
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Remakes revisited

I was going through some old photos last night - and came across these remakes ( I had previously posted them but then again I tend to repeat myself when talking also, lol )

I bought 4 of these for extra seating in the dining room - isn't the fabric lovely?  Don't think you can get more 60's, do you?
Here's how they look today, I say today because I have been playing with the idea of doing them an antique gray color now....................

And this fireplace is made of plaster - it's in storage right now - until I can make room for it again -
purchased at the Sally Ann - it was orange and black originally - horrible - why was everything orange and black back in the day?  Like living in an eternal Halloween.  Anyways much nicer white!

Then there was this CL find -

I love the shape of this chair -
Reupholstered and listed for sale - and it still sits in storage

I am going to reupholster it again in burlap - and distress the hell out of it - maybe I can unload it then?
I think it needs to look more " antique " and not so pristeen.

And then just randomly I am posting a picture of this sofa that I absolutely love - it was listed on CL a long time ago - and I copy and pasted the photo just so I could look at it from time to time - God I am so strange.

I am in love with her curves - and orange doesn't seem so bad to me all of a sudden...............

Have a good one


1 comment:

  1. Haha you are not strange! I love that sofa too, and can see why you saved the photo. Laugh out loud funny post! Great makeovets, too! Can't wait to visit more often. And, thank you for the very sweet comment on my blog means so much to me!,


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!