
Sunday, April 12, 2015


Good morning everyone !

I know you've probably seen mason jar lighting 2,999,999 times before this -

My Son was over on the weekend to help me out with a huge problem (to be blogged about at a future date but the problem is solved )
It involved lighting - a way to hang up a chandelier to be precise - of which the base is larger than that whatever you want to call it attached to the ceiling.
In the den.
This is what we started with

Much to our delight we discovered that the wiring was installed on a paint stick basically

Can you believe what you're seeing?
I mean really - can you freaking believe this?
And there's no way a home inspection could have seen all these little " secrets " buried beneath walls and ceilings. Thankfully most of it has been updated now - this room and the living room are the last two nightmare's involving electricity ( even the certified electrician who worked here last year could not believe what he was seeing - bad - it was really bad )
It's shocking that the place hadn't burned to the ground many years ago ( which would have saved us from buying it and going through all of this )

Anyway - this post is not about that - it's about outdoor lighting - ( I just needed to vent for a moment or two ) thank you.
I've been searching for a chandelier to use for a year luck.

I DID however have the horrible one we took down from the room my son is working on !
Picture it with fragile huge white globes hanging from each arm
I figured I'd simply turn it upside down and use it for tea lights.

John says - Why bother to wash it if we're just throwing it away ?
Suzan says - I'm going to use it outside over the dining table
Suzan says - Can you go help Gordie or something?

Last summer I used tea light in cages ( post HERE  ).which was very pretty but a pain when you're out longer than the candles last - than you have to stand on the table - open them up - and replace them. ( besides there's tons of area's they can go - closer to the pool would be pretty I think )
What I'd really like is a proper light

I brought the light into the mudroom to work on another day - but lo and behold THESE were sitting in the
mudroom - and you know how it is - somehow they made their way on to the light fixture almost by themselves...............

Do you think it's ok not painted?
I don't really want chips of paint falling in our food ( although painted and then chipping away would be a lovely look lol )

For some reason I'm missing 3 pins so the fifth one is not attached yet but here's how it'll look hanging outside.

I love how the light filters through the glass

I bought these last year to hang around the garden ( if you look closely in the tea light cages below you can see one hanging off the bottom of each of them )

So it'll be easy to glam up my new light when necessary ( you know, for those black tie bar-b-que's )

And I'll tie them in with these

And the best part?
My son is going to connect it with an outdoor switch - ON/OFF ( maybe DIM? )

OK - paint it or let the elements get to it and make it rusty ?
ME - who paints anything and everything - is leaning more towards letting it rust and hopefully getting some fabulous patina on it !

John says - I really like it - what a great idea
Suzan says - You do? ( because he very seldom says that as you know  )
John says - You watch - everyone's going to be copying you and using jars for lights now

I didn't need to tell him that I was the 3 millionth person to do this.
But I told him anyway..........because even though I can blatantly lie right to his face about how much something cost ( I can now do it without blinking or even crossing my fingers ) - taking credit where credit is NOT due just never sits right with me - I DO have some principles you know :)

So many dreams
I've kept deep inside me
Alone in the dark
But now you've come along
And you
Light up my yard.......................♪  ♪ ♫  ♪

Now have fun trying to get THAT out of your head all day.
You're welcome
I never liked it - even when most of the planet did, I didn't.

Oh !
Here's how it looked before - sorry for the quality of the pic but that's all it deserves anyway lol
I can't tell you how thrilled I am that it's down - and the ceiling's painted white - and my chandelier is oh so close to going up.................

I'm not sure what era it's from - but it looks like a bunch of moons to me -
And the last thing I need in a den is having a light fixture moon me.

Have a wonderful Monday everyone

ok maybe this will erase the previous one -
It's just another manic Monday...........................
I liked that one :)

UPDATE:  It was painted shortly after I posted this lol - a sort of Gold / Silver - Champagne?

For better or worse ( and I think I liked it better before but I'm NOT going to go there ) it's finished.

DIY Blue Mason Jar Chandelier

Can't wait for it to have lights in it!
Big hugs,


BETWEEN NAPS ON THE PORCH                                   COASTAL CHARM
SAND & SISAL                                                            A STROLL THRU LIFE
AN EXTRAORDINARY DAY                                             ELIZABETH & CO.
THE DIY DREAMER                                                           FLUSTER BUSTER
SEW CRAFTY ANGEL                                                       BEYOND THE PICKET FENCE
DIY BY DESIGN                                                                 HAVE A DAILY CUP OF MRS. OLSON
THE UPTOWN ACORN                                                     I GOTTA CREATE
FROM MY FRONT PORCH TO YOURS                          KATHERINE'S CORNER           
IVY & ELEPHANTS                                                    THE CHARM OF HOME
SHABBY ART BOUTQUE                                                  TOO MUCH TIME ON MY HANDS
LOVE BAKES GOOD CAKES                                           THE SHABBY NEST
THE CARDS WE DREW                                                     THE GIRL CREATIVE
FUNKY JUNK INTERIORS                                               PIECED PASTIMES
ONE MORE TIME EVENTS                                               THE DIY SHOWOFF
HOMESTORIES A TO Z                                                     LIFE ON LAKESHORE DRIVE
NOT JUST A HOUSEWIFE                                                HOME GOODS


  1. Well, aren't you clever - and lucky to have a son who can help you!

  2. I believe it! We discovered that a fan was hanging from the plaster without any j box to hold it. Lord knows why it never fell on them when they turned it on. We found out about it, because it was one of the first things I wanted out, because it was so ugly and dirty. We ended up getting the electrician to fix it.

  3. How lovely,you are clever. I can't wait to see your new chandi with white ceiling.

    1. Thanks so much Jeanette !
      We're in the process of drywall plastering ( and sanding ) but should have the chandi up by the weekend ( hopefully LOL )

  4. I've never seen mason jar lighting!! I'm so not crafty, remember. I think they're cute as can be. I like that you used the blue jars.

  5. Cute project Suzan! Gotta love old chandeliers!

  6. I'll stick with Manic Monday, thank you very much! :P

    Paint it white, and it will be perfect...

  7. LOVE! Old chandies are so fun to play with- this is very cool, Suze.
    xo, T.

  8. I can always count on you to set my head to some music---like You LIght Up My Hero might lik You Light Up My WIFE!
    I like the way it turned out...and I would probably paint it because it looks like it is clear coated so will probably not rust properly. You could paint it with "rust" paint? xo Diana

  9. It will be great when weathered and gets that patina finish. It would also look fabulous painted copper. What a great idea!

    1. I painted it Diana lol - but only because I got nervous that it would rust where the glass is being held ...........
      Thanks so much!

  10. Perfect reuse! Don't paint it, leave it like it is. Crazy wiring! Wow, I'm speechless. As for the songs, thanks. I'll have to hum Manic Monday to keep the other out of my head. Lol

  11. Awesome and very clever.
    I can't wait to see what it looks like hanging outside with it lit up.
    Absolutely love the blue jars. They look awesome on the chandelier

  12. Suzan, don't make me come up there and paint the light for you! lololol I love the blue jars (glad you ignored John's suggestion to put food in them to give away!!... see I'm paying attention!) but wait... there's more! I thought of you and the tea lights... now I don't know if it makes a difference that you are north of the US border but... Amazon has some stupid, crazy long lasting tea lights. :)
    That said, I think the lamp wants to be white or off white. No, you didn't ask. lolol
    And that said, I think the lamp will look great with the bling anywhere you put it! :)))
    Have a wonderful week!!
    ~ Christina

  13. Love the jars on the fixture, but maybe you should paint it? Just worried it will rust to nothing, then no more fun fixture. Just a thought as everything rusts here ~ By the sea, by the sea, by the beautiful sea 🎶. xo Patty

  14. Well, i am singing that song but i can't quite remember it,anyway i love your lights for outside you need to let them rust.

    1. I'll send you the lyrics if that'll help LOLOLOL !!!
      Thanks Marlene - It's already been painted - I got nervous that it would rust in the wrong places and I would be able to keep glass jars on it !

  15. It looked good, but I'm glad you decided to paint it. I'm sure now it looks even better. Even though we've seen mason lights before, it always amazes me that they fit perfectly in whatever chandelier they're being used on. It's like the chandy gods said 'let me maketh the openings so thatith mason jars will fiftith nicely ith'.

    As for electrical, don't get me started. Our cabin was owned by a 'master' electrician. Hah! There were so many violations it was unbelievable. I'm surprised there wasn't knob and tube!

  16. This fantastic. I'd leave it to patina on it's own or knowing me I'd start the aging process in a 5 gallon bucket


  17. I love it with the blue jars - their color is so gorgeous. I've never seen blue mason jars like that around my neck of the woods. Maybe it's a Canada thing??? Anyway, what a break that the necks of the jars were about the same size as the necks of the original white globes. But I'm wondering -- did you save the white globes? Wouldn't they look cool as hell all decked out in some sort of psycho-delic (har!) paint treatment for a switch-out when you get tired of seeing the blue mason jars? A girl likes to have options, after all... For myself, I wouldn't paint out the metal part of the chandy, but I would spray it in some heavy-duty marine acrylic varnish or whatever to keep it from rusting out or even just clear acrylic spray. Rust and electricity -- me thinks not such a good mix. Sorry for your other electric woes. I've learned since watching the Canada-based property brothers and that uber-hunky host of "Income Property" (also Canadian) all about unscrupulous electricians who faked out removing aluminum wiring (bad) while secretly hooking it up to nob and tube (super-bad) and then mixing in copper wiring and not properly melding everything together properly with those plastic screw cap thingies (see how technical I am, woo woo!), let alone burying both closed and open junction boxes beneath drywall, etc.! Totally illegal and tres expensive to remedy, yikes! I would advise you to watch much Property Brothers and Income Property, but avoid Holmes Inspection because he would scare you so much you would never want to buy another property again as long as you live!

  18. HOLY COW...I've never BEEN so in love....

  19. Suzan, you win the recycled award for Best Use of Canning Jars! Really like it !!

  20. Love the blue! Love the idea. But I'd like to see it in that new spray paint copper metalic. Great with blue and could handle the outdoors. But I see you've said you painted it already. Anxious to see how it turned out.
    Barbara Ann /shop/barbaraannscreations

    1. Thanks BarbaraAnn - who knows - it may end up copper yet !

  21. What a great looking fixture. I like it better painted. I love the blue jars on it.

    Have a great day.

  22. One word....fantabulous! So, it's not a real word, but it does perfectly describe your gorgeous new outdoor light! I think I NEED one of! Have a great week Suzan!

  23. Love your Mason jar light!! I have had one in my dining room for a couple of years and it is my favorite light fixture in our house.

  24. So clever!! I love this idea and I like that you painted it (looks much better!). The blue jars will be so pretty outside when lit up! I hope you share a photo when it's warm enough.

  25. I'm swooning over the finished product. Like the paint job and the blue glass. You have so many ideas that are just incredible.

  26. OMGosh, I LOVE IT!!! I also LOVE the conversations between you and John:):)

  27. That is just gorgeous Suzan. I love that you used the blue jars too. Looking forward to seeing her all lit up....yes it's a her as she's far too pretty to be a him!

  28. That is absolutely stunning Suzan! I prefer the painted version with that amazing blue glass. I'm sure it looks gorgeous all lit up.

  29. I just love it. Great idea and I like all the embellishments. Enjoy your new light.

    1. Thanks so much Bev !
      ( I think I will )

  30. Love the blue, this is so great. Haven't found the blue ones before.

    1. Thanks so much Kim !
      I got them on Amazon ( I think lol )
      But I've seen them on several different Etsy shops too

  31. Well, it may have been done before; but it doesn't make it any less fabulous!! I do like it the color it is. J.F.Y.I. I have a painted white one hanging in the middle of my pergola. Doesn't really work, wish it did; but has held up super well. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

    1. Well if my son doesn't get around to doing the wiring it'll just be hanging there too lol.
      Thanks so much Jann !

  32. Love it...been wanting to do something like this over my kitchen table. Great job.

    1. Thanks so much Pam - such an easy DIY !!!

  33. I love this, Suzan! It is really cool...thanks for sharing it with the Thursday Blog Hop!

  34. Wow Susan, never thought of that, please will you share with my readers, im new to blogging

  35. The blue jars make the project. It turned out great.

  36. I love the chandelier! I would have liked it rusty but I love the new paint job. Thanks for getting that song stuck in my head. Was that pay back for making you sing Georgia On My Mind all day? Oops did I do it again? Just an old sweet song...

  37. I love those blue jars and it will be gorgeous hanging over your outdoor table. Another win/win Suzan. Have a wonderful weekend. Cathy

  38. I love it! I'm crazy about mason jar lamps& luminaries, the are right up my street :)
    I like garden lights and halloween luminaries best!
    I hope you'll find the time to link up with us this week:


  39. Love, love, love this! So creative and cute! Visiting from Bouquet of Talent!

  40. This is so pretty! I love it.


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!