
Sunday, March 9, 2014


Good morning everyone -

I have to tell you, it doesn't take much to freak me out on any given day - but this to me is

When I ordered this bracelet - I quickly went back to order another one - so that Pat could have one as well as someone else.............they unfortunately didn't have any left ( sold out in 4 hours ) 

I went over to to generate a winner - grabbed the number and went back to see who had won - AND NUMBER 15 WAS PAT !!!!!!!!!

I put in the correct entry number -which was 56 but for some reason when I copy and pasted it, it went back to 100 - don't know why - but it does this every single time I use it

True Random Number Generator  15Powered by RANDOM.ORG

Given the fact that this give away was to honor Abby - Pat's ( Gypsy Heart & Soul ) beautiful granddaughter, it completely floored me.

( I got chills - they're multiplying )


I think Abby's looking out for her Mimi 

I shouldn't say this - it's not fair - but I'M SO THRILLED PAT WON THIS !!!

On another sad tragic horrific note - I can't stop thinking of the plane that disappeared - Dear God this is too's just too much



  1. I think it's awesome that Pat won! This will mean more to her than anyone....:) Made me smile too....:) Congratulations to Pat!!!!
    Blessings, Vicky

  2. Congratulations to Pat for winning the lovely bracelet. Sometimes what seems like "random" chance or mere synchronicity is actually - well - something else. What, I don't know, but I've seen it operate in my life and it happens with other people too. With you on the missing Malaysian jet liner. People in the comments at the end of news stories at Yahoo, CNN, etc. all seem to think it is terrorist related, but I remember what happened to the Air France flight that disappeared over the Atlantic Ocean. it took a couple of years to locate the plane and then to recover the black box. In the end it was determined that it was pilot error in responding to some technical problems that brought the plane down. It is frightening no matter what, because when a jetliner goes down so many people are involved. It doesn't sound good for any survivors being found in this case, sadly. At this time there is nothing we can do but pray for the family and friends of the passengers and crew.

  3. Is it okay if I cry here? Just for a little bit? I have had some wonderful conversations with Pat. She is a woman of deep faith and love. She was so connected to her granddaughter, Abby, that I have NO PROBLEM in believing that little angel "binked" (as SweetCheeks says) your random generator. God bless Pat. That gift goes right where it is supposed to go.

    What plane went down? OMG-I did not watch the news yet and missed it last night. Going to check it right now. xo Diana

  4. Is it okay if I cry here? Just for a little bit? I have had some wonderful conversations with Pat. She is a woman of deep faith and love. She was so connected to her granddaughter, Abby, that I have NO PROBLEM in believing that little angel "binked" (as SweetCheeks says) your random generator. God bless Pat. That gift goes right where it is supposed to go.

    What plane went down? OMG-I did not watch the news yet and missed it last night. Going to check it right now. xo Diana

  5. You don't have to convince me. I believe angels are among us! The bracelet is beautiful and was meant to go where it is going. It is terribly sad about the plane with all those people aboard going down. Things are bad in the world, but in the midst of it all, God is still in control and that is comforting.

  6. Good Morning my friend. This is beautiful and so perfect that Pat won. She will treasure this more than anyone. This is such an uplifting story. I believe in angels and this story is proof. Thanks for sharing this with us. Have a great start to the new week ahead.

  7. Wow, I have cold chills right now....and my eyes are leaking! I would not be surprised at all if Miss Abby didn't have her hand in this. :) We've had lots of things happen that are indicative that she is still our "family manager". I will never be able to express my thanks and appreciation, Suzan. You've been so kind and supportive and doing this giveaway has been so heartfelt. HUGE hugs and love sent your way my sweet friend!

    I'm heartsick about the Malaysian aircraft. I went through so many incidents while working for American ~ there's no way to describe the depths of sorrow for the crew and passengers, their families and friends. In the midst of all this, we do have to remember that God is in control and He has the master plan.

    Thank you again!

    Much love,

  8. Wow! That is just so lovely and angelic. It is meant to be. xoxo

  9. It's wonderful that Pat won, and meant to be. I definitely believe that there are angels watching over us, and they come in many different forms.

  10. Congratulations to Pat on winning the beautiful bracelet. Yes, that plane 'crash' (?) is so very sad. Just tragic!

  11. Congratulations to Pat! Plane loss so sad - just one more sadness in the world. But a ray of sunshine - the Syrian nuns who were kidnapped in December were released this morning. Praise God.

  12. Good girl, Abby! I'm so happy that Pat will enjoy this beautiful bracelet. You were so kind to try to get another for Pat but no need...angels at work!

  13. It's totally fair and I'm thrilled as well that Pat is the lucky winner!

  14. I think it's wonderful Pat won the bracelet! A beautiful tribute and reminder of her granddaughter.
    Debbie :)

  15. God does work in mysterious and wonderful ways love this xx

  16. Hi Suzan!!!!


    That great and wonderful at the same time!!!!

    Now on a heavy note...More than the plane, the story that I couldn't believe and then I could at the time, is the pregnant woman who drove her van into the ocean with her kids in it!!!!! When we saw it on the news, right away I said that she was in an abusive relationship and then it came out that she was. How tragic that a woman thought the only life for her was not to have one!!!!! Men!!!!!!!

    Well, on a lighter note, I have a wonderful week!!!!!


  17. I'm so happy that Pat won this giveaway!!

  18. I can't think of a better outcome than this one....

  19. Oh that's awesome. The plane thing is terrible.

  20. This is so sweet - I love how this turned out.

    And you had me scrambling to find out about a jet that went down! I skipped watching the news at all yesterday so I am completely out of the loop - doesn't sound good from what little I read online.

  21. Yay! This is so very special. And a much needed Happy story.

  22. We speak so much of controlling our own destiny and if you do this, this and this.... you will get this.... then you see things like THIS..... such a good thing in the midst of things that we cannot comprehend! Thanks for bringing a smile.

  23. It is only fitting that Pat should receive this, her loss was so tragic and so heart breaking. And I truly do believe that things happen for a reason. I hope this brings her some comfort in knowing that she her angel watching from above wanted her to have this. hugs Tobey

  24. Suzan, you have a heart of solid gold! Congrats to Pat and yay for angels!


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!