
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

White slip covers !

At long last ..............they're here and I couldn't be happier.
They far exceed my expectations

Fitted White Slipcovers

And although I knew it would look better - I never realized what a huge impact it would make!

white chair in living room

When I first bought this sofa set - they had huge fitted back pillows - so huge in fact, that you couldn't comfortably lean all the way back - so after years of complaining about that little fact - I threw them out and replaced them with feather pillows - which I can now easily change covers out whenever I want.........................we can also toss them aside when we want to lay waaaayyyy back because this set is quite deep.
( you should have heard the conversation that took place over throwing the back pieces out - oh boy -
I think the neighbors weighed in on that one )

White cottage living room

What felt like a cramped space - all of a sudden feels cosy and cohesive - and though it's not quite finished it feels like a place I can lay comfortably in with a good book

Mary ( the young girl who did these ) tried to talk me out of stark white - I'm SO happy I didn't listen to her LOL - I don't think off white would have done it for this cottage-y type of room -
Here's Mary - she actually delivered them AND put them on !!!
If anyone in the Montreal area is looking to have custom slip covers made contact me - she's incredible!

John says - What the hell is that on  the mantel?
Suzan says - Cedar branches - the neighbor cut their tree down
John says - You're kidding me, right?
Suzan says - No - I quite like them - they give a little color in an all white room


( do any of you remember my " haunted " experience in this house  HERE?  )

This place is quite dark - now that I think of it all my houses have been quite dark - that must be the upside of buying a newer house - older ones tend to be dark - I'd probably have to wear sunglasses in a bright house until I became accustomed to it LOL )

But just painting the walls white ( and the fireplace actually )  - and having the furniture slipcovered - brightens it up immensely !
Oh and Pic Monkey - if you live in a dark house Pic Monkey is a must.

all white living room

Anyway - one less room to make me cringe....................
So 4 down - and 5 to go.

Want a before?  ( well you're getting one ! )
As in when we first saw it last November?
From Ski Lodge - to Cottage

creating an all white living room

I just have to have my chandelier installed - and there wouldn't be a cringe left for this room !

( here they were in their beige state of mind  - even Soda didn't want anything to do with them )
Though it doesn't show so much they were in an appalling state

I may even curl up and read tonight
So while John continues on the floor in this room ( which we will call the " reading room " just because I like the idea of having one )

I'll try my best to make myself comfortable here lol
( these 2 rooms face each other off the hall - so I can keep an eye on him )

I desperately need a night or 2 of doing nothing actually
Does that sound like whining?
Has my blog become a whine fest?
We're both losing our minds a little with these reno's ..........................and I think I'm complaining a little too much here

But one night - I just want one night to sit around and get lost in a good book

Hope you all have a wonderful Thursday everyone !
See you tomorrow -
tomorrow -
I love ya
tomorrow ( and you guys - I love you guys too )
You're only a day away ♪  ♫

Join me at these fabulous parties !!!

French Country Cottage                            The Charm of Home                 Too much time on my hands
My Turn for Us                                         My Romantic Home                  The Shabby Nest
Simple Nature Decor                                Be Different - Act Normal         One More Time Events
Life on Lakeshore Drive                          I should be mopping the floor     Uncommon Design
Between Naps on the Porch                     The Dedicated House                 Sand & Sisal
Stone Gable                                              A Stroll Thru Life                      Kathe with an E
An Extraordinary Day                              Homestories A to Z                    The DIY Dreamer
Savvy Southern Style                               Adorned from Above                 DIY by Design
Knick of Time                                          Ivy & Elephants                 The Dedicated House
Have a daily cup of Mrs. Olson               From my Front Porch to Yours
The Shabby Art Boutique                        Miss Mustard Seed                    Classy Clutter


  1. Please give me her number....My DIL has my old (but lovely) sofa and wants it slipcovered.

    I also have a dark house. Nothing seemed right (wall color, accessories) until I used white slips. I bought a plain white mattelaise quilt and I lay it on the seat of the sofa and tuck it in. You can't tell its not fitted. Then once a week I wash just the blanket. I find with white the seat gets the dirtiest with pets, food etc. Saves on washing the slips which is a bit of a job. You will realize now how dirty furniture is...white is easy to clean and much fresher. She did a lovely job on those.

  2. WELL...I am IN LOVE...!! Just found your adorable your cute sense of your white the cedar branches...just became a follower...gonna tell my daughter about you...she will love you, too.

  3. Beautiful covers, even more beautiful transformation!

    1. Thanks SO much Rita - I keep walking by to stare at them - it's such a pleasant feeling to see the room and not want to throw up anymore LOL

  4. Oh Suzan, this room is fabulous!!!! LOVE the all white...gorgeous slipcovers! And those windows on either side of the charming!! You are so talented!
    Mary Alice

  5. what a transformation! The slip covers are beautiful too, I have to say painting the fireplace would have been a divorce for me, my husband would never let me paint our fireplace, he really has a hate on for painted fireplaces but yours looks wonderful! I lov the crispness of that white,

  6. Hi Suzan,
    I am doing the happy white slip dance for you. They look great. I tried an off white/cream not too long ago and now I have gone back to my basic white on my sectional. The white just really does give the cottage feel better than any other color. Love your new slips.

  7. Love the slips, I just pulled some out for my wingback chairs for a different look. Your living room is gorgeous!!!! You deserve a night off to relax!!!! Wish I had your energy!!!! I am on #3 of my list of 10 things to get done this week!!!! And I did the easy ones first!!!! Oh well, such is life!!!! Have a wonderful day!!! XOXOXOX Karen

    1. Thanks so much Karen - I'm on number # 3 too - except my list is 856 long lol
      You have a wonderful day too

  8. I'm a huge fan of white slipcovers and white rooms so I love what you did with yours! Love the fireplace painted white too.

  9. love those amazing slipcovers! your room is gorgeous!

  10. The cedar branches only look haunted if they showed up there on their own.
    This blog is NOT a whine fest. I'd say it was the other way around.
    Your room looks fabulous (you must say 'fabulous' in one of those singsong voices that an E! network reporter would use commenting on the styles of the red carpet.)

  11. Suzan - It looks great! I just ordered a white slipcover for my old sofa.
    Happy decorating. Always a laugh here : ) Thanks!

  12. I love the quiet calm of the room ~ and I think the cedar branches are a great touch!

    Thank you for your sweet note on my blog ~

  13. I LOVE your room!!! I think the most dramatic change was the fireplace rock! It's stunning - well, I love the whole room, actually. I wish I could convince the person I live with that white would be great....well, maybe not. He'd be through the house a few times and they wouldn't be white anymore. He does remodeling for a living. Guess who waited 7 years on hers?! So see, I think your progress is quite quick! lol

    1. Thanks so much Camille - so you're like the shoemakers wife, right? LOL
      Every decision I've made so far has been my second choice ( the first choice would have been to rip it out entirely and have another one put in ) but I only thought of that idea after the floors were done - and I'm getting tired of doing everything twice - so paint it was lol..................

  14. what an AMAZING transformation !! LOVE IT - you have a great eye and pretty cottage style!

  15. OMG! I am so freakin' excited over your slipcovers! They are BEAUTIFUL. : ) doing a happy dance now! I need those so badly, I wish she could do my sofa too. I have the same problem, deep seat and large uncomfy back cushion. Soooo need to do this! What fabric did you use? Also, this house is going white too, what was your paint colour? Love it so much! To hell with reading, we're having wine and whining about reno's. Patty

  16. I love all of your white! I just painted our sun porch white and it's got me thinking about painting more rooms white. Yours is so pretty - I love it!
    Sally @cottagefix

    1. This house is quite dark - so white seems to be working the best !!!
      Thanks so much Sally !

  17. It's all coming together! Beautiful slipcovers! Can you send her to Texas?

  18. I love your slipcovers and your room is gorgeous!

    1. Oh thank you SO much - how nice to hear ( because this room was one disaster let me tell you ! )

  19. You are so right...old houses are dark and you need Picmonkey. I face the same issues. Love the slipcovers!

  20. wow...just removing the rug in the before picture would make it 50% better. Love what you've done with the fireplace and the rest of the room. looking forward to seeing the chandy.

  21. I love it. I love the fireplace and the shelves. The slipcovers are amazing.

  22. Beautiful Suzan! The slip covers are perfect. I ordered some cheap ones from Overstock just to see if I like them... wrinkles OMG! Love the white! Hate the cheap thin slipcovers. Lesson learned! Invest money when it comes to slipcovers.

  23. Love your new slip covers and the living room looks amazing. What a transformation!! Beautiful!

  24. Love your slip covers! I would love to have some on my sofa, but with 2 little Yorkies...I don't think it would stay very clean. Right now, I have a blanket on the cushions...because there are 2 balls and 4 chew bones on the sofa.

  25. Steve wondered why I went with white slipcovers, but the number of times he has dozed off on the sofa with a glass of red wine in his hand has convinced him that I made the right choice. Thank heavens for bleach and oxyclean.

    Love your white room.

  26. She did an excellent job on those slipcovers! You can't go wrong with white unless you work in a coal mine......Love your room Suzan! It looks like it stepped out of a magazine!

  27. Great transformation on this room, Susan! What a difference white paint makes. The slip covers are beautiful, and the fireplace looks beautiful in white. Well done! Catherine

    1. Thanks so much Catherine !
      What a job this house has been - but I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel - just barely lol

  28. Everything loos gorgeous !!! love all the white and those slip covers are great!

  29. Wow, it looks so nice Suzan! I love white slipcovers too. I have an IKEA sectional with a white slipcover and a dark gray one for fall and winter. It's like clothing for your furniture! :o)


  30. Oh how gorgeous!! I love the wispy branch too! Everyone tried to talk me out of my white couch, but I wanted it and I'm not sorry either! Something so relaxing about least for me! You are making some serious progress girl.

  31. The new slip covers make this room the perfect place to curl up and read The Goldfinch. It is a great book and you have a great room to enjoy it in.

    1. Already read it Michelle - wasn't it fantastic? Now I've preordered Ken Follet's last book in the triology ( Pillars of the Earth series ) should be here in 2 weeks - and I can't wait.
      Thanks so much !

  32. Suzan, I love the new slipcovers - white was perfect. The transformation of that room is amazing - every last inch of it - even the cedar branches. Thank you so much for sharing at Share It One More Time. Cathy

    1. Thanks Cathy - it's such a relief to have this room almost done, I can't tell you !

  33. This is beautiful. My home is washed in white with white slip covered sofas so of course I adore yours. I like the cedar branch and you white deers and bits of wood. My first time to your blog, it's lovely.

  34. I love the white slipcovers... I would really love going that way, but I'm a little scared of te cats' paws... Does Soda jump on the sofa? Or does he behave better than my cats? The before/after picture of the room is just amazing.

  35. Suzan, your new slips are absolutely gorgeous! What a transformation!

  36. They look amazing I tried to do my own slip cover last week out of drop cloth uggh I need a Mary because they look great the whole room is beautiful.

  37. Finding a good slipcover maker is an art in itself so it looks like you were very lucky. Your whites are fresh and can so easily be made to look different with changed accents.

  38. What a great job!

    Looks like the sofa and the couch is from IKEA. If they are, you can choose what color you like.

    Check BEMZ Facebook page. Very affordable.

    TY for sharing.

  39. Looks very nice! I love a nice crisp white any day!

  40. Ok - three things - first... LOVE love love the slipcovers!!! If I had my way, every sofa on earth would have white slipcovers... :-) Second, laughed at your conversation with your husband. We've had many versions of the same thing... lol. And third - did you read the Goldfinch? I loved that book!! Enjoy your new room!


    1. Thanks so much Lori - I love them too !
      Tomorrow's conversation will blow you away - OMG - it doesn't end !
      And thirdly - I LOVED the Goldfinch - was worth waiting every second for - we just got the third book in Ken Follet's triology today - can't wait to dig into that one either !

  41. Yes Suzan, take a day and relax. You deserve it! But still, keep an eye on John. I have a feeling that he might be hanging cedar branches up in that room across the way. lol! The slipcovers are gorgeous! Fit perfectly. What a talented gal she is. Loved seeing the before and after photo. I have a rock fireplace that goes to the ceiling in the corner of my family room. Would love to paint it white, but hubby would literally die! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  42. WOW what a difference...I LOVE the white slips!! What a beautiful the windows on both sides of the everything about this space!!

  43. The room looks gorgeous, and I love white on white, especially if it is just grown ups there! And for the record, I love the Cedar branches, it brings a little pop of color, and also has such a pretty natural element. So nice of people to tell you what is ugly in your home!!!

  44. Love the before and after photos. It's great to see how far you've come! The white slipcovers are perfect - glad you stood your ground! OK, so the other day, the hubs trims branches on a pine tree, and leaves them in a pile outside. I haul them all in, and of course he has the same response as John. I wanted to use them on my mantle, but I noticed that he must have tossed it because it's GONE! He'll just have to cut some more, that's all! So, you can count me as a fan of your cedar branches!

  45. Sooooooo LOVE IT Suzy!!!! The branch looks fabulous hahaha I think that John and you should have a TV show... it would be a successful comedy for sure hehe :)

  46. Okay, that room is gorgeous! Haunted or no!



Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!