
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

RUBY....................a dresser makeover

Meet Ruby 
You know her
Someone wrote a famous song about her once

Emperor's Silk, dresser makeover

You've painted up your knobs

Chalk Paint - Emperor's Silk

and waxed and buffed your tinted drawers

Ruby are you contemplating running out the door ?

The shadows on the wall tells me the sun is going down

Oh Ruuuubbbby - don't take your love to town.

It wasn't me that started that whole crazy chalk paint fad

But I was proud to restore all the pieces that I had

and yes it's true that I'm not the girl I used to be

Oh Ruby ..........................there's still creative sparks in me

It's hard to love someone who gives furniture the " eyes "

And the wants and the needs of a dresser your age
Ruby I realize

Emperor's silk dresser makeover

But it won't be long I've heard them say

Till wood comes back around

ASCP Chalk Paint - Emperor's Silk

Oh Ruby -
Don't take your love to town..................................

Annie Sloan Chalk Paint - Emperor's silk - clear and dark wax
Kenny Rogers inspired song..................
Just so you know that although she was quite a bit of work - this whole dresser took 1/2 tin of
Emperor's silk -  HALF A TIN !!!!!!!!!!
Incroyable !!! ( I feel like getting all bilingual on you today )

Now excuse me - she's leaving now 'cause I just heard the slamming of the door

the way I know I've heard it slam one hundred times before
and if I could move - I'd get my brush and paint her boring brown
oh Ruuuubbbyyyy -
for God Sakes TURN around ........................

I could have used Ruby Tuesday - since I actually painted her on Tuesday - either way it's all about her leaving me .....................

The lady is a tramp ( there you go - 3 songs in one post )
A perfect " Fall " color - because that's all I'm willing to do for Fall at this point lol
I'm NOT ready for it!
And I'll probably mention that in every single post until I am !

Have a wonderful day y'all !
I have some work to do on this beauty!

See you tomorrow - bright and early 
Much love,

Join me at these fabulous parties !

The Charm of Home                                French Country Cottage                Too much time on my hands
My Turn for Us                                       My Romantic Home                      The 36th Avenue
Remodelaholic                                        Funky Junk Interiors                      Life on Lakeshore Drive
It's Overflowing                                      I Should be Mopping the Floor      The Chicken Chick
Between Naps on the Porch                    A Stroll Thru Life                          The Stone Gable
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia          Kathe with an E                             Cupcakes & Crinoline
Art is Beauty                                           The Dedicated House                    The Winthrop Chronicles
Homework - Today's Assignment          The DIY Dreamer                          Savvy Southern Style
Knick of Time                                         Ginger Snap Crafts                        DIY by Design
Adorned From Above                             From my Front Porch to Yours     Ivy & Elephants
Katherine's Corner                                  Bloom Design Online                    The Shabby Nest
Simple Nature Decor                              Be Different - Act Normal             Uncommon Design
Homestories A to Z                                Miss Mustard Seed                         The Shabby Nest
Remodelaholic                                       Uncommon Design


  1. Gorgeous! Absolutely gorgeous. I am not normally a fan of red but this piece? This piece I would absolutely sit dead center in my home and fall over it if necessary. I hope she is going to a good family.

  2. Suzan, I have several pieces that I have used the ASCP on and I just want to go one record saying the hardest part is the waxing! I watched my husband wax and buff my car this weekend using the electric buffer and thought, "now that's what I should do!" Haven't tried it yet, but on the next piece I may! Do you have any tips for getting in the nooks and crannies with wax and then buffing? I love the red...In fact, I have a coffee table I did in Emperor's Silk and I get so many comments. Love your Ruby!

    1. I absolutely hate waxing ( but I absolutely love the results )
      I've used an electric buffer at times - works great - I don't have any tips for the nooks and crannies other than having the patience of Job...............
      I don't have one red piece in my house - and every time I paint something red I think it's time lol - I don't know why I don't do them more often because they go the quickest for me !!!

  3. Suzan! How on earth do you do it all? This piece is beyond gorgeous! And thank you so much that Kenny Rogers is going to be stuck in my head all day... I don't have room for that LOL!
    Have a great day friend!

  4. Ruby is gorgeous and I love the color! Hope she finds a good home (or a least a nice prominent spot in your home!) I use an electric buffer sometimes when it feels like my arm is going to fall off!

    1. Thanks Beth - my arm is not so great for waxing either - but for some reason dark wax is a breeze - it's the clear that hurts - wonder why?

  5. You are killing me with all these beauties! Love the last on too! I love red.

  6. I am loving that beautiful red! I long to have a piece of red furniture in the house. . .

  7. Perfect song for your Ruby and I'll be singing it all day, of course!
    She soaked up a lot of paint. Wow, half a can is a lot.
    Love her anyway. :)

  8. I am sorry, but until she put on that red dress, that dresser was not beautiful.

    I've never seen you looking so lovely as you did tonight
    I've never seen you shine so bright

    Now as a "Lady in Red" - I've never seen you looking so lovely as you did tonight, I've never seen you shine so bright.

  9. got that dresser!! Good for you. As for Ruby, she looks WAY better with her makeover. I wish I could say the same for Kenny Rogers....


  10. What a transformation! I don't think I'd put red in my house, but it will look fabulous in the right setting.

  11. You are totally nuts. Cute, but nuts. Talented, but nuts. I fear for the safety of that dresser. Send it immediately to my house so I can protect it from the crazy painting lady.

  12. OMG I love love love Ruby - she is beautiful and I wish I had her here at my house. That is such a lovely color and it looks terrific. Great job Suzan.
    Have a great weekend and I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with your new dresser.

  13. I love red and this has to be my favorite thing you've painted to date! I hope Ruby goes to someone who appreciates her beauty. Fantastic job!

    1. Wow - Jeannie - thanks SO much !!!
      I hope Ruby goes quickly actually LOL

  14. Beeeautiful Ruby, with her flasy knobs & all! Jus' so you know I took the lyrics and spun them into R&B in my head. She's kinda a racy little number. Patty

  15. love, love, LOVE this piece of furniture! She's GORGEOUS!

    1. Thanks so much Camille !!! Wish someone would take it off my hands now - she's taking up too much space lol ( it's massive )

  16. Ooo, I love that first shot especially! Ruby is a real looker! When my niece and her husband named their baby Ruby, I sang her that song. I don't think she appreciated it. lol

  17. Loving the red and wherever Ruby goes it has to be loved and appreciated! A pretty red dress helps a lady to always look better! I'm with ya, I don't want to give up summer till I have to. Why do we always have to rush ahead, can't we just enough the moment. With that said I did finish fall project today!

  18. Ruby is FABULOUS--I'm swooning! You are so talented :) Blessings, Cecilia

  19. This is why people fall in love with your blog over and over again. Pinning it.

  20. I'm glad there wasn't a crazy Asian war involved.

  21. Oh. Wow. That is STUNNING! Love the detail on the drawers. I've got to pin this (Oh, yeah, like I could ever paint anything and have it come out like this, LOL!)

  22. The red is just fabulous! Love Ruby, she can come to my town anytime!

  23. You are such a stitch! And I love Emperor's Silk -- one of my very faves. I wish I had room for a piece this size painted this way.

  24. I love the color. It's amazing what a little work and paint can do! We are working on a project right now. I know it' not a quick process but, worth the time. Theresa @DearCreatives

  25. I think Ruby would really be striking in a dining room. Beauty!!
    I am stuck on kijiji trying to find an antique table to turn into a desk. Time to head to Montreal's site! You find the most amazing pieces and then turn them into stunning beauties!!

  26. Yer amazing.
    What is incroyable? I like the sound of it.

  27. You constantly wow me with your restorations. I have a beautiful set very similar in style to this and I desperately want to redo them. I think they would be gorgeous with a new color and some new hardware. Wish me luck. I may give it a try!

    1. Thanks SO much Elizabeth !
      Go for it - you can't really go wrong using chalk paint - it's a very forgiving paint and can be lightly sanded off if you don't like it !

  28. Incredible. You reminded me of a song my piano teacher made me learn......But back to incredible.....that piece....WOW!

  29. If I had a little girl, one of my top name choices was going to be "Ruby" so I'm destined to love anyone with that name! Such a beauty you've created . . . again.

  30. Simply gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.

  31. Love the red! My favorite! Thanks for sharing at the Twirl & Take a Bow Party. Have a great week!
    House on the Way

    1. Thanks so much for having me Leslie - and for your kind compliment!

  32. Stopping by from The Inspiration Board: Creative Party. Love how a piece can be transformed just by painting it. Beautiful!

  33. Ruby is a beauty! Love this post. I have that song stuck in my head and it's all your fault. Thanks for sharing at our Vintage Inspiration Party.

  34. Beautiful job and love your poem; I sang it in my head as I read it!

  35. That is one gorgeous dresser. Magnificent.

  36. I can't believe it's the same dresser that you started out with. It's gorgeous.

  37. You are too funny, but Ruby is Gorgeous! Red is my fave color and nothing like having a piece that just pop's in any room. I am in love with Ruby. LOL,

  38. I love red furniture. I work from home and my desk is red...just on of the perks of not commuting!

  39. Suzan!!! I am so sorry I haven't been by, you pretty talented lady!! I love Ruby! At first I thought you meant Ruby Tuesday, Gotcha now...what a sad song! But your dresser is gorgeous. The pulls. Sigh. She is certainly dressed up enough to take her love to town! Did I get that right?

    Love to you!

    Jane xx

  40. Beautiful!!!! But I do have to tell you that Ruby was Waylon Jennings......Sorry to say I remember when that song came out....

  41. WOW love it! Now to talk my husband into letting me have that awesome pop of color!

  42. Oh Suzy!!! I LOVE Ruby! She's a beauty!

  43. This makeover really caught my eye. Gorgeous. I will be featuring this tonight at my Fall into Fall party that opens at 8pm EST. Please stop by and pick up an I've Been Featured button. Thanks.

  44. Thanks for sharing this beautiful bureau on Fabulous Friday last week.Hope to see you next week
    Thanks Maria


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!