
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

AN ODE ...( and a hutch makeover )



You will walk through forests - swim in oceans - and - hopefully
sleep in a desert at least once
You'll learn to feel one with nature

You will also wander through busy streets
and marvel at what can be created by men and women
You will be surrounded by love
but learn how to sit in solitude
to gaze at the stars

I will fill your world with enough calm
that when the chaos seeps in you will have a place to go
to remember that life is not always like that
That somewhere deep inside - peace realms supreme - you only have to look within.
I'll teach you to believe in magic - with fairies and rainbows - so that you never try to peer too closely
and dissect magical moments when you see them.  We all need a little of that - you are mine.

I will dry enough of your tears
to teach you how to dry your own
I will hold you close to my body when you need it
and gently - ever so gently push you away when you need that too

I will teach you to crawl
And walk
And run
And yes I will even do my best
to teach you to fly

I will fill your world with music
and show you how to dance with reckless abandon
So that you will still feel the rhythm in your heart
when your world goes silent from time to time
I will teach you to explore
to open doors - even when they appear to be locked

but I will also teach you that not all mysteries are meant to be solved
and not all doors are meant to be opened

I will teach you to surround yourself with flowers as often as possible
I will teach you how to accept them gratefully when presented as gifts
by lovingly accepting the dandelions you hand pick for me
but I'll also teach you  how to know when to buy them for yourself.
I hope you gift yourself often.
I will teach you to speak
so that you may express yourself with eloquence
And then I will teach you to read so that you know
the written word is just as important as the spoken one
I'll use real books - made out of paper and bindings so that
you learn to appreciate the smell - and the feel of the words
jumping off a page.
I will teach you how to draw that you may recognize art
and I'll hang them on the fridge so that you long to explore
art galleries when you can.

I will teach you how to sing so that you know from
an early age that it doesn't matter if you can't carry a tune
as long you hear music in your heart

I will teach you that although it's beautiful to find a soul mate - it's also important
to fill your soul with things that bring you joy and heartache -
A healthy soul is filled to the brim with both.
The heartache brings depth and teaches you compassion and empathy
The joy evens it out.  I will try to teach you how to keep the scales
balanced on that one - it's tricky - but it can be done.

I will teach you about second chances - and second glances
and not judging by the outside
I will show you how to recognize that most people and some things are worth saving
and how hard work and a dream and motivation can move mountains

I will teach you - that no matter what society says
beauty does NOT come from the outside -
Like an orange you have to peel away the skin to find real substance.
The outer part can be used for zest - great for decoration but in the end
it's only zest - and the part that gets discarded.
I will teach you how to peel oranges.

In a time when the Sun has become the enemy
I will teach you not to hate it too much
I will  teach you how to hold your face up to the sky
in sunshine AND when the heaven's open up .
Both can be harmful - both are essential  and filled with beauty.
I hope you learn moderaton by my teaching you to bring your umbrella with you accordingly
because I'll also teach you to forget it from time to time.

I will forgive you
over and over and over and over again
so that you know the art of forgiveness
and learn to forgive others - including me when mistakes are made
( and they will be made - over and over and over and over again )
I'll also teach you to say I'm Sorry by saying them myself when I
make those mistakes.

I will teach you that it's ok to cry by allowing you to see my tears
and allowing you to wipe them dry so that you always know you have healing powers.
and that a gentle hand given when needed can save a life.

I will teach you how to ask for help by asking for yours
I will ask when I don't really need it - so that as I get older
you will give it freely when I do need it from time to time.
I'll say " no " more often than you'll like
because it's important - it's really really important to learn
when to say that too.

I'll teach you how to laugh from the belly - because those are the
laughs that are most contagious - the sound of light tittering never
gets a room going.

I will teach you to love all creatures - great and small
by living amongst them
And that we are closest to our maker when we are kind to them.

I will feed you while teaching you
how to feed yourself
I will praise you while teaching you how to praise yourself
But mostly I'll just love you

while hoping it teaches you to love yourself....................
I'll probably tell you I love you at least once a day for the rest of my life.
You do not have to reciprocate on that one.

and if at the end I've done my job with any degree of success

you will know when to crawl
when to walk
when to run
when to fly
when to nurture
when to cry
when to embrace
when to heal
when to pull away
when to come back
when to apologize
when to forgive
when to dance in the rain
and most importantly when to stop at a little florist along the road
and buy yourself a bouquet of your favorite flowers............
just because you know you're worth it.

And that you will look upon this imperfect world as a privilege to be a part of.
As you've graced my life - so you will grace many many other's while walking upon it.
It's a glorious place made all the more so because of your entry.
I don't - can't know where your path will lead you - I can only pray that I'll have given you
the tools to make it a happy one.
You will spend the rest of your life learning - with every single day that passes you will
learn something new - and by 10 years old you will probably know more than your Mother.
And the magical part?
Well through all of this journey - this miraculous heart stopping wonderful journey - you will be
teaching me far more than I could ever presume to teach you - I know that.
Eventually you will too.

The day will come when you'll realize I'm not that smart - or clever - or pretty or talented and that my
chicken is always just a little too dry.
My super powers will fall by the way side - hopefully I'll have taught you not to gloat when that day arrives.

But first I'll teach you how to sleep through the night.
Your Mom

Paints used for this transformation
Annie Sloan Chalk Paint - Pure White and Antoinette
The Parisian themed banner was a treasured gift from my friend Susan at Butterfly & Bungalow
Words used for this post ?
Don't ask -  menopausal moment - which makes me overly's go on meds or write you'll have to indulge me on this one.

Not quite sure how the heck it even happened - furniture usually inspires me to paint - not to write odes.
Especially when my little girls are now in their 30's !!!
Have a wonderful Thursday everyone -
Go transform something !  Or write an ODE lol

AND thanks so much Hometalk for the twitter mention !!!

And don't forget to leave a comment HERE for a chance to win this package - winner will be announced on Sunday !!!
Willow Tree - " grateful " figurine - Annie Sloan reed diffuser - hard cover book - Paris in Color

Much love,

Time to party with these fabulous Hostesses !!!
The Charm of Home                               The Shabby Art Boutique                         French Country Cottage
Too much time on my hands                    My Turn for Us                                        My Romantic Home
Miss Mustard Seed                                 Craft-O-Maniac                                      Funky Junk Interiors
One More Time Events                           Life of Lakeshore Drive                           The DIY Showoff
I Should be Mopping the Floor               Creatively Living                                      Coastal Charm
Between Naps on the Porch                   Between Naps on the Porch                     Sand & Sisal
Stone Gable                                           A Stroll thru Life                                       Homestories A to Z
Cupcakes & Crinoline                    Kathe with an E                                        Carolyn's Homework
Savvy Southern Style                             Beyond the Picket Fence                          I GOTTA Create
Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson            From my Front Porch to Yours                 Ivy & Elephants
Glitter, Glue & Paint                       Simple Nature Decor                                The Shabby Nest
Today's Creative Blog                            Be Different Act Normal                          The Dedicated House
The DIY Dreamer                                  The 36th Avenue                                     Remodelaholic
The Winthrop Chronicles


  1. Oh, my! Not only are you talented with paint, you are a poet too!

    Both beautiful!!!

  2. Beautiful, both the transformation and the a grandma (actually, my name is GaGa) I read those beautiful words and thought that some of that applies to all of us grannies in that we can also help Mom teach a few of those things (as well as us learn quite a bit in the process). You are very talented and have a beautiful heart. Thanks for sharing!

  3. What a beautiful post, I think you're waiting for a little granddaughter.

  4. this is beautiful, so much so it gave me chills, amazing!

  5. Beautiful! Both the hutch and the ode! I bet that was "fun" applying the backing. I'm sure that little endeavor is worthy of a blog post....and I did notice that the Eiffel tower is perfectly lined up!

    1. It's funny you should mention
      John removed the back for me so that I could wall paper it - 2 pieces - which fit the width of the roll almost perfectly -
      Then he hammered holes right through it putting it back on.
      THAT particular conversation didn't fit with the Ode though LOL
      Thanks so much Beth!

  6. Nine o'clock in the morning and the tears are flowing....beautiful furniture and even more beautiful words. You are a true inspiration in so many ways. <3

    1. awww Laurayne - you weren't supposed to cry !
      ( I got choked up writing it - that's how abnormal I am LOL )
      Thanks so much

  7. Really lovely -- both the hutch and the ode.

  8. Suzan,
    I think this might be one of my most favorite pieces you have done. Love it what a grand re love of this chest. I love your poetic words so sweet and comes from your heart. Great post. Touched my heart.

  9. Beautiful...the words and the hutch! I have a similar hutch that was my mother's that I have been wanting to paint. You've inspired me to do it by showing me how beautiful it can be.

  10. Beautiful and beautiful. Being sentimental does not need to be explained away or medicated. It's best served warm to close friends and like us.

  11. BEAUTIFUL saying and BEAUTIFUL hutch transformation!! I love that cute banner too!

  12. Oh, Suzan, (I feel like I know you personally and can call you by your first name!) PLEASE PLEASE turn this poem into a children's book! PLEASE!!!

    1. It's so strange that you say this Lori - because I have 5 rough drafts of children's books sitting in my office - I have no idea how to go about this...............
      And thanks so much for your kind words !
      Much love,

  13. Susan - copywrite what you just wrote. Find a publisher and make it into the beautiful book it deserves to be! I am not kidding, I am serious! It is beautiful to say the least. Hugs, Patty. p.s. and another beautiful piece of furniture. : )

  14. You wonderful, magical woman.
    No words...just love.

  15. Beautiful! Oh and the cupboard is gorgeous too!

  16. How precious to read this today as my first great niece is being born! Annabel should arrive at any moment and I plan to send this to her mother. Your words are beautiful and inspiring. The cabinet will be priceless.

  17. Copyright, yes, please do that right away. I too was sobbing by the time I finished reading this. It was so beautiful and the hutch is the dream that went with it. Thank you so much for getting sentimental and sharing with us. Sandra

  18. I usually leave here laughing, but this one brought tears to my eyes. Beautiful words my friend...just beautiful! It is lovely. Have a blessed evening...and by the way, love the piece you created.

    Blessings, Vicky

  19. You may have been blessed by your children, but indeed they have been blessed by you. Circle complete. Lovely on all counts!!

    1. You're such a sweetheart Kim- thanks so much

  20. Oh my Gosh Suzan!!! You wrote this! Beautiful! And the hutch is a girls dream come true! All this talent! Amazing! Those paint fumes are working for you :-)

  21. Aren't I lucky to get a twofer today, a gorgeous hutch and a charming ode! You need to write a children book. Love the color and the stripes inside.

  22. Beautiful words, beautiful furniture. Sigh. Just lovely. Thanks Suzan.

  23. Hi Suzanne,
    This is so beautiful, both the letter and the hutch.
    Have a wonderful week.

  24. Beautiful post...and a beautiful hutch!!

  25. Wow, and Wow! I am so impressed with the hutch and your sweet words to a baby girl. Love it! Pinning.

  26. I just spent some time with my mom, who will be 78 soon, so this is about me. I also spent some time with my daughter who will be 40. This is about her. Or maybe this is about my 8 grandchildren she has given me, ages 23 down to 1. Perhaps it will be about their children when the time comes. Surely, it is about all of us. Thank you.

  27. Suzan, you are as wise with words as you are pretty with a paint brush! I so enjoyed reading this ode - a menopausal masterpiece!;))


  28. Suzan, that is so beautiful! I can't believe your wrote all of that yourself! YOu are amazing. I am going to be so bummed when Jacob realizes some day that my superpowers are not real. *sigh*.

  29. Oh, my goodness. I couldn't wait to see the pictures of this lovely piece of furniture. I scrolled through them, drooling and envious. Gradually, I noticed the words. Then I slowed down and began reading them. I had to go back to the beginning and I read with amazement. You are so talented on many levels!

  30. You've touched my heart Suzan....just beautiful, along with your gorgeous piece of furniture.

  31. Oh, this is so pretty Suzan, the Ode and the hutch! They are a perfect match, sweet, adorable!

  32. Your talents never cease to amaze me!!!! So beautiful, the Ode and of course the hutch is so sweet, perfect for a girl!!!! You are a talented writer, you really should publish your words. I am saving this post to desks top to be able to re read whenever it has so touched my heart, thank you. Hugs. Karen

  33. Replies
    1. Thanks so much Lisa - it's wallpaper though :)
      Wish it WAS fabric - I'd make pillows !

  34. Awwww. This is so special! I've been wanting to do a china cabinet for a little girl. That fabric is just perfect.

  35. Oh my…absolutely breath taking! You are so incredibly gifted!! Thanks for linking up @ IMP Susan! XO ~ Julie

  36. Your Ode is beautiful -- and so heartfelt. I think those hormones fueled something wonderful. The pink cabinet is perfect!

  37. Your hutch is so gorgeous! Wonderful work!

  38. Suzan,
    Create away, dear one. . .
    whether in words or works of art!!!
    You're A M A Z I N G!!!
    P.S. . . .I hear the voice of furniture, also!!!

    1. Thanks SO much fellow furniture whisperer !

  39. Beautiful transformation, wonderful ode, and one lucky little girl who will get to have this fabulous piece in her kingdom. '-)

  40. *Sigh....* This hutch is perfection. I want it. I don't even know where it would fit, but it is perfection. My favorite part is how pale the pink is, it doesn't scream girly, it just exudes elegant and whimsical feminity. You are an artist :)
    (visiting from The Scoop)

  41. Your ode is so touching and sweet, Suzan. And your hutch is truly the most adorable piece of furniture I've ever seen.

  42. I want to be the little girl that gets gifted this priceless hutch to store my secret treasures in to travel to foreign lands in my dreams to store my childhood toys and passions in I want to be this little girl who receives this awesome poem about all the while growing up to be a beauty will I be a dancer, a ballerina, an aerialist whatever my imagination will take me.I have to say thank you for transforming this for a little girl you truly made this a dream come true.Susie

  43. This is one of my favorite pieces I have ever seen you do. The ode made me tear up as well. I hope to see you at my link party tonight and hope you will link this gorgeous piece up.

  44. This is so stunning! It would have been my dream to have this in my room when I was a little girl!

  45. Hey Suzan! I've been on a bloggy break so I'm playing catch up. I love, love, love this post. I think it's my favourite one of yours ever! Both for the pink hutch and the writing. You never cease to amaze me. Any little girl in your world is a very lucky one.

  46. I am speechless. That was beautiful. And the hutch is the sweetest thing I have ever seen.

  47. I went back and read some of your John and Suzan conversations and wanted to know when did you move into my bedroom? my husband and I have had these exact conversations especially the one's about the cookie sheet aka broiler and how to boil pasta I think this is really guy things don't all husbands say this or are we sharing the same guy?LOL

  48. Gorgeous! Both the cabinet and the poem. Perfect for the perfect little girl! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  49. Oh, I get to the menopausal moment and I totally get it!! LOL! I was watching my nieces this week (3 and 2) and I start blubbering about how much I miss my kids (boys) when they were little. Strangely this is a girl thing, because my 3 year old niece totally gets it too! LOL!
    Loved your Ode!

  50. I will feature this tomorrow at Home Sweet Home!

  51. Absolutely incredible! What a stunning piece! Such a lovely post thank you!

  52. i love the backing on it! so pretty!! stop by if you get a chance and see my diy projects, not this blogger account..i forgot I even had it but for some reason it wont let me log into my wordpress account :( anywho great tutorial and I cant wait to look around more and see what else I find :) happy friday

  53. Beautiful. Sounds like she is very loved. :)

  54. Oh wow, it's amazingly beautiful. I wish I could've had one like that. I've just found your blog but I'm definitely following you. Wonderful job. :)

  55. The hutch is very charming! I especially love the wallpaper backing. Beautiful! Your poem is very touching too! Love It!
    Happy Weekend!
    LuAnn with Lovely Livings ;)

  56. Suzan, you amaze me, not just with your painting skills but your way with words, (funny or serious). Always a joy to see and hear what you've been up to. Great post!

  57. Adorable hutch! Sweet sentiments too! May this little one always be surrounded by love! ~julie

  58.'s GORGEOUS! And I love the paper you chose for the back!


  59. Fantastic ideas for the paper you choose! love it. I have something similar i did recently, this is very inspiring, I may do this to my Hutch.


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!