
Friday, August 30, 2013

Home is where the Hearts are...................

Good morning everyone - another heartfelt post today

When I began blogging I had no idea - absolutely no idea - the friendships that were waiting in store for me literally at my fingertips.  I had no idea I was about to embark on a journey that would have me meeting and becoming close friends with people all over North America and beyond - well beyond - from Europe to Australia and New Zealand.............and that people would connect with me - " get " me - ( my craziness and all ) has at times left me feeling completely overwhelmed.

We're strangers no more.
We know our children's names - our husband's names ( if there is in fact one ) we mourn each other's losses.
We celebrate each other's achievements.
We tease - cajole - and above all encourage.
We laugh - out loud
We cry - silently
We giggle and sniffle and giggle some more.
We offer praise - and suggestions - and give advice
We welcome newborns into the world
We say good-bye to those that have left
We do so collectively - as a whole - and when we decide to lift
some one up who's fallen - we hold " virtual " hands to do so, so that our " sister"
knows we're there.

It's a world where one day you casually mention that you would like to start a heart collection because of a clients collection you once saw - and fell instantly in love with ( you can read about that client's collection
HERE - It's amazing and worth it to see !!! )
And the next day you have an email from a friend thousands of miles away

Who tells you she would like to help you get started with that collection...............
And then proceeds to make the most incredible gift for you

This friend of yours - this very dear friend of yours - whom you have never met - has taken the time to create something with you in mind.............

Carol, I was touched beyond words to receive this - you'll never know how much your gift represents the
true essence of blogging for me..............of course when I look at it I'll think of you - my sweet colorful friend in California - but more than that - it truly represents how deeply connected this sisterhood of blogging really is and how I would be lost without it at this point in my life..................

John says - There's a package for you
Suzan says - Oh I think I know what it is!!!

But I wasn't prepared for the wave of emotions that flooded my heart the moment I saw it.

John says - What are you crying for now?
Suzan says - Because this represents my blog sisters John - one in particular but all of them in general
John says - Sometimes you make no sense at all....................why would a string of hearts make you cry?

He has no idea the metaphors that are racing through me - because this gift completely tugs at my heart strings.

When I think of blogging - I think of William Wordsworth's famous poem

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude
And then my heart with pleasure fills
And dances with the daffodils

Yes, my heart with pleasure fills, indeed.
Thank you for letting me dance with you everyday
I don't think I mention that near enough..............

Please take a moment to visit Carol from ART and SAND (one of the prettiest blogs out there - if you don't know her you are in for such a treat - and while you're there, completely mesmerized by what she does - take a look at what Steve, her husband, does as well )

Ok Suzan - enough with the soppy crap - THIS is why I try to keep my posts light and humorous lol
So before I start crying here again,
Much love to all -
Carol, you are amazing..................thank you for my Heart Strings once again

Sharing with!
I Heart Nap Time                                I should be mopping the floor                        Craft O Maniac
Under the table & dreaming         Confessions of a plate addict                         Not Just a Housewife
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia        The Winthrop Chronicles                              Marty's Musings            Homestories A to Z                            Savvy Southern Style                                    Adorned from Above
No Minimalist Here                            The Charm of Home                                     French Country Cottage
Deborah Jean's Dandelion House       Craftionary                                                    Chase the Star
My Romantic Home                           One Artsy Mama                                          The Shabby Nest
Finding Fabulous                                It's Overflowing


  1. The hearts are so lovely and definitely symbolic. You have great friends, because you are an awesome person, Suzan !

  2. Suzan,
    I have gotten to know Carol over the past year in blog land. Her heart is a giving and caring one and this gift she made and sent to you represents how creative and colorful she is in real life. Suzan I have to agree with Linda above you are awesome and so deserving of this sweet gift. You make us smile and lol with your conversations of John says Suzan says and you wow us with all your beautiful talented transformations. I have been blessed to have gotten to know both you and Carol on a more personal level. You both are beautiful blog land sisters!!

  3. Beautiful post, Suzan, and I think you have summed up blogging friendships perfectly. A few years ago I would have thought it crazy that I could become true friends with people I've never met, and yet I find I now refer to my blogging friends in much the same way as I refer to the friends I see in everyday life. My family even know who I'm talking about!

  4. Lovely post Suzan!!!! And what a pretty and sweet gift! xx

  5. From one heart collector to another-have a wonderful day! Glad to be a friend.♥♫

  6. What a beautiful and thoughtful gift! The heart swag is so sweet and colourful. I have discovered that blog friends are pretty awesome and have met a few lately. Blessings, Pamela

  7. Awesome! You're so easy to love. :)


  8. a B E A U T I F U L post, not because it mentions me, but because of the emotions it evokes. You really got to the heart of blogging and no pun was intended there.

    I love how you have it displayed on the mantel and also the beautiful photography of each heart.

    You have made my day!

  9. Such a beautiful and sweet gift :o)
    Have a great weekend!

  10. Wow, this was lovely. As a new blogger, I am starting to understand those connections. Thanks for following my blog…I am now following you, too!

    1. Oh it's a wonderful world you've entered Amy - and one that adds so many great things!

  11. It really is incredible how bloggers connect. I started a gardening blog in 2008 and it has since morphed into my current blog. I have 'met' so many wonderful people - including you!

  12. Oh-WOW! Is that from Carol? I just found her a short while ago and adore her blog. Her husband is UBER talented and I WANT that painting he did of the old truck. Oh-to have THAT kind of talent.
    I didn't know YOU loved Wordsworth, too. I knew we were friends for a favorite:
    I listened, motionless and still;
    And, as I mounted up the hill,
    The music in my heart I bore,
    Long after it was heard no more.

    I have loved getting to know and befriend you here in Bloglandia. We are all so blessed by these "sister" relationships- xo Diana

  13. Thank you Suzan, for have such a beautiful heart and to then string them.
    Thank you for gracing your beauty over at my place sharing your thoughts on my linen lamp shade, I hope it inspired you to make one, it will be so much easier then your heart art. Who knew with so much art out there that a simple shade could be so easy with an added chic look to it.

    Love sharing with you and love all you inspire with us.
    See your beauty soon



  14. Shut up, John. Just shut up. LOL

    Lovely post, Suzan, and I wonder how many of us blogging 'sisters' teared up reading it.

  15. I love that you used the hearts to get down to the heart of the post. Very nice, Suzan, and I like the heart string!

  16. Hi Suzan! I love to see your tender heart, it's nice every once in while! What great blog-friends you have. Thank you for sharing that with all of us!


    1. Oh thanks so much Ceil - and thanks for joining me today
      Have a wonderful weekend

  17. wonderful!!! you have said what all of us feel, and I am glad to know you.

    1. I'm so glad to know you too Debbi!!!
      Thanks so much

  18. You got me with this post Suzan. I really was teary-eyed with this one. What beautiful thing. You know you kindness and talent have totally touched my life. I adore chatting with you.


  19. Once again Suzan, you've said so perfectly what we all feel... this time about our blogging sisters. What a wonderful thing for Carol to do, and you've displayed it beautifully.

  20. Now see what you did, ya made me teary too ya brat! LOL no, seriously....truly a beautiful post.


    1. I AM a brat like that Christine - now blow your nose and get over it LMHO............
      Thanks so much :)

  21. Yep, I teared up too -although I am very premenstrual - haha Seriously, Suzan, blogging got me through a tough year. Some of my blogging friends are there for me more than my in person friends. I'm so glad to have you in my circle of friends. You're awesome!!!

  22. Oh, and I'm on my way to visit art and sand, a friend of yours is a friend of mine :-)

  23. Awww...that is the sweetest post Suzan! It's true, we all feel like we know each other even though we've never met. What a wonderful blog friend Carol is and such a lovely gift couldn't have gone to a nicer person! Lucky you!

  24. Oh Suzan you could not have said it better. I was feeling low and my friend Phyllis of Around R House got me started blogging. Helping me along, making suggestions and encouraging me.
    I live alone with my two doggies, have a lot of friends but with work and they have families I don't get to see them a lot. But then I started blogging - I have met so many wonderful people who care and cheer you on from all over the world. It's one of the best things that has ever happened to me .
    So thank you dear Suzan and all the other wonderful bloggers who I follow.
    Have a great weekend and hope the squirrels have found a new home.

  25. What beautiful hearts and such a lovely gift too! Yes it is a wonderful kinship we all have as blogging buddies!

  26. Oh, dear ~ I must be allergic to something in the air right now, because my eyes are all teared up...

    What a wonderful post, and yes, Carole is a sweetie!

    Hugs ~

  27. I love her blog! and her colors. She always amazes me at what she does.

  28. Great post!! You said it well about how we all feel about our blogging sisters. We have all made some very close friends even though we have never met...but the icing on the cake is when you do get to meet them in person. I have been blessed to have actually met 6 of my blogging sisters in person. Let me tell you...there sure was lots of happy crying and hugging going on!


  29. What a sweet gift and friend! (I would have cried, too)

    1. Isn't it so thoughtful?
      Love love love blogging and the people I'm met - including you Betsy :)

  30. What a sweet sweet gift. Blogland is a wonderful place.

  31. What a sweet, thoughtful gift. Yes, Carol is a dear! I've enjoyed reading her bog and getting to know her in recent weeks. Love her colorful cottage by the sea.

  32. This is an awesome gift from Wonderful Carol. And, although I'm taking a semi-blogging break right now to focus on some family things, I had to comment and say you are one of my all-time favorite bloggers and I actually THINK about you when I make a heart-fluttering home decor purchase. "I wish Suzan were here to celebrate with me!"

    HUGS from Oklahoma, USA,

  33. What a beautiful post Suzan, and you almost got me teary eyed too..and that hasn't happened since I watched Marley and Me. ;)

    I saw Carol's post the day she said she was sending this to you and I thought 'how lucky is Suzan!' You can tell a lot of love went into making that garland. I know you will treasure it!

  34. I love your sweet felt hearts garland. So sweet of Carol to make you such a heartfelt gift. What a lovely post you've written today and you've captured the relationships we have with each other in the blogging world so well! I love the beautiful poem you shared, one of my favorites!

  35. Hi Suzan!!!!

    I love your new hearts!!!

    Even though I think you have the biggest heart of them all!!!
    I've missed visiting your Blog, but, I still do talk about you
    as if we are long lost friends from our Montreal!!

    I intend to catch-up with you and what you've been up to. It's so nice to see that other people love you too!!!

    Have a great long weekend!!!!


  36. I love this post, Suzan, because it really captures the heart of blogging!! So much more than all the's the wonderful friendships beyond our little communities. Carol is amazing and the heart swag is adorable!!
    Mary Alice

  37. Such a beautiful post, Suzan! What a lovely gift to receive. I know exactly what you are saying about the blogging connections. I feel the same. I've met some wonderful people from different areas. It's such an incredible experience.

  38. What a beautiful gift! Bloggy friends are the best!

  39. Such a sweet and thoughtful gift for you, Suzan! The generosity of fellow bloggers is always wonderful to read, and experience. And the friendships made are very precious.
    Debbie :)

  40. Love this post, Suzan! It's so true...blogging opens up our hearts to many wonderful women we never would have met otherwise.
    Very sweet gift from a very sweet lady!

  41. I had seen the hearts on Carol's blog. Such a cute gift. Now every time I see primary colours, I think of her!

  42. Such a cute idea! I'm hosting a candle giveaway that you should enter!

  43. Hi Suzan,
    I understand what you're saying perfectly. The hearts are a loving gesture from one's heart to another.
    Since I began blogging, my life, like yours, has changed. I have met so many lovely friends. Friends that I have things in common with all over the world and it's an awsome thought when you think about it! When I had my accident earlier this year, I received cards and little gifts from all over the world. I love my blogging friends and they know I do. Thank you for sharing your pretty hearts with us. And enjoy your weekend.


  44. Suzan, what a lovely gift for a lovely person. Have a great weekend.

  45. this is a beautiful post, I completely agree with you it is the best thing about blogging. If someone had told me a year ago what blogging would give me I would never have believed it. That is a gorgeous gift and I would have cried too

  46. What a lovely string of hearts, I can understand why you were so happy to receive them. It's so good to be able to meet people from all over the world through blogging who share the same passions!

  47. What beautiful hearts and an even more beautiful post.


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!