
Sunday, October 5, 2014

Paris grey country hutch !

Good morning everyone !

She's done - and listed for sale - and I'm ready to move on !

Paris grey buffet

Wish I had the room to keep this one -  I know I know I say that about all most every piece - but if I had a bathroom large enough this is what I'd put in it - I can just see it filled with white fluffy towels, an antique pitcher and bowl and baskets on the top shelf - those glass doors could even be replaced with mirrors to hide unmentionables !!!  Anyway, it's redundant - I don't have a bathroom large enough.

I did a lot more distressing then I normally do because this piece was screaming for it ( you can't see it in the photos but almost every edge reveals wood ) 

Paris Grey buffet makeover

for a smaller piece it has tons of storage

The napkins and hand towel were made by Dani over at Frugal ain't cheap - she sells them through her Etsy shop - take a look!

Painted buffet makeover

I added texture to this piece by painting the white undercoat in one direction and the grey topcoat in another - 

As much as I hate waxing - and I DO hate it - I just love the sheen it gives and the depth it gives the color of paint

and there you have it - ASCP Paris Grey and Old White 
ready to go to her new home

This piece was left behind by previous tenants in an apartment - simply discarded - and the new owners didn't like it at all.................they were thrilled to sell it - I was thrilled to get it - everyone is happy ( well I'll be happiest when it's out of here so I can start another one :)

And just a side note

Last night I woke up in the middle of the night with the fan on full blast directly at my head
( don't ask - that's the only way I can sleep - my hair is so thick that it barely moves in the breeze ) I was soaking wet - my nightgown could have been wrung out - and I glanced over at John.
Picture this
He was wrapped in blankets with just his head poking out - like a mummy - with his HAIR BLOWING ALL OVER THE PLACE !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I went into such a fit of giggles that I had to get up. As I was leaving the room
John mumbles - Do you think you can take Soda with you?
Suzan says - Where is she - I don't see her
John says - She's under the blankets to get away from the fan - and hasn't stopped licking me for an hour.
John says - I can't take it anymore
John says - I need to sleep
John says - And I'm going to toss that bloody fan out the window Suzan.

But that image of his hair?
That'll sustain me for a good 3 or 4 days - and in case you can't picture it - here's a visual.

Think I'll retire and become an artist

I have a guest post up at the wonderful Tuula from The Thrifty Rebel on my love of pink !

Have a wonderful day everyone 
Much love,

I'll be sharing at these wonderful parties !

Between Naps on the Porch                   Sandy & Sisal                    Savvy Southern Style
DIY by Design                                       Ginger Snap Crafts                    The Knick of Time                  The Dedicated House                             I Gotta Create                            The Charm of Home
rom my Front Porch to Yours                French Country Cottage            Too much time on my hands
Miss Mustard Seed                                 Remodelaholic                          The Girl Creative
Funky Junk Interiors                              One More Time Events              Stone Gable
Life on Lakeshore Drive                        A Stroll Thru Life                      Kathe with an E
I Should be Mopping the Floor              An Extraordinary Day               Art is Beauty
Coastal Charm                                      Uncommon Design                    The 36th Avenue


  1. I could not sleep so I got up to catch up on my favorite blogs.

    As usual, I got some great laughs here.

    And, that hutch is fabulous.

  2. Dresser is lovely and love the drawing.I used to make a little sign that said "Im not having hot flushes Im having power surges" rock on Suzan-love dee x

  3. Love your hutch Suzan, I'd want to keep it too. I can so relate, love your artwork! Hope you have a great day!

    Hope you'll come share at AMAZE ME MONDAY...

  4. Ha, I can relate to that! What a wonderful piece, and I love the color!!

    1. Wow - there seems to be a lot of us going through this !!!
      Thanks Anita !!!

  5. That piece is beautiful Suzan! I can so relate. Yesterday the hubby was in jeans and a sweatshirt and I was in yoga shorts and a tee... in the house. It was cold outside so we had both wood stoves going and he was still cold. I on the other hand was in the tropics. lol. You're pink post is up today. Thanks again for doing it.

  6. L O L bloody hot flashes, why do we have to have them anyway???! I don't remember what it feels like to sleep through the night anymore... Love your drawing. still laughing... and your hutch looks amazing. I'm not sure why it is that I dislike the wood/style of those 1970s/ 1980s pieces but I sure do like them painted!

  7. I think the hutch turned out amazing and I would love it in my bathroom if I was still in our house, I feel bad for you with the sweating, I had to stop caffeine, then I had no more trouble, I think you should join me for Sunday Sketches, beautiful work!!

  8. LOL, love the bedroom sketch!!!!
    That hutch is lovely in grey.

  9. Love the hutch Suzan. You did a beautiful job. Ohhhh the joys of menopause NOT!
    Hang in there this too shall pass!

  10. Thanks for the out loud laugh, hahahaa Poor John and Soda. But still, hahahahaha. And the furniture looks great.

  11. Love your hutch and really feel bad for you experiencing those hot flashes. I went thru it in my 30's after a hysterectomy. I don't think I'd handle it very well now! Sleep with a giant ice pack and have frozen wash cloths in the freezer at all times.

  12. I'm sure your Paris Greyhutch won't stay put long - awesome makeover, as usual! Thanks for the meno graphic - I read that one to Mr. Frugalista who like John, freezes under the covers while I'm drenched in sweat, and we both had a good laugh. Well you're living up to your name "Sweatman".
    Marie@The Interior Frugalista

    1. I can't believe how many of us are going through this LOL

  13. Suzan, the hutch is ah-mazzzzing!! Sweet job!!!
    I will be laughing for a good, long while about John saying "She's under the blankets to get away from the fan - and hasn't stopped licking me for an hour. I can't take it anymore."
    R.O.F.L. !!!!!! That is RICH! Thank you Suzan... for the eye opener and the laughs!!
    ~ Christina

  14. Such a beautiful piece! I have about 4 to do...why don't you come down? The temps are much better. :)

    I hate that you have hot flashes...they're horrible! I'm on HRT ~ smallest dose and it really helps. I hope you can find a way to eliminate these.


  15. Love the picture of you and John that you drew! Priceless! Just wanted to share a funny story with you. A dear friend of mine husband had the dreaded "comb over" do! She tried to tell him over and over in a million and one gentle ways that it just "didn't fit him quite right!" That he really wasn't hiding all he thought he was, just short of blaring out at him that he looked darn right ridiculous! NOPE! He wouldn't hear of it! It was fine and he was going to keep it,,,,,,,until that fateful day...........They were out on a speedboat with him at the helm, standing at the wheel, barreling full throttle across the lake with their friends along who were filming the scenery with their video camera to share later with others!. When later came, and the film was shown, he was horrified to see himself with his comb over blowing backwards and sideways like a flag on the wrong side of his head!!!! She never said a word, but the next morning bright and early he was down at the barber shop getting "it" cut off, never to return.

    1. Well that is absolutely hysterical LMHO !!!
      At least we don't go bald, ( have to look at some sort of bright spot here )xoxo

  16. Hahaha. Love the drawing. Thankful I didn't have all those problems. Lucky me. :) The china cabinet came out beautifully. What a difference. And to think mine could look like that too. And my table and chairs. ;(

  17. What a beautiful transformation!!! I love the color you chose! As for the 'sweaty' nights-I'm right there with you, but thank you, as always, for the chuckle!

  18. Hi Suzan. I found you over at Cranberry Morning. I had to comment when I saw your drawing. My.Life.Every.Day. Sweating as we type.

    1. Isn't it just a freaking blast though?
      It's 3.30 in the morning and I just got up to change night gowns !!!!!!!!!

  19. Too funny!!!! I have a ceiling fan, window open and sometimes a table fan going. Boy could our husbands share stories!!

  20. Hehehehehe....poor John! How's our sweet baby Soda doing??????


  21. I'm Not Alone!! lol
    And what a fabulous change in the hutch!

  22. LOL! Oh yeah. A blast from the past :P

    Hey, I'd like to speak with you on the phone. I sent a reply with my number and asking for yours - did you get it? You can email me


  23. Such a funny post--I am 50 years old and still no sign of menapause--I seem to have cold flashes instead I guess. I am loving your hutch! I make things for sale now too and I want to keep very piece too. I love the texture thing you did!

  24. The hutch is adorable and you are so funny! Thank you for giving me a laugh!

    1. Thanks so much Debbie !
      I wish John thought it was funny LOL

  25. Oh my, this is absolutely gorgeous and stunning! You are so talented!! XO
    (thanks for linking up)

  26. First your painted hutch looks did a terrific job....and then I had to laugh...I am a Suzanne (with an extra n&e) and married to John....been in menopause for at least 14 years and I sleep at the bottom of the bed right under the ceiling fan while John sleeps inside a sleeping bag bundled up to his the winter we shut off the heat and open the window too..some nights it gets in to the 40's in the room and I love it....and let me Soda a dog or a cat...I have not heard anybody call their pet that except in my favorite movie of all time....called "Since You Went Away" they had an English Bulldog named Soda....

  27. This is really funny! for me the visual of the little dog licking your husband for an hour is what I laughed at the most! The hutch is very nice...I'm sure it will sell quickly!

    1. Thanks so much !
      When I asked why he didn't just push her away he said it was because she was like a little hot water bottle LMHO !!!

  28. Ummmm... I have some really bad news for you- DON'T give up your painting to be an artist! Consider what you are doing with that wonderful furniture as YOUR true art work calling. lol I get the visual and the giggle!

    The piece is gorgeous. I bet it sells quickly. xo Diana

  29. Nice work on the cabinet! You have to get yourself a silk filled pillow. It wicks the moisture away from you so you don't have to keep flipping the pillow all night. I feel for John with the dog licking him. I have a cat that does that when she gets under the sheet and it drives me nuts.

  30. I could totally picture that in my bathroom too if I had an extra wall! Think of all the storage! Poor John freezing his...well you know. Our dog used to lick himself and I have to say it was pretty hard falling asleep listening to ....bless him!

  31. Pretty hutch Suzan! Funny cartoon...didn't know you were such an artist!

  32. Quite the transformation, Suzan! It's beautiful and should sell fast!
    Oh my goodness! I so get the whole picture! Fan on high, me sweating, and Bruce wrapped up like a mummy. (His hair is to short to blow in the wind though) haha. Thanks for the laugh. Have a good one!

  33. Wonderful job on the cabinet, love the grey distressed finish! and I knew you and I could be sisters and your menopause issues just confirm it. except mine are on the other side of the spectrum with periods that last 3 weeks so now I have to buy stock on femmy products and promise hubby that I wont stab him in his sleep if he turns off MY fan! LOL

    1. It;s.
      I live in fear of that fan breaking LOL

  34. What a fabulous transformation!!!
    I invite you and your readers to visit (& follow) my blog at

  35. I am beginning the sweat fest now. What is up with this, I can't stand it and this is just the very beginning for me. Love your drawing, it had me laughing.

    BTW the hutch came out great.


  36. Laughing hysterically at that drawing! I am constantly throwing the blanket off, then on, off, then on. It's NOT fun!

  37. OMG, I forgot to comment on the gorgeous hutch! Another fabulous job!

  38. Suzan I truly love your comments in bed they are priceless any woman in the world who is going thru or already gone thru menopause knows exactly what you are saying LOL that is to funny.Tell John to tuff it up the FAN STAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.Susie

  39. PSS the hutch was magnificent do you Ship and how much do you want for it. GO buy another fan just in case you don't want to know what happens IF.Susie

  40. Saw this at Knick of time party! Just so awesome, Suzan!

  41. Love the cabinet! Great job. We are opposite in our house. Hubby loves the fan, and I shiver and hide under the covers. Great for a laugh though. :)

  42. Oh, Suzan! It's an amazing work!

  43. Beautiful job, Suzan! I still haven't finished the cupboard that I started last fall and I've decided that I won't tackle any big jobs again, they're just too much work!

  44. I laughed out loud when I read your description of your bedtime experience. Oh really is the pits!!!

    Your cabinet makeover is amazing!! I wish you could have kept it too!
    Thanks for sharing your humor and talent with us at Project Inspire{d}!

  45. Bahaha poor you, I'm dreading menopause! Love the piece I have something similar waiting for a makeover.

  46. What a gorgeous makeover! thanks for linking up to DIY Inspired!

  47. It is the opposite at our house - Chucks freezes me to death - it's always a three-dog night here. Love that hutch - the style and the color. I would like to preorder a Suzan original pencil sketch as soon as possible.

  48. You are a brave lady! I would be so afraid to try this but it turned out so beautiful! We had our kitchen remodeled and added grey cabinets. I love the grey!

  49. Beautiful!! I have a dining room hutch that is currently a pale shade of green (it's nice, but maybe a little too sweet for my taste these days) and I debate nearly daily about whether or not I should paint it grey. Decisions! Anyway, hope I'll see you at Found & Foraged later. xo!


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!