
Thursday, July 25, 2013

I'm seeing Red

This will be the last red one for a while - I promise

Because I DO realize that too much of a good thing can be a bad thing................

and that I don't necessarily HAVE to post every makeover that I do ( a concept that just came to me tonight lol )

so I thought one last one would be enough for now - after all this is the 4th one

I'm starting to see red.....................anyway the handles looked awful so I updated it like this!!!

much better, don't you think?

Stay tuned - we're picking this up this weekend

But first we have to get this one out of the van.

I'm off to see Kathy Griffin tonight at the Just for Laughs festival.................she makes me laugh
( more then John does even )

Have a great wknd all :)

I'll be at the following parties this week!!!
It's Overflowing                                        Homemaker on a dime                       The Farmhouse Porch      
Under the Table & Dreaming            Knick of Time                                    Atta Girl Says
Savvy Southern Style                               Shabby Creek Cottage                       Common Ground
French Country Cottage                          One Artsy Mama                                The Shabby Nest
Miss Mustard Seed                                 Funky Junk Interiors                           I Heart Nap Time
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia


  1. I love your red pieces.

    Yellow is big this year too.

  2. Red is one of my favorites. I never get tired of it either. Sometimes it's nice to see something other than white. Great job, Suzan. I love that style dresser.

  3. It's perfectly fine to be on a red kick every once in a while! I can't wait to see what you do with the other pieces and I can't WAIT to hear about Kathy Griffin - love her!


  4. Oh my Suzan I will take the second one from the Van. Woooooo that piece is great. What are you going to do with that one. I like her lines she is going to be a beauty queen when you are done. I like your red pieces so bring them on. You may even get me to have a red piece somewhere in my home!!!!

  5. Slap a little red on the big monster you are pulling out of the van! Nah - go crazy with some Versailles and Pure White. I actually can't remember if I have ever seen a green piece on your blog.

    You know I love the red dressers...all of them. I really like this one because it is relatively understated.

    Looking forward to see what you do with the new china closet. Keeping the metal grid?

  6. Gosh Suzan you have so much energy to redo such big pieces,can't wait to see them. :)

  7. Love the red.I am seeing heaps of yellow on blogs at the moment have you painted anything yellow before-love dee x

  8. Annie Sloan will be the loser if you don't show more red. I haven't tackled repainting furniture in years, but these red pieces have been a big push in that direction. I've been researching online to find out all about this paint. Each piece moves me closer to spending the money on this kinda expensive paint. I do love the red!

  9. Kathy Griffin! That is fun. Enjoy!

    I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with that huge piece. I've no doubt you'll make it beautiful.

  10. Ohh have fun at the comedy show!

  11. I like the chest of drawers. I wouldn't have imagined red a good colour but it works very well indeed! Enjoy your laughs tonight! :)

  12. Loving the red and those are two great pieces waiting in the wings. Have fun at the show and a great weekend. xo Diana

  13. well I love the reds, each and everyone of them,

  14. I like red too, as long as it's only one piece and as long as that one piece is an English phone box. lol (just kidding, Suzan!) I do love red, especially used as an accent piece. I'm eager to see what you're going to do with the new acquisitions. (And do let me know when you've got my phone box ready.) :-)

  15. Beautiful as usual! I love the two new pieces and can't wait to see what you do with them...:)

    Blessings, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  16. I am sooo lovin' the red! But I love all colours, so can't wait to see what you do with those two huge pieces. Enjoy the show, that Kathy's a hoot!

  17. I love red so you can just keep showin' it if you want - it's your blog.

    I saw an ugly piece at the thrift shop yesterday and I thought to myself "what would Suzan do?" If it had been cheap instead of several hundred dollars I think I might have taken on the challenge.

  18. Oh, I love this piece! It would look great in my bedroom (where I love a pop of red!) Great job :)

  19. Never too much red.....IMHO.

    We have very similar taste! I did two very similar pieces. The hutch was a bugger because only 2 doors opened so I basically had to insert myself to get the inside painted. If I had to do it again I would see if I could take the back off. That would have made it soooo much easier!

  20. Lové the beauty over here Suszan, I am looking forward to what you do with the other pieces.
    Thank you dearly for sharing your grace and beauty over at my place.
    Will see you soon!


  21. No, really, you do have to post every makeover you do. It is the law. You can look it up.

    1. Call me lawless Teri LMHO..................
      Where do I look up that particular law btw?
      YOU are too funny

  22. Gorgeous as always Suz and I can't wait to see what you are planning for the other pieces. So much potential. Have a great weekend!


  23. I'm laughing because I feel the same way about posting furniture all the time. And Kathy Griffin makes me laugh so much - she's hysterical and outrageous!! Have fun!

    1. What a show it was Heather - fabulous!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Don't tell John you don't have to post every one!

  25. Susan, I really like the red. It will make a great addition to any decor. I am really loving that armoire. Can't wait to see what you do with that.

  26. I love your red dresser. And I can't wait to see what you'll do with the two "new" pieces.

  27. I lime red, I can't wait to see the last one completed, have fun tonight

  28. Most of the furniture in our hose is vintage.

    1. Now most of my furniture is too Rick - took awhile to get there though....................
      ( I'm vintage too actually )

  29. Oooh those are two beautiful pieces - can't wait to see what you do with them. Hmmm, something tells me they won't be red! Lucky you to have the Just For Laughs Festival at your doorstep (love to watch on tv).

    1. Oh it was incredible Marie - loved and laughed through every minute.................
      I was watching it on t.v. the other night and laughing my head off at a show I had been too and the next thing I knew there I was on t.v. laughing my head off too - that was soooo surreal!!!

  30. I'm glad you're taking kind of break here Suzan...lmao!

  31. This is beautiful and I love this totally.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  32. You are on a roll! I'm impressed with your enthusiasm. I'd consider myself productive if I painted one piece of furniture. ;-)

  33. Such a lovely shade of red. It's great how the shade is the 'traditional' one for this type of furniture but looks so good!

  34. Hi Suzan, lorraine here stopping by again you do incredible work love that red. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you SO much Lorraine - you're too kind!!!

  35. OMG! SUSAN! Im totally lovin me some "RED" girl:) Long time how are you?You did a fabulous job here,love it!


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!