
Monday, June 2, 2014

Turquoise chairs from Target

Aren't they a pretty color?  Vintage inspired folding chairs !
I painted the small table years ago ( to go with another patio ) now I'm wondering if black is ok? )

12.99 each here in Canada - which probably means they're a dollar in the States....................

We've been digging out weeds from the brick work for days.................SO DON'T LOOK AT THAT, OK? ( would I sound like a spoiled brat if I told you I don't like the color of the brick they chose ? )
Get a life Suzan - really - just get a life.

I was missing the chairs for that little table ( think I gave them away ages ago ) so when I saw these ( only 2 of them left ) I jumped all over them :)

They sort of tie in with the 2 I painted last week (  HERE )

I love the cut out detail on them

Suzan says - I hope they rust up sitting outside
John says - Excuse me?
Suzan says - I want them to get a little rust on them - turquoise and rust are so perfect together
John says - That's the most ridiculous thing you've said this week

I noticed last night he folded them up and put them away - I ran out a little later and put them back - and prayed for didn't.

Want to see the difference a week or 2 can make?


Do you see that white chair in the background?

John says - Did you tell everyone what I scored - or just the things you do ?
Suzan says - You really want me to tell them?
John says - Yes, I do, why should you get all the credit.................
John says - Tell them mine are more practical
John says - Tell them mine won't rust
Suzan says - Relax mister..........they're okay - but mine are pretty
John says - MINE are functional

John went out to pick up the paper on the weekend and passed by a garage sale and bought 5 of those chairs for 25.00 - 5.00 each -  he LOVES them because they recline all the way back

Soda's seat matches everything too don't you know?

There's a little window in one of the bedroom's upstairs - and every single morning I run to it to see how the pool is doing ( from a bird's eye view )

Then I run downstairs - put the kettle on - and run outside ( like a kid on Christmas morning, seriously ) 
If you're looking for me I'll be sitting here.

and gazing at this

 which is so close to being done I can taste it ( but I won't because it would taste like chlorine ) 
I've only ever had above ground pools - this seems so luxurious to me ( with a house that's literally falling apart in the background LMHO ) but if I sit at a certain angle and concentrate really hard - than this is all I see - not bad for a break in reno's, right?

Ok everyone - get to Target - there are chairs with your name on them !!!
And I know you must be sick of seeing my outside by now - so I promise - cross my heart and hope to die that I will have a makeover on Thursday...................and I'm going to look for the most special of special
IWLTW's tomorrow

I'll be at these parties !!!
The DIY Dreamer                                    Savvy Southern Style                              DIY by Design
Adorned from Above                               From my front porch to yours                 French Country Cottage
Redoux Interiors                                      The Shabby Art Boutique                       One More Time Events
Life on Lakeshore Drive                          I Should be Mopping the Floor               Uncommon Design
Under the Table & Dreaming           Betweeen Naps on the Porch                  Sand & Sisal
Stone Gable ( the Scoop )                       A Stroll Thru Life                                   An Extraordinary Day
Kathe with an E                                      Knick of Time                                        Homestories A to Z


  1. Suzan, I am so in love with your yard!!!! Forget about a new makeover on Thursday, you deserve to enjoy your garden!!!!! You have created your own paradise!!!! I love your chairs, but John did score on his too!!!! Have a great week!!!

    1. Thanks so much Karen - what a sweeheart - but too late - I've started a makeover so you're stuck with it now LMHO !!!
      You have a great week too !
      Much love xxx

  2. Wow the garden is looking gorgeous!!! I really wish I was sitting by your pool, preferably with a large glass of wine in hand (I am writing this at 10.45am so I should be ashamed of myself but I'm blaming stress!) ;-) Those chairs were a steal, they'd probably cost double that here. I'm with Karen, enjoy your garden, you deserve it and give that tree a hug from me xxx

    1. NO - I would NOT let you have a glass of wine at 10 a.m. - you'd definitely have to wait till noon ( and then with the time difference it would all work out LOL )
      Thanks Gerry ♥

    2. Absolutely LMHO now! Not even a small one? Thank God there are people like you around to make me giggle xxx

  3. Suzan, your yard is just looking gorgeous. I would never go inside. Love those chairs. xo Laura

  4. Those chairs are pretty and at a good price. Your yard is so pretty Suzan! Share all you want! I'm not tired yet and my attention span is pretty you well know ;-) Have a happy day friend!

  5. Suzan, this transformation is amazing! It really looks terrific! And no, I'm not sick of looking at it all! Your chairs are great, and a great bargain! John's are great, too - he's a funny guy. Enjoy your summer, and leave the reno for bad weather!

    1. Thanks so much Rita ♥
      And yes John is most definitely a " funny guy " lol

  6. I love your bright, cheery chairs. I have not seen them in our target and I was just there a few days ago. They look fantastic surrounded by all the colorful blooms.

  7. It all looks gorgeous! Perfect for summer. Have fun.

  8. $12.99?!!! What a steal!!!! Lovin' your inviting pool area dear!

  9. Oh Suzan the backyard is heaven. The pool is looking so inviting. I will be there shortly with my floatie!

  10. Looks like I need a trip to Target STAT! LOVE those pretty chairs. Your yard looks awesome!!

  11. Oh wow
    Just wow!!
    Can't wait to see the fabulous outside dining area!

  12. Dear Pool Lounge Lady:
    Spray bottle. White vinegar. Salt. Tiny bit of dish soap. Shake it together and spray on your brick. It will stop the weed growth without being toxic to wildlife or Soda. Unfortunately it doesn't last forever. Will probably have to do it later in the summer as well. But it sure beats picking them out manually. I know, I have lived it.

    1. Boiling water will do it too….but i don't like the smell of boiled weeds, so do it before they sprout!

  13. I like that the white chairs recline all the way back! And I like your cut-outs. I loved my in-ground too. LOVED it! But I don't miss cleaning it, I'd hire a pool service today if we had one. :) Everything looks really lovely in your yard!

  14. Holy poo. Or is it holy pool? I'm dying to be in your backyard.....


  15. Wow, the pool cleaned up really well! Love the pops of colour against the weathered in the yard.

  16. Beautiful ~ so calm & restful...

  17. Your whole enclosed space looks SO summery and inviting! Can John paint his recliner a nice turquoise to match? or something to complement the turquoise chairs? Maybe paint it rust??? You can tell him I suggested it. LOL

  18. It looks beautiful!
    Please please please tell me you have a robot to clean the pool!!!!! It will save you so much work and you need to save your time for creating and writing comedy and keeping John happy. I wish I could meet him!!! And you, too, of course!
    Those robots are so neat. I want one and don't even have a pool!
    XXX Marje

    1. Nope, no robot and with everything we still have to do, it doesn't look like we'll have a robot this summer ! We're determined to do it ourselves ( I'll let you know how long it lasts LMHO ) but even if I were to purchase one it would be at the end of summer when sales start..............( and the comedy comes from these situations - what would we laugh about if everything were easy LOL )

  19. Gotta love Target for those special pieces at great prices. Alas I'm an hour away from one and have only been once.

    Miss my pool so much. Even though I love my garden, there's nothing like a cocktail by the pool!! Enjoy the beauty you're creating!

  20. OMG! COLOUR! I love then, their colour and tinsy winsy sweet little cutouts! Remember the new, white leather sandals with the cutouts you got new every year as a kid for summer? They remind me of those, so sweet! I cldn't stand how depressing inside this house still is so hubs and I went and bought 4 Muskoka chairs locally made and all painted in bright colours. They make me happy just to look at them, so does your yard! I'm having yard envy BIG time! Lucky duck - oops, sorry, hopefully there are no more ducks. Patty/NS

    1. I remember those sandals perfectly Patty !!! I used to be so excited to put them on for the first time!
      Haven't seen any ducks lately - stay tuned for what we discovered this week though
      LMHO !!!

  21. Oh wow Suzan! Your back yard is just gorgeous! I can't believe the transformation. And I am in love with those chairs and am praying my Target has some by the time I can get there over the weekend! Fingers crossed...:)

    Blessings, Vicky

  22. I love your chairs the color and the detail. I would be right there with you right out there looking at the pool… wish we had one.. Your backyard is beautiful….

  23. Looks amazing Suzan! I'm so jealous that you have a pool ;) And I WISH those chairs were only a dollar here - LOL!

  24. I'm not tired of your outdoor photos -- more! more! Those Target chairs are adorable - I haven't seen them here but I'm going to look! Your pool, and the backyard looks so fabulous! WOWZA! This is a fantastic before and after!

  25. Oh my goodness!

    Your pool and garden are looking fantastic. I need to check Target for some of those chairs.

  26. Your backyard and pool area looks awesome!!

  27. Hi Suzan,
    I love your backyard. It's so pretty. You guyscdid a great job. Love the chairs also. I'm headed to Target.
    P.S. John's chairs are okay, but I like yours better.

  28. Your yard is really looking gorgeous! I love the Target chairs, but I think you'll be glad John picked up those other ones when you have company. And they'll be much more comfortable for laying back with a glass of wine and a good book while you laze in the sun around your pool. I've only ever had in-ground pools and I can't imagine being without one. Especially when you're working in the garden on hot summer days...I work in my suit and jump in every so often to cool off. You are going to have so much fun in your yard this year!!
    Debbie :)

  29. The chairs are really cute! Don't burn your legs on the hot metal though. ouch! I like the bird's eye view of the backyard from upstairs as it gives a whole lot of perspective to your backyard. I think it looks lovely and it's great that you have a nice lawn area plus the pool. You've done a lot of work to your little piece of paradise Suzan. It's very pretty!

  30. Love the chairs! My sister bought the same ones from Target and uses them in her creative arts studio. (I think I would also like them in RED!) The pool is looking fabulous as well as the garden all around it.

  31. I love the chairs too. I do not want them to rust...I like them how they are. ;-) I have to go with John on this one.
    Love your photos today. The pool and gardens look very inviting.
    You are doing great.

  32. I would adore to have a built-in pool and would sit and stare at it too. The chairs are too cute! I like the vinegar, salt and soap tip above for weeds inbetween brick like we have too.

  33. Gosh that really does look beautiful, now I don't even care about grackle poo.

  34. Btw, I really do love Johns chairs, give him a slap on the back from me :)

  35. What an amazing view! I can hardly wait to see the water slide you build from up there! It will be amazing. You can climb out the window, onto your slide and enjoy a morning dip!....did you blog about this yet???? Oh no I probably ruined the surprise....

  36. To be honest Suzan, I so agree with you on the rust with those chairs. It would add charm to them. Isn't it weird but we love things to be old an crusty, LOL, for me it is that but clean and crusty, I know weird. The pool looks so gorgeous and it is a great distraction. Getting in the house soon!!


  37. Oh hey! Those go with my bench...I see what you mean! No, you still can't have my send those chairs down here to Texas! Lol.

  38. Love those chairs! Such a great color!! I have one, and don't worry, I paid the same price here in the states ;) what a steal!

    1. Well that's amazing - because EVERYTHING is always cheaper for you guys !!!
      But they ARE an amazing price, right?

  39. Suzan....remember when you were so stressed and I said, "just remember...before long you'll be sitting by that beautiful pool and relaxing?" LOL! You have arrived.

  40. This looks gorgeous and so inviting! I really love those turquoise chairs, and yes, in my opinion, the black table is perfect!

  41. What a beautiful pool area! Your turquoise chairs are very cute!

  42. Oh, Suzan, It all looks soooo pretty!! What a difference! Love the chairs, I'm having a crush on that color too :)

  43. Your yard is amazing! No matter where you live, you add your touches. Then, WOW!
    I love to look at a yard through a window. It is a fun way to sit and relax.

    1. Thanks so much Debbie - it really has been a life saver ( the renovations on the interior of the house are back breaking - LOVE having this to escape to )
      Let's hope I don't escape so much that the interior never gets finished LOL

  44. I LOVE the turquoise, Suzan and think it looks great with the black! Forget the house, enjoy the's a short season! ;) I grew up with an inground pool and loved it and now have one of my own and love it! Every May when we open it up, I can hear Andy Williams singing It's The Most Wonderful Time of The Year! So I get your excitement loud and clear! Congrats!

    1. Thanks SO much Kim - we always only had above ground ones - I have to admit this one feels luxurious lol
      We crhistened it last weekend - it was wonderful ( cold - but wonderful )

  45. John is so funny! Love his find... but LOVE yours!! The chairs are fabulous!

  46. What a great find, Suzan! I LOVE that color. Thank you bunches for linking up and partying with us!

  47. Suzan, your yard is looking lovely and you and John are going to have the most amazing summer. xx


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!