
Friday, September 19, 2014

Let me introduce you to an amazing lady

I don't know how I found her- but I'm addicted.............

Her blog is called My Alzheimer's Story -
and it's an amazing journal of a Daughter's journey with her Mom through the process -
it's a blog not to be missed - seriously.
There are video's and soundtracks of conversations they have - some will leave you smiling - some will leave you crying - all will leave you absolutely mesmerized by the power of love.
Susan ( the daughter ) is eloquent and articulate as she shares her stories and you can't help but fall in love with both Mother and Daughter.
Their story is filled with grace and dignity - respect and above all, love.

Here's an excerpt from one of her posts.

Today is moving day.
My Mom Pinkie Patti leaves her home of 40 years to go into another kind of “home.”
The kind you go to when you don’t know where you’re going or what you’re doing anymore. And she doesn’t.
She won’t know when she opens her eyes this morning that it will be the last time she’ll cast them on the sunlight streaming through her bedroom window.
(Dawn is just about to break, the sky is streaked with pink and blue, and a light frost coats the trees and fallen leaves all around the house.)
She didn’t know yesterday it would be the last time she would enjoy breakfast in her kitchen, clean her counter tops, or stare into the crackling flames in her fireplace. Soon these small joys will belong to someone else, someone who may never know how much each of them once meant to Patti.
She doesn’t know she won’t dance in the goldenrod in her field again, or swim naked with me in the lake or walk in the winter wonderland behind her house at Christmas.
Somehow the fact that she doesn’t know seems to make her imminent (within hours now) departure more tragic.
But none of us know when we’re going to leave the life we’re living. We may be snatched away at any moment, with no inkling the breath before was to be our last. It can happen at nine months, nine seasons or 99 years.

It's such an important story that affects so many and most of us know very little about it.
Take a visit
I promise, you'll be glad you did.
My Alzheimer's Story
and this is what love looks like.

Everyone have a wonderful weekend
Huge Hugs,


  1. Awwwwwww :)

    Thanks so much for the touching introduction Suzan.

    A few of your readers have already visited and we look forward to welcoming more...

    Love and hugs,

    Susan & Patti

  2. I just visited - good blog, Suzan. I remember my MIL having signs of dementia and seeing everyone in her family just ignore the obvious - perhaps because I was the outsider it was easier for me to tell. It started with her repeated story telling. She died of other causes, but I can see where this could be a long road to travel for some. This woman is doing a fabulous job with her mom.

    1. Thanks so much Rita - it's truly an amazing blog.................
      I suppose an " outsider " ( which I don't think you are ) could accept it a little easier.
      It must be just horrible to live through this on a daily basis.
      She's an amazing daughter.

    2. Suzan, I just sent you a note through FB that'll land in your 'Other' folder if you wouldn't mind taking a look. TY! ~R

    3. I can't find your note Rita - what does " other " folder mean ( I'm not joking when I tell you I'm a social media idiot !!! )

  3. Sounds like a great blog ~ I'll visit later today. TFS ~

  4. Alzheimer's is a terrible disease. This was such a sweet, yet sad video. I'll pray for this family as heartbreak will no doubt be filling their hearts. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I visited and followed. I used to work in a nursing home and took care of many Alzheimer patients. I quit work when we started our family and then our neighbor across the street was diagnosed with it. I was able to help out with her day to day care. I'd go over every afternoon and have a coffee with her while her husband ran errands. Later I'd gave her a bath several times a week ... she would swing between grateful and mad. You have to have a sense of humor! One time she told me that I was so smart (sarcastically) that I should join the Air Force. She was so feisty. She's since passed but I miss our coffee dates. My husband's grandmother passed away with it too. It's a terrible disease. Thank you so much for sharing this precious blog Suzan!

  6. Subscribed. So many of my friends parents are afflicted with this horrible disease. It takes a truly special person to cope with the daily trials that Alzheimers brings. Wonderful blog! Thanks so much for the link!

    1. It takes a truly special person indeed...................and she is that ( and more )

  7. my late mother-in-law had Alzheimers, and while it was hard for all the kids, our sister loved having her live with them. thanks for this link, I will be following.

  8. thanks so much for telling us, I will visit for sure, such an inspiration,

  9. Thanks for introducing us to Susan. Jim's Mom had Alzheimer's, along with his sisters we kept her at home with us as long as we could. She lived the last couple of years in an assisted living lock-in Alzheimer's unit. Until she came down with pneumonia, she did very well there. She was a funny one. Some days she knew exactly who you were and what was going on, other days, she was back in the 1930's. She lived to age 92. She was remarkable. Have a blessed weekend!!! XOXOXOXOX Karen

  10. Suzan thanks for this and the introduction to Susan's blog. So touching. This is what love is all about. This is such a horrible disease that happens to the best of people. So happy Susan has documented and will have these wonderful times and memories with her mom.

  11. Oh this sounds so sad but I know what she's talking about as I've been there with my mother and mother-in-law. Now my oldest sister has it. I'm going to check out this blog. Thanks!

  12. Bless Susan, and her Mom, and all the sons and daughters and every family member who is dealing with a loved one affected by Alzheimer's. A tough and humbling road to be on. I talked with a young woman who's Grandmother had been placed in a care home for Alzheimer's patients. She said her Grandmother was retelling a family story, but she mixed something up, stopped, struggled to find the right thing she meant to say, then said to her - I'm going crazy, aren't I? Patty/NS

  13. They are both amazing...and I am a follower now. Thank you Suzan...:)

  14. This is a horrible disease in deed. My Mother developed early onset Alzheimer's at the age oh 55 and lived to be 72. My Dad kept her home until it was no longer safe to do so - she began falling frequently. I think the worst day of my life was when she did not know who I was but then one of the happiest was when she called me her friend. It is a very long and emotional journey and I watched each of my siblings handle it in different ways. My heart goes out to Susan and her Mother. It is not an easy journey in any way.

    1. OMG Cathy - 55 is tragic - absolutely tragic.
      I'm so sorry to read this.
      Much love,

  15. This is absolutely priceless! My father-in-law had Alzheimer's and I recognize the look in Patti's eyes. What a treasured gift Patti is giving to her daughter Susan, and Susan, in return, is giving to her mother.......and for us to be able to peek inside this incredible relationship. Priceless! Peaceful Blessings! Nanny

  16. If I can swallow the lump in my throat I will visit her. My mother also had Alzheimer's and lived with me for 4 years when my kids were little---until it got to be too much. God bless any /every family that deals with this terrible life-stealer. xoDiana

  17. Suzan,
    What an amazing blog of an amazing woman. I went over and read some and I so admire her attitude in dealing with her mom's illness. Thank you for the intro.
    Oh, thought you'd like to know you are a no-reply blogger. I just recently had to fix mine.

  18. We just went through some stuff with my husband's mom. Hers may be dementia but having to leave her home has been hard for the whole family. Oddly my MIL seems to be the most at peace with it. I'll pop over to the blog when I feel like I can do so without crying.

  19. Well, I'm following her now though it may make my heart break all over again. I lived through this with my mom and I'm not really over it four years after she passed away.


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!