
Thursday, July 9, 2015



I did this quite a while ago - about a month and a half ago to be precise - just before I painted the Union Jack on the door in this little section of the back mud room  - you can see the door turned flag HERE 
And then I completely forgot about it - 

In order to lay floor down in this area we would have had to remove the doors and cut them and so I decided to paint them instead ( surprise surprise surprise - said Gomer Pyle ) 

I primed it first with BIN Zinsser  - it's a very small area so this took no time at all - and waited 24 hours to do the next step

Then I painted it bright white ( Behr Porch and Patio Paint )  2 coats

Once that was dry I made my pattern by tracing an actual tile across the entire surface - like so

The floor does not follow a straight line - so it appears a little crooked - the entire house is crooked so it would have stuck out like a sore thumb had it been nice and straight :)

( how come we pronounce crooked - crook-ed -  instead of like looked or hooked or booked? ) 
These are the things that interrupt my thought process on a daily basis...................and in turn interrupt my blog posts as well.

Soooooo, then I stuck a little piece of painters tape in the squares I wanted to paint grey

Then I simply filled in the spaces with a deep grey ( again Behr Porch and Patio )
and Voila !
Checkerboard floor 


Well a bit of a crook-ed checker board floor but a checker board floor none the less

and a heck of a lot better then the before

Ok - I'm back in the front porch today - where huge progress has been made - but even larger progress still needs to be made

Crisp white with a deep grey ( again - surprise surprise surprise lol ) 

here's the before

And the before

Have a wonderful Thursday All !!!
Hugs ( if you don't mind the paint brush in my hand - surprise - surprise - surprise ! ) 


FEEDING BIG                                                 FRENCH COUNTRY COTTAGE
MY TURN FOR US                                         PIN JUNKIE
MY ROMANTIC HOME                                SIMPLE NATURE DECOR
THE SHABBY NEST                                      LADY BEHIND THE CURTAIN
KEEPING IT SIMPLE                                    ART IS BEAUTY
MY TURN FOR US                                        FUNKY JUNK INTERIOR
THAT'S WHAT CHE SAID                            CARRIE THIS HOME
THE 36TH AVENUE                                       TIP JUNKIE


  1. WOW, what a great change. Is there anything that you can't do? You are so talented and take on such big jobs, but you always get it done to perfection. Great job.
    Have a great weekend.

  2. Looks gorgeous! My vinyl paint job didn't hold up as well thanks to the damn cat who plays Indy 500 in the bathroom every other day! GAH - why do I have pets!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Maybe it's crook-ed for emphasis. That's my guess...someone wanted to really emphasize how crooked somed was so said "it's crook-ED" and it stuck. :D
    I like how the floor looks. And just saying, all your after pictures are AH-mazing! It's incredible how beautiful each space becomes when you transform it. I was like "wow".
    Hugs back if you don't mind my paint brush. :D
    Come see the beginning of my bathroom remodel. I'm ready to post it, honestly!

  4. Well, I love it.....crook-ed and all. Really, it's not noticeable. I learn so much from you. Now, I want to go paint a floor.

    Since you brought it up, do you say naked or nek-ed? HaHa! I floored my daughter when she asked me that question last week....weird that we are on the same word path....but, anyway I answered nek-ed. She liked to have died.

  5. Oh wait, I forgot to ask....did you know Nicole Curtis is having a baby? I was the heck did I miss that?

  6. I like the checkerboard floor in the mud room and the grey wall in the porch. It's gonna look so nice! The English language is a complete mystery to me. I pity newcomers having to learn to read, write and speak it!!

  7. My bathroom floor was linoleum in good shape, just discolored from a plumbing leak in one spot. I painted it with Sherwin-Williams floor paint and it looks great. Nothing fancy though, I left it a single color so I can re-coat it every other year or so. Always looks new that way.

  8. Whatd'ya mean, 'simply'????? There's nothing simple about this project, Suzan, not for us who are not in the overachiever club. LOL Beautiful job. Love the way it turned out, and can't imagine painting a tile floor. It looks wonderful! Just FYI, I say NAY-ked (actually, for Laurie's info.) but I don't say it a lot. LOL

  9. Love your painted floor! What a difference it made. You did a great job!


  10. Okay Suzan... this is my third comment to you. The first disappeared while trying to post my comment. Why oh why can the web work not let a person just type and hit the publish button(sigh). number two my browser closed on me . You must recognize me by now as I whine everytime I leave you a comment.
    Love the floor.
    Interesting about the crooked/crook-ed ask John to recite these words tall,fall,call.ball. Now ask him to say mall. If true to British form he says it totally different. So why is this that the Royal proccessional (spelling ?) route -example -As the Royal couple proceeds down the Mall ? While living in England my husband-John-asked a friend just that, he had no idea. As usual it's just us Canadians asking the unanswerable. I have no doubt you have had this conversation with him before. :-)

    Have a beautiful evening.

    1. A couple of people have told me they couldn't leave a comment - what's going on I wonder?
      Thanks Lisa - ( I'm afraid I whine more than you LOL )
      I did ask John to recite those words - and he DID say it totally different !!!
      Never had the conversation with him about that particular word - and when he read them all and got to the last one I was sure he was faking it LMHO !!!
      You have a beautiful evening too

    2. Suzan,
      For the comments I have to - Reply as:
      I originally had no idea it was so complicated at different blogs and not straightforward. So the first one would disappear because I did not sign in or such. the next try my browser would close (sometimes 2-3 times). It has been a challenge.So it is not your blog just the set up from the webpixies! I am signed in through Google but never remember what to do. :-)

      So ENGLISH mall is like saying cow with an M. Or even Mallory but leaving off the ory. I've heard it somewhere between the two but not for a long time.

      Funny wasn't it. I was so afraid you had Canadianized him and he would not say it the ENGLISH way.
      Thank him for me .

      A cheeky cheers.

    3. He pronounced it like MALLory lol -
      My favorites - Carnegie Hall - he says CAR-KNEE-GIE
      And Secretary is SEC-RE-TREE
      ( and in case you're wondering - I spell like an American - because I'm too lazy to add the stupid U to everything
      as in FAVOURITE - so unnecessary to me LOL )

    4. How about how they say garage , gare-age (close enough) LOL . Leominster(a town) is Lemster and of course my husband drove through Little Piddle and Upton Snodsbury. they of course sound as they are. at first I thought he was kidding...nope he wasn't. We found the town of Toaster funny but the English did not get it. Just to say: I live in Toaster. Must be more but it's been thirteen years(less my visit 4 years ago) and I miss it an cannot remember.Anyway I promise no more comments. Have a beautiful weekend.

    5. I lied about another reply, I really need to get a social life . I like our U in words .How about the English- tyres. fayre. like the way schedule is pronounced. We say sled,they say sledge. tartan and plaid are not the same...ask John! wow I am on a roll but will now honour the no more replies from my last reply. Thank you Suzan for you answering my comments. XOX back

  11. Your floor turned out so well! I had to go back and read the story of the Union Jack door--somehow I missed it. What a hoot!! Many years ago, I painted our kitchen floor to look like 4" blue-sponged tiles, complete with grout lines. It took quite a while to do--I became one with the floor! I topped it with two or three coats of polyurethane and it has held up surprisingly well. Now, I am getting tired of it (and the country look) and would like to do black and white checks on point as you did--I think it would look well with my efforts to Frenchify my kitchen. I may have to do it when Mr. Bill is not looking--he doesn't do change very well!

    1. " I became one with the floor " LMHO!!!
      Many years ago and it's held up well - that's very encouraging !!!
      Thanks so much Ruth Anne -
      A lot of my " projects " are done when John's not looking lol

  12. Shazam and gooooooolllllyyyy that floor sure does look good! :))))) ~ Christina

  13. A perfect solution for the floor! It looks great and the quirks of not being straight don't matter. If you walked into my house and started looking around you might get dizzy. Absolutely nothing is straight! Not kidding! I spy a missing window, am I right? The 2 windows in our bedroom behind the night tables were replaced today, which I forgot till I came upstairs for bed. The guys cleaned up most of the mess but there were a few small pieces of wood chips on the bed. I just ruffled the cover and patted the pillows off. So used to living in a mess! Do you think you shld coat the floor with a clear finish. A friend did that and it was still great after 5 yrs of grandkids and dogs. xo Patty

  14. Oh, how gorgeous. That turned out really, really well. Never even thought that a person would be able to paint a vinyl floor; thinking it wouldn't hold up well but once again with you.........nothing is impossible.
    Have an enjoyable weekend.

  15. Suzan you are amazing! Your home is going to be pure perfection! I loved the floor. Let me know how it holds up. You have inspired me. XO Jo

  16. You never cease to amaze me how you can completely transform a space with a can of paint. Step aside Rosie the Riveter - Suzan the Paint Brush Queen is where it's at!

  17. Your floor turned out amazing Suzan! I think the right paint can fix almost anything. What a great quick and cheap fix. In my house crook-ed is a synonym for character. lol.

  18. Your painted vinyl floor looks great -- so much better!

  19. I love your floor Suzan. What a great fix. Thank you for sharing at Share It One More Time. Cathy

  20. That floor is fabulous, Suzan! Love the before and afters - Incredible! Thanks for linking up at Best of the Weekend!

  21. The is beautiully done painting DIY, thanks for sharing this at my Fabulous Friday a few weeks ago! Can't wait to see what you bring to my new party this week! Hope to see you there.


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!