
Monday, September 1, 2014

Too much going on around here !

Good morning sisters of my heart !

I finished painting one side of the built ins

But we still haven't touched the bottom part ( where the heaters go - and that was the most important part for me )
And there's still the other side of the window which hasn't even been primed

And I can only tell you guys - I simply CANNOT tell John - but I'm not so crazy about them.
Oh.  My.  God...................there - I've said it - it's out there.  I've been keeping silent about it
( but silence like a cancer grows )

I'm hoping that once the whole room is complete I'll see them a little differently - built ins from fence planks may not have been my shining moment - idea wise lol

 I've also started painting this lady .....................

AND I have to get it done FAST - because this one is on its way tonight
and I can't wait to get my hands on it - just love the mirror !

 AND one more thought before I go - am I the only one who's NOT happy that Fall is on its way?

It's a beautiful season - I get that - but doesn't everyone want to hang on to summer for just a little longer?

I'm just not ready for painted pumpkins !  ( you can see that post HERE ) because I can't see me having time in the foreseeable future to paint even one pumpkin lol

And then before you know it Christmas decorating will start - do you ever feel that you're in a race with Father Time - and Mother Nature is screaming at you to slow down?

Have a wonderful day everyone
Our cruise is next month - I'm praying I don't get on the ship and fall asleep for the entire time
but in the meantime the countdown has officially begun !

Kisses & hugs ( if you don't mind a little paint on  you )

Sharing with these great ladies parties !

Ivy & Elephants                         From My Front Porch to Yours               French Country Cottage
Too much time on my hands              My turn for us                                         My Romantic Home
Funky Junk Interiors                          Life of Lakeshore Drive                           The Chicken Chick
I Should be Mopping the Floor          Between Naps on the Porch                     A Stroll Thru Life
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia      Stone Gable                                             Kathe with an E
Art is Beauty                                       Cupcakes & Crinoline                     DIY by Design
Ginger Snap Crafts                             Knick of Time                                         Adorned from Above


  1. I love the shelves!!! I know the dilemma of not loving something though, that your husband put heart and soul into. My husband painted a big sky, sun, teepees, buffalo, etc. on our son's wall when we set up his nursery. It's still there because my husband put so much heart into it. I've never, never liked it. And I've never (and won't) said that aloud. ;)

  2. I'm really liking the built ins so far. I can't wait to see the finished project and the whole room when you are done with it. The plank wall and mantle are gorgeous! I have total faith that once everything is complete that you will love it, too. Keep up the good work and enjoy the cruise, even if you do sleep through it!

  3. You know what Suzan? I always think I'm going to want built in book shelves, but then I can never organize them in a way I like. Yours look beautiful to me! You need a vacation girl, I'm glad the countdown has begun!

  4. Ugh fall... no I'm not ready, I want summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel your pain about not loving something you've chosen but given your recent trials & tribulations I'd keep quiet about it too!

    lol xoxox

  5. I know what you mean, I'm not ready for fall either!!!! I can't handle the cold weather and Jim won't retire before next summer!!!! I like the wall, hope it grows on you, especially after all that work. I have done that so many times. But then one person comes in and tells me how great it looks and something clicks and I re- see my vision and say, oh yeah, that is what I was going for, yes I do love it!!!! I think when the room is done and it's all together it will look fabulous!!!! Have a blessed day Miss Sunshine Suzan!!!! XOXOXOX Karen

  6. Suzan,
    I am feeling the same way about summer. I do love fall but would like one more month of summer. I don't get this way usually with the change of season....not sure why this time around.

    Wanted to let you know that I did the "bump" in high school. Thought I was very cool! Did you call your high school dances "sock hops?" We had a sock hop every Friday night we had a home football game.

    Love the built ins. I am showing my husband. I think we need some too, very badly.
    Happy Painting.

  7. You will figure out something fabulous for those built ins! I bet John would think it a terrific idea if you would just put them in backwards! Less contrasting color I'm surprised he hasn't suggested it himself!!

    1. But how would I know which book I want to reread Mo LOL???

  8. I am so not ready for fall. I don't know why people are in such a hurry. Time moves fast enough on its own without us hurrying it along. I bet you will like the shelves better once you get it all done. xo Laura

  9. Hi Suzan,
    I am with you not ready for fall just yet. Savoring the last few days of summer that are left. I love fall too but we all know what follows that ughhh! Love the new piece I cannot wait to see that painted. Have a great day my friend.

  10. This summer was such a disappointment, weather wise, that I'm happy for fall to settle in. We all have the odd thing that we don't really like and keep so we don't upset someone. My grown daughter said they always knew as kids if I didn't like something because I hung it in the laundry room. I thought I was being subtle.

  11. What is it that you don't like about your built ins? Maybe something can be added?

  12. There's an old Scottish saying (might even be Rabbie himself) 'fools and wains should ne'er see things half done'. I'm not implying you're a fool or a wain (small child I think) but you know where they're coming from...Sometimes, especially when you are beyond worn out, it's hard to see the whole picture anymore, I think they look good and everything is coming together beautifully and I am a woman of great taste as you know ;-D Sending you a hug back that is easily just as painty and pretty waxy too xox

    1. And there you go - I'm not a wain - but I'm definitely a fool LMHO !!!
      The room looks like a disaster right now - it doesn't help - and I AM tired !

  13. Oh dear,...... just let them be and perhaps let them grow on you. Maybe once you get the bottoms finished and a cozy chair to snuggle up and read with a glass of vino (after the cruise) you will warm up to them. They look great, really, and once finished I hope you can enjoy them. If not, wait 2 yrs or say goodbye to them if you move. They don't make the house a home, you do : ) xo Patty

  14. I agree, it looks great! When I look at something too long, I begin to doubt everything about it. You need a break for sure! So happy you get to go on vacation! You deserve one girlfriend!

  15. Oh no, they look great, wait until the room is done before you hate on them too much. I love autumn and Spring, I hate the cold and I detest the heat. Summer here is kind of like your winter, we're stuck in the house because its too hot to do anything. Last year after a week of 45 degrees (Celsius) I was pretty sure I was really going insane, I just cried & cried for some heat relief.

  16. Suzan -- I am not happy fall is on the way. Bloggers really push you too quickly into the next season -- just like retailers. I like the shelves.

  17. I'm sorry, but I am ready for Fall. Of course for us, it means temperatures in the 80's and hopefully rain. You can have what's left of our summer. I do have to admit it's been a mild (for us) one though. We didn't hit 100 until August.
    As for your built ins I'm loving them but I know what you mean. I'm always afraid of not liking something after we've spent lots of time on it. I hope once you get it all done, it will be what you envisioned.
    Yay for the countdown to vacation! You need a chance to relax and get away!

  18. Suzan,
    I am feeling the same way about summer. I do love fall but would like one more month of summer. I don't get this way usually with the change of season....not sure why this time around.

    Wanted to let you know that I did the "bump" in high school. Thought I was very cool! Did you call your high school dances "sock hops?" We had a sock hop every Friday night we had a home football game.

    Love the built ins. I am showing my husband. I think we need some too, very badly.
    Happy Painting.

    1. Another month or 2 would be fabulous Pam - I think our next house may be in Florida - not liking winters at all anymore !
      We only called them " sock hops " when it was a 50's theme for some reason !
      Thanks Pam - good luck with the built ins - hope you like them more than I do mine LOL

  19. I often start feeling a bit disappointed with projects. Almost always end up loving them, though. But then there was that pea soup green mantel--yeah, that was a mistake I should have admitted to sooner.

  20. It's not a good time to ask you to come paint my new cabinet for the kitchen, then? Too bad! We've been blessed with a wonderful summer weather this week, so I had to mow the grass... sometimes it's also good for summer to end...

  21. I love your built-ins. I don't know if it's your gift of styling them or what but they look fantastic! You really have a knack. I am looking forward to the end of mosquitos which means the W word....sorry for using that kinda language on your blog.....w w w w w w w oops wwwww oops!! lol

  22. The built ins look great to me! Love the big clock resting there. I bet they grow on you when the room is all finished. I'm not looking forward to fall either, even though I love it. It just means that winter is coming and after last year, I'm just dreading it!

  23. Send some of those bookshelves my way please.


  24. The built ins look great! I love books and I love seeing peoples homes with books! It's a sign that intelligent people live there. I am always suspicious of homes where there are no books.

  25. They look great, Suzan! Just wait until all is set and done and you can style them, you're going to love them! I love Summer but I'm ready for Fall :)

  26. I think the built ins in great. I just love a wall lined with books. I love that clock and the mirror. I am looking forward to Fall...because I am sick of being hot and tired of the bugs.

    1. Thanks so much Trish - I think I'd rather be hot and have bugs than be cold and have snow flakes LOL

  27. I am so ready for fall - the temps have been stiffling and the humidity unbearable these last few weeks. Ready for some cooler days. I love the shelves Suzan. I always question a project before it's done and until I get used to it and have the room completed. They will be gorgeous when you get them finished and put your special touch to them.

    1. Thanks Cathy
      ( I'm still not ready for Fall though lol )

  28. Did you REALiLY make built-ins from fence boards? Why on earth did you do that? Were they hard to work with? Were they cheap? I must know why you didn't just buy wood? They look great by the way...

  29. I'm not psyched over fall either. I didn't get enough summer! I'm liking how your built ins look so far. Would really like to see how it looks in context with the room. I really want some built in shelves in our living room. My biggest thing is I don't want it to be stuffed to the max, distracting to the eyes, jumbled mess. I want it to be arranged prettily. We'll see if I ever get around to it. :)

  30. I wasn't quite ready for Fall, but after seeing the news tonight...looking at 100 + degree weather next week... I thinking now I am ready! I love the built in's and I am sure after you finish and you put your final touches to it ...It will be beautiful!


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!