
Sunday, October 26, 2014

101 uses for Fence Planks

Suzan says - John do you think you could cut a few of those wood planks for me
John says - What for now?
Suzan says - I have an idea for an empty frame
John says -  How about putting a picture in it?
John says - Now that would be a unique concept, wouldn't it?
John says - What do you want to do with it, put wood planks on the back of it?

And he laughs his head off

Suzan says -  YES !!!
John says - I think you're getting carried away with the bloody fence planks now

But the idea was born this summer - when I put empty frames on the actual fence outside in the eating area

Suzan says - Something about the decorative frames against rustic wood spoke to me
John says - Why is it that whenever something's speak to you - it involves work for me -
John says - What do these things say?  " Oh look John's taking a break - can't have that "
John says - And the bigger question is - why do inanimate things keep talking to you ?
Suzan says - Well it's much the way your golf clubs call your name on the weekends ..................

The original plan was to white wash the planks - but he hammered them all in before I could get to it

It's perfect for above the bed ( in the guest room bed nook - which is not finished )  Does anyone else hang artwork while a room is still being painted?

Think of the possibilites ( other than just leaving it is of course - because more is more is more, right? )

Later on I noticed John gathering up all the remnants of the leftover planks

Suzan says - HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!  WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
John says - Getting rid of these
Suzan says - Well you can put them right back down
John says -  Aw c'mon Suzan - what are you planning on doing - writing a book on 101 uses for Fence Planks?
Suzan - Holy cow - that's a magnificent idea John - maybe I will -
Suzan says - But in the meantime can you cut me just four more little pieces sweetie schnookums?
Suzan says - I have another frame.....................

Have a wonderful day everyone
Back to that little guest room for me

Update:  I added a round mirror I had to the center !

Much love,

Come join me at these parties !!!

Between Naps on the Porch                       My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
A Stroll Thru Life                                       Stone Gable
Distressed Donna Down Home                  Kathe with an E
An Extraordinary Day                                Home Stories A to Z
Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson                From My Front Porch to Yours
The Charm of Home                                  My Turn for Us
My Romantic Home                                  Funky Junk Interiors
Be Different Act Normal                            One More Time Events
Life on Lakeshore Drive                            It's Overflowing
The DIY Showoff                                      Beyond the Picket Fence
Adorned from Above                                Remodelaholic


  1. I'm certainly going to make some of my own.Thanks for inspiration!

  2. I LOVE it- it is just begging for a banner (that echoes the same swoop down as the headboard) and that's all I'm gonna say 'bout it! lol xo Diana

  3. you certainly keep John on his toes!!!

  4. Suzan too cute. I love this idea. I just put up a frame in my office hmmmmm now I might have a good idea to fill it. Thanks for sharing. Hope you are doing great. Have a great start to the new week.

  5. Haha, oh John. Haven't you learned just to go with the flow yet? And never throw away perfectly good pieces of wood....let Suzan decide if she wants to get rid of them.

    It looks great, Suzan. And no, I don't hang artwork during a redo but I sure have it laid out in my head. :-)


  6. I love it! I think you'd better get started on that book.

  7. John should know by now that your creative mind never shuts down! :) Cute idea...anxious to see the space finished.


  8. I like what your doing,keep up the work,wonderfully fascinating.

  9. Great idea!, you're not the only one to hang things before the painting is! I have to sneak around and do it when the hubby isn't around. He thinks I'm too impatient! I probably am, but I just can't wait to see my vision come to life! Have fun decorating and have a wonderful week!

    Hugs, Vicky

  10. Thanks to you and John for making me laugh so hard!!!

  11. What a clever idea. I have some empty frames and I just may make myself a personalized sign. The possibilities are endless with these framed panels. Wonderful Inspiration. Thank you
    John is such a sweetheart for cutting them boards for you.

  12. I just thought. If I had the wall space in my kitchen to hang one of these framed planks, I would add some hooks and hang some of my old / antique kitchen utensils on it

  13. Poor John! Hang a glamorous mirror on the planks. Love glam against rustic.

  14. You have to come here and finish this reno for me! I'm running out of steam and patience. Before you come have John cut some more planks, I have a lovely old oval frame they will look fab in. x Patty

  15. I...LOVE...IT...
    I swear ya'll are wearing me out. I no longer get one thing done and you have MORE to show us. This is awesome and now, I have to go thrifting (o, poor me) and find some great frames.
    Now, I have a question for you. I am going to email you a photo of a print I just bought that I am so in love with. Not sure how to frame it...I know YOU will know so, since you don't have much going on...just doing bedrooms, painting a floor, yelling at John, surely you can take a look at this for me. :)

  16. Awesome inspiration. We have a ton of scrap wood that we knew we could find use for it and I'm getting some ideas now. Thanks for sharing!

  17. Put me on the waiting list for that book. I do love how you can decorate as you renovate. A true gift Suzan!

  18. Hahahh! I'm the same way - I get an idea for a project and somehow it ends up involving assistance from my hubby :-)

    Cute frame project, and love the look of the artwork on the fence :-)

  19. Hahaha...poor John...he'll just never get it, will he?? Love your framed planks. :)


  20. Great way to meld old with the not so old! Looking forward to seeing what you do with the rest of you planks. Thanks so much for linking up at the Make it Monday Party! Hope to see you again next week.

  21. This is just gorgeous - I think it turned out better without the whitewash.

  22. Well I think it's just fabulous and I have an old frame. But alas, I have not old fence planks. I do have some old chippy white wood though. Love it with the mirror inside! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  23. This is absolutely gorgeous! Love the use of old fence planks. We would love for you to come and link up with us Your Designs This Time, Mondays 8:00 EST.
    Hope to see you there!
    Emily & Erin

  24. What a great way to showcase something special. Love your creativeness Suzan - you never cease to inspire me. Thank you for sharing at Share It One More Time. Cathy

  25. Love what you (& John!) did here! Your birdie pillows are adorable too! Blessings, Cecilia


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!