
Sunday, August 10, 2014

A plank wall - a hutch - and a dresser

Happy Sunday Morning everyone -

The plank wall is almost done and we've decided to stay together...............because in the end it's just not worth walking away from each other over a wall.................there's so many factors to figure in - our kids - the grands - the house - our business - AND John likes it even more than I do !!!!!!!!!!!!
I still have to do a wash on it - or dry brush it - but I'm not thinking about that yet.

John says - maybe we'll do it in another room
Suzan says - hmmmm - let me think about that OK???

I know it was my idea in the first place - but seriously - we almost killed each other getting this up - at one point we each had a plank of wood in our hands that we were kind of leaning on - and I looked at him and said
" Are you thinking what I'm thinking " ?
John says - Yeah let's take a break

That wasn't what I was thinking at all................I'll let your imagination work a little on that one.

The Hutch is almost complete....................just have a little work to do on the back piece.
I usually remove them to make it easier - ( often they're just stapled in )  and even though we've had a couple of " episodes " getting it back in - I still continue to do it

I've told John this is the last hutch for a while - too big - hard to manoeuvre around etc.................he was relieved.
Still haven't told him we have to pick this up later today - I'll spring it on him while he's having his morning coffee I suppose

I haven't done one of these in a long time.....................those mirrors are a bonus since I never sell the dressers with them - I can add them to the stash I apparently like to hoard.

Oh and last night we visited a friend - I HAD to show you pics of her lobby chandelier ( she lives in an apartment building in our last neighborhood )

and a smaller one on each side

Here's a terrible pic of beautiful Parisian looking molding...................

and lastly a grandfather clock graces the wall as you exit - and THAT is the time we went out to eat - how very European LOL

Have a great Sunday all.
See you tomorrow with something completed ( I hope ) 

Much love,

I'll be at these parties this week !!!
Uncommon Design                             My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia                      The Scoop
Kathe with an E                                 Gingersnap Crafts


  1. There is lots to love in this post! The's darling. The new one is fantastic. Don't choke on your coffee, John.
    Your friend is surrounded by it all. :)

    1. Your plank wall will always be a reminder of your great fortitude.
      Or maybe regret...that perhaps you should have nailed him to the wall with the boards. hahaha
      It turned out beautifully and I look forward (with GLEE) to seeing it complete. :)
      Yes, glee.

  2. Mr. C and I have almost killed each other over a project, so I try to keep those types "spaced" apart. Loving the plant wall and the dresser looks ever so pretty. What you friend lives in a pretty fancy apartment!

  3. How luvly! We are working on doing the same to our sun room walls. Slowly.... so as not to have a fuss :D One wall is complete, one almost there... one more to do , then paint. Looking forward to the completion.
    Happy Sunday.

  4. Suzan -- did you use tongue and groove or just boards to do the wall? Looks great.

  5. Wow there is an abundance of furniture in your area! I am not so lucky. I agree with you about taking the backs off. You have to be a contortionist to paint the insides of some pieces!

    Loooooooove the chandeliers.

    P.S. Did you you see my email?

    1. Hey Maureen - I DO see your emails - just can't reply to them - they always come back undeliverable!

  6. Where shall I start? Colin and I are a match made in heaven and rarely argue but when we do it's ALWAYS in situations like that! When I split up with my ex I told everyone it was either that or I buried him under the patio (they thought I was joking...) I've already mentioned my love/envy of the planked wall SIGH. Hutch is looking goood! I take the backs off too, Colin puts them back on :-D I never find dressers like that and you get 2 mirrors thrown in for free, it's not fair. Speaking of which how come your friend gets to live in an apartment that looks like a French chateau? I'm practically drooling! Have I covered everything now? xxx

    1. Where were you going to bury him - in your postage sized back yard LMHO???
      John puts the backs back on for me too - but sometimes it's hell on earth getting them back on because some of them are very brittle ( we've had to change a couple in the past - they practically crumbled when we removed them ) You covered everything my dear LOL.................xoxoxoxo

  7. I love the plank wall! Good thing you kept the planks on the wall rather than on each others' heads! I have a wall that I'd like to plank later for all kinds of reasons so I'm eager to see what you'll decide to do on it.

  8. OMG! Love the plank wall, can't wait to see how you finish it. I so want to plank our back entrance/mudroom IF we ever get this reno started!!! Love the hutch too, can you come and finish mine I started before moving into The Wreak? Patty

  9. I've missed you, sweet friend! Hoping I can visit regularly now. The wall is very nice ~ which room? Oh, ok, I'll go look myself! :) You're so talented in redoing furniture. Wish you were here ~ I have 3-4 pieces that need help. That chandy is stunning! Next time, take pics of her apt.

    Looking forward to more visits!
    New email addy:
    Hoping it will be better! I honestly don't think it could be worse ~

    1. Oh I've missed you too Pat - hope all is well ..............I'm not sure which room this will end up being - either a library or a dining room.
      I took a couple of photos of her amazing furniture - post up tomorrow :)

  10. Everything is beautiful Suzan - you do such lovely work. Your friends home is stunning - love her chandlers - so very very pretty.
    Have a wonderful week.

  11. The plank wall looks fabulous! Sorry it wasn't so easy to put up. We actually thought ours was one of the easiest things we have done, but it may have been different materials we used. Anywho, it looks great! I love the hutch as well and can't wait to see what you do with the dresser.

    Blessings, Vicky

  12. I love your wall. Glad you never followed through with what you were thinking. I can't tell you how many times I have thought the same thing!!! We must be! Love the paint job as usual and I love the new dresser! What a great apartment your friend lives in. It's like entering an expensive hotel, but not like the expensive hotels in Moose Jaw! I mean like the expensive hotels in New York or Paris....somewhere nice!

  13. Omg that dresser. I so wish you lived close to me so I can have your creations in my store.

  14. Lovely... I think you guys need another vacation.


  15. Not that you really care...but ask John if he has a lost brother by the name of Jeff. I think they
    may be twins..My goodness.... (that is a soft word for, well you know) they are so alike. Your blog is so much fun to read, because it is like reading my own diary. Love is grand...Jeff and I have been married for 50 years this May....and my life, is pretty much like yours.. Love it, and him, but there are times................................................

    1. Oh Bonnie - from what I can tell John has thousands of brothers LMHO !!!
      Thanks so much for your kind words - 50 years - a huge congratulations - you, my dear, are a SAINT !

  16. So glad the wall worked.

    The hutch is looking great. Without the back it looks like a 'window' style room divider - maybe you can create a new purpose for them.

    Thanks for sharing again.

  17. I was going to plank my laundry but you've actually changed my mind lol. That hutch is gorgeous and so I'd your friends apartment lobby.

  18. OMG, my husband and I only changed two light fixtures last weekend and were irritated at each other! Well done for managing to install a plank wall with him! It looks amazing!

  19. Great projects! I love the plank wall! I need to collect some planks (lots of them) to make one of those in my home...!! :)
    xox, Crystelle

  20. Suzan your wall is going to be so cool! Can't wait til it's finished! I have a stash of mirrors too...not sure why!

  21. I love the plank wall. We hope to do one in our home soon.

  22. LOVE your plank wall! I've been wanting to put one somewhere in our home. I'm featuring it tomorrow in my Friday Features... thanks for linking up to Inspire Me Monday.


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!