
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Piorra Maison

I finally ventured down to Caroline's new store today - Piorra Masion - Montreal stocklister for Annie Sloan chalk paints - what a charming store!!!!  It's filled with beautiful  custom jewelry made from vintage pieces - some pieces of furniture - unique clothing - and of course the much sought after ASCP.
And we spoke about selling some of my furniture in her space - on consignment - which is such a relief because Craig's list is    s       l        o        w,  right now.
Tomorrow someone is coming to buy a coffee table I have listed - but other than that the last sale was the gray buffet hutch and that was last month. The storage unit is filled to the brim - and this friday I have more furniture coming - 4 pcs for which I have not a spare foot to put it in.

bamboo details on the legs - this pc is so much prettier in person
ASCP White - no distressing at all
and as you can see peaking out in the background the pink dresser has not sold either ;(

I know this is a slow time for retailers in general - and for home furnishing in particular -
but I really need to make some room here - it's becoming overwhelming ( even for me, lol )

Anyway - here is the funny part - she went on my site to see what I've done - and there, right
after Meet Gigi - is a photo of my bedroom - with the clothes piled high on my dresser and my
unmade bed - EMBARASSING...........with me trying to explain why the hell I would have those
photos on my blog -
" it's because I never want anyone to see anything out of order in my home, so I thought I would
sort of come clean, lol "
" well  you see I was really sick - and was trying to emphasize how sick I was "
Forget it Suzan - the explanations sound stranger than the photos.
Felt like a complete idiot really - it seemed funny when I wrote the post - but like all the stupid
things I do - it came back to bite me, lol.

Think I'll stick to my " staged " photos in the future.


1 comment:

  1. LOL! I got your explanation, though. It makes ME feel better when I see that other people struggle with that perfection thing too. We're only human.

    I love that coffee table, especially the black handles against the crisp white.

    You're lucky to have a place to have your furniture on consignment, I honestly wish I could do that. Good for you. I follow Piorra Maison too and it sounds like the kind of place I'd like to partner with.


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!