
Sunday, November 2, 2014

Soda's Update

My little munchkin is on the mend -
But now that it's over I can tell you that we were a couple of zombies over all of this -
So much so that we postponed our cruise for next Fall ( the only place they had for us and we had to upgrade to get it )
There was no way we could go days after she had her operation - she was lethargic and I couldn't bear the thought of something happening to her while we were away.
It wasn't a hard decision at all - in fact I was so filled with anxiety about leaving her - that once we decided we would postpone - a feeling of complete peace came over me.
She's an older dog - and she has a heart murmur - so being put under to remove a malignant tumor
( it was breast cancer ) was a huge risk and she had a lot of medication to take after ( and still has another week of it )
BUT SHE'S OK !!!!!!!!!!!
She's come through it with flying colors - what a tough little girl - really.

The only thing she asks is that I cover her up while she recuperates.........................she sits wherever she wants to lay -  and looks up at me questioningly - until I place a blanket on her and then she curls up under it and naps.

There'll always be cruises -
There's only one Soda - and she owns us -

I have to thank everyone who left such kind comments about her - they were more appreciated than you can know.

Life is good
Life is so. so good

Much love,


  1. Awww. When your babies get sick it's just awful!!
    Speedy recovery for Soda!!
    I'm sure she's glad her Mommie is there taking care of her...
    Have a good week.. Vicki

  2. What a lovely post! This really hugged my heart. I'm so happy your little Soda is doing so well. I've no doubt the love she feels from you is the major contributor to her incredible recovery.

  3. oh my gosh, yes of course, that was the only choice, you chose wisely, I am so glad she is recovering, what a sweet heart,

  4. I am so glad Soda is on the mend. I guess nothing living is immune to breast cancer. You are such a good mommy to her!

  5. Yay!!
    Been wondering about her.

  6. So glad to hear she is on the mend. I'm sure there were some anxious days.

  7. I completely understand your love for Soda, we have a 14 1/2 year old Jack Russell named Lucy Mae and she is our baby! I could never bear anything happening to her, but I know it is inevitable. All our pets want is unconditional love and it's so easy to do:) I'm so happy Soda is doing well, makes my heart smile:)

  8. I'd have stayed home too, and like you said...easy decision. :) I love that she waits for her blanket. Little sweet doggie, I'm glad your Soda's on the mend!

  9. There would be no question in my mind that I would stay home and postpone the cruise. Our little fur babies are so precious and they're so dependent on us. She looks very much like my boy! :)

    So, so grateful she's on the mend!

  10. Thank you for the great, big S***-eating grin you just gave me ~ I'm so glad to hear she is doing well!
    Hugs ~

  11. I am so sorry that I missed the previous posts and that I didn't know about Soda. I am so glad that she is recovering. How cute that she wants to be covered up - anything that comforts her. I am glad that she will be okay!

  12. Popping in here between "jobs" on my list today. I am so glad Soda is recovering. It is so hard to see our pets age and ail. My heart aches for you. I hope Soda makes a full recovery and is her spunky self again soon. xo Diana

  13. So glad to hear that Soda is doing well. It's probably best that you postponed the cruise as you probably wouldn't have been able to enjoy it thinking about your wee pup home without you. Our older dogs need us more than ever in their later years.

    1. Thanks for " getting " it Debbie - someone told me I was " nuts " to cancel -
      They must not have a pet................

  14. I'm so glad to hear that Soda is better! Those little guys are real fighters!!! My little Lindsey was 2 years old when she had breast cancer. She lived to be 18! You made the right choice to stay with her!!! She's wonderful and they bring so much love to our homes and in our hearts!!! Blessings!

    1. Thanks so much Ana - yes she's a tough little lady -
      18 years old would be so lovely ( she's 15 now )
      Blessings right back at ya

  15. Dear little Soda. I'm so glad that she came through the surgery well and is enjoying being pampered by her "mommy". :) Hugs. Pam

  16. That's my girl Soda, so adorable under her blanket


  17. Loyalty. It's what our animals deserve from us.

  18. Oh bless her, she looks soo cute! There's no way you would have enjoyed that cruise, you would have been worrying 24/7 in case anything happened and she will recover much quicker if you are around. I can hardly type this as Bob, my mentally challenged cat, is trying to sit on my lap and keeps nudging me to stroke him and pressing random keys. I think maybe he's trying to send a get well soon message to Soda :-D

    1. Well first things first - please thank Bob from the bottom of my heart - what a thoughtful cat you have there Gerry !
      And secondly, thank YOU

  19. Poor Soda!! I'm so happy she is recovering well! I would have made the same decision you did, Suzan! Sending prayers-and hugs! P.S. Mr. Bentley says 'ruff ruff!'- He said Soda would know what he meant. :) Have a great week!

    1. I think Mr. Bentley was saying Soda's beautiful LOL
      Your prayers and hugs are both accepted - with a very grateful heart.
      Thanks SO much C.D. - you have a wonderful week too

  20. Suzan, I know this is crazy but I get tears of joy in my eyes. Seriously. Pet Soda gently for me. Maybe John will Soda under the covers tonight ... to lick him... or not. :)) Maybe the licking is soothing to her. :))
    Tons of positive, healthy vibes to Soda and all of you.
    With love, Christina in Cleveland

  21. Best news ever - so happy to read that your sweet lil Soda is doing better. These little furbabies own our hearts and life just wouldn't be the same without them.

  22. So glad she is on the mend Suzan. It's so nice to hear that you are staying with her when she needs you most!

  23. Bless her and your heart!!! This post brought tears to my eyes!!! My Gretta Girl loved to be covered up after she got a little older. I have been praying that Soda would recover fast and with no complications. She has the sweetest face ever. I understand how they own us. Love to you both. Karen

    1. Thanks SO much Karen - no complications at all ( except for separation anxiety ) her stitches are healing beautifully - and we are spoiling her like crazy!

  24. Aawww...what a sweet post Suzan. I love Soda curled up under her blankie. I am so happy to hear she is on the mend. I don't blame you a bit for rescheduling your cruise. You would have been a nervous wreck the whole time if you hadn't. Give Soda a little extra love from me and Sadie...:)

    Blessings, Vicky

  25. awww, such an adorable little lady. So so glad she is doing well.

  26. So glad to hear that Soda is on her way to recovering from surgery.

  27. Awwwww so sweet Soda wrapped in her blanket. So happy she is doing better. They are like our kids and I can totally understand you wanting to be home with her. Like you said you can always so on the cruise later. Glad your sweet angel is doing better.

  28. So glad to read that Soda is on the mend. I'd postpone my vacay in an instant for one of my dogs. One of my biggest regrets is that I was gone for a month on vacation two months before my little 17 year old dachshund died. At the time there was nothing wrong with her but I came home and a month later she had a stroke. I was with her that last month...but I will never ever go on vacation when one of my dogs is very elderly. I know you will cherish these days you have with her. So glad she is doing better.

    1. Oh I'm so sorry to read this Nita - and yes I most definitely cherish my little pip squeak. She's been with us since the kids were still at home so she really is a deeply integrated part of the family...............

  29. So very happy to hear that Soda is better. I'm laying on my bed, typing with one hand while petting my boy, George, with the other. It is so hard to imagine life without him. I know you wil take very good care of her.

    1. Oh thanks so much Karen - Soda's bed is right beside me ( because I'm in the office)
      but if I'm in bed then's she right beside me too !

  30. Such good news to read. My dog liked being tucked in a blanket as well. Soda, be a good girl and stop scaring your mama!

  31. A few years ago when I was very seriously ill with cancer,my girls (Norwich terriors) slept right beside my bed every day. To this day if I'm under the weather, they are right there. Don't like to think about one of my babies being sick. Hug your little girl for us.

    1. So sorry to read that you were seriously ill - so happy to realize that now you're no Pamela !

  32. Yay for Soda! I'm so glad she's doing well. I wouldn't have gone on that cruise either so I completely understand. She's such a sweetie.

  33. Oh I totally get it. We make our summer plans around our dogs cottage rental. I would have cancelled as well. They really are family members.

  34. Oh sweet little Soda ,our pets are so important in our lives they give us meaning and God gave them to us to care,i am so glad she is doing better and my heart goes out to you as you care for her.

  35. I'm so glad she's doing so well. :) I would have canceled the cruise too!!


  36. Sweet little girl, so good to hear she is doing well : ). Patty

  37. WTG Soda! You are a trooper and will be out from under that blanket in no time.

  38. So glad to hear that Soda is doing well! You surely wouldn't have enjoyed the cruise if you were worried about her, so it's good you put it off. She's so sweet looking under that blankie!

  39. I'm so glad to read this, I've been thinking about her (and you).

  40. So happy for Soda. I'm a breast cancer survivor


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Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!