
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Adding Planks to a Kitchen Table

Good morning everyone -

DIY Plank Kitchen Table Top

It rained cats and dogs here yesterday - and when it does that - for some reason my brain starts getting a little creative...............( think of trying to entertain a child on a rainy day - ain't easy )

Smack in the middle of working on the plank wall - ( because I seem to have a huge problem with finishing anything lately ) another idea was born................what if I took my little farmhouse table ( which does in fact open up to double the size in the photo below - you can see that post HERE ) and added planks to the top to make it even bigger - a real " work station " type of top?

in our previous home
I quickly ran to get the left over planks - there were 5 left over - and would you believe it - 5 fit perfectly for what I wanted to do - ( if that's not a sign that it had to be done I don't know what is )  I'm not sure why it looks lower than the counter top in photos - they're almost the same height

Suzan says - OMG John - I just had such a fantastic idea
John says - Oh no............
Suzan says - I want to plank the antique farmhouse table in the kitchen
Suzan says - But
John says - NO - N.O. - NO WAY - FORGET ABOUT IT

I have a thinking ( SHOWER ) cap that I keep in the linen closet - ( you can actually see me wearing it HERE ) I sometimes use it when I'm painting - seriously - especially if I'm painting a tall piece where paint may end up on my hair -  but it also works for thinking strangely enough - and within minutes I had a plan ( because I'm nothing - absolutely nothing - if not determined.

Suzan says - What if I had a way where the original top would not be affected at all?
John says - Well that's impossible - how are you going to stop the piece from sliding all over the place without screwing it into the wood?
Suzan says - LIKE THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First we put brackets underneath the planks to hold them all together

Next we flipped it over and ran a pencil along the underside where the " real " table ends

And put a piece of molding on either side to hold the plank top in place - like this

Ideally we would have put molding on all 4 sides - but I couldn't afford the space it would take to make the table larger in depth - only length - but a piece of anti slip rubber ( like you use under carpets ) will hold it perfectly.
This is how it looks underneath - locking it in

Next I painted the top with ASCP Pure White...............again imperfection is fine - this is only the first step

Once that was dry - I made a wash with French Linen ( I eyeball it at this point - but half water - half paint is usually a good rule of thumb )

This took very little paint - maybe 3 tablespoons - this little bit was all I needed

After brushing it on

Next - ( and I don't have a photo of this step ) I took a damp cloth and wiped the entire surface.
I'm a very fast painter - if you aren't - this last step should be done in sections because a " wash " dries very quickly.

When you're done you should have a piece that looks like sun aged driftwood

This piece is now large enough for me to have a small prep area

I feel like I should have my own cooking show now !!!

Suzan says - can you take a couple of photos for me?
John says - of what?
Suzan says - of me, in the kitchen, in front of the new table
John says - Okay

I hurriedly pulled together some accessories

John says - Oh for God's sakes, I don't have time for this nonsense
Suzan says - c'mon - it'll be funny

Suzan says - Wow - I thought I was the world's lousiest photographer
John says - Is it bad?
Suzan says - Well it's very blurry which I don't mind at all - but I don't look anything like Giada de Laurentiis
in this whatsover..................
John says - Who the hell is that?

Are you impressed with my planked table idea?
No?  How about if I told you I painted it and white washed it in my favorite  little black dress?
Yes I did - I most certainly did!  ( I like to live on the edge like that )  I used to go dancing till the wee hours when I felt like having fun.  Now I sometimes paint in " good " clothes instead.

John says - that's the last thing we're doing to that table, you understand?
Suzan says - yessir ( but only because I can't think of a single thing more I could do to it myself.

We added a shelf on the bottom HERE

and height to it HERE

and now we've added some " girth " lol
and it's removable if and when we choose to take it off

Have a wonderful day all !
I'm going to chop and dice up Corn Pops and have a bowl of cereal at the table now - and then I'm going to put polyurethane on it to protect it.  ( 4 coats - since it will be getting a lot of use )
In my little black dress.

If anyone from the Food Network wants to contact me please drop me a line here on the blog - we can discuss salary.
Have a wonderful day!
Much love,

Partying here !
The Charm of Home                        French Country Cottage                       Redoux Interiors
Shabby Art Boutique                       My Turn for Us                                    The Shabby Nest
Miss Mustard Seed                         Simple Nature Decor                            Funky Junk Interiors
Be Different Act Normal                 Life on Lakeshore Drive                        It's Overflowing
Redhead Can Decorate                  Uncommon Design                                Coastal Charm
Under the Table & Dreaming                                                               A Stroll Thru Life
Between Naps on the Porch                                                                        Stone Gable
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia                                                                Cupcakes & Crinoline
Kathe with an E                                                                                          Home Stories A to Z
Savvy Southern Style                      Ginger Snap Crafts                               Ivy & Elephants
Have a daily cup of Mrs. Olson       From my Front Porch to Yours            I Gotta Create
Katherine's Corner                         Bloom Design Online                            My Romantic Home
Craft-O-Maniac                             The DIY Showoff                                I Should be Mopping the Floor
Today's Creative Blog                    The 36th Avenue                                 Remodelaholic


  1. Nice post! I will follow your blog as my pattern for decorating my kitchen cabinets next week! Thank you for sharing!
    Glass Front Kitchen Cabinets for a wonderful Décor

  2. You are hilarious! I need to see a live action version of John and Suzan! I love the table by the way, whenever I try washes or dry stencilling or that type of thing it's always a disaster.

  3. You are brilliant! That has to be the best idea ever. No, seriously! I was going to ask you if you waxed it but then I read to the end where you said you were going to poly it. :o) It looks great and I love the pic with the cereal. mmm, John needs to brush up on his photography skills. LOL.
    have a good one! Hugs,

  4. Brilliant, it looks terrific. What a great idea and I like so much better now.

  5. LOVE it! You are so clever and I think your 'thinking' cap is working very well. Have a great day. Raining here today but we needed it. I'm off for a massage at noon. :)

  6. Oh, Suzan, you are just too funny! Similar conversations occur at my house all the time! Always a project to talk my husband into..... The table looks beautiful, and you are quite inspiring! Hugs, Catherine

  7. Your kitchen looks so fantastic - love!!!

  8. LOL as usual Suzan!!
    It looks fab... love it!!
    Great idea... V

  9. The episode where Giada bakes Corn Puffs is my absolute favorite.
    The table looks great and is even more functional now!

  10. Nice job and so creative!! I loved your conversations with hubby, hilarious! I do have a question: Will you be able to prepare food directly on it once the polyurethane cures? How long does it take to cure? Thanks!! -Bev

  11. Beautiful! Where there's a will, there's way!

  12. It is perfect!! But I'm not sure I believe you about the LBD! :))

  13. You are so clever. Great fix to get what you wanted.
    Keep us laughing ...
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  14. What a beautiful piece for your kitchen and a terrific job creating it! Wonderful!

  15. Looks great, as does the entire kitchen!

  16. Your kitchen is so charming. Love it!

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  17. You are so clever. Love the table..I can prepare Corn pops ...wonder if that makes us soul mates??? Oh, and I take pictures just like John does, maybe that makes me his soul mate too.

  18. I love what you did to your table~! hmm,, will ya share some of those sugar pops. they are my fav right behind fruit loops, yummmm.. seriously, your table top is divine and I want it..

  19. Cockhoo clocks, table tops and planked walls, yikes, I don't know how you do it all! And they all look freakin' amazing! Cue the crickets, yup, no reno's started this week either. Our contractor says next week (silently tearing my hair out...). Patty

  20. Very clever indeed! My hubs and I made a plank island for our kitchen out of an old coffee table, and I love it! Hope you have many delicious bowls of Corn Pops around the adorable table!

  21. Very clever Suzan! I love how it turned out and the color is fabulous! I'm wanting a plank topped dining room table and since I'm having no luck finding one, I think we will just have to build one ourselves. Great job!

    Blessings, Vicky

  22. You are definitely a problem solver! Great idea on extending the table size! Now, how can I paint my cabinets white without paint actually touching them (for my husbands sake)Ha!
    Your kitchen is gorgeous Suzan!

  23. How beautiful! Your idea on mounting the top was pure genius! Better hang on to that shower cap, lol!

  24. I want a big bowl of corn pops! Your table top is'll be nice to have more space.
    Make sure you get proper compensation for your work- you know how sketchy those TV people can be! LOL

  25. First, it looks fantastic. Second, you are brilliant for figuring how to attach it without ruining the top. Third, you are hilarious. Giada better watch out - you're gonna give her a run for her money with your chopped corn pops!

  26. Lol! I love the table top and thank you for showing how you did this! What a great idea!

  27. Oh, Giada's got nothing on you! This is such a brilliant idea, and it looks so fantastic! Cheers to Corn Pops and DIY wearing a little black dress! lol

  28. You creative girl you, where there's a will there's a way. Giada's got nothing on you, cause she couldn't come up with anything as creative as this. Love it, and love the color, and love you've got my prepping/eating and dancing area!

  29. You are truly hilarious Suzan! If I want to laugh I always come here to read your posts. Love the table top and the clever way you attached it. I swear your husband and mine must be brothers cause they sound so much alike. ;) - Kristi

    1. Thanks Kristi lol - it seems John is quite universal - I never realized how many men were exactly like him !
      Have a wonderful weekend - hugs

  30. I would totally watch your cooking show! My kinda girl if you can cook with Corn Pops! Besides the genius cooking, I love your genius new work table! It looks fantastic.

  31. This is great! I was just thinking of doing this very same thing last night (insomnia night, when I have those nights I lay there and DIY in my head). I am so glad to have the idea validated by someone that has already done it. :) Great job. I am going to pin this. Thank you.

  32. That's how my best ideas are born ( insomnia LOL )
    Such an easy project - go for it !
    Thanks so much

  33. I love your idea and how you managed to not damaged the original wood, keeping your mariage alive! I think if John agreed to take my picture, I would agree to post it on my blog!

  34. Oh, Suzan, you are toooooo much! Haven't I told you that before. Another job so beautifully done, you are so smart that way and all in a little black dress. Just imagine. I really love it..Happy Weekend..Judy P.S. When it comes times to pose for my portrait, I'm calling John. Nary a wrinkle would show!!

  35. You and John are so funny, almost like Desi and Lucy... The table is perfect and I love it.
    You truly are great, to paint in your little black dress. I would have paint all over. Tell John not to quit his day job to be a photographer LOL. Love the post.
    Have a great productive week. The house is really very lovely.

  36. That is one fabulous table top Suzan!! And this catches me up on my emails...finally.

  37. I am so impressed you added a plank top to the antique table to prepare Pops in a little black dress. So classic. So Suzan!

  38. Am I impressed?! AM I IMPRESSED!? Why your evil genius has overcome me and when I recover I will do exactly as you, (my new mentor), have done and give you all the glory! thank you so much!

  39. This is so gorgeous! Pinned!

    Renea -

  40. Suzan I love the added your whole kitchen!!

  41. Suzan, You are soooo creative and your kitchen remodel has turned out beautiful! Love the planked table.

  42. Looks beautiful! The entire kitchen is gorgeous. I feel sure the Food Network or someone is bound to call soon!


  43. Book marked this as we have an old printing table with a marble top that is PERMANENTLY stained with ink, so I can't use it for prepping...and then I got an awesome little cocktail cursor?! LOVE. Thank you so much for making me smile so much after making my little gray cells hum and buzz!
    Much love and big smiles,

  44. What a great transformation! It's such a cool idea...I'd like to invite you to share it at the Twirl & Take a Bow Party at We'd love to have you! 1 link shows up on 6 blogs.
    Have a great week,
    House on the Way

  45. You did a great job! Thanks for sharing -Jennifer

  46. awesome project! I would have added the top exactly the same way. Good thinking there.

  47. Stoping by from Inspiration Monday Linky Party. This looks really great. I have an island that this would look fabulous on. Really great job, and I LOVE the finish.

    Sarah @ Backwoods Babies

    1. Thanks SO much Sarah ! Super easy project !

  48. Replies
    1. Thanks so much Trish !!!!
      For your kind words AND the pin

  49. love that weathered grey finish. so european lovely!

    stop by when in you're in the mood for lovely and the unexpected. :)


  50. I love it, what a great idea. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me.

  51. You are too clever! Fabulous how you didn't damage the top of the exiting piece. It really turned out gorgeous and I'm sure that little black dress had something to do with it. lol! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  52. Suzan,
    I love your table looks GREAT! You are being featured at this weeks party:)


  53. You are a mess girl! That shower cap/thinking cap is something I'd do..and I'd paint in my black formal just to show how skilled I am. HA. Already thought of doing my Duncan Phyfe table like that but didn't want to hurt the table top. It's a piece passed down and will 'pass on' to daughter. Now I can do it thanks to you!! Totally gonna do this BEFORE THANKSGIVING..I THINK! How funky is that gonna be? Barnwood top...formal bottom and I may paint the toenails of the feet pink or red or green! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog. Keep wzup the good work. You are awesome and VERY gifted. Happy THXGIVIN' from Montgomery, Alabama

    1. LOL - thanks Goria - it's been fantastic to have more work space, number one - and I'm still thrilled with the new look !!!
      Painting the toe nails sounds like such a fun idea !


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!