
Monday, April 7, 2014

What I've done so far.....................

Good morning everyone !

I'm completely finished the renovations - ready to see what it all looks like now?

Here we go - All the before photos are the MLS photos from when we bought this dump place :)


BEFORE - we added 2000 square feet to this room - made the ceiling taller by 10 feet - had the fireplace replaced -

AFTER - much better don't you think?  definitely more ME !


BEFORE - we widened it by 10 feet or so - installed marble on the floor - had chandeliers imported from Europe - and molding - lots and lots of molding ( did it myself actually )



BEFORE  -  this room was particularly challenging - again we raised the ceilings and added square footage - but we also added a marble fireplace ( and I splurged on a mirror )




BEFORE - Complete gut job as you can see by the after photo

and I added a little eating nook



BEFORE   - I had to manipulate the ceilings a little to my taste





And IF I choose to live in an alternate state other than my reality - then that's my perogative

(and it " Ain't nobody's business if I do " ♪♫ )

And then the " real " reno's continue :) - I can't wait - seriously I. Just. Can't. Wait.  ( the house does not look like the above photos anymore ) but it's still not where it needs to be either

Have a great day all :)

Party Time !

I should be mopping the floor                      Uncommon Design                      Savvy Southern Style  Between Naps on the Porch             


  1. Thanks for making me smile this morning! Keep on dreaming (and remodeling). Hope a staff for cleaning/housekeeping comes with your new home on today's post. You will need it! Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  2. And if the sky in your world is green, that's ok too!! (BTW - the silvered bathtub in the last photo sent me 'round the bend. LOVE it!! Put one of those in, ok?!?)

  3. you forgot to mention that you did it all on a budget of $20 per room ;)

  4. You soooo had me going! I even woke my husband to see this amazing transformation!! Should have done this one a few days ago for April Fool's Day!

  5. Oh my gosh, you are too funny! It took me about 3 pics before I caught on, I was thinking holy heck, that is amazing LOL.

  6. I love how you manipulated that ceiling! I'll be waiting for a tut on how to do that :D

  7. THIS should have been last Tuesday's post - good one!

  8. hmmm nice horse you've got there...

  9. WOW, you're even better at this than I previously thought! ;)

  10. I knew you were a miracle worker Suzan, but WOWZA!!! I see you also whipped up a new view from the bedroom window. lol.

  11. Ha Ha!! Love. I wish too! Thanks for the video last week. Way too funny. ChicByTab

  12. We share the same visions. I mean delusions.

  13.'ve made my day, Suz!

  14. Your so cute, I love the photos you chose, I wish I could have rooms like that too. I have that same bedroom photo saved somewhere, don't you just love that room. Your house is looking fabulous and you will be finished someday. It all takes time my dear, that's what I keep telling myself too. love the photos. hugs Tobey

  15. Oh my gosh you nut!!! By the third picture I was thinking how in the heck did she do all that??? GOT ME! Oh so pretty and if we lived like that... we probably wouldn't have time for a blog. We'd be too busy hosting our dinner parties and spending days at the spa.
    To dream!

  16. are an amazing and talented woman. I hope John knows what a gift he has in you. But those "invisible" chairs in your eating knook would end up killing me. haha

  17. OHMYGOD...what an amazing home! I am speechless. My jaw is just hanging :) You do amazing work. AMAZING work! I wish I had enough money to hire you to come fix my house. I am especially in love with the little eating nook. How incredibly beautiful, and charming. I'd be there all the time!

    1. Hahaha... Did I ham it up too much, Suzan? LOL... I really enjoyed your email. Yes, I knew you were joking, but I'm feeling a little bit like a troublemaker today since I woke up this morning and found out the results of the elections in my former town. Are these photos of the ex premier's home? LOL... Keep on dreaming girl. I'd still hire you to fix my house if I had enough money :) That's no joke!

  18. LOL - Love ya for making me smile. :-)

  19. Your delusion is remarkably beautiful, Suze. This made me laugh...clever post, funny girl!

  20. Hehehe....that is pretty funny Suzan. I certainly love the bedroom redo and that kitchen and nook are to die for. You're a pretty fast renovator too!

  21. Your trimwork additions are impeccable. I'd like some detailed instructions on it. Also, did you add a lake view to your bedroom? How did the neighbors feel about that?

  22. I'm still only half awake ~ it took me about 5 - 6 pix before I caught on... Thanks for the great big laugh this morning!!
    Off to finish my first cup of coffee!!

  23. I want to hire you as my decorator and financial adviser.......;)

  24. Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!!!!! lol

  25. At first I thought, wow and then I remembered some of your prior posts and I thought she is having melt down LOL
    I guess we all need to dream and wish - you should have posted this April 1st. I am looking forward to seeing your finished home.
    have a great week.

  26. Suzan dahling, that is simply divine. I never knew you had it in you. :o)

    Seriously, you could show what you've really done and it would look as impressive. You really do have a diamond in the rough. Wouldn't it be lovely to live in a place like your after pictures? Swoon worthy!

  27. I'm like most everyone else - took me about 3 pictures to realize you were dreaming! LOL LOL Girl, you are singing to the choir with me. I lived in a construction zone for SEVEN...count 'em SEVEN years!!!

    It will be complete one of these days and you'll look back to all those photos of the before, during and then look at the afters and wonder how you survived it. I love your posts and it's going to be gorgeous!!! Hang in there!

  28. Sitting here laughing! You have great taste gal - amazing taste! You get an A+ for that!

  29. Oh, I want to join you in your fantasy world... Because in that world, the bedroom I'm about to go to is certainly not lime green grey, pink and purple with turquoise accents... Your kitchen is now as beautiful as the fantasy one, lucky girl!

  30. Hey, yesterday your dreams became a reality so DREAM on girl because dreams really can come true. ;)

  31. OMG-LMAO! Seriously! I'm howling! Patty/NS

  32. Wow, I was really confused...I know I'm behind on reading, but I was shocked at how absolutely gorgeous your living room looked!!!!! Then...I woke up and caught one, Suzan...we always need to dream. Thanks for the laughs!
    Debbie :)

  33. WOw...I was gasping with what a one woman show your I am giggling at what a one woman show you are....Love it...Love your world! Sheryl

  34. You had me ther for a minute! This is priceless!

  35. Ha Ha oh I want to live in your world too. Too pretty there to leave and come back to reality LOL!

  36. LOL! That was SO funny! I actually stopped after the first pic of the living room and thought - whaaaat? You are a riot. Your house will look just as amazing as all of those pics soon - hang in there :)

  37. I just hope that you left enough money in the budget to hire someone to climb up on really tall ladders to change your light bulbs, shine those mirrors and get the cobwebs off the ceiling. Oh,wait, this remodel obviously wasn't done on a budget. Keep dreaming and you will keep us giggling.

  38. Really enjoyed your beautiful transformations. You're good girl! LOL I had to read your comments before I realized you were dreaming. Great dreams tho! I am your newest follower.


  39. Ok then. After the first two photos I felt completely inept having just recently completed my own renovation. My face just fell to the floor in utter dismay. All my self confidence went out the window after that first 'after' pic. Then I kept looking...and felt so much better! Hahaha, you are one nutty broad! I'd like to 'hear' John's comments on this post...oh yeah, lol!

    1. LOL - well " inept " is kind of how I feel with the real reno's so far ( hence the altered world )
      You're too funny - you're face fell to the floor in utter dismay LMHO !

  40. Fantastic! You got me with the first photo - my jaw literally dropped to the floor. Great idea!

  41. I'll have two of whatever you just drank! And a pair of those glasses you are wearing! Love it! Cheers.

  42. Oh my gosh, I was going to tell you to flip homes, become a millionaire ten times over, and buy Sarah Jessica's Home!! And then I read the end. Why I oughta' :)

    Totally had me, I have no doubt you could do that work if you wanted to, but it'd make your work like cake I think. And imported chandeliers can get pretty pricey (I think). :)

    Have a fun Wednesday!

  43. You had me going for a while there! I was feeling bad for my husband who struggles with just the crown molding that I push him to make. "How on earth did she do all that molding???" I really, really want that tub--but only if it has air jets.

  44. Love the bedroom with the horse because of the ceiling and color, but I was thinking the whole time I was looking that I would definitely not be living there! Can't afford house staff!

  45. I totally need the name of your designer and contractor!! Wait!! I think I know the contractors name, I know him!! It's Merlin!! I know it is!! And your designer?? I forgotten her name, but I believer Fairy Godmother falls in here somewhere!! Love what you have done!!

    Hugs my Fun Friend

  46. Hi Suzan, sorry I am way behind on my emails. This was a funny and cute post. I love all the pictures you chose, moldings are my love. John tells me to slow down with my thoughts on that, BUDGET!!! They are such a pain to have aren't they, LOL??? Reality always appears. You are so right, NO ONES business!!!!


  47. You stole my house! Actually most of my rooms are about the size of the breakfast nook, can't stop laughing....

  48. Funny post.. I loved it! take care, Maryann


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!