
Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Good morning everyone !

I'm torn with what to do for a dresser in the little " adult " guest room -

There's this one ( which I'd have to paint - and which is no problem at all )
Before and after HERE and HERE

I'd have to paint it - since it will NOT go with the Black/White decor................

There's such a lot of storage in this ( don't mind the " staging " - this photo was taking last year in the old house )

All those shelves - plus those 2 drawers - and another 2 on the bottom half  ( I would NOT paint those 2 interior drawers - I still like the miscellaneous lol )

IF I decide to go this route ( and I think I might - because there's something European about an oversized armoire in a tiny room - with a bed and chair  ) what color should I paint it?

Black ?  ( the floor will be white - so the contrast might be pretty )
( I think this is Restoration Hardware - but I'm not sure )

Or do I go White - with black accents along the lines of this one I did last year?  ( before and after HERE )

Or do I just go with this dresser instead? ( paint the handles black )
( before and after HERE )

Of which I have a matching little end table somewhere in storage ( hey - that would look great in my living room actually - gotta get that out of there LOL )
( before and after HERE )

I only list the links because I personally love to see how something looked before

Calling all comrades in arms - I'm absolutely torn here............................

Have a wonderful day
Much love,

Looking for inspiration?
Join me at these fabulous parties !

My Romantic Home                                      Funky Junk Interiors
I Should be Mopping the Floor                      Between Naps on the Porch
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia                  Kathe with an E
Miss Mustard Seed


  1. I am really into black at the moment as an accent to a room. If you have white or light colored walls black can look great. I am doing up my master bedroom and have bought white shutters to go in a window behind the bed and a white New England style headboard but thinking of black antiqued side tables as the previous owners put a row of black tiles in the ensuite and I thought it would then tie in with that. It never ceases to amaze me the interesting pieces of furniture you can buy in the USA, ours is pretty boring in New Zealand if you are looking around for pieces to paint. Can't wait to see the finished room.

    Lee :)

  2. I am the last person you want to ask. I never like what I choose and then have to go back and start all over again. Decorating ADD.

  3. I think I like the dresser better than the armoire just for the size as the armoire might be too overwhelming. That's what I think. :o) Enjoy the day. Rain and wind here again.

  4. I am no help to you, lol, I just sit here and nod my head yes but I love all the choices,

  5. I love an armoire in a bedroom too. If I had to choose between black and white I would make it a black beauty, but I love contrast so that's just me. It would look amazingly gorgeous. I guess it depends what you want your focal point of the room to be, and what you're doing with the bed.

  6. Dear Suzan
    I love the idea of painting the the oversized armoire black. I think you are right on having a large beautiful piece in a smaller room.
    Love it!

  7. Suzan,
    I can see where you are torn. That armoire is gorgeous and the dresser is awesome too.
    Wow if you have the space I say go for the armoire and I know you will give it a pretty new look with paint to go in the room nicely. Then ship the dresser to me lol! I will give it a good home!

  8. I would definitely go with the armoire. It is a gorgeous piece and who can argue with the storage aspect? Painted black with white(the shade of the floor)accents. Whatever you decide it will be, as always, gorgeous!

  9. I am favoring black on the white floor.

  10. I'd go with the dresser and change the knobs to something black. Why waste a good armoire in a guest room? Will your guests need that much storage? I would be selfish and use the armoire in some place that I could enjoy it every day! (LOL)

  11. I vote for the armoire but I would paint it black and white. Just a little white. Maybe paint the green on the doors white and the inner drawer panels, everything else black. With the white floors you could use more black than white. I love the misc. drawer.

  12. I say use the armoire and leave it green, which I know you will argue with me about, since you said it will NOT go with the black & white room - in capital letters.

  13. Hmmmm.... so tired of making my own decisions here solo, but I will throw my 2 bits in on this.... white with black accents and perhaps a hand drawn flourish or two? Something to enchant any visiting princesses? x Patty

  14. I think I would go with the armoire and paint it black. It will look terrific with your white floors.
    Hope we have helped you. Have a great weekend.

  15. I love the black inspiration armoire with the wood showing... But I also love white furniture in small rooms... I'm of much help, aren't I?

  16. I would say before making any decision cut your self a piece of cardboard the width and length of the armoire and also a piece the size of your dresser and see which piece would work better in that room. You don't want something that will be too large to where there is no room to move around in that room. By laying down a piece of cardboard will give somewhat of an idea on what would fit better.

  17. Gosh - I am going to go against the grain. I would paint the armoire white since it is such a large piece and then trim out in black. I think that is very "cosmopolitan".

  18. I know you know what you're going to do already...but whichever way you go will be wonderful. I am a fan of large armoires, but love that sweet little dresser.

  19. at first sight on the first one. It's so awesome and seems to belong in a small room...could you not use it in the color it is??? I so love it.

  20. here's 2 cents worth. I like the black and white of the last pictures, but would do the armoire in those colors. can't wait to see the final decision you make.

  21. I think black, which is always a classic, and hopefully means you will not have to paint it again for awhile :)

  22. I like the armoire idea, I love outsize furniture in small rooms. I would paint it black for even MORE impact but maybe with some white graphics (I'm thinking words, probably because I LOVE the inside drawer) or something French looking, preferably not a beret and some garlic though :-D

  23. Since it's a small room and if you decide on the armoire, I would go with white.

  24. Decisions decisions!!! All I can say is whatever you do it will look fantastic Suzan! That little table is adorable!


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Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!