
Monday, April 6, 2015

Using a hutch for a bookcase

Good morning everyone !

I had a brainstorm this weekend ( much to John's horror )

We had a designated place in the last 2 houses for these Ikea bookshelves - ( God - I miss that house - at this point I think I always will - it's the one that " got away " - or that I threw away - ok enough whining  )

unfortunately we don't have such a space here - they had to be placed behind a chair in the teeny tiny living room ( and they looked awful in brown so I white washed them )

And they worked for the past year

but after many years ( 10 ) of holding very heavy hard cover
( mostly ) books - the shelves were beginning to sag which drives me insane - book shelves should always be perfectly straight, don't you think?  Or is that another part of my neurosis?

anyway - we have a hutch that was sitting in the dining room that's not yet a dining room..................
and you know how it is..................repurposing items is NOT John's forte - so I had to make a lot of promises ( of which I have no intention of keeping )

1)  I will not disturb him through any of the fast approaching hockey playoffs.
2)  I will not ask him to do anything for the next 2 weekends
3)  I will not come up with any more changes for the next 2 months
4)  I will not decide that I prefer it as a hutch after all and want it back in the dining room

But we got it out of the dining room that's not yet a dining room and into the teeny tiny living room.

The beauty of this is they're behind glass ( or they will be when I put the glass inserts back in the two outer sides )
You should never renovate a house with exposed books - or you'll spend just as much time dusting the books as you are tearing down walls...............

It was a nightmare to move - a N.I.G.H.T.M.A.R.E.
The bottom piece was do-able ( just ) but that top piece?  Trying to angle it around this small place?
Shaking from my head to my feet - screaming out that I was going to drop it every 5 seconds - and eventually talking myself through it

You can do it Suzan
You can do it Suzan
You can do it Suzan

John says - CAN YOU STOP CHANTING PLEASE??????????????
Suzan says - OMG - I didn't think it was this heavy
John says - MOVE !!!!!!  My hockey game is starting soon -
Suzan says - If you're going to act so negative - they'll lose
John says - Stop talking so ridiculous - and MOVE
Suzan says - I AM !!!

But not anymore................................

John says - I'm NOT moving that thing again
Suzan says - What if I decide I want it upstairs in the office?
John says - Well don't be surprised if you're served with papers the day after...............
John says - Why is it that everything you buy is as heavy as a piece of furniture can be?
Suzan says - It keeps us in shape !
John says - No - this will kill us - GOLF will keep me in shape - thank you very much

After a year here - nothing has looked right yet - but I'm trying - I'm really really trying lol

As for that Hockey game?
They lost................
John says - You jinxed them !
( it's not nice to fool with Mother Nature John )

But the living room looks a little more " right " today

Here's how it looked in the last place

If you're new here you can look at my last house HERE - if you're into 100 year old Victorian city flats - than it's kind of a dream one...............
( and please don't bother looking around this current one yet - unless you're into 100 year old cottage fixer uppers that are kind of a nightmare  )

By the way - the unit was painted with Annie Sloan French Linen - no wax - no protection - about 4 years ago - and it's held up beautifully !
Now I have to go pick up some glass knobs - how many of you noticed it was missing them and just didn't want to say anything LOL ???

Have a wonderful day everyone ♥


BETWEEN NAPS ON THE PORCH                                           SAND & SISAL
CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE ADDICT                                     A STROLL THRU LIFE
KATHE WITH AN E                                                                    AN EXTRAORDINARY DAY
ELIZABETH & CO.                                                              FLUSTER BUSTER
DIY BY DESIGN                                                                         MY SALVAGED TREASURES
IVY & ELEPHANTS                                                            COMMON GROUND                          FROM MY FRONT PORCH TO YOURS                                  I GOTTA CREATE                   
HAVE A DAILY CUP OF MRS. OLSON                                  THE CHARM OF HOME
FRENCH COUNTRY COTTAGE                                              THE SHABBY ART BOUTIQUE
TOO MUCH TIME ON MY HANDS                                         MY TURN FOR US
MY ROMANTIC HOME                                                             MISS MUSTARD SEED
THE SHABBY NEST                                                                   SIMPLE NATURE DECOR
ONE MORE TIME EVENTS                                                       LIFE ON LAKESHORE DRIVE
IT'S OVERFLOWING                                                                 UNCOMMON DESIGNS
I SHOULD BE MOPPING THE FLOOR                                    THREE KIDS & A FISH                   


  1. That looks gorgeous, Suzan. You have such an eye for decorating. Hutches are' my thing'. I can't walk by one without peaking; and knowing me I'd probably throw a tea-cup in there somewhere; but I do love this. Hope you had a fun Easter. Deb

  2. Oh Suzan! You cannot imagine how well I relate to every thing you say about your new old house! I could write your posts for you!! This old house we bought is driving me mad!! What WERE we thinking!?!?!? The hutch looks great by the way! Tell John BJ says hello and that he "feels" his pain! Literally!! Lol

    1. John's laughing Lynn LOL !!!
      He says to say hi back
      Maybe the problem was that we were NOT thinking?
      At all?

  3. I LOVE it! I have used a large china hutch for years as a bookcase. In the much smaller living room I now have since downsizing last July, it takes up a humongous amount of space along one wall, but it holds a TON of books on top and has tons of enclosed storage below. I love the piece and cannot imagine ever giving it up. I saw a china hutch used in a Century Furniture ads eons ago in a fancy decorating magazine (I forget which one), flanked on either side with wall sconces, and that was all I needed for the light to go off -- if they can do it in a fancy furniture ad, I can do it too. I ran out to Sears Home Life (which used to exist but does not any more), and bought a HUGE china hutch, LOL! Never looked back. As for those shelves that are bowing under the weight of books, you might try this trick that I used on my regular (inexpensive) book cases that developed the same issue: flip them over. On my bookshelves that meant exposing the "routing" underneath (grooved into the fake wood so the shelf sits snugly on top of the four clips or brackets), but with books on top of the shelves I don't see those "routing" lines -- on the few shelves that are down where I can see easily see them and books did not cover the routing, I just used a furniture marker to color them in and they "disappeared." The weight of the books will "push down" the bowed out center of the shelf over time and the shelves will be good as new for several years before bowing again.

  4. I think it looks great Suzan. It must have been so heavy to move. I hope John's team wins and makes it to the playoffs. When do they start anyway. We don't watch hockey (or any sports) but if a good team is in the playoffs we might watch a bit. Have a great week. Has spring weather arrived there yet?

  5. Nothing looks right?!?!
    It all looks fabulous!
    In fact if you ever loose your photos, just ask me for them because I think I've saved most of them.
    Just in case!

    1. If you walked in here you'd know what I mean Mo LOL
      You made me laugh out loud you weirdo/creeper LMHO !!!
      Thanks so much - xoxoxoxo

  6. Oh. My. Goodness! It looks stunning as a bookshelf! Tell John you're brillant! I love it. And I agree bookshelves need to be straight. I can't stand saggy shelves. Ugh. Looks cheap. Hang in there. You're making progress.
    After leaving the barn door alone for two weeks, I've decided I really do like it. So you were right. :-) And I'm ready to tackle my dining room set. Just got to get Bruce to haul it out to the garage.

  7. Hutches make perfect bookcases. Everyone but John knows that.

      ( maybe I should store our extra dishes on the bookshelves and really torment him? LOL )
      LOL !!!

  8. What a gorgeous piece!! Love it as a bookcase! Vicki

  9. I just LOVE that hutch for books. It looks fabulous! Don't move it.

  10. OMG I love that piece!!!! If I lived closer to you I'd come and steal it. Pure fabulousness!!

  11. I love what you've done to give the books a new home. Like you we are fixing up a cottage we've traced it back to 1867. Again like you we 'gave up' what I thought was our forever home.....recession, having to release capital so hubbie could do a teaching degree. That was 5 years ago and I would still go back.

  12. I think it looks fantastic filled with books! Poor John ~

  13. Suzan! just found your blog today and am HOOKED!!!! Please come do over my house lol. I actually have a question tho...what is your process for doing over old furniture ie you just wash or strip before starting?{The furniture not yourself lol} What kinds of paint do you use? and what do you use as a finish?Rub on wax? I have a 100 yr old dining room set that I want to turn shabby chic and am half afraid to start it!

    1. Hi Michelle !
      Welcome to my world ( won't you come on in - insanity I guess - still happens now and then lol )
      I use Annie Sloan Chalk Paint - and yes I use rub on wax ( although I DO sometimes use a polyurethane instead ) Don't be afraid - it's only paint -
      Start on something small - a little table or something until you feel confident enough to do it !!!

  14. I love it as bookshelves, Suzan! But then I love bookshelves. Tell John that I've seen fat golfers. Moving the hutch is better exercise. ;-)

  15. we go again...every single thing you do makes ME want to do it, too....
    now I want bookshelves or a drop dead gorgeous hutch for books in MY tiny living room.
    In fact, I have a post in draft of all the ways I copy you...LOL

  16. I love your hutch as a bookcase, a brilliant idea!!! Should you ever require a hutch in the dining room just get another one!

  17. I think this is brilliant. You love your books. Good thing we're in a ranch. John won't curse me when I have him move things


  18. Looks absolutely perfect to me! Great idea. One of the last houses I staged had these wonderful bookcases in the living room. they were about 4' tall and glass fronted. We moved THOSE to the dining room and displayed her beautiful china in it and decorated the top with lamps and tureens. I think it sold the place myself. lol So, I guess that is kind of a reverse of what you did! xo Diana

    ps. Ummm.....dare I ask where the Ikea bookshelves are now? lol

  19. Oh my goodness... tell John if he would spend more time moving furniture and less time watching hockey... moving furniture would be a piece of cake. Then again... forget I said that. It might not be so good for furniture moving endeavors. ;) I really really like the idea of using the hutch for a bookshelf... sooo much better than curvy shelves!! And your old house. Those brick walls!!!! So gorgeous. Why did you move?!!!!
    BTW... thanks again for the heads up about the wonkiness of the blog tonight. Got it fixed after a bit of head scratching. And thanks for linking up to Project Inspire{d}!!
    All the best my friend!! [hugs]

  20. Sorry his team lost. But this looks great and if he gets mad toss him in the "sin bin" for off sides!
    Barbara Ann /shop/barbaraannscreations

    1. It's ok BararaAnn - they won the next game lol.
      Thanks so much !

  21. It looks fabulous dahling! I love it with books in it. My fixer upper just about had me beat. But I am on my last big interior project. The kitchen. Am seeing light at the end of the tunnel. UNTIL I start on exterior.

  22. Great idea! It gives me ideas....

  23. Suzan, it is freaking perfect! You're right about cleaning books after ceilings come down, Dave's desk was all apart. What a gross mess in all the drawers and on the books. Gag! xo Patty

  24. CRACKING up about making the promises you don't intend to keep! I do that all the time. I think the hutch looks like it was made to hold books - it looks amazing! My hubs is the worst at making ANY change. When we buy something for a specific spot, he thinks it has to stay there forever!

  25. Love it! Johns right though. This furniture is so damn heavy. I say it every time I get a load. It is going to kill me. I should have been a greeting card designer. A lot lighter. Lol

  26. I LOVE THIS!! Wow Suzan...a great idea and now you won't have to dust those books and John is more fit than ever. Everybody wins!

  27. Hi Suzan - What a great idea to use the china cabinet for books. It looks great. BTW, if you are looking for another hutch for your dining room, someone offered to sell me one at a decent price the other day. I purchased a dresser from her but I had to pass on the china hutch as I have way too much furniture in storage right now. She is located in NDG. I don't know her personally - she just emailed me and offered to sell me some furniture. I can email you her picture. Let me know. Have a great day.
    Mary @ Orphans With Makeup

    1. Thanks so much Mary -
      I really can't take another hutch - I'm drowning here - but thanks so much for thinking of me!

  28. Suzan - It makes perfect sense using a china hutch as a bookcase (I'm just sorry I didn't think of this first - LOL). They were made to support heavy dishware, so I think it's ingenious that you thought of putting books in it. I just might have to copy your idea for my house!!!

    1. LOL thanks Sharon - I TOLD you I was a genius - Einstein here LMHO !!!

  29. Who said hutches were just for dishes? I love it as a bookshelf. Thanks so much for sharing the whole story (too funny) at Vintage Inspiration Party.

  30. John, I'm going to convince Suzan this would look better in the dining-room, jsut so you'll have the pleasure to move it back!
    But really, books behind glass doors make so much sense when renovating... I still have some of my books in boxes after five years of renovation!

  31. I really love this look. It's an amazing piece, and it looks so pretty as a bookcase. I use ours, much smaller, in our library, but just the base is loaded with books.

  32. Love its new purpose Suzanne! It looks great as a book case. Thank you for sharing at THT!

  33. It looks wonderful... and so useful.

  34. This is a brilliant idea. I'm glad your husband was "so willing" to help you out! Coming from Handmade Hangout.

  35. Well I think it looks gorgeous and I can't believe you tried to move that on your own. Darn girl, you are strong! lol! I buy heavy stuff as well. Don't plan to, it just happens. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  36. Suzan, I love it! You know what I also love? That we are not the only ones who have THOSE kinds of conversations when we are trying to move furniture into/out of/around the house OR working on projects. I'm 5'2" and my hubby is 6'2" gets kind of awkward when we move things up, down and around. And furniture is heavy, especially if it is a well made piece. Doesn't matter, they complain about moving pressboard also...LOL. I love it with the books in it and hate saggy bookshelves too. They should ALWAYS, ALWAYS be straight! Have a great evening!

  37. Poor John... doesn't he realize how boring life would be if you had no furniture for him to move. Perhaps he secretly loves it after all ;)
    I think it does well as a bookcase and dust free books are always preferable.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  38. Perfect .... I have slowly been adding books to my china cabinet too, turning it more into a bookcase/curio cabinet than a china cabinet. It sits in the dining room, but the books just make it more cozy (they are all old books without dust covers .... love the look)

  39. I love it Suzan. I actually bought an old china cabinet just to paint and use as a book case but my hubby went berzerk when I suggested painting it. I'm waiting for the day he is gone and the mood strikes because that baby is going to be what it was intended to be, lol. I have to say I am so loving yours. Thanks for sharing at Share It One More Time. Cathy

    1. Thanks so much Cathy !
      Send him all around town on " errands " make sure he's gone a few hours - these are big items to paint LMHO !!!

  40. What an outstanding transformation! I love how you style your bookcases, and it brightened up the room so much. Thanks so much for sharing at our Shabbilicious Link party.

  41. This idea is brilliant, and I wish I could use it, but I think I am more addicted to buying dishes than I am buying books and I need all of my hutch space.

  42. This is amazing! What a creative idea! I would love for you to share this at my link party Making Memories Mondays going on now! :-)

    1. Thanks so much Cathy - just came over and linked !

  43. I love that you're using your hutch for your books. I never did understand the need to display dishes. I'd be happy just to be able to get to the dishes I need without worrying about how they look to everyone else. My books, on the other hand, I'm always rearranging on my shelves, and they are super important to me.

  44. I love this idea and I think it looks fabulous! Thank you for joining Home Sweet Home!

  45. I love this and think it looks beautiful!

  46. I love the white hutch you shared at my last Fabulous Friday, I'm moving into my new home and its done in white,so this is great inspiration.


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!