                                The Dedicated House                  Glitter Glue & Paint


  1. It is beautiful, how interesting that the language difference has a colour difference

  2. Beautiful family room is predominantly is a color that resonates with me!!

  3. Yes, I'd put a heart around that, too. It's beautiful!

  4. Maybe if my French husband had been painted that color I would have stayed married to him. Maybe not... :)

  5. Very pretty! The French are an adventurous sort aren't they?

  6. That looks great. I LOVE the red and think it brings out the beautiful lines of the piece. Love the dark wax/stain(?) on the edges, too. Great job, Suzan. You did good! xo Diana

  7. I have a friend who would die for this! Red is her favorite color. You deliver to Texas, right?

  8. Oh my gosh, I would love to design a room around that beauty!

  9. I think you are right about the color choices. Love that color for sure

  10. Mom, make Suzan stop inspiring me!

    I need more tiiiiimmmmmmme!

  11. usual! Your pieces always look amazing when you're done!

    Blessings, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  12. The dresser turned our great I'm not surprised it sold right away! The color is wonderful, Laura

  13. I adore red, but the ONE furniture piece I've painted red is still unsold. Maybe the magic is you!

  14. I love red! I have a few pieces in my house. This is a great piece no matter what color. Love it!

  15. It's a beautiful piece to begin with (I love curves!) and the red makes it look gorgeous!

    Just curious.... which part of Montreal is your shop? (I'm from Montreal but moved south of the border because of hubby's work.)

  16. Yeah, I'd buy that in a second too. I think it's gorgeous and am not surprised it sold quickly.

  17. Ooo la la! Did you use dark wax over it? Did you stick some blue Christmas balls in one of the drawers? Inquiring minds wanna know.

  18. Suzan,

    Gorgeous!! I love, love the color. I am a color person and like subtle color too. By the way, do you ever sleep? You are like the Energizer Bunny...LOL!


  19. That is gorgeous, Suzan. I have a quart of Emporer's Silk and have never used it. Maybe it's time. You have inspired me.

  20. If the French go for Emperor's Silk red, then the Italians must go for a Bordello red!

    I'm Italian, but I usually stick with the gray and white like the stuffy English. Oh well, I'm a disgrace to my ancestors.

    Lovely work on the dresser, btw.

    1. lol - you've been " stuffified " Teri!!!
      Thanks for the dresser " love "

  21. It's gorgeous! I have a piece on standby to do in red...Hopefully it will turn out as well. :)


  22. Hi Suzan!!!

    I've always loved this dresser and now you've made it absolutely gorgeous!!!

    I remember a designer that said you should always have one item in a room that is black, but, I beg to differ. I love having one item that is red...All shades of red. Red holds your attention right away when you walk into a room.

    Beautiful job Suzan!!!!!

    Enjoy the rest of the week!!!


  23. Suzan, that dresser is stunning! I have been afraid to use this colour, but I have to put it on my shopping list. You did a fantastic it!
    Debbie :)

  24. Thank ou Suzan;)
    This dresser is gorgeous!
    Nice red color;)
    Love and hugs

  25. Ooh la la. Beautiful rouge. My husband and I are trying (TRYING) to pick up a little french to help us on our upcoming trip to Quebec (to celebrate my impending descent into the next decade of life). The word for "bathroom" is at the top of my list. haha

    1. Salle de Bain Betsy LOL - and remember the word Poutine - ( a Quebecoise french fry dish like no other )

  26. Suzan...I love red :) It is super beautiful with it's lovely shape to match that beautiful color!!

  27. Red is my favorite color, sadly it's not a good seller for me :(. So happy it sells for you though! Turned out beautiful Susan. Dee from My Painted Stuff

  28. Looks like I will have to learn French cuz I love it. Gorgeous!!!

  29. Another beautiful piece!! You seem to have a winning combo...the perfect color and your wonderful paint techniques!
    Mary Alice

  30. A-ma-zing! Again, you always know what color to paint each piece. This is such a pretty color Suzan. Hope you're having an accident free week ;-)

  31. Totally agree with you, this piece is absolutely gorgeous!!!! I would've bought it too! Following you back dear! See you around and thanks for your sweet comment! :-)

    1. Thanks SO much - think It's time to do something for myself in red :)

  32. so bold!! the red is delicious! and I just love the shape of this. no wonder it sold straight away. LInk it up to my paint parade tomorrow please!!

  33. That red is so deep, how not to fall in love with it? Red is also the colour of rebellion. A friend of my mother's grand-father had been arrested during the Second Empire because he painted his mantel red, meaning by that he was against the Emperor!

  34. Truly gorgeous Suzan! Maybe I need a signature color!!

  35. Hi Suzan, it is beautiful! I love the red! Thank God for the upcoming rain, I can hear thunder hear as well. Today was SO hot and humid that I was beginning to feel sick. Take care of yourself and stay cool, it is so nice to hear that thunder!

    1. Thanks Linda -
      It's coming down now - PRAISE the LORD and pass the umbrella.................
      Think I'm going to go out and dance in the streets now LMHO

    2. Hi Suzan, LOL! Isn't it great? It is so nice to see it! It was quite heavy, and boy, did we ever need it! :)

  36. It looks romantic in red! It has to be a real statement piece in any room.
    You did a great job, love it!

  37. Gorgeous red!! Love it! I hope it sells fast for you, but I'd want to keep it! ~Zuni

  38. PS - Thanks for following. I'm your newest, happy follower! :) ~Zuni

  39. Dressers are red - I love it! Can't live without red. :)

  40. WOW!!!! Haven't done red in a long time...going to be pulling it out. What an awesome job on this!!!!

  41. Too funny...I'm at a party and the first two I click are yours! That dresser is gorgeous in RED! You do good work girl!

    Have a great weekend,
    Linda and Jeannie at The French Hens Nest

  42. Hi Suzan, I LOVE this color! I'm going to be painting a dresser for my nephew in this color soon because he LOVES red! I think it will add a beautiful pop of color to his room. It looks amazing on the one you did! Great job!

  43. I've been wanting to try this color. Seeing your masterpiece makes me anxious to find just the right piece to try it on.

  44. This is really beautiful! I'm still trying to build up the nerve to paint an old desk that I want to turn into a shelf. It's currently like this mohagony laminated color which is...okaay but I really wanna try adding color. Thanks so much for sharing, this might be the push I need ;)


    1. Thanks so much Christal - don't be nervous - just DO it !!!!!!!!!
      You'll never look back I promise - and if you need any tips or pointers please don't hesitate to ask!

  45. Suzie @ Dorothy Sue and Millie B's too

    Very beautiful.... I love the red! I am your latest follower!

    1. Thanks so much Suzie !!!!!!!!!!
      I'm already following you on google +

  46. LOVE LOVE LOVE this!!!!! Did you share this on DIY Showcase??


  47. I love that I can see a picture at a link party and know before I click it that it is you. Your work is beautiful and just stands out.

    I am off now to convince Steve that our dresser needs to be painted ASCP Greek Blue. I have the paint and am ready to go, but I realize that he might just have a word or two to say about it.


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!