
Sunday, September 7, 2014

Ice bucket Challenge !!!

Good Morning everyone !!!

For all of you that keep asking me to post a video - well - here you go!!!

My daughter nominated me for the ice bucket challenge - I thought of strangling her instead of accepting - but I really do love her and that simply wasn't the answer

Take a look at my daughter's brave trifecta challenge - and mine follows right after................

I accepted the challenge - John took it one step further.
The second part of this video was completely unexpected.....................a hidden bucket that I had not seen until it was too late - I was perfectly willing to do the first bucket - the second one?  Not so much !!!

John paying me back I suppose?  ( maybe he didn't like me snapping my fingers for wine? )

Here we go - no make up - hair a disaster

Suzan says - I'm making a hair appointment

I've told you before - every now and then he's completely right

My daughter says I look like a 90 year old zombie running LMHO !!!

I forgot to mention a few things -

This is for ALS - I know everyone knows that but I still should have mentioned it -  an extremely worthwhile cause -

AND - Tina - Kris and Danni - I'm giving you 72 hours - as opposed to the customary 24 hours
We're bloggers after all - this takes a little time for us. !!!

Let's go bloggers - are you up to the challenge?

Have a wonderful Monday everyone !
Much love,


  1. Suzan takes the plunge! Kudos to you and your daughter for doing your part in this great effort to raise awareness and funds for this debilitating disease! Have GOT to see John's challenge, and of course, I know you'll be ready with a sneaky surprise for him, too! I'm guessing something that will surpass his second helping of freezing H2O!!!

    P.S. You have got to be the chicest challenge yet!

  2. Good job, Suzan! Hilarious! And so was your daughter's!

    Let it be known to any bloggers who read this: I have already done the challenge, both ice and $! Can't wait to see if Kris accepts. :)


  3. Okay, 2 buckets??? You go girl! That will be hard for those ladies to match. Should it be 3 for them?? :)

  4. Is there a reason for no comments this morning? Suzan, that was a brave effort! Hugs, Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  5. Ok Suzan I have done the challenge already. I was nominated by my lovely daughters to do this so been there done that!!!!! I had the same reaction you did but did not have a glass of wine in my hand. Wish I did. Thanks for the challenge but ha ha already did it! :)

  6. Thank heavens I've already done it! It's colder than you think it will be. You look very chic in the beginning but a teeny bit weird running around clutching the hem of your dress. Was it trying to run away from you? LOL

  7. I see what you mean!! That second bucket was definitely a payback... :)))

    Congratulations to both you and Lindsay, and blessings for helping raise awareness ~

    Damp hugs ~

  8. You go Gir!!!! Fantastic challenge!!! I hope John knows better than to go to sleep tonite, maybe with one eye open!!!! LOL!!! Anyway, my brother in law has ALS, and we really appreciate all the help that everyone is putting forth. It really is a horrible disease. So thank you and thank Lindsay and the rest of your family, and everyone else that has participated. Have a blessed day!!! XOXOXOX Karen

  9. I really, really, really enjoyed that bit of entertainment! Of course, it was for a good cause so kudos to you SuzyQ.
    That being said, I will NEVER do that. Never, ever, ever!!! A contribution has already been sent and I am going to enjoy this video over and over. LOL!

  10. I. Love. You. The fact that you had a pail of water dumped on you while wearing white makes you the riskiest female I know, lol! The fact that I got to hear your voice and actually see and hear the 'infamous' John made my day :) Way to go Suzan with a 'Z'!

    1. I'm a risk taker LMHO - never - not for one second - thought of how dangerous wearing white could be LOL
      Thanks SO much !

  11. You go, girl! John might have ended up in the pool for the 2nd bucket! I have to admit, it was pretty funny!

    1. Ok - that water is a shock to the system - but I can't say no to a challenge - AND it's for an incredible cause.............
      John wrote a check

  12. That's my girl, glass of wine in hand as you have a bucket of ice water thrown over you, I just hope it didn't dilute it! (I am also very impressed you didn't spill a drop when you were running away from bucket number two) If anyone challenges me I will KILL them, mind you we're getting to the time of year where you get soaked with icy water most days anyway :-D

  13. Uh, br! Kudos to you and your daughter for taking the challenge. (I will hold Soda's picture hostage if you make me do it!) LOL

  14. good for you!!! You should nominate that husband or did you???

  15. Loved both of ones I've seen yet. Have a great week....Vicky

  16. I think everyone would agree with me at how amazing you are! You are so much fun, and your projects are so incredible! Your painted furniture is so beautiful, and I love your style.
    Thank you for doing the video, and I hope to see more videos in the near future! Your ice challenge (with wine, no doubt, AND not spilling a drop!) was the best ever! Sorry about the second go around, but tell John that paybacks are hell. LOL

    1. Thanks SO much - what a comment !!!
      You made me smile ( not sure if there'll be anymore video's though LOL )
      Can't think of a way to get John back - he already wrote a cheque :(

  17. Ah, that was fun to watch, all in the name of a great cause! Very classy with the glass of wine! I am sure that you are plotting a way to get John back...

  18. I can see I came back just at the right time to WATCH you get iced down. lol That oughta cool your jets for a while. And we were already iced down here, too. lol
    And- What about good old John himself then? He certainly deserves it!

    Hope you have a great week,. Suzan. xo Diana

  19. Ah Suzan! That was so funny and by far the classiest! I've already sent a check, so no ice water for me, but you were very brave!

  20. Good sport! Brrrr..... that looked cold! Patty

  21. Finally we discover that John has a real sense of humor!!! Good job, Suzan. It was nice to see and hear you.


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!