
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Grackle

Just when I thought ducks mating in my pool was my absolute limit  (you can read about that here ) I discover this?

I'm not a bird person -
I was traumatized as a little girl when I sneakily watched " The Birds " while at a sleep over at my grandmother's...............
They scare me to be honest with you ( but by now you know that pretty much anything scares me )
and sometimes they even disgust me.

BUT if they keep their distance I can certainly appreciate their beauty...............( am I the only one that thinks this one looks a little evil?  Like he and his friends could start attacking a woman in a phone booth or something? )

John says - They're quite stupid really
Suzan says - Why?
John says - Well they repeatedly come to the pool with food in their mouths to wet it - then drop it in - stare at it for awhile and fly off
Suzan says - Uggghhh - I think he just tossed a slug in the pool..............

And we watch in fascination as one by one these " stupid " birds drop their food into the water - look at it for a minute and fly off.

We laugh at how ridiculous they are - ( it doesn't take much to entertain us - a glass of wine - a bit of cheese and a flock of stupid birds is all it seems to take to have a rollicking good time around here )

Until this particular conversation happens.

Guest says - Do you have Grackles in the back yard?
We say - Yes we do
Guest says - Interesting fact :  Grackles don't like to have dirty nests so they carry their $HIT in their mouths and drop it off into bodies of water.

So I did what anybody would do - I googled Grackle - and discovered that they're actually cleaning the nest of their babies droppings - information here
Completely uncivilized if you ask me, but stupid?  Nah - not so stupid at all -
The 2 humans however, laughing their fools heads off just may fall into that category.


And so I'll repeat
I'm not a bird person -
I was traumatized as a little girl when I sneakily watched " The Birds " while at a sleep over at my grandmother's...............
They scare me to be honest with you ( but by now you know that pretty much anything scares me )
and sometimes they even disgust me.

The moral of this story?
$hit happens.
In our pool.....................

Now excuse me - I'm off to tackle grackle schmackle
But I'll leave you with a little " bird " music from one of the best
Hit it Leonard !

Oh and the pool is officially ready - we high fived each other today ( and I almost fell in )
If you don't mind a little bird surprise splattered all over you, come on over for a swim!
Have a great day all !
Much love,

Sharing with !
Kathe with an E


  1. They make pool covers for safety that close the pool to children and don't let debris fall in. If you have a cover you don't have to run the pump all the time to keep it clean. The all it one thing sounds interesting. Solar Safe Pool Covers... I don't know what you do in the winter there? Do you heat it, so it doesn't freeze and crack?

  2. Oh Suzan, you are so funny. I would not like swimming in the pool with that stuff either.
    I'd get a cover and then open it when you want to swim. My son had a cover on his pool and it withstood 1,000 lbs. So that might be the answer. Have fun.....

  3. Grackles are horrid birds for so many reasons. I hope yours find somewhere else to hang out! I don't dislike birds at all. Mockingbirds make me laugh and I love cardinals. They are my favorite bird. So pretty and they remind me of my grandmother.

  4. Grackles & starlings I really don't like, and most know how I despise the geese. A mockingbird has been outside our bedroom window the past couple weeks, singing each night from about 1am to 5am. Turning off the landscape lights seemed to help (he thought it was daylight before, idk?). I only feed hummers in summer, but am about to shut down the pool (birdbath) for all the droppings around - which has sprouted poison ivy (from the berries they poop). Be careful!

    1. Good grief - my outdoor oasis dream is becoming a complete nightmare Rita lol.
      These grackles start their cackles at exactly 4 a.m. and could wake the dead - never heard anything like it before !!!

  5. I am not a bird person either. I love when they all go back up to canada for the summer. Oh, you mean real birds not snowbirds right? They creep me out too!

    have a great day

  6. Bahaha, suddenly I don't want to come for a swim LOL

  7. Reminded me of Rodney Dangerfield and 'I don't get no respect.' LOL And just when I was going to comment on what a pretty bird that is. Sheesh.

  8. Hehehehehe....If that were Phil, he'd sit there with his gun and shoot them before they could drop their poop in the pool. Of course, then we'd have a dead bird AND poop in the pool. Lucky you!!!


  9. Well yuck. I've fished all matter of drowned rodents and frogs out of our pool over the years but I've never seen birds drop sh*t into it. It can't be any worse than swimming at the beach!

  10. Hi Suzan I think you need to change your name to Jane-you know Jane of the jungle what with all those critters hanging around.ha ha ha ... also could you please email me your address I have something I need to send you and cant wait to send it-love dee x

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. All I can say is too funny!!!!!! So happy the pool is almost ready. I have my floatie and am on my way.

  13. hahahaha.....I love this story. I have pet birds, that I allow to fly in the house, so I'm pretty sure you won't want to come down for tea. :0)

    1. OMG Debbie - you let them do THAT in the house LMHO ???
      I'll sit outside in your beautiful garden - thanks very much !

  14. Grackles are a real nuisance in our yards. . .a "humane" way to rid yourself of them is to make a loud noise, such as clapping two boards of wood together. However, this is best done BEFORE they nest. . .and it sounds as if you already have them past that point. Thank you for the Leonard Cohen song at the end. We're big fans.

  15. OMG!!!! We have hundreds of those damned things - and you guessed it, a pool!!! GAG!!!

    I was laughing my butt off until you said they're carrying in their own $hit!!! Suddenly, it wasn't funny anymore! :( We need a bigger cover!

    1. They're disgusting !!!
      I'm going to get 50 plastic owls - 100 rubber snakes - 25 ultra sonic repellants and see what happens LMHO ( but really this isn't funny at all - how the heck am I supposed to luxuriously float in my pool with that happening? ) AND my bathing suit is black LOL

  16. You really do need a pool robot now. It will quietly and efficiently clean up anything that falls to the floor of the pool. Electric. On a long cord. Waterproof. Requires no supervision or paycheck. Will even clean the sides o the pool. Run out now and get one and make your life easier……

    1. You're 100% right - we're looking into it actually.
      They only do this while the babies are still in the nest - so the problem should go away soon.................yuck !!!

  17. Well, who knew until now! Keep those chlorine pucks stocked up. Yeck. Patty/NS

  18. It weren't a Hell of a day trip to get to you. I would love to come by and drink enough wine with you that the bird Pooh just wouldn't matter ......Never a dull moment! LOves from Sunny South Carolina

  19. Yuck! I knew I didn't like them. But that's because of their horrid call. Now this!!

    1. Lovely - it's just freaking lovely lol
      ( and that horrid call starts at 4 o'clock in the morning )

  20. I'm not fond of grackles and that's gross. Funny but gross.

  21. I just laughed out loud and my hubby wanted to know what was so funny! I tell ya...your stories should be published into a book of funny short stories. I would be the first to purchase it...:) Have a wonderful time swimming in your pool...just don't open your mouth...LOL!

    Blessings, Vicky

  22. Oh this is a funny one Suzan. I sure never knew that before! We have grackles nesting in the juniper out front but we don't have a pool so I wonder how far they fly to dump their load. LOL

  23. i am sorry you have to tackle grackle schmackle but thank you so much for hooking me up with leonard i didn't know who he was and you sent me from your song to u tube where i listen to ten versions of hallelujah several versions by leonard then wound up listening and dancing to mj with me grandsons lol xx

    1. You didn't know Leonard Cohen???
      Then my job on earth was done today - I adore him ( he's a poet primarily ) and from Montreal - ( one of our client's cousins actually )
      Dancing to MJ is ALWAYS a good thing !

  24. Hi Suzan, you crack me up! Don't know which ones worse, folks peeing in the pool or birds pooping in the pool??? Just like Andi and Laurie my husband would be shooting those little suckers! As for me...a little bird poo won't hurt me, that's what showers are for. I'm on my way! Hehehe!

    1. I think I'd take human pee over Grackle Schmackle to be honest with you LMHO !!!
      Hugs right back at ya !

  25. LMHO!! Oh that just cured me of my dream of having a pool. It's bad enough what the birds do to our pond. I never thought about pools.

  26. I am cracking up! This just would happen to you - you know - so you can share it with all of us and give us a laugh. Take a swim for me!

  27. I can't stand those grackles and we have them all over the place. I try to keep them scared off the feeders. They are a real nuisance bird to me. xo Diana

  28. I would love to drop in for a swim.

  29. I'm thrilled your pool is ready! Yay!!!

  30. I hate grackles. Thank goodness I don't have to deal with them! Luckily, only a few doves have ventured into our pool. And one duck. Our birds have no fear of the plastic owls. What did work was some metallic tape tied on to our patio furniture. Supposedly they think it's a snake. Good luck with your shit birds! LOL

  31. LOL who knew! That bird does have an evil glint in his eye. He's probably planning his next drop! We have woodpeckers for an alarm....they start hammering on the chimney at about 5am every day....Bless them.....@$%!$@#

  32. It could only happen to you ;) (and probably me)

  33. How funny! I feel the same way about birds, but I came to that conclusion by an encounter with real birds. I've never watched the movie - couldn't bring myself to do that. They are little dinosaurs with evil eyes!

  34. I like birds, but NOT Grackles. My mom was afraid of birds and always kept a cat. Not having ever had a pool, did not think about the birds and water factor, thanks for the fun.

  35. They don't live long around here...... I'm married to a man with a gun.

  36. hmmmm, I guess you won't be opening your mouth while swimming...

  37. I shouldn't read your blog at work.....people think I'm crazy just grinning at my computer screen...:) Love the bird story...hahaha. And the exclamation points....yes I use them a lot but not near as much as I use............................................... I don't know why I use............................. so much but it seems to represent how I can't stop...........................................:)

    1. LMHO !!!
      I use a lot of that too Lisa !
      Happy Weekend


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Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!