
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Tear down that Wall.................

Good morning everyone !

A quick view of what's been going on in my world......................

Last week I showed you this photo

now here's what the other view of that looks like

We decided to open up a wall that was previously here - to make the dining room on the opposite side of the living room

Here's the view before

It made the entry way dark - opening up the wall allows light to come through like you can't believe

There's still a ton of work to do on it ( obviously lol ) but it's on its way !!!

Meanwhile over on Hometalk - where I post my makeovers - my sideboard has created some controversy - I noticed my stats were abnormally high last night - here's why................

Thought I'd share some of the comments with you for your viewing pleasure - ( and my responses of course )

1) I must say that I totally dislike the makeover. For me, a beautiful wood piece has been ruined. Redo an old pine or plywood that doesn't have much integrity anyway, a rich dark wood deserves better. I'm just saying.....

I replied

Well you felt like you " must " say it and you did lol
Now I feel I must tell you this is a reproduction piece - it's veneer - and because it deserved better I painted it !!!

2) Amost cried when I saw what you did to a lovely piece of furniture. I agree with Ronnie Edgerton.

I replied

Really Marion? I've been crying over missing planes and mudslides where too many have perished..............Don't think I've ever wasted a tear on something someone did to a piece of furniture that wasn't mine in my life!!! Sheesh - really - it boggles the mind - you don't have to like it - but please don't CRY over it - it really isn't worth it lol

3)  sorry making perfectly good furniture look like old junk just upsets me, the before picture is something I like, the after is what we threw out on the farm 50 years ago

I replied

Good grief Bev - can you be any more blunt? I don't think this is what Hometalk was supposed to be about - LOL - you sound quite vicious ! Wish I would have been around 50 years ago - I would have snapped up everything you were throwing out LOL

4)  PLEASE STOP painting every piece of beautiful wooden furniture !! some of it you have done is georgous....but you are actually ruining the value of this piece and the origionality of it. Im just not partial to painting older pieces. it is pretty this way 
no doubt, rather see the true wood. sorrryyyy. i know to each his own. and thats what is important is if you like it.

5) I replied

Hey Sandra and Connie - I wrote a post for people like you ( naysayers of painted pieces ) You can find it here 
- the thing is you won't enjoy anything I do at all - because I'm am just that - a furniture painter. And I paint for people that like painted pieces. I would NOT go to your site and dread the fact that you have a wood piece lol - I'd simply leave without saying anything at all - to each his own - at the end of the day - that's the motto I live with. I have a pretty strong character - so 
I can simply shrug it off - dig out my paint brush and paint ANOTHER piece tomorrow - but there's a comment further below where someone wants to paint their dining room set- and says she'd never post it because of naysayers - and that is just so sad to me - that she can't share her creativity.

There's TONS of them - I wrote up the post " I paint furniture " ( HERE ) a couple of weeks ago and posted it to Hometalk as well - I specifically wrote it to post on Hometalk actually to stop all of this silliness - and THAT post created a ton of controvery -  I thought it would die down...............
No way Jose!!!

The saddest comment of all ( to me anyway ) was that someone told me they were going to paint their dining room set but would never post it because of all the negativity out there.

How unbelievable sad is that?
These forums are supposed to be a place where we can share our creations - 
Not a place where we're attacked - wth?

I can sleep easy at night knowing I have never left ( not once ) a negative comment on a blog  ( or any other forum )  over something someone did.................
These people act like I'm abusing children - IT'S A PIECE OF FURNITURE EVERYONE -AND A REPRODUCTION ATTHAT lol

It makes me so grateful for the wonderful followers of this blog - truly - from the bottom of my heart - GRATEFUL !!!

Have a wonderful day all 
( I'm off to quote a price on an antique dining room and bedroom set someone wants painted LMHO ) 

Much love,

P.S - to be fair there's a lot of comments defending my actions as well -
it's quite entertaining if you want to have a look !!!
and there's far more positive comments than negative -
( I hope they don't see my post on painting floors - I think it would send some of them right over the edge LOL )

P.P.S. - 
AND this beautiful comment arrived in my mailbox after posting this - 

Hi Suzan, think about you often, dropped in on ur blog this AM. Wow, total strangers, giving negative comments, unreal Internet allows anyone to visit all sorts of sites, but as u said, don't like what u see, move on, don't go back and certainly don't leave a mean comment!!!!!! Are you finished Gillians furniture?  her mom Kathy has been away most of the winter, so haven't really been in touch. keep up your beautiful transformations, people should realize that if you didn't do what you do, landfills would be even bigger!!!!, Love and hugs, xoxox

Sign - and THAT cancels out every single negative comment - since that comes from a previous Client turned Friend !


  1. ahhh, so you have the " abuse to wood furniture people" against you, lol, obviously we were taught the same, if you can't say something nice say nothing at all,
    no one forces us to comment, that is our choice,
    If you need someone to bail you out, I'm your guy!
    Your house is looking amazing, wow, its shocking the transformation, I really like your style, elegant yet cosy, classy yet liveable,

  2. The two words that piss me off after a comment the most are "Just Sayin'" FFS. You said it in the comment. You just don't need to say your "just Sayin" after you've just said it.

    It's a stupid add on to a comment that seems to offer the writer a reprieve from being rude.

  3. Two things: 1) THIS is how it should be. Direct, and funny, too. 2) What you're doing with your house is outstanding, really and truly.
    Rita C at Panoply

  4. Oh I want to open up walls in my house!!! Except the part where I want to open walls isn't on a foundation & would destroy the integrity of the house unless it's done exactly right. On the back burner!! xox

  5. Oh, there is always going to be that kind of comments, so sad people cannot understand that we are all different and we should live with things that make us happy! Wow, your renovation is full speed ahead! Love the staircase and all that light coming in!

  6. LOVE the open wall...HATE the naysayers. Keep on, keepin' on!


    1. Thanks Laurayne - that wall needed to be torn down - otherwise my guests would have been separated by a wall when we entertain LOL -
      Naysayers begone!

  7. Your remodel is coming along beautifully! You have a great sense of design and it's showing in your fabulous renovation! Don't know what it is about Hometalk where some people feel the need to criticize others on their likes and dislikes. I've gotten negative remarks too on things I've posted especially about using the color purple, but it seems there's always someone who comes to my defense which I'm very grateful. Once I made a comment to one of my negative readers and have regretted making it ever since. It is what it is . . . and that's life.

  8. Your tearing down walls and I'm building them up :)

    Ah hometalk, has there ever been a post without someone whining about it, seriously! I look forward to the day when I can "ruin" a piece of furniture to your standard. Or better yet have someone pay me to "ruin" theirs. Love your responses hilarious!

  9. Some folks just like to hide behind a keyboard and snark. Now I am going to tell you what I think. I think that piece you painted was horrid before you painted it. Horrid! Stripping or refinishing or whatever wasn't going to make it decent. It is dated and ugly. (Not as bad as 1980's Mediterranean furniture but still bad!) Goodness knows I drag my feet on painting anything but I would have slapped paint on that sideboard so fast heads would have turned!! Painted it can be used just about anywhere and it is cute. (And I am not writing any of this to be nice. Goodness knows that I am NOT NICE!...and I am ok with that. I am just not rude.) XXOO

  10. I love all the furniture that you have done! I do not have a painted piece of furniture in my house but I absolutely love all the pieces you have given new life to. I enjoy your posts first thing every morning and look forward to your makeovers. I just cannot paint over furniture anymore than I can tear a page out of a book......a terrible quirk to be cursed with!!! That doesn't keep me from loving painted furniture however. People can be so cruel sometime and its sad that those are usually the most vocal. So glad you have a thick skin and can laugh at the jokers!. Another note, I don't know why google signs me as anon, I am Karen proudly from Tennessee

    1. Hey Karen - thanks so much for your kind words ( I can't tear pages out of books either - think I'll work on that LOL )
      Much love from Montreal,

    2. karen check your google settings you might have that checked xx

  11. Mr. Gorbachev, I love what you did with the wall! Maybe it's the Ronald Reagan in me, but I've always loved tearing out walls. Such freedom and light! As far as the buffet goes, just ignore those naysayers. YEARS ago I purchased at auction a massive dining room set that included a table, chairs and buffet. All the legs were massive and knobby and I gave it to a relative. I think it ended up on a garage sale. Wish I had it now. I would Definitely paint it WHITE!! And yeah, lots of things out there to really cry about. Furniture is not one of them.

  12. All the work you've done is just amazing. Now would the painted wood naysayers also say you are not to tear down a wall? I see no problem with people liking or not liking things, but there is a way to say it politely or keep quiet altogether that has been lost somehow.

  13. Rock on, Chicklet. You have your army behind you.

  14. Your furniture pieces are always gorgeous, and I don't understand anyone who feels the need to leave a negative comment although I have experienced it myself. Someone felt the need to tell me what a waste it was when I used my thrifted silver goblets to make wind chimes. She asked, very sarcastically I might add, if I had ever thought of using them to drink from. lol. Now why in the world would I want to do that? lol. Love your responses. I feel sad about the person who wants to paint their dining room set, but is afraid to post it on HT, but I hope she goes ahead and paints it even if she doesn't post it.

  15. I paint furniture and anything else that will stand still long enough to be painted! !!! And heard it all too!!!
    I love that little sideboard! I think it's my favorite! Well actually I think they're all my favorite! !

  16. I applaud you Suzan for standing up for painted furniture. Suzan you just made me laugh today with your responses to these ridiculous comments. You go girl. I have to agree there are far more things in the world to be upset about than a painted piece of furniture. I also agree that Hometalk is a place to share your creative venues and not a place to have mean and hateful comments. The naysayers need to put that energy into something much more worthy. You go girl with defending your right to paint a piece of furniture. Loved all your responses. Hope by you standing up it will let that poor person that wants to paint her dining room set and post her accomplishment will do so. That is really sad that negative people have to make others feel like that. Ha Ha Suzan I always have said you are the furniture whisper and make old pieces come back to life now I think I am going to have to call you the furniture rights activist LOL! Geeez. Thanks for standing up for all of us that love to paint a piece of furniture and bring it a new life instead of filling the land fills. You Rock!

  17. And on the 7th day God invented paint stripper for those people who want an old wood veneer piece.

  18. It is quite easy to be a "mean girl" when you are not looking the person in the face.

    You are who you are and we love you.

  19. I don't think I would fret over what "others" feel. I can't believe some of their reactions, but look, they must obviously have somewhat boring lives to be so upset over painting furniture. I think when people read their comments they see their silliness! I for one am one who likes to keep my furniture pieces original if the wood is good. But I would never tell someone else that they must like what I like or do. People doing what they want is what makes the world such an interesting place to l live. Keep painting!

  20. Love your home and everything that you do! I don't understand mean people....and leaving negative comments is mean! Glad you don't let that bother you....:) You are so entertaining and talented!

  21. Love your work too. So many crabby people in the world...keep giving it to them. LOL

  22. I'm sorry you are going through all the shizz about painting furniture. Stay strong, and keep creating your masterpieces ~

    Hugs ~

  23. I love the last positive comment about you keeping this furniture out of the landfills. So true. Perfect answer!! :)

  24. Oh I love that dark wall. It looks so pretty with the white around.
    I can`t understand why people have to be so mean. If they don`t like what we do, move on. Seems like someone just love to hurt other people.

    Big hug from me

  25. I have a big problem with people who feel the need to comment and have an opinion about EVERYTHING. Like its a big prize to hear their negativity. Keep it to yourself! I often times see things that I dont particularly like or maybe is not my style, but I would never leave a rude or hurtful comment on someone else's hard work. They obviously love it or would not have posted it. Your opinion is not that important, and maybe really effect someone who its as strong and optimistic as you suzan. (which by the way, is really inspiring.) Sorry there are so many haters out there! I also paint furniture, and like you said we are saving them, and the landfills. <3

    1. I can't tell you how entertaining it's been Jessica - seriously John and I have been laughing our heads off here !
      You'd think I'd found the HOLY GRAIL and white washed it the way they're carrying on LMHO
      thanks Jessica - xoxoxo

  26. I love the transformation. It looks so much better without the wall.

    I've been guilty of painting wood too.

  27. The house is coming along! There is so much promise.
    The piece you painted looks great. When I painted pieces, I wanted to make them work in a new space, so I could enjoy them again. They are good pieces, but not precious antiques, as is most furniture.
    I am not tough enough for Hometalk. I singed up for it months ago and don't use it. Good thing you can see the humor and the ridiculousness.

    1. @Butterfly please come back to hometalk their is a lot of talented people and very nice people like me lol and we need nice people like you xx

  28. I think your work is beautiful and it's not like you are destroying something. I don't understand people sometimes - they are just plain rude.
    You go girl - keep on painting, your pieces are stunning.

  29. Suzan,
    I just painted a chair and even if I haven't shown it on the blog, I showed the before and people told me I shouldn't paint it. I wonder what they say when I show it... As you know, I love wood, and I keep a lot of it in my house, a lot more than you do... But the chair wasn't working for me. So all their comments got me thinking anf I thought pieces were allowed to live and change, otherwise they belong to a museum... Besides, painting furniture has always existed... My great grand mother had painted furniture. Keep up the good work and let the others "hate on me/you" (thought I'd leave you with a song)

  30. People are ridiculous. I think your comment re: missing plane and mudslides summed it all up rather nicely. Seriously...why do people feel the need to 'sweat the small stuff'?? (Get it...'sweat' the small stuff, lol???) Way too much negativity in the world...peace out :)

    1. LOL - but it really is quite funny don't you think? ( you referring to my last name - with the ' sweating " the small stuff LMHO - what a brat !
      Peace out - I like it ...............

  31. Oh my goodness - I think the piece was actually kind of ugly until you worked your magic on it, but if you had kept it in it's original color, I wouldn't have said a thing. I just love looking at all the stuff you paint and remake.

    1. You're too sweet Susan - thanks SO much !

  32. Suzan... miserable people say miserable things!
    Truth be told until we "furniture painters" rescued each piece to paint it generally the piece was filthy, ugly or beat to death.
    They don't see the dirt, bugs & other assorted things we clean out/off of these pieces.
    These aren't "really nice antiques"!!
    You have more energy than I do... I just don't respond to these types of statements.
    Haters gonna hate!
    P.S. I love what you do!! V

  33. suzan you know we have your back i went on to home talk and gave them another piece of my mind.... almost don't have any left..because i speak up for anyone that i see getting rude remarks just need to shut up and move on xx

    1. I saw it LMHO - thanks Chris ! ( I speak up on Hometalk constantly - it doesn't stop them at all though - I think it fuels them actually LOL

  34. Suzan good f or you girl, there is no reason what so ever for that behavior. People can be so catty and should realize this is not HIGHSCHOOL!!!! Personally, I didn't have time for it then and I certainly don't have time for it now. I just don't get it, did they even really look at the before or read what you spoke about with the piece??? So sad that this is what people truly worry about.


  35. Honest to Pete-people have been painting furniture for decades and that is why I am so VERY GRATEFUL I have found quartersawn oak pieces to strip for my own home that were painted. Once when complaining about how hard it was to remove paint from a family piece, my beloved MIL mentioned that if they hadn't painted it, it would have gone out the door and not been around to make my home beautiful! Did I shut up-you bet I did.

    Do I paint furniture-you bet I do! And our customers love it for the most part. If there are those who don't and tactlessly mention it aloud, I gently remind them that our store is for those who do and a good coat of paint can make a bad finish on a piece of furniture look terrific!!!! Last word if necessary-it keeps ugly (but potentially wonderful) pieces out of the dump!

    Keep on keeping on and we furniture painters will make the world a more wonderful place to live!!!

    xxoo Sue @ Serendipity Vintage Furnishings

  36. Oh for goodness sakes! Where are peoples manners? You're so right - if you don't like it, move on but don't say mean things. You know I love your work and every single piece you do always looks so amazing ( and I like the painted better than the original!). Hugs to you! Keep up the beautiful work.

  37. Hehehe...again...I'm never going on Hometalk. =D


  38. I was reading those hate filled comments and thinking my goodness, it's not like she's abusing children or animals! People are so ridiculous! I love what you do and always look forward to seeing your latest makeover! Looking forward to seeing the dining room too...:) Happy PAINTING!!!

    Blessings, Vicky

  39. I am totally aghast and disgusted and left incredulous by the way those people bluntly told you how much they disliked your work, Suzan. Unbelievable!!! What IS it about social media now, that people feel they can say anything they want and be so rude?! I'm glad that you take it all with a grain of salt, girl. You have waaaaay to many of us out here who love you and adore your work! ♥

    xoxo laurie

  40. Lots of somebodies were having a very bad day and sounding like it!! (Isn't that a three year old behavior?!!) They might drown like a turkey if it rains--aren't they the dumb birds that do that? The ones that stick their heads up in the air? I'm losing my mind. I know my husband used to say something like that, but most likely his word choices were a bit more graphic! BTW, I always like what you do!! You do it so well!!♥♫

  41. Bwahahahahahah-Suzan. Wow- You sure do stir things up, don't you? lol It reminds me of some of the things that the gals used to talk about on the Rate Your Space where people made some really nasty and mean comments. My Lord, live and let live is my motto. YOU are a PAINTER...Hello....people WANT you to paint furniture. IF they didn't you would be stuck with 8,652 pieces of furniture that you have painted and no one wanted (I've been counting). I can't believe that some people are so judgemental. It is like a person that is overweight and someone comes up to them and says--YOU HAVE SUCH A PRETTY FACE ...I always think the response to that should be -Yeah? Well, you got a great body but I wouldn't want YOUR FACE for anything! lol

    Now you KNOW I have to in there and read some more of those comments. I am just sorry that I am so late to the party. xo Diana

  42. Jeez, these people need a life! First, it boggles my mind that people can leave nasty comments -- would they say these things to your face, or do they think that because it is somewhat anonymous, they have the right to be rude? And second, why do people care so much what OTHER people do to their own furniture? It's not like you are breaking into people's homes and stealing their mahogany buffets, painting them, and then sneaking back in and leaving them there for them to find when they wake up! Holy MOLY, peeps, get over it! And I can't leave without saying this -- my house is filled with wood furniture. Most of it I love. BUT - your pieces are so beautiful that if I ever have a different house to decorate, I'd fill it with painted furniture. YOU are an artist. Period. Oh, and one more thing. I might even try to paint a little pine night table that would otherwise be donated, or tossed, because you have inspired me. Hugs, Amy

  43. First of all your foyer looks fantastic.
    As for the naysayers, one has to wonder why they bother taking the time to critisise, but I guess when you put it out there, these things happen. As long as you are doing what you love, who cares what anyone thinks, but you.
    Carolyn - Desire Empire

  44. Hello, don't usual comment, (don't really know how) so hope you get this. I have been checking out your blog almost every day for maybe a year, love it. You give me great hope and encouragement about painting furniture and I have been playing with it for a few months. Recently my husband and I purchased the pawn shop that we have been working in for over 20 years, and I have been taking some of the stuff that I have been doing in my spare time. The reactions have been to say the least, very surprising. It is a pawn shop and my husband is quite the tool guy so we get a lot of customers that are into tools. Who would guess those same "men" have so many diverse ideas about what should or should not be done to furniture. The reactions are pretty much split about to paint or not to paint, but each side is extremely vocal about it. And they are vocal to each other. I have tried to point out that if these things were "great antiques" I would not have painted but since they are reproductions, nasty wood, or ready for the landfill, I felt it was fine to paint. Like your experience on hometalk, they will not be swayed. Just wanted to let you know the topic is not just for internet but apparently everywhere. Who would have guessed that guys had that much opinions about anything but hunting, fishing, scratching or sports? Thanks for putting this out there, I really enjoy and am encouraged by your work. and by the way my husband doesn't give a hoot one way or another, so long as they look good, and they do.

  45. Hi Suzan, Your replies were right on and they deserved that and more. Life would be so boring if we all "Had Stars on Thar's". I love what you do and I just wish I was able to do more. I wish we had blogging in my younger days, I would be right there with you.
    Love to you and John,

  46. I am so sorry you have to deal with negative comments on hometalk. I had no idea that happened on there. What a shame. People forget the old saying of treat how you would want to be treated.
    Love what you do--keep up the amazing work!

  47. Have they never heard of stripper!?! Just about anything you do to furniture can be reversed. I have pieces over 130 years old which started life as WOOD, were stained, stripped, painted numerous coats of multiple colors, stripped, stained, stripped, painted multiple coats of different paints, etc, etc., etc.! The point being a really good piece of old furniture is interesting to me BECAUSE of its previous lives. Now pieces that start as something just resembling WOOD should have some sort of disguise such as PAINT to make them beautiful. I hope you really posted your replies - THOSE people need to get a life and quit interfering with yours. Now I am riled up for the whole day. I guess I will have to go paint a piece of furniture to calm me down. And yes, it is fifty years old and WOOD!

  48. LOL glad you can brush those bastards off! They can be vicious little suckers chomping at your heels! Cheers to you!

  49. Suzan, I've already told you how much I love what you are doing to your home. What a difference the wall coming down makes. I need to address those negative comments. How UGLY can people be. Having to impose their negative feelings on everyone else. Guess they haven't heard the old adage, If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all!! You probably don't have time even to read this since you are spending so much time destroying all that innocent furniture! Have mercy! Tell them to spend their time harrassing someone who cares!!. And for anybody's information, if I don't paint a piece of furniture, it's only because I'm too lazy!!.OK, Happy Wednesday..Judy

  50. Hey Suzan - it's your turn this week! It was mine last week on Hometalk...holy crap did I get my hands slapped with a wet noodle for the makeover I did on my Mom's stool. I was raised if you have nothing good to say then don't say anything at all. Apparently when you're hiding behind a computer screen that rule doesn't apply for some. You were a lot more ballsy in your replies than I was. Kudos to you for that! Now get out that paint brush and have at er!
    Marie@The Interior Frugalista

  51. I'm a big fan of tearing down walls and painted furniture so you won't hear any complaints from me. Losing that wall has sure opened up the space. Love it!

  52. First of all: I think you are awesome. On of my motto is: "if you don't have anything good to say, just don't say anything." And this is true for me not just in blogland, but in everything else in life. The beauty of all of us is that we can like different things, and there is no reason for "negativity" from completely total strangers. Some people just have nothing better to do (or say). I have encountered some negativity on Hometalk as I don't really post much on there :)

  53. Opening up walls makes for some gorgeous light and new options! (and a bit of a mess!) Way to go Suzan. Sorry about all the Hometalk craziness. I used to love hometalk, but gave up on it for that very reason.

  54. I love you and your blog and your PAINTED furniture and all your crazy mess.

  55. Your vision is amazing! I have completely loved seeing every update you have made. And as far as Hometalk...there is literally no filter for what people will say there. I very frequently get negative comments. I share things infrequently there because of that very reason.

    Angela @ Number Fifty-Three

  56. Oh Suzan! I was never a fan of painting furniture until I saw what you do with it! You have a vision and the talent to make it happen! I would invite you (in a heartbeat) to my house with your trusty paintbrush!!!
    Hugs my sweet funny Friend

  57. Wow, just wow. You certainly touched some nerves. Seems that people missed that is was not an antique but from the 70s.
    Paint is making me love furniture that was tired and dated. Someone can always strip it back some day. (maybe that someone will be me) I'm falling in love with my furniture again because it looks fresh and new. So sorry you got caught in a hailstorm of controversy. I think your piece is adorable.

  58. "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" I wish more people would remember that quote from years ago...too bad. Keep doing what you do, beautiful work.
    I had a 'friend' look horrified at me and squeaked out "You paint furniture?!?" when she found out what I was this day I still think about it, but try not to let it bother me. It's not for everyone...but then neither is beer.
    Debbie :)

  59. well you handled that very well.....I wish people would step down from their soap boxes once in a while and just PAINT THEM hahahahahah so they could maybe see a different point of view once in a while. I was raised a lover of antique pieces returned to their regal wood stain from years of my parents returning said pieces to said glory. Now in my nether years I have too many different woods in my house that my hubby adores but I am quite frankly sick of. I am planning on taking a few of these pieces and painting them with ASchalk paint of course. I will just do a piece here and there to make me happy and keep the hubster happy at the same time. There is a place for all kinds in this world but never a need to attack anyone for what they see is beautiful. I say you go girl and keep the faith and get on our YOUR painted soap box and carry on!!


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!