

This was a 100 year old Victorian flat in the heart of Montreal - steps away from downtown in a neighborhood called Westmount -

We moved on - but I left my heart there ......................( hoping it catches up to me someday )

The bathroom reno was one we never got around to -

We're currently living in a gut job home - Fun Fun Fun !!! ( NOT NOT NOT  )
Are you ready ( are you ready for this - are you sitting on the edge of your seat? )
Our " new " home - OMG - what the hell have I done LMHO

At least this section now looks like this

It's coming - slower than the second coming - but still........................



  1. why did you leave such a gorgeous home? i would did to have a home like that!

    1. I had nowhere to paint furniture - I did it in the entry way -
      And to buy a similar house in that neighborhood with an extra room would have brought the price up to more than 600,000 to 650,000 - we couldn't afford that - soooo we bought a dump - and I mean a dump - with more room - on the outskirts of the city -and are currently renovating it -
      Truth be known - I should be committed - but shhhhhh............
      And thanks so much for the compliment :)

  2. I am just now seeing this post! What a beautiful home, my heart would be broken to leave it too! But I totally understand needing a place to paint! What we won't sacrifice for a place to create!

    1. Suzan, I have to say you are my favorite blogger! You could do standup...I hoot and howl at your remarks. Can't wait to view your old/new home!

    2. What incredibly kind words - thanks so much - you made my day!!!

  3. Hi Suzan, I just found you today. Your old home was magnificent & I feel like your new-old one will be as magical as your creativity, style and humour. And just think of all the stories to come! :) I grew up in Montreal and wish I could meet you for a coffee & some laughs. Since I can't, please keep your projects & stories coming....

    1. I never saw this comment Linda- and now I'm dying to know where in Montreal you grew up!!!

  4. I heart skipped a beat seeing that house. I'm sure your new one will be just as beautiful when you're done with it. I know exactly what you mean by not enough room. We are considering building out to get extra space (and by we I of course mean me cuz hubby only wants another garage) for painting and guests.

  5. I just discovered your blog/pictures/other thingies tonite...and I have been sitting here at the puter for over four hours looking at your pictures and reading your VERY funny-laugh-out-loud comments, along with your conversations with John...who, incidentally, I haven't actually seen, but will assume that he is indeed real and not just a "prop" that you simply talk to instead of the walls...:) You are REALLY funny and I so enjoy this, but must go to bed now as it's nearly 3 am....and I'm old and tired!!! :) love your stuff!! Kudos...

    1. Thanks so much Sara !!!
      Maybe I'm a prop - and the blog is written by John LMHO !!!
      Welcome to my world of insanity - truly

  6. Love your blog,style,and your commitment. Thanks somuch for sharing your home(s) with us. Looking forward to more of your stories and pics.

  7. Suzan, I just found your blog and love your look. I was looking at your "before and after" pictures and found what I think is the color that I have been searching for. The 7th row of pictures is an end/side table. Would you be able to tell me the name of the paint color you used and any ideas on how you achieved the look? It really is beautiful.

    1. Hi Kimberly - thanks so much ( first )
      Secondly - I used a product called Modern Masters to paint that end table - after priming it first - I rolled it on - 2 coats - and then used polyurethane ( water based ) to protect it!
      Modern Masters has the most beautiful line of Metallic Paints
      Best of luck to you!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Thank you for your reply. One more question, what is the color that you used? You're right - there are so many beautiful colors and I want to be sure that I get the correct one! The paint looks like it will take a little practice to achieve the beautiful finish that you did. It will be fun learning to use a new product. Thanks again and I look forward to more inspiration from you.

    1. I used " silver " for these - but I've also used " pewter " which is just as beautiful - ( more dramatic actually ) you can see a sample of pewter here


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!