
Saturday, April 12, 2014

Who you gonna call?

Morning All !

I'm writing this post up - putting it out there - and then I'm deleting it -
It's bad enough that everyone thinks I'm not all " there " this is seriously going
to have you wanting to see me committed.

I painted a couple of end tables last night ( I'll post them tomorrow )

And it was time to photograph them................

I placed one of them against a small hallway wall - as far away from any windows as you can get in this house - lifted the camera up to my face - looked through the lens.................

OMG - I'm so embarrassed to tell this story - really I am - when other people have told me things like this I've inwardly rolled my eyes...............and I can swear to you, nothing like this has ever happened
to me before.

Ok - as I looked through the lens - a figure walked by.


Not once, not twice - but three times.

After the first time - I put the camera down and cleaned the lens thinking there had to be something creating that effect.

Put the camera back up to my face - and it walked back from the other direction.

This " apparition " was NOT in the room - or not visible whatsoever - except through the camera lens.

The last time it happened - walking from the opposite direction once again - I got up - barely able to move - and very very slowly walked into the room where John was sitting watching the hockey game.

Suzan says - This house is haunted
John says - Oh don't start with your ridiculousness
Suzan says - A figure walked in front of the camera lens when I was trying to take a pic of the end table
John laughs.............
Suzan says - I'm serious John - this is one time I AM NOT joking
John laughs
Suzan says - I'm calling the real estate agent.  If someone died in this house they have to disclose that by law
John yells something at the T.V
John says - Yah Yah - I heard you - there's a ghost - better call the Ghost Busters

Now I don't know how I know this - but I know it was a man - and though I couldn't make out a face I know he was smiling ................

Do you see why I have to delete this post tonight?
It's happened - I've snapped - I've done gone and lost the last little bit of intelligence I've ever had.

I'm putting this out there - because I need someone to tell me -
" Oh that happens with digital cameras from time to time - it's just an optical illusion "


If there's something strange
in your neighborhood
Who ya gonna call?

If there's something weird
and it don't look good
Who ya gonna call?

I ain't afraid of no ghosts  ( yes I am - I'm terrified ) 
I ain't afraid of no ghosts

If you're seeing things
running through your head
Who can ya call?

An invisible man
sleeping in your bed
Who ya gonna call?

I ain't afraid of no ghosts
I ain't afraid of no ghosts

Who ya gonna call?

I'm not ready to have an affair with one of them either

My daughter tells me I'm going to have to burn all the vintage and antique pieces I bring into the house because there's spirits that are coming with them and they don't want me painting them................LMAO

The first comment is from her - check out the link LOL

Ok - someone - anyone - tell me it's my camera

Much love,
Mrs Muir



  2. This is not uncommon, Suzan. I can only tell you that I am a believer because we have seen it in my daughter's old house. It is eerie and scary and caused many nightmares for my one granddaughter. I can tell you a WHOLE lot more but don't want people to think I am any crazier than they already do! Please delete this when you delete your post....Good luck! xo Diana

  3. I believe in prayer and I would be going around asap and putting annointing oil all through the house and rebuking any spirits....period. Blessings~~~Roxie

  4. Suzan, you are not alone....I'm from a very educated family...doctors, lawyers, etc....and our paternal grandmother was a frustrated little country doctor and wellll, she had the "sight".....both of my sisters, who have it very strong...I do slightly....but, there are things out there that can't be advice is to see how the "spirit" acts towards you and family....if this was the first time he showed himself, well....maybe he just wanted you to know he was there. Also, the abundance of antiques may have something to do with it...if, you would like to contact me or one of my sisters please let me know.

  5. Cameras do lots of crazy things...yes they do!! There are supernatural happenings, too. And, like sweetvintageofmine, I believe in prayer, but wouldn't disregard the entire incidence or relate it to evil or the devil. Oh, my...someone's going to tell me I'm crazy too! I can just hear the wheels turning. LMBO

  6. Love the ghostly photo from your daughter!

  7. My husband always tells me that one of these days one of the old things I bring home will also come with something like a ghost attached to it. I hope he is wrong because I NEVER want to experience a ghost but I want to hear all about your experience! Good luck, I hope this time that you really were just having a crazy episode!


  8. Oh Susan, if he was smiling maybe he has read your blog posts. LOL.

  9. Don't know abou the camera thing, but I have heard of these types of things happening before. It's intriguing to me but I have no idea what I would do if it happened to me! I definitely don't think you're crazy though....funny, crazy maybe but not crazy,! I'm interested to hear what happens though so keep us posted.

    Blessings, Vicky

  10. OK, I'm all creeped out now, and it's bedtime. But do I think you're crazy? No. I do believe these things happen, and I've heard other people tell their experiences. I think I heard that if you have a feng shui person come to your house, they can do something about the spirits. I used to think my apartment in NYC was haunted, and that my cat could see the ghost. I'm sure your ghost is a very nice man -- he was smiling, after all ! :) Just think, it could be a whole new category for your blog!

  11. Loved this post Suzan, maybe you did see something and your not crazy :)....My friend lost her husband some years ago to cancer. Just last year, her daughter was over and had taken some photos of the house with her new phone. The TV was off at the time, so just a blank screen, she took a shot of the TV and the area around it, when she looked at the photo, there in the TV (black screen) there was a face and it was the face of her dad before he got sick, reflected in the TV. My girlfriend showed it to me, I was amazed, seriously it was spooky and there is just no explanation for it but for her it was a sign that her dad was still watching over them.

    Strange things do happen in this world and sometimes there is no explanation but I am sure that it will be a nice ghost whoever it is....but may you may just phone that realtor after all :)


  12. its your camera, ( you said to tell you that) lol, the spirit world is the great unknown, who knows as long as they keep smiling, right?

  13. I would be totally freaked out. Maybe he's happy the house or furniture is getting redone.

  14. Don't be afraid of your ghost. Real people can be much more dangerous than a little old smiling ghost!

  15. When we lived in Jamaica, our good friends lived in a mansion that everyone said was haunted. Steve and I both had eerie experiences as did several other friends on nights we stayed over. Anything is possible.

  16. Suzan I love your blog and all your work. And your posts, especially this one. Next time get the picture of him .... the optical illusion I mean. ;)

  17. That kind of thing is scary. My SIL and I saw the same exact 'figure' in the same exact spot, in the same exact house, and had the same exact feeling (it was bad). She'd never told me until I told her, and then everything we were saying matched up. At least yours was smiling.

    Now your husband's really going to think I'm off my slate, hehehe

  18. Which one are you---Hope Lange or Greer Garson?

  19. Maybe you've inherited your very own version of the Captain. Strange things happen & I hope you aren't too spooked over this one. It gave me the chills...can't imagine being in your shoes when it happened! Keep calm! :-)

    1. My daughter says
      " what next Mom? John says - Suzan says - It says? "
      I had chills believe me - today it all seems a bit ridiculous - but I had a very hard time falling asleep last night !!!

  20. I ain't afraid of no ghost! We were watching Ghostbusters this morning so it's a little odd that you posted this today. Anyway, these things happen and I bet you he's a friendly ghost or you'd know it. I don't think you're one bit crazier than I did yesterday! LOL
    I have stories, too. Loads of them. I hope he visits again. Ask him which piece he's interested in...maybe he's furnishing his ghost mansion. xoxo

  21. in another house we lived in i kept seeing a black cat,it was a little unsettling but he never threaten anyone, my daughter who lived there also thought at first i was trying to scare her, then just thought i was crazier than a bedbug and finally just told me to shut up about it lol,i saw his face peeking out the window when we moved, so sweety maybe we can get a discount on a nice room at the crazy hotel xx

    1. I'm making light of it because I don't really know how else to deal with this lol -
      But I think between all of us we'd fill an entire crazy hotel to be honest with you LMHO !!!

  22. The only person who would doubt your sanity is a skeptic who has never experienced a 'phenomena'. I have had experiences, my first was 1985. It literally gives you chills and a feeling of uneasiness, but so much of it is POSITIVE. About a month ago I was fortunate enough to be chosen to join an nighttime excursion to a beautiful theatre built in 1915, hunting for ghosts. We found them. I was elated and freaked out at the same time. Embrace it if you can.

  23. I loved this post, so funny, both the post and the comments. Your daughter has a great sense of humor. I had my own experience; as real as I'm sitting here right now, but I still don't believe it.

    1. Thanks lol - she told me I should be washing the furniture with Holy water instead of TSP LMHO
      I don't quite know what to make of this - still searching for a " camera " reason this happened!

  24. Sounds like a reason to write an excellent mystery (spooky) book. I know other people have
    had this same experience, but are afraid to talk of it, for fear of being made fun of. I believe what you saw, is what you saw..not a camera miss function...Not funny, but real!

    1. I was probably one of the ones that would have made fun of them LOL - I come from a long line of believers in this stuff. Stories that would make your hair stand up and still I doubted them.
      You see? It had to happen to me for me to half way believe it - half way because I'm still searching for an explanation other than the " ghost " one...........
      Thanks Bonnie!

  25. I am a vendor at a store located in a house built in 1918. When I first started working there, there was one room where I felt as though the minute I walked in, someone was pushing me out. One day the owner of the house asked if we had met Howard. She told us that when she had a restaurant there, she would bring cushions in off the porch, and in the morning they would be scattered all over the house. Then we found out about a book written about the haunted houses in our town and sure enough, our 1918 house was in the book! So, one day when I was there alone, I went into that room and told "Howard" how much we loved the house and would take care of it and it was okay for him to go on to heaven. It may be in my imagination, but he doesn't push me out of that room anymore and the house is filled with good energy. So, try telling the man in your lens it's okay to go and that you'll take good care of his house.
    And by the way, people from the South won't think you're crazy. Why do you think we paint our porch ceilings haint blue?

  26. My dog sees ghosts all the time. Just sayin.....


  27. Oh how I wish you had snapped that shutter. I live in a very haunted city and have had some freaky experiences. My Daddy always said "Don't worry about the dead ones, it's the live ones you have to watch". Then of course he taught me to drive in a cemetery. He said I couldn't kill anyone there. He was wise and had a sense of humor.
    Seriously, the vintage pieces may be the key. I have heard of that happening in Savannah. Did you have an extra building that you were going to use for your work? If so, maybe keep the items out of the house.
    You are not crazy...funny but not crazy! xoGinger

  28. Well I used to be a skeptic and I'll try to keep this short(if I can). A few years back hubby and I went to a garage sale and we bought a few things. After we had been home for a few hours he said to me 'I'm surprised you didn't buy that organ'... What organ? I didn't see any organ so off we went again to see if it was still there, knowing that after all this time it wouldn't. Anyway, it was still there. It was a beautiful old piece and it was only $20! When I said I'd take it the owner couldn't stop hugging me and thanking me for giving it a home, which I thought was a little odd but thought nothing of it. Ok so not long after we had this thing strange things started to happen. My children who were around 10 and 12 kept telling me they could see the shadow of a little child of probably 5yrs old during the night. Hubby kept telling me that he could see little eyes of children in our bed every time he went to sleep as he would normally go in before me and also he could sometimes hear the pitter patter of children running around our bed. He would often say 'that organ is haunted' but I said, I don't care I'm keeping it. I never saw or heard anything. Well hubby decided to take the back of the organ off one day to make sure there were no mice in it.. as believe it or not he's terrified of! and I couldn't believe we found an envelope in it with a some of photos of 3 young children and a letter. Apparently they had been living on some island with a missionary and were talking about how they were settling in. Well that was weird! I did go back to the owner of the organ to give it to them but they had moved, so in the end I ended up putting the envelope back in the organ and gave it to a charity.. and.. no more visions or pitter patter. So yes I do believe spirits can attach themselves to furniture, not that they really bothered me. I wanted to buy a house once that backed on to a cemetary but hubby thought I was totally crazy. Rather that than noisy neighbors!! Needless to say I'm not a skeptic anymore. Take care, maryann

    1. OK - I'll let you in on a little secret - I've only told a few people this - and I had forgotten it until my daughter reminded me -
      I bought a Church Pew a little while back - an antique - it's very very old - anyway as soon as I got it home I sat on it - and an overwhelming feeling of grief came over me - powerful - very very powerful - I had to get up off it right away - I didn't see anything - but I " felt " a mother sobbing - in that pew - over a son...............
      So..............can they be related? OMG - I'm going to have a freaking heart attack here lol -

    2. I've already commented on this one but here I am again, so I'll keep it brief. I bought a beautiful large piece of ornate tarnished brass at a sale once, the seller told me it had been a confessional grate. Can you imagine the stories that have passed through that? I brought it home and leaned it against the dining room wall until I found its permanent location. Sitting alone, I heard someone clear their voice. I ran throughout the house attempting to determine who else was there with me. No one. Later I heard a baby crying. Again, I was alone. I started bugging out a bit about this new acquisition, but the noises stopped.

  29. You are NOT crazy Suzan !! Look at all of your readers who have had experiences. I do agree that if he was smiling, he's probably no threat. Just in case though... catch an episode of the CW show Supernatural for insight.... get a carton of salt and a fireplace iron! It's like Ghost repellant! When John's not around... Tell the "man" that you welcome him and that your husband thinks you're crazy, so could he please make an appearance to him... LOL ... wouldn't that be great!! Take care !

    1. Hi Shell - I have a carton of salt and a fireplace iron - what do I do with them?
      Throw salt in his eyes and poke him? LMHO ???

    2. "throw salt in his eyes and poke him".......cannot. stop. laughing...... LOLOLOL

    3. I'm going to start walking around the house carrying those items :)
      ( John better not get on my bad side LMHO )

    4. I almost choked on a popcorn kernel reading this one! LMHO

  30. Suzan, I'm a believer and I don't think you're nuts. There is much in our world which cannot be explained. I wish you had taken the picture when you had him in your sights though! Try it again ! Try it again! Please share with us any other moments you have with your house guest. We await with bated breath. Stay strong, Girlfriend !!


  31. After my father-in-law passed away in our home, I felt his presence in the room where he passed. It was very disconcerting to me. It was suggested that I take white salvia and set it on fire. Take the salvia to each room of the house and specifically around the windows and doors starting from the back of the house to the front and ending outside the front door. As you walk through, you tell them that it's OK to go on to the next life - that all is well there at the house. Once I did that, I didn't feel his presence anymore. It was just he was still wanting to be here.

  32. Great, I read this post at 12:56 am. The cat jumped off the chair he was sleeping on and I nearly pee'd my pants! Think I'm done reading emails for the night. I'm in my office (my daughter's former bedroom) where she used to tell me as a child that a little blonde girl would come in the night and play with her toys (my daughter is completely sane) and her story was proven not to be in her head one night when I had an encounter with that little blonde girl (and NO I'm not nuts). Nighty night...wish I had a flashlight to get myself to my bedroom. Geez!
    Marie @ The Interior Frugalista

  33. I've taken hundreds of photos with my digital, and I haven't had that happen (yet). But as Shakespeare wrote "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than we have ever dreamed..." -- or something like that. Feyness runs in my family, only the girls have it, and only a few of us. Some of us can "see" things; some of us "know" things before they happen. We take it for granted, as we grew up in a family in which my aunts openly talked about such things. Based upon the posts here, it seems this kind of gift or talent or whatever it is, is not so uncommon as we may think. And it has nothing to do with insanity or even being just a wee bit "off." We still know very little about the human brain, but we have loaded ourselves down with generations of scary stories, horror stories and boogeymen of all types. But really, we have nothing to fear from the dead. They can't hurt us; spirits or apparitions or whatever they are, mostly they're unaware of us as we are unaware of them. People get freaked out because they think of the horror films and sensationalized accounts of haunted houses. But I've yet to hear a news account of anyone being assaulted or killed by a "ghost" or an apparition.

  34. It's ok sweetie, you are not going crazy. At least you are not 8 mos preggers, trying to figure out how you will hide under a bed when a gunshot goes off outside your bedroom window and something is walking around in circles in your livingroom (can hear the squeak in one part of the floor repeatedly) and your dog that wldn't hurt a fly is on the bed growling! Woke me up out of a dead sleep, scared the hell out of me! That was my intro to a ghost being attached to a 10 yr old home on a very old farm/orchard. I asked our neigbour who was from the area if anything had occurred in our area and yes, a man was shot and killed in the orchard many, many years ago. The property we are now in (230 yr old cape cod) has seen no doubt many births and deaths. We have been in a month now, soon to start reno's and that may stir something up yet. Only one thing weird has happened that is unexplainable. I will keep you posted. At least your ghost is smiling so he must like what you are doing to the place. Patty/NS

  35. I'd like to reassure you that you're not crazy as I have had many weird experiences myself. However as I'm generally considered to be madder than a box of frogs I'm not sure how much comfort you take from that! Whilst some of my experiences might be put put down to my fondness for the odd glass of wine there are some that defy explanation. My last house was 500 years old and I could write a book about the stuff that happened but the best story is probably when I was selling. The very young estate agent took my keys to show someone round while I was at work, when he returned them he was rather agitated and reluctantly asked if I had ever 'felt anything' in the house. When I laughed and said 'all the time!' he relaxed and told me that after he had shown the viewers out he was checking the door to the garden was locked when the lounge door flew open and then banged shut. If you saw the door you would know how impossible it is for that to happen naturally...Not content with living in a haunted house the shop I rent space in is also full of strange phenomena. I 'saw' a man materialise in the barn (an outbuilding in the courtyard of the shop) and then vanish and I promise I hadn't touched a drop! I would tell you about the haunted wardrobe but in our line of business it's not something I like to dwell on....A medium told me you should be assertive and talk firmly to apparitions so that's what I tend to do when I'm spooked which probably isn't helping my reputation!!!

  36. I live in an old house in historic East Dallas. And it's haunted. I know it is.

  37. Our neighbours are 'ghost chasers'. When their kids were younger, their holidays were spent at places that were known to be haunted. It seemed like a strange way to spend the holidays, but some of their stories were fun to hear. It could be your camera...or not. I don't know...I've never seen one, thank Heavens. (and I got a chuckle out of your daughter's
    Debbie :)

  38. Oh my goodness.. why did I read this right before bed...I shouldn't have read all the comments either.. I'll never get to sleep now :-/

  39. I'm reading this for the first time after following your link from todays post. ;) I have had a few experiences but my favorite is when we moved into our home (built in 1925). For the first month I thought I could hear children laughing almost every day. We live in the country and our neighbors are down our very long drive and across the road and nobody has any kids. I was a little freaked out till I realized it was a greyhound (dog) kennel down the highway a little and it was the dogs barking. When I told my sister she said "I didn't know you had a bus station near you". lol We do hear VERY faint music and talking often as well. Only inside the house, never out. We never told anyone but one day one of our grandsons said "do you hear that music?" I said what does it sound like and he mimicked it perfectly. :/

  40. Wow. Poor you. I love ghost stories and Ghost Hunters on TV. I have heard that spirits can use technology because it takes less energy for them to make themselves known. So I offer that (for what it's worth) as an explanation for why you only saw him through your camera lens. It's like when spots or "flares" appear in pictures when there is no other source of light...people say it is spirits of those departed. Love reading all these posts and your blog. I did do a news story once on CBC TV and I interviewed a woman who definitely had ghosts in her house in Brockville Ontario. Doing that made me a believer. Good luck.

    1. Well it would seem the coast/ghost is clear now - and I never want to go through that again LOL - eerie beyond belief!

  41. have me laughin so hard...I love all your posts they are so hilarious...(wipin my eyes)...serious isnt uncommon for spirits to come with vintage furniture...but as long as they dont bother ya...they would seem pretty good...especially good things to talk about while havin tea or coffee with someone...I wouldnt be too concerned...the man seemed pretty nice didnt he?....I mean other than scare ya to said he was smilin...Id relax and enjoy your vintage furniture and ya girl

    1. Well it DID bother me Dorothy LOL - terribly so..............I don't want miserable OR happy ghosts in my house.
      I feel like I've moved into the Amityville house !!!
      Love ya right back!

  42. Susan that is a hilarious story...Im still wipin tears...but seriously I have heard spirits attachin themselves to vintage items...and as long as he was smilin, Id think he was ok...would be a nice conversation when havein tea or coffee with friends and family...but any case...keep up the good put a smile on my face everyday...I just have to read it to my daughter and niece

    1. Well you just put a huge one on mine - so thanks Dorothy :)

  43. Just read that you put your pretty old church pew bench in the house.

    Suzan, I am a believer in all things - but believe fear is stiflling.

    My BFF in 4th grade - her father was the County Judge, very conservative non-nonsense serious kind of family.....and they had ghosts. Friendly ghosts. ALL of them knew about it (6 kids in that family.) The day they told me about it was the last time I ever spent the night. My friend didn't understand why I was afraid, they sure weren't, but oh my word!

    So all I can say is that friendly ghosts are harmless I guess.

    Burning safe sticks and wafting around the corners of each room is supposed to help if you believe in the olde world way of cleansing.....praying ALWAYS works, and losing fear is only thing you can do.



Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!