
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas in the great outdoors...............

Next year - without a year - outside my kitchen window

For those of you down South - you can keep your balmy temps for Christmas - I wouldn't trade
snow for anything in December ( but it can leave immediately after - I'm fed up of it by January )
Maybe you have to be from a cold climate to " get it " - but in my corner of the world nothing
screams Christmas like tons of snow :)


It's wrapped up in every single memory I have of Christmas
                         of crooked snowmen with carrot noses and raisin eyes and cast off scarves

                                   and contests to see who could make the biggest snow angels

                                             and red toboggans that we dragged up hills

                                                 in ice castles and forts and snow ball fights

                                           and tongues sticking out to catch snow flakes -

                                             It reminds me of hot coco and snow days -


                                     of mittens and hats lovingly knitted by grandparents

                                             and woollen socks that felt itchy but warm..................


of dark mornings and a bowl of porridge before heading off to school
                  Of white lace up skates that always left our toes numb - but our cheeks perfectly rosy

     and the magic of that first dusting that always looked like diamonds had been scattered across the land

And as much as I complain about snow ( and I do - oh believe me I do ) the first snow fall always does a                 little something to my heart - it usually means Christmas is right around the corner and.......................
                                 and I just can't think of Santa Claus without thinking of snow

                                               It's the reason he wears boots after all :)

                                                Let it snow - let it snow - let it snow !!!
                                                                   ♪  ♪   ♪   ♪
                                                    ( as long as we've nowhere to go )


  1. We have had several snowfalls already this season but it will be 60+ degrees this weekend. Thankfully, it will be back down in the 30s for Christmas but no snow. Bummer.

  2. I know exactly what you mean, and I feel the same way. Christmas just isn't the same without snow. It adds a touch of magic to it. Of course, I only need it around for a couple of weeks during the holidays; then it can all melt :)

    I hope you are keeping well, Suzan. I know you've been very busy working on your new home, but I hope you've been taking time to relax and enjoy this season.

  3. I love the sparkling diamonds in the snow, but sure don't like driving in it out here on the eastern plains of Colorado. That's called a blizzard, just in case you didn't know that. ;D And when it snows, it most always blows out here. Now in the mountains, that's a different story. The flakes that come down are so pretty and most always fall straight down! I lived in the high country when I first started teaching and we never closed school for snow. May your have LOTS of snow up your way for Christmas!♥♫

  4. I'm with you, sista. It's great to have snow in December so my outdoor Christmas decorations don't look dorky, but by the end of February I am ready for some major meltage.

  5. What lovely images and childhood memories!

  6. I feel exactly the same as you, only I couldn't write it nearly as poetically.

  7. I love the snow for Christmas too. We have a bunch on the ground but it is supposed to be 60 degrees this Sunday so I think it may be gone. 60 in December, how wacky is that??? Gorgeous pictures.


  8. I grew up with Florida Christmas's and I wouldn't trade either although those trees are pretty.

    Stop by my blog this week. I'm giving away a gorgeous scarf from fresh produce.

  9. Definitely, ya gotta have snow for Christmas otherwise your extension cords are showing, LOL. We got about 8 inches yesterday and it is just gorgeous outside. But as much as I love it now I want it all gone by January. Every last flake, gone!

  10. Yeah, I'm jealous. I have never had a white Christmas. Never and I'm 52. Never. Sigh. I may just cry.

  11. Sweet post, my dear.
    I love snow...but you already know that I love winter. ;-)

    Merry Christmas
    xx oo

  12. What a beautiful post, Suzan. The photos of all those trees are gorgeous and your words brought back some memories of my childhood too. Thank you. We've had a winter's share of snow already here and more coming on the weekend. I'm already tired of it but I want it to stay for 2 more weeks. And we know it will stay for 3 more months, at the least.

  13. Those are beautiful Christmas trees! Great memories to go along with the photos, too. I feel just like you - I enjoy a good snowstorm, but I want it over with by January 2!

  14. From someone without snow ever, these look so magical but since Christmas means Summer is here the smell of cut grass, sunscreen, and chlorine is what my Christmas smells like. However I have a white Christmas on my bucket list

  15. Beautiful images, Suzan. I love snow at Christmas- the rest of the year? blahhhhh- xo Diana

  16. Well, you know I love snow. Enjoyed seeing all of the pictures. Beats looking at paint chips, which is what I've been doing for hours.

  17. it's one of the great joys of being Canadian - the four seasons. I don't think I could live without snow at Christmas - although here in Southern Ontario we don't always get a white Christmas. I can still feel my feet burning with frostbite after an afternoon of skating at the local outdoor rink during the holiday break. And snowy walks home from church on Christmas Eve. Merry Snowy Christmas, my friend.


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!